APLtarI{trWS NEW FROM APL PRESS A Source Book in API-Papers bg : Atlin D. Falkoff . Kenneth E. Iver- son 139 pages, rsBN 0-917326-10-5, (paper) $10.35 This collection of fundamental pa- pers by Adin Falkoff and Ken Iver- son provides background material for teachers and students of ApL. In a course on ApL, the focus is neces- sarily on the details of the language and its use. Often, there is not elrough time to give the purpose for any given rule, nor how one piece of the language relates to the whole. The articles in A Source Book in APL deal with the more funclarnen- tal issues of the language. These pa- pers appeared in widely scatterecl sources, over a period of many years, and many are not at all easy to find. A Source Book in APL conlains Ivelson's'Formalism in Pr.ogram APL PRESS features APL Rogues' Gallery at APL Mollieo pcLtlick (ApL 81 ming Languages," "Convenr ions PaESS) tulcl Al McDonn,ell (left) look on as Pete McDotneII (tight) sketcltes Leslie Governing Order Evaluation,', GoLdstnitlt's (1. P. Sltat2 Associutes) clTricqhlre et tlle ApL pr'lslj boo t. Leslie's like- of Language,". ttess .joitted tlLe tanks of the burgeoning "APL chat octet, ,set' Disible in, te ba,ck- "Algebra as a ',Pro- tio't rhl. gramming Style in err,," "Notation as a Tool of Thought," and "The In- ductive Method of Introducing .rrr-." Also incluclecl are "The Design of APL" and "The Evolution of epr," bv " APL PRESS GOES WEST In this issue: Jeff Shallit's apl A. D. Falkoff and K. E. Iverson. explores E. E. McDonnell's introduction APL PREss has moved again and is errY SLowly Shrinking Squares. puts the papers in perspective, and now alive and well in Palo Alto. lpr, Attd, as usual, Jeff issues an err, challenge. A new feature* also gives some fascinating early his- PRESS continues to offer books and tory of eel, including how pamphlets the GUEST cor,uMN-reveals the wit it got its on Apr-including two name and having got how new publications, and wisdom of J. C. L. Guest. epl it, it al- A Source Book in most lost il. APL and The Four Cube Problem CHARACTERS gives members of the community issued in 1981. elr, an opportunity to The Four Cube Problem E. E. submit pholographs Having survived the trip across of "Great Mo- McDonnell, 27 pages, rsBN 0-912326- ments in ApL," wHAT's A the Rockies, we're reviving ,lr,z and IN 11-3, (paper) $2.25 uelrn: challenges you IE'WS, our occasional publication de- to contdbute interesting or amusing alternative Some years before Rubik came voted to announcements and sum- along with his intriguing cube, there maries publications, uses of the acronlrm ApL. In addi- of our informa- was another cube puzzle-not so tion about elr, meetings, and brief tion, ApL ANNoUNCEMENTS details up- coming -e.rr, gatherings. difficult to solve. but challenging articles of interest to the apl com- Finally, arr, PREss PUBLrcATIows provides nonetheless. The Four Cube Prob- munity. We welcome conLributions a de- scription of all current ApL pREss lenz presents two variations of com- fo:r ,tpt nDws as well as comments puter solutions to this puzzle. pRESs publications and their prices. Enjoy! and suggestions regarding ApL Our languages influence the way publications. rAt we think, and this is no doubt as true for programming languages as APL PRESS for natwal ones. The Four Cube 220 California Avenue Problem shows how eestc and ePL Palo Alto, CA 94306 give different shapes to our percep- (4r5) 32'.t-1700 of problem solving. The book- tions pRnss let includes complete and well- ApL currently offers the publications listed on the order form. Prices documented programs for both solu- are in U.S. dollars and do not include shipping and handling. Please use the tions, and then provides an analysis form, and we'll bill you for shipping and handling. of the differences between them. Quantity Title Each Total The BASIc solution won first prize programming contest. (The APL in a AIg ebrd-An ALg orithmic T reatment, Iverson $10.75 program wasn't an entry.) The BAsIc solution help exemplifying can't So\utions for Algebra 1.75 what John Backrs cal]'s the oon Neutnann bottleneck. The apl solu- APL and Insight, Berry et al 5.25 tion, on the other hand, uses no loops, no recursion, and no vari- APL in Enpositton, Iverson ables! The Ajr, solution is written in the Colculus ht a Ne,o Key. Otlt' style Backus c ls Junctional pro- func- gramming. Backus devised E lementaty Anal ysis, Iverson tional progr:amming as a way out of the problems he sees with contem- The Four Cube Problem, McDonnell porary programming languages. When used with the d,irect d,ert,nition Introd,ucing APL to Teachers, Iverson form devised by