MINUTES BEDFORD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BEDFORD COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NOVEMBER 25, 2013 5:00 P.M. WORK SESSION a. Presentation by Brown Edwards and Susan Crawford, Director of Fiscal Management, on the CAFR. b. Update on road issues from the Virginia Department of Transportation • Presented by Todd Daniel and Brian Casella, VDOT Residency Office 6:45 P.M. Dinner 7:30 P.M. WELCOME a. Moment of Silence b. Pledge of Allegiance (1) APPROVAL OF AGENDA (2) FIFTEEN MINUTE CITIZEN COMMENT PERIOD (3) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA a. Consideration of a request from the Department of Parks & Recreation for a Supplemental Appropriation in the amount of $2,762.00 for the Home Instead Senior Care Grant; there is no local match requirement. (Resolution #R112513-02) b. Consideration of a request from the Clerk of the Circuit Court to submit an application to the Library of Virginia to fund the conservation of Order Books in the amount of $12,488.00; there is no local match requirement. (Resolution #R112513-03) (4) APPROVAL OF MINUTES – November 13, 2013 (5) PUBLIC HEARINGS / PUBLIC APPEARANCES Board of Supervisor’s Meeting Minutes November 25th, 2013 Page 1 of 19 a. Public Appearance by April Cheek-Messier, President of the D-Day Memorial Foundation, to request funding for a new monument at the Memorial site honoring the Bedford Boys. b. Presentation of School Division Strategic Plan and request for supplemental appropriation of Jefferson Forest High School bond proceeds for Bedford Middle School project. (Resolution #R112513-05) • Presentation: Doug Schuch, Schools Superintendent c. Consideration of rezoning application #RZ140002 from Patricia C. Bailey, PWH, LLC. (Ordinance #O 112513-04) • Staff Presentation: Mark Jordan, Planner (6) ACTION ITEMS a. Consideration of a resolution honoring Lacey E. Putney’s fifty-two years of service to the Bedford Community as a member of the House of Delegates of the Virginia General Assembly. (Resolution #R112513-06) • Staff Presentation: Carl Boggess b. Consideration of a request from Horizon Behavioral Health for approval of its amended charter. (Resolution #R112513-01) • Staff Presentation: Carl Boggess (7) BOARD COMMENTS, COMMITTEE REPORTS, REQUESTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS a. Economic Development Authority meeting minutes from October 15, 2013. b. Community Development’s Building Report for October 2013. c. Bedford Public Library Board of Trustees meeting minutes from October 1, 2013 (includes agenda for November 12, 2013 meeting) (8) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES a. Reminder – advanced notice that District 4 for the EDA and Districts 2, 3 and 4 for the Agricultural Economic Development Advisory Board are up for appointment/reappointment in January. Districts 2, 3 and 4 will also need appointments/reappointments for the Planning Commission. An appointment to the CVCC Advisory Board is also needed, as Dr. Bashore is no longer eligible to serve. (9) COUNTY ATTORNEY REPORTS, REQUESTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS (10) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORTS, REQUESTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS a. Upcoming VACo County Supervisors Forum in January b. Discussion – Topics for January 11 Board Retreat Board of Supervisor’s Meeting Minutes November 25th, 2013 Page 2 of 19 (11) PENDING MATTERS a. Lacey Putney’s event will be at 5:30 p.m. on December 4 at the Trivium. b. Swearing-in ceremony and following reception will be held on December 20 at 9:00 a.m. at the Courthouse. (12) UPCOMING MEETINGS • December 9 - Regular meeting at 7:30 p.m., with a Work Session from 5:00 to 6:45 p.m. to review the Fire & Rescue Operational Funding Formula (tentative) • January 11 – Potential date for Board Retreat at Peaks of Otter Lodge • January 13 - Regular meeting at 7:30 p.m., with a Work Session from 5:00 to 6:45 p.m. 5:00 P.M. – WORK SESSION Board of Supervisors: Steve Arrington, Chairman, District 5; John Sharp, Vice-Chairman, District 4; Bill Thomasson, District 1; Curry Martin, District 2; Roger Cheek, District 3; Annie Pollard, District 6; and Tammy Parker, District 7 ------------ Staff Present: Mark K. Reeter, Frank J. Rogers, Carl Boggess, Mary Zirkle, Susan Crawford, Traci Blido, and Brigitte Petersen ------------ Chairman Arrington called the Board of Supervisors to order and turned the meeting over to Susan Crawford, Director of Fiscal Management, and Jason Hartman and Susan Chapman from Brown, Edwards and Company, LLP, for a review of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Mr. Hartman distributed a variety of information to the Board and gave a brief overview of the timeline his office works by to create this report. Mr. Hartman commended the Fiscal Management Department for going above