V APRIL APRIL FOOL THE FLURRY FOOL Established 1922 Harrisonburg, Va., Friday, April 1, 1938 Volume XVI Number 22 Madison College Chosen As Movie Site Tittle Chickadees" Hear Talk By Fields O'Neal Is O'Hara In "Departed With Breeze" Opening his speech with "Good FacultyMembersAre morning, my little chlck-a-dees," W. New Secretary Blain Revises Plans C. Fields, of movie fame, on campus Chosen For Leads with the "Departed With The For May Court Breeze" cast, spoke in chapel Wed- Creating the greatest sensation on nesday on "Teaching and the New By popular request, Virginia Blain the local campus since the granting Curriculum." In his talk Mr. Fields has completely revised plans for May of eleven o'clock lights, the renowned brought out several points worth re- Day which will begin 12 midnight XYZ studios of Wollyhood, Califor- membering. He stressed particularly Friday to continue indefinitely. Feel- nia, recently chose this school as a site for what will doubtless be the that, while teaching, the teachers ing that the court should be repre- greatest production of all time. when feeling the urge for recreation sentative of all groups on campus, should be allowed to gather for a she and Helen Willis, maid of honor, Since Margaret Mitchell's "Gone game or two of bridge in one of the have chosen a new court to include With The Wind" first took the coun- classrooms or choose up sides for a many of our campus guests. New try by storm, the American public game of baseball. "My little milk- line-up will consist of Martha Raye, has been clamoring for a movie ver- sion of the thrilling novel. Growing weeds," Fields continued, "if the Mae West, Greta Garbo, Louise Fa- children throw chalk, erasers, ink- zenda, Billie Burke, Grade Allen, weary of the movie colony's procras- tination in adapting this book to the bottles, etc., at the teacher, the teach- Charles Laughton, Doanald Duck, screen, EH Rudolph, Journalistic er in turn should throw it right back Popeye, Lew Lehr, George Arliss, a freshman, took matters in her own and enter into the fun with a light Boris Karloff. The court will be clad heart." in one-piece bathing suits, while the hands, wrote a brilliant scenario and 'The teachers may dismiss classes queen and maid of honor will wear sold it to the aforementioned XYZ studios. to go home when they get tired, the more traditional trailing gowns. but they should be sure to let the For ringbearer, Wallace Beery was This scenario is based directly on pupils know -of their action in unanimously chosen. Mitchell's work with the exception of the matter. The instructors also The legend of Siegfried, which was a few minor changes in the language should be issued a blanket permis- to form the basis of the May Day used and in the title. Miss Rudolph sion to go to the Infirmary to get pageant, will be retained with a few and her advisers thought it best to the necessary brown and pink pills modifications. instill more dignity into the movie, in case of sprains or Charlie horses. so they eliminatedxall swearing and The story, as you know, deals with "And last but not least, my little Miss Gracie Allen, who succeeds Miss Alma Reiter as Secre- entitled the production "Departed Siegfried and his heroic journey in plum blossoms," he added in clos- tary to President P. S. Baron. Miss Reiter has resigned to go big With The Breeze." which he kills a dragon. In the re- ing, "I think the teachers should be game hunting in South Africa. Miss Allen is determined to get The studios were so pleased with vised version, Siegfried, played by provided with huge easy chairs in the her sheepskin while on campns. the script that they'immediately de- Bob Burns, sets off in bis rocket ship class room equipped with electric cided to shoot the film at the site to sell insurance on Mars. On his radios in case the students become where it was written. After the usual way he sees a damsel in distress. As too boring. preliminary investigation as to local ZasuAcceptsBid Officers Of Leading her husband is not there, like the After the talk Mr. Fields intro- color the XYZ management was as- courteous traveling salesman that he duced another famous celebrity, Organization sAfford sured that Madison College is steeped To Cotillion is, he stops to see what he can do. Charlie McCarthy, who spoke on in enough southern tradition (or a The dame tells him of a terrible dra- "Teaching vs. A Movie Career." In Flurry Scoop production of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," gon that has carried off her husband. his talk he pointed out that in his Six hundred Cotillion