Leopoldina news 6|2018 Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina – German National Academy of Sciences Halle (Saale), 6 December 2018 Following in Alexander von Humboldt’s footsteps STATEMENT P 3 CLASS IV P 5 WORKSHOP P 9 Privacy in times of New members receive Academies advise on digitalisation certificates sustainability Ensuring the protection of Lecture on Empress Maria Support for the United individuals Theresa of Austria Nations’ objectives 06|2018 // LEOPOLDINA NEWS 2 Editorial Dear Members and Friends of the Leopoldina, Fighting the extinction of biological The diversi- species with immediate action ty of plant and animal species Academies present short statement on biodiversity present in ag- ricultural areas in Germany has decreased dra- matically in the past 25 years. This observation served as a spring- board for the short statement “Species decline in the agricultural landscape: What do we know and what can we do?”, a joint publication by the Leopoldina, the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities and acatech on 24 Octo- ber (see accompanying text), which recommends immediate action for species conservation. Because biodiversity is important An ever increasing number of butterfly species are going extinct. Likewise, the biodiversity of these for ecosystems and agriculture, and insects is decreasing in agricultural landscapes just like that of plants, birds and mammals. species diversity also speaks to most Graphic: Sisters of Design people’s hearts. There have been a lot of discussions The diversity of animal and plant spe- exhaustive use of plant protection pro- and a host of publications in the cies in Germany has been continuously ducts, overfertilisation, and the decline past months about species loss, co- decreasing for years now, particularly of structural diversity which goes hand in lony collapse disorder, monocultu- in the agricultural landscape. Under the hand with the decline of biodiversity. res and plant protection products. In direction of Prof. Dr. Kathrin Böhning- The academy’s recommendations the spring, the Leopoldina also spoke Gaese ML, Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria were presented to the public in Berlin on out about the use of plant protection Klein and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wägele, 24 October. Experts see a particular need products in its discussion paper “The the academy working group “Biodi- for action in agricultural policy on the Eu- Silent Spring”. So why are we publi- versity in Agricultural Landscape” ropean level and in Germany. Biodiversi- shing yet another paper, one which is released the statement “Species decline ty-friendly cultivation – a central demand currently being developed by the aca- in the agricultural landscape: What do – has to be profitable for farmers. The demy working group Biodiversity for a we know and what can we do?” It also upcoming reform of the European Com- more detailed statement? entered into discussions with represen- mon Agricultural Policy should be used to Because the time left for slowing tatives from the political and agricultu- provide more funding for protecting bio- down the extinction of biological spe- ral sectors. diversity. cies is quickly running out. And be- In the discussion, Hubertus Paetow, cause a societal discussion on such Biodiversity in Germany is not officially President of the German Agricultural So- topics only really takes off once vari- monitored on a national level. Thus, the ciety (DLG) emphasized his association’s ous players are vocal about them. The survey of the state of biodiversity in Ger- recognition of the need for action and ex- Leopoldina’s members and our part- many has been compiled from many dif- pressed its support of the recommenda- ner academies will continue to keep ferent sources using differing standards tions. Dr. Elsa Nickel, Head of the Direc- the conversation about biodiversity and methods. According to the statement, torate-General Nature Conservation and going. For that, they have my since- a massive decline in number of species in Sustainable Use of Natural Resources at rest thanks. May they be heard! Germany and Europe as a whole over the the German Federal Ministry for the En- past 25 years is clearly evident. For ex- vironment, Nature Conservation and Nuc- Please enjoy reading this exciting ample, since 1990, more than 30 percent lear Safety (BMUB), referenced a study of issue. of agricultural landscape birds have been the Soest district that showed more than lost and in the same timeframe, the but- 200 hectares of land under public owner- terfly population has decreased by nearly ship being used for agriculture. She is cal- half. ling for such areas to be used for biodiver- The causes for this decline are mani- sity conservation and wildlife corridors. fold, including