and beyond the reporting requirements of the State, and noted the County will again receive the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada award for excellence in financial reporting. Mr. Hartman said there were no modifications to the County’s statements, which indicate with reasonable assurance that the financial statements are materially correct. He stated that there were two new sections on the statement – Deferred Outflows of Resources, which consist of the balance of deferred loss on refunding, and Deferred Inflows of Resources, which were previously reported as unearned revenues in prior years. Mr. Hartman continued his review the auditor’s presentation, covering restricted cash down; fund balances; revenues, expenditures and changes in fund net position; proprietary funds (Group Homes, Nursing Home and Solid Waste); fiduciary net position; and compliance information. Board of Supervisor’s Meeting Minutes November 25th, 2013 Page 3 of 19 There followed a discussion between Mr. Hartman, Ms. Crawford, Mr. Reeter and members of the Board for clarification on some of the topics in the auditor’s presentation. Of special concern was the impact the GASB Statement #68 (Governmental Accounting Standards Board, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions) is going to have for the County. Mr. Hartman and Ms. Chapman noted that a key thing to remember is it doesn’t affect funding, so it will not impact the County’s General Fund for now. However, many localities are concerned about future impacts of this issue. Mr. Hartman and Ms. Chapman stated their appreciation to the staff of the Fiscal Management Department, noting that the staff is always very professional, knowledgeable, thorough and accommodating. Ms. Chapman stated that the County is the only client she can say she had no adjustments for, which she said is a huge compliment to Ms. Crawford and her staff. Chairman Arrington also thanked Ms. Crawford for her diligence. ------ Todd Daniel and Brian Casella from the VDOT Residency Office addressed the Board with an update on a variety of road projects. Mr. Daniel and Mr. Casella touched on several issues from their report, the entirety of which is given below: Maintenance Activities for Previous 30 Days: • Ordinary Maintenance – Pavement Repair, Gravel Road Repair, Mowing, Brush Removal, and Shoulder Repair. • Primary Route – Mowing – Estimated completion date November 21, 2013. • Route 663 (Perrowville Road) – Repair hole next to road at Ivy Trace Subdivision. • Route 755 (Union Church Road) – Culvert replacement completed. • Route 811 (Thomas Jefferson Road) – Paving. Maintenance Activities for Next 30 Days: • Ordinary Maintenance – Mowing, Gravel Road Repair, Shoulder Repair and Brush Cutting. • Primary Route mowing will be completed. • Tree Trimming – Various Routes. • Route 689 (Irving Road) – Box Culvert Replacement is scheduled to be completed by mid December. • Route 1239 (Spring Lake Road) – Culvert replacement. Temporary bridge removed. Backfilling Box and installing water line. All work to be completed by November 27, 2013. • Various Routes – Regional Guardrail Contract is ongoing and guardrail repairs are in progress countywide. Private Entrances & Land Use Permits: Board of Supervisor’s Meeting Minutes November 25th, 2013 Page 4 of 19 • Issued 4 Private Entrance Permits/Letters for non-state maintained routes, 3 Private Entrance Land Use Permits, and 1 Special Event (Races, Parades, etc.) Land Use Permits to date for the month of November 2013. Plat/Plan Reviews: • 7 Plats/Site Plans reviewed to date for the month of November 2013. Special Studies: • Route 24 STARS Project (Strategically Targeted Affordable Roadway Solutions) – The project study area extends from Route 886 (Drewry’s Hill Road) to Route 819 (Old County Road). The purpose of the study is to identify common crash factors and to propose intermediate and long- term projects to improve safety. The study results will be used to develop projects that can be funded through HSIP and other traffic operations funding sources. • Route 221 Safety Improvement Study – This study is lead by the Region 2000 Local Government Council / Central Virginia MPO in cooperation with Bedford County and the City of Lynchburg. The study will commence at Route 1483 (Cloverhill Boulevard) and will terminate in the City of Lynchburg at Forest Brook Road. Bill Wuensch, consultant with EP&R is present to provide the Board additional information. • Route 644 (Old Cifax Road) – Through Truck Restriction #1: The through tractor truck and trailer or semi-trailer combination restriction is proposed of Route 644 (Old Cifax Road), beginning at the East Intersection of Route 643 (Cifax Road), and ending at the intersection of Route 663 (Perrowville Road), with the termini to termini distance equaling
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