1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECO-RD-SENATE 484J H. R. 3961. A bill to provide for a jury 267. Also, resolution of the Rock County a proposed rev1s1on of a supplemental commission for each Unite·d States , district Dental Auxiliary, ·Rohk County~ Wis:, re­ appropriation, involving an increase of court, to regulate its compensation; to pre­ a~ming_ faith: in the American, voluntart scribe its duties, and for other purp'oses; to way to: safeguard the Nation's health and in­ $13,000,000, for the Atoinic Energy Com­ . the Committee on the Judiciary. sure against the costs of -illness and un­ mission, :fisc.al year 1951, which, with the By Mr. DOYLE: . equivocally oppose· any form of national accompanyin·g paper, was referred to the H.J. Res. 250. Joint resolution to authorize compulsory he.alth insurjl.nce as a danger­ Committee · on 'Appropriations and or~ the President of the United States to ap­ ous step toward com.Pl~te acceptance of a dered to be printed. point a committee to· designate the niost p~anned secialistic economy; to the Com­ UNITED STATES APPRAISERS. STORES; appropriate day for National Children's Day; mittee on Interstate and Foreign Co:rrimerce. to the Committee on the Judiciary. BALTIMORE-RESOLUTION OF CITY By Mr. CELLER: COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE, MD. H. Res. ~21. Resolution to authorize the Mr. O'CONOR. Mr. President, I pre­ Committee on the Judiciary to conduct sent for appropriate reference a reso1u.:. studies in the conduct of hearings before SENATE committees of the House of Representatives; tion adopted by the City Council of Bal.:. to the Committee on Rules. FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1951 timore, Md., on April 23, 1951, relative By Mr. BUSBEY: to improving conditions at the United H. Res. 222. Resolution to provide for an <Legislative day of Wednesday, May· 2, States Appraisers Stores in Baltimore. investigation in open hearings of all cir­ 1951) This is a matter of the utmost impor­ cumstances relating to the action of the tance to the well-being of the great port President in relieving General of the Army The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, of Baltimore, particularly at this time Douglas MacArthur of his commands in ·the on the expiration of the recess. when traffic is moving through the port Far "'.East; to the Committee on Rules. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown in near-record volume. Harris, D. · D., offered the following The VICE PRESIDENT. The resolu- I PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS . prayer: tion will be received and referred to the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Most merciful God, the fountain of all Committee on. Expenditures in the Ex.:. bills and resolutions were introduced and wisdom and goodness: We thank Thee ecutive Departments. ·severally ref erred as follows: for the gift of sleep when the tangled REPORTS OF A COMMITTEE By Mr. JARMAN: web of weary striving and confused H. R . 3962. A bill for the relief of Mrs. thought emerges clarified and straight­ The following reports of a committee Marie Becker Gutierrez; to the Commitee on ened by the touch of a new day. In the were submitted: the Judiciary. midst of daily toil and ever-pressing By Mr. STENNIS, from the Committee on By Mr. KLEIN: tasks, we lay before Thee the meditations Armed Services: H. R. 3963. A }?ill for the relief of Kurt S. 841. A biil to make certain revisions 1n Karl Otto Walther; to the Committee on the of qur hearts, grateful for the noontide titles I through IV of the Officer Personnel Judiciary. pause at this wayside well of peace and Act of 1947, as amendeg, and for other pur­ H. R. 3964. A bill for the relief of Wla_dysla. prayer. poses; with amendments (Rept. No. 310): Bogusz; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Bring. all our desires and powers, we and By Mr. McCORMACK: beseech Thee, into conformity to Thy S. 1039. A bill to amend the provision of H. R .' 3965. A bill for the relief of five sis­ will. Prepare us for the role committed the Officer Personnel Act of 1947 relating ters of the Franciscan Missionaries .of Mary; · to our fallible hands in this appalling to the composition of boards for the recom­ to the Committee on the Judiciary. mendation of rear admirals of the Navy for By Mr. MITCHELL: . day, with its vast issues· that concern not continuation on the active list, and for other H. R. 3966. A bill for the relief of George only our own dear land but all the conti­ purposes; without amendment (Rept. No. s. Paschke; to the Committee on the nents and the islands of the sea. May 311). ' 1 Judiciary. our individual lives be as lighted win­ By Mr. STENNIS (for Mr. HUNT)' from the By Mr. MULTER: dows amid the encircling gloom. We ask Committee on Armed Services: · - ·1 H. R. 3967. A bill for the relief of Harold it in the name of that One who is the S. 1244. A b1ll to amend the Federal Civil c. Rosenb'erg; to the Committee on the light of the world. Amen. Defense Act of 1950 to except the Territory' ·Judiciary. of Alaska from certain restrictions upon the! By Mr. RABAUT: THE JOURNAL making of Federal contributions, and tQ( H. R . 