the increase in the cultiva- (ca) tion of arable land, the precautionary and STATEMENT SPECIES REDUCTION (GER) 06|2018 // LEOPOLDINA NEWS 3 Taking advantage – protecting privacy Academies present potential actions for protecting data in the age of digitalisation In the past few years, digitalisation has continued to permeate nearly all branches of society and has contributed to significant improvements along the way, including simplified communica- tion both at work and at home, easier access to information and increased potential for analysing large amounts of data, for instance in the research sector. And these are only three of the many areas of application. However, some non-desirable effects have also become increasingly noticeable – par- ticularly in the realm of privacy, since new technologies frequently subvert data protection measures. Our right to privacy is rooted in the Uni- versal Declaration of Human Rights as Graphic: Sisters of Design well as in the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany. After all, having regionally. Rather, they are often available protection and being able to decide for transnationally or globally, posing unique ourselves whom we reveal information to legal challenges. is one of the basic prerequisites of free- Statement “Privacy in the era of dom and a central aspect of a liberal-de- digitalisation” mocratic society. Growing level of risk to individuals' The Leopoldina, the Union of the Ger- privacy man Academies of Sciences and Huma- nities and acatech published a statement Digitalisation comes with an ever gro- on 26 November entitled “Privacy in the wing amount of data being collected and era of digitalisation”, revealing potential processed. By analysing data, particularly technical, legislative and social actions via its interconnectedness with the aid of that could enable us reconcile the benefits machine learning methods, we can recog- of digitalisation with privacy protection. nize correlations that extend well beyond Such actions may include expanding data individuals’ perceptive abilities. However, protection rights and the returning data the growing amounts of data being crea- sovereignty to consumers as well as bet- ted and analysed using digital technolo- ter monitoring algorithms which combine gies also mean a growing level of risk to and analyse data. individuals’ privacy. Furthermore, economic policies need This is exacerbated by a substantial to address issues such as the protection lack of transparency in the use of digital As one of the spokespersons of the working group against oligopolies – a system in which technologies and the management of un- "Big Data – Data protection – Privacy", Klaus- only a few companies dominate the enti- derlying business models. It is generally Robert Müller presented the recent statement of re market. At a more fundamental level not known what data companies gene- the working group about "Privacy in the era of the security of information technology rate, link and forward internally to other digitalisation". Photo: Leopoldina | Johannes Mengel systems does not just constitute the ba- business units or to other companies, or sis of privacy protection, it is also a perti- how machine learning algorithms are de- ent methods for warranting protection nent economic factor for which standards signed. against private companies — the main should be defined. This goes to show that This use of digital technologies brings drivers of digital transformation — must there is a whole array of options available up the fundamental question: To what ex- be ensured. Legislation is compounded for shaping the digital future together. tent can today’s legal regulations maintain by the dissolution of boundaries brought (ew, jm, sw) the current level of privacy protection? In about by new technologies. Digital tech- addition to the protection of individuals nologies, their underlying infrastructures from government authorities, suffici- and the resulting services are not limited STATEMENT PRIVACY (GER) 06|2018 // LEOPOLDINA NEWS 4 Hormone researcher to hold the Timely help for traumatised Leopoldina’s Christmas lecture refugees Jens Claus Brüning receives Carl-Friedrich-von-Weizsäcker-Preis Refugees’ traumatising experiences can At the Leopoldina’s annual be mitigated or avoided altogether. Ef- Christmas lecture on 11 December, fective help for refugees on the basis of Prof. Dr. Jens Claus Brüning ML scientific findings was the topic of the will be honoured with the Carl- event entitled “Traumatised refugees Friedrich-von-Weizsäcker-Preis – immediate response required”, held for his research on the funda- on 5 November at the Berlin-Branden- mentals of obesity and diabetes burg Academy of Sciences and Huma- mellitus. nities (BBAW) in Berlin.
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