Kenneth E. Iver- son, functional programming leads An Introduction to APL toa highly articulated method of Scientists antl Engi,neers, Iverson .95 program writing. This new kind of for programming technology finds a nat- Reference Card, .35 ural home in an epl environment. fit Res'tstiae Circuit Theory, Spence 13.95 APL PRESS lfl- Puhlitations Starmqp P. C. Beny and J. C. A Source Book in APL, Falkoff & Iverson 10.35 _ Thorstensen, 41 pages, ISBN 0-917326-07- 5, (paper) $3.45 Stotvnap, Berry & Thorstensen 3.45 Stonrop provides a simple APL model of the solar system. The functions are writ- 19s0 APL Users Meeting, I. P. Sharp Associates 20,75 ten so as to make clear the structure of the underlying model by providing for- - mal definitions for a vocabulary of terms Subtotal and concepts familiar in astronomy. Star included so that the APL func- tables are Tax (California residents tions, together with standar d plotting Sales only) functions. permit a user at an epL termi nal to produce a map of the sky as it Shipping & handling - should appear above any place on Ealth, at any time of day, over a considerable - range of dates. Total APLT& NEWS Published occasionally by APL PREss, Ship to: 220 Cali'forniz Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306. Ph. (4r5) 327-1700 Name Publisher: Eugene E. McDonnell Title Arlene E. Lzzarello Editor: Organization APL PLAY: JEff ShAIIit GUEST COLUMN: J. C. L. GUCST Address Business Mgr: MollieO Patrick Oity 01982 APL PREss. All rights by State/Zip reserved. Printed in the United States of America. 4t82 APL PRESS fil Putrli.atiorr" Introducing APL to Teqchers Ken' neth E. Iverson, 25 pages, lsBN 0- 97'1326-03-2, (paper) g .95 In introducing the use of a computer to teachers, it is desirable to start as sooa as possible q,'ith material which they can see is relevant to their topic and their students, and to avoid digressions con- cerning the computer and computer lan- guage. This book presents such an intro- duction to APL for teachers of high school mathematics. Much of this material Jeff Shallit should also be suitable for teachers of other topics at other levels, although they would benefit from auxiliary mate- rial specifically addressed to the topic of Sloutly interest. CON?EN?S: Introductian, Expei- Shfinking lnentatiotr, Systettatic E ty.tetitnentatioll, M tLLtipliccrtion cottl Other F itctio)t T(r- bles. Crophs and Bar Chafis. Indering Squares and. Cltaracters, ExpLoring Functions of OrLe Argumenl, DeJining New Func- Psrt 1 tiotts. Inuet'se Functions, S,u.nunatio.n and Otlrer Functions oae1. e List, Fac- toring, Linear Expressio)ts, Line&r Equ- at;otib. TuLles ond Graphs oJ Lineot F,r rclions. Pol!ror,inls, Genercllzing u Futzction by Use o.f Putterns, TIte Posi- lioe Inlpqprc, St,t,,tolion o[ Senes, Power Seties, DilJbrencing d Function, Colnbinatioits and BinoniTl Coefrt- Consider a 2-by-2 matrix M with nonnegative integer cients, Iter"atiott, ReJercnces to Otlrcr To- entries. We can form a new matrix by pics, References, SutnnatA of Notqtion taking the absolute values of the difference between adjacent elements. For An Introduction to APL for Scientists examPle: qnd Engineers Kenneth E. Iyerson, 26 ?: I ar-eQar pages, ISBN 0-917326-04-0, (paper) $.95 M This is an introduction to ApL addressed to the scientist or engineer and is de- 13 7 signed to exploit any previous acquain- 30 27 tance u/ith the very similar notation of ril vector algebra. A careful study of these 6 14 pages should bring readers to the point S where they can begin to make serious 7-7 use of ApL in some topic of interest to You may be surprised to find that successtve them. An ApI- terminal. while not abso- applications of ? seem to reduce any matrix very quickly to lutely essential, greatly adds to the 2 zp0. For the matrix l, above, it takes on ly fou r depth and interest of the work. application s of ?. The pleasure and efficiency o[ learning by experimentation is not sufficiently ap- TTTTTl preciated, and the first six pages are de- 00 signecl to encourage this type of use of a 00 terminal in learning ApL. Two pages are _ Why do repeated applications of ? eventually "annihilate" devoted to a variety of identities and (send to 0) any matrix? proofs expressed in ell, Let's look at what hippens to the maximum element of the matrix lZ when we apply We can APL in Exposition Kenneth ?. E. Iver- assume that the maximum element is ittl;11 (why?). Then son, 61 pages, rSBN 0-917326-02-4, atler M<f (paper) S1.15 ltr, we see that ltttl;11 has been replaced by This book illustrates the use of ApL for llItl i 1l -Mtr:'2) .
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