3968. A bill for the relief of Marcella On request of Mr. MCFARLAND, and by amend the provisions thereof relating to th'J Maria vankeirsbilck, nee Vanootegem; to the taking of oaths by certain civil defense perj unanimous consent, the reading of the sonn~l; with an amendment (Rept. No. 312) committee on the Judiciary. J-ournal of the proceedings of Thursday, By Mr. SHELLEY: · ENROLLED BILL P~ESENTED . : H. R. 3969. A bill for the relief of Franco May 3, 1951, was dispensed with. Berardi; to the Committee on the Judiciary. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT The Secretary of the Senate reported By Miss THOMPSON of Michigan: that on today, Friday, May 4, 1951, h~ H. R. 3970. A bill for the relief of John Messages in writing from the Presi­ presented to the President of the United (Hans-Christian) von Kotze; to the Com- dent of the United States submitting States the enrolled bill <S. 271) to au.. 1 mittee on the Judiciary. · · nominations were communicated to the thorize the transfer to the Vermont Agri .. ' · By Mr. WALTER (by request) : Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ cultural College of certain lands in Ad:. ' H. R. 3971. A bill for the relief of Esther taries. dison County, Vt., for agricultural pur.. Park; to the Cdmmittee on the Judiciary. ' By Mr. WILLIAMS of New York: ' MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE-ENROLLED poses. H. R. 3972. A bill for the relief of Ziao Fong BILL SIGNED BILL AND JOINT RESOLUTION INTRO· Hsia; to the Committee on the Judiciary. A message from the House of Repre­ DUCED sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its A bill and a joint resolution were in~ PETITIONS, ETC. reading clerks, announced that the troduced, reac:J. the first time, and, ·bY. ·under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Speaker had affixed his signature to the unanimous consent, the second time, .and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk enrolled bill <S. 271) to authorize the and referred, or passed, as follows: and·i;eferred as follows: transfer to the Vermont Agricultural By Mr. McCARRAN: 266. By Mi-. SMITH of Wisconsin: Resolu­ College· of certain lands in Addison S. 1432. A bill for the relief of Stavros S. tion of the American Legion Post, No. 21, ex­ County, Vt., for agricultural purposes, Niarchos; to the Committee.on the Judiciary~ pressing regret that General Douglas Mac­ and it was signed by the Vice President. (Mr. HAYDEN;. from the Committee on .Arthur y;as removed ~s supreme commander Rules and Administration reported an orig­ of the Far East, and a further reaffirmation TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE BUSINESS inal joint resolution (S. J. Res'. 70) to sus­ .of the resolution .adopted at the last national pend the application of certain Federal laws By unanimous consent, the following with respect to an attorney employed by the convention of the . J\merican Legion calling routine business was transacted: for the removal of Secretary of State Dean Senate Committee on Rules and Adminisl" -Acheson and also expressing regret that PROPOSED REVISION OF A SUPPLE­ tration, which, was considered , and passed, .President Truman refused to meet with and MENTAL APPROPRIATION, ATOMIC EN• and appears under a separate heading.) have · an audience with the national com­ ERGY COMMISSION (S. DOC. Nq 37) AMENDMENT OF .AGRICULTURAL ACT OF mander of the American Legion, Erle Cocke, 1949-AMENDME~TS ,following Cocke's world tour which included The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the a visit wit h troops in Koren; to the Commit­ Senate a communication from the Pres­ Mr. DOUGLAS submitted an amend­ tee on t h e J u <l icinry. ident of the United ~tates, transmitting ment intended to be proposed by him to 4842 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 4 the bill <S. 984) to amend the Agricul­ . The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator ate, is. authorized to appoint Bernt Balchen, tural Act of 1949, which was ordered to from New Jersey and the Senator from A0-426630, United States Air Force Reserve lie on the table and to be printed. Illinois object. The bill will be passed to the permanent grade of colonel in th~ Regular Air Force. For the purposes of de­ Mr. MORSE submitted an amendment over. termining position on promotion list, per­ intended to be proposed by him to Sen­ The bill (S.
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