Club goats not to mention "Gone With The The dragon will devour the husband youth he had had the choice of being made their appearances on campus Wind." in two hours and then come back for either a teacher or a movie star and yesterday after having accepted the her. What with one thing and an- Film scouts were sent out at once after much consideration he had blanket bid to membership in this other the two hours pass away and to cast the production and after chosen the movies. "But," Mr. Mc- organization, which was issued to the the husband is devoured. However, numerous movie tests, signed up sev- Carthy stated emphatically, "what entire campus earlier during the when the dragon returns for the lady, en faculty members for the leading this country needs is bigger and bet- week. The Cotillion Club was so roles. Siegfried pulls out his rocket gun ter teachers." anxious to have Zazu Pitts, who is on location here, become a member of Heck! and blows the dragon to bits. He Taking her pen in hand and fix- their select group, that, fearing to then sells the damsel a life insurance ing her name to the contract coveted Karloff Is Guest Of cause her embarrassment by making They policy for $10,800.00 and sails on to by every film actress in Wollyhood, her the only goat, they chose this Mars. Miss Pearl O'Neal, local librarian, Psychology Club method as a means of tactfully se- yesterday became Scarlett O'Hara, Announced vivid heroine of "Departed With The curing her membership. •qouni oj }aS Amu Xaq] Mr. Boris Karloff, of Beverly Hills, Breeze." Playing opposite her in the California, was the guest speaker be- Since the goats far outnumbered JBqj japjo uj 02 = 21 1* UUP *ty PTO1 This -}B Asm iBBj^Bajq oj 03 0} Snjjisap role of the dashing and virile Rhett fore the Psychology Club last Tues- the old members, the order of things Butler is Dr. Huffman, of the Eng- was reversed, and the old members IOU 8800.1 JSBJ3|Bajq O) 198 UTJO 9UO day night. His topic for the even- lish department. The part of bluster- were kept busy all day scrubbing A\i3Aa itfqj jepjo nj ox:i JB SUJUJOUI ing was "Child Psychology as Ap- In ing, rowdy Gerald O'Hara will be floors, cleaning rooms, writing letters, A\i9A8 pjaq aq HJAV snjjp ajKj,, plied to the Younger Generation." filled by Dr. Sawhill, while that of and serving the goats in many other uaraqsajj JOJ sjoop uado o^ pajjnbaj Mr. Karloff, having recently gone Chapel! his gentle wife, Ellen, goes to Miss ways. All of the members of the fac- ajB saaqmara X^noBj PUB sjojuag,, on the Braudhauffner's Bran and Marie Louise Boje. Mr. Chappelear, ulty accepted the bid and stated that ra -B z Ilinn mooi jaq JO sjq 03 i(DBq Baby Food radio hour over station head of the biology department, has they were having too much fun to be oS Awn,, 'paaBjaap aq ,,'aiBp ON,, B-O-0 ('scuse pHz but we just had to been signed up for the role of Ashley bothered with attending classes dur- get that plug in) naturally devoted uoisiAaj Wilkes, the unaggressive, dreaming ing goat days. They spent the entire most of his speech to accounts of his SJI inoqB SBapj s*q JOAIO.I JJJ UO|S southern gentleman. The character programs. day sitting on the front steps of -SOB Suimoo aqi JOJ jojipa ijooqpuBH of self sacrificing, gentle Melanie Wilson Hall eating popcorn and pea- He stated, "I have been broadcast- 7=p, „JOA«J J|»m Ul BSUIO BB papajg uaeq SBq J9MOJ 9UOJA\T, caused a great deal of controversy. nuts as they sang "Hand Me Down ing bed-time stories to the kiddies of 9U.1 mOJJ S3J0A JO XJUOCBIU u SujAiao Miss Grace M. Palmer and Miss Pearl My Walking Cane" and watched the this country for the past two weeks -ai uodn Arno. uaA]3 aq n|A sjsax,, P. Moody both showed great promise members of the Cotillion Club per- and have found the experience a fas- •}sai qarsa jajjn pus ajojaq 5jooqpueHjxaMJO in their film tests, but all indecision forming their various duties. cinating new adventure. | You can OTIOQ-BDOQ 9AJ9S JSnUI SJOSSajOJrf,, jojipapai3a[gj9Aioj was ended when Dr. Ruth L. Philips never know how soul-satisfying it is Zazu Pitts was elected president (Continued to Column 2) to me to have my voice go over the of the club immediately following air waves to carry my cheerful little her acceptance of the bid. Louise message to the youth of this great Fazenda is vice-president, Judy Can- nation. I only hope my little stories nova, secretary and treasurer, while tug at the heartstrings (or the hair Patsy Kelly is new sergeant-at- COIFFEURS LOVELY roots) of these little children and arms.
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