Informa on Systems & Grid Technologies Seventh Interna onal Conference ISGT’2013 Sofi a, Bulgaria, May, 31 – June 1., 2013. 1 ISGT’2013 Conference Commi ees Co-chairs • Prof Ivan SOSKOV • Prof Kiril BOYANOV Program Commi ee • Míchéal Mac an AIRCHINNIGH, Trinity College, University of Dublin • Pavel AZALOV, Pennsylvania State University • Marat BIKTIMIROV, Joint Supercomputer Center, Russian Academy of Sciences • Marko BONAČ, Academic and Research Network of Slovenia • Marco DE MARCO, Catholic University of Milan • Milena DOBREVA, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow • Viacheslav ILIN, Moscow State University • Vladimir GETOV, University of Westminster • Jan GRUNTORÁD, Czech Research and Academic Network • Pavol HORVATH, Slovak University of Technology • Seifedine KADRY, American University of the Middle East, Kuwait • Arto KARILA, Helsinki University of Technology • Dieter KRANZMUELLER, University of Vienna • Shy KUTTEN, Israel Ins tute of Technology, Haifa • Vasilis MAGLARIS, Na onal Technical University of Athens • Ivan PLANDER, Slovak Academy of Science • Dov TE’ENI, Tel-Aviv University • Stanislaw WRYCZA, University of Gdansk • Fani ZLATAROVA, Elizabethtown College Organizing Commi ee • Vladimir DIMITROV • Maria NISHEVA • Kalinka KALOYANOVA • Vasil GEORGIEV 2 Vladimir Dimitrov, Vasil Georgiev (Editors) Informa on Systems & Grid Technologies Seventh Interna onal Conference ISGT’2013 Sofi a, Bulgaria, May, 31 – June 1., 2013. Proceedings St. Kliment Ohridski University Press 3 Preface This conference was being held for the seventh me in the end of May and beginning of June, 2013 in the halls of the Faculty of Mathema cs and Informa cs of the University of Sofi a “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria. It is supported by the Na onal Science Fund, by the University of Sofi a “St. Kliment Ohridski” and by the Bulgarian Chapter of the Associa on for Informa on Systems (BulAIS). Tradi onally this conference is organized in coopera on with the Ins tute of Informa on and Communica on Techno-logies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Total number of papers submi ed for par cipa on in ISGT’2012 was 56. They undergo the due selec on by at least two of the members of the Program Commi ee. This book comprises 31 papers of 36 Bulgarian and 19 foreign authors included in one of the three conference tracks and an addi onal sec on for separate contribu ons. The conference papers are expected to be indexed by the digital libraries h p://www.ebsco.com/ and h p://www.proquest.co.uk/. They are available also on the ISGT web page h p://isgt.fmi.uni-sofi a.bg/ (under Former ISGTs tab). Responsibility for the accuracy of all statements in each peer-reviewed paper rests solely with the author(s). Permission is granted to photocopy or refer to any part of this book for personal or academic use providing credit is given to the conference and to the authors. The editors © 2013 Vladimir Dimitrov (Eds.) ISSN 1314-4855 St. Kliment Ohridski University Press 4 T C I S The Data Mining Process Vesna Mufa, Violeta Manevska, Biljana Nestoroska .................................................. 11 Marke ng Research by Applying the Data Mining Tools Biljana Nestoroska, Violeta Manevska, Vesna Mufa ................................................. 21 CRM systems and their applying in companies in Republic of Macedonia Natasa Milevska , Snezana Savoska ........................................................................... 33 Visual systems for suppor ng decision-making in health ins tu ons in R. of Macedonia Jasmina Nedelkoska, Snezana Savoska ....................................................................... 40 Evalua on of Taxonomy of User Inten on and Benefi ts of Visualiza on for Financial and Accoun ng Data Analysis Snezana Savoska , Suzana Loshkovska ........................................................................ 51 Data Structures in Ini al Version of Rela onal Model of Data Vladimir Dimitrov ....................................................................................................... 66 Peopleware: A Crucial Success Factor for So ware Development Neli Maneva .............................................................................................................. 77 Informa on System for Seed Gene Bank Ilko Iliev, Svetlana Vasileva ......................................................................................... 86 Valida on of the Collabora ve Health Care System Model COHESY Elena Vlahu-Gjorgievska, Igor Kulev, Vladimir Trajkovik, Saso Koceski ....................... 98 A graph representa on of query cache in OLAP environment Hristo Hristov, Kalinka Kaloyanova ........................................................................... 108 Development of Educa onal Applica on with a Quiz Marija Karanfi lovska, Blagoj Ristevski ...................................................................... 120 Performance Study of Analy cal Queries of Oracle and Ver ca Hristo Kyurkchiev, Kalinka Kaloyanova ...................................................................... 127 5 I S Knowledge Management So ware Applica on and its Prac cal Use in the Enterprises Ana Dimovska, Violeta Manevska, Natasha Blazeska Tabakovska ........................... 143 Personalisa on, Empowering the Playful. The Social Media Cloud Mícheál Mac an Airchinnigh ..................................................................................... 152 Intelligent Approach for Automated Error Detec on in Metagenomic Data from High-Throughput Sequencing Milko Krachunov, Maria Nisheva and Dimitar Vassilev ............................................ 160 Seman c Digital Library with Bulgarian Folk Songs Maria Nisheva-Pavlova, Pavel Pavlov, Dicho Shukerov ............................................. 169 Knowledge Representa on in High-Throughput Sequencing Ognyan Kulev, Maria Nisheva, Valeria Simeonova, Dimitar Vassilev ......................... 182 Model of Knowledge Management System for Improvement the Organiza onal Innova on Natasha Blazeska-Tabakovska, Violeta Manevska ................................................... 193 Towards Applica on of Verifi ca on Methods for Extrac on of Loop Seman cs Trifon Trifonov .......................................................................................................... 202 D S Field Fire Simula on Applying Hexagonal Game Method Ste a Fidanova, Pencho Marinov ........................................................................... 215 Using Cloud Compu ng In Higher Educa on Josif Petrovski, Niko Naka, Snezana Savoska ............................................................ 223 Implica ons of Data Security in Cloud Compu ng Dimiter Velev and Plamena Zlateva ......................................................................... 231 Contemporary Concurrent Programming Languages Based on the Actor Model Magdalina Todorova, Maria Nisheva-Pavlova, Trifon Trifonov, Georgi Penchev, Petar Armyanov, Atanas Semerdzhiev ..................................................................... 238 6 So ware Integra on Pla orm for Large-Scale Genomic Annota on of Sequences Obtained in NGS Data Analysis Deyan Peychev, Atanass Ilchev, Ognyan Kulev, Dimitar Vassilev .............................. 251 Models of Quality for Cloud Services Radoslav Ivanov, Vasil Georgiev .............................................................................. 261 Contemporary Concurrent Programming Languages Based on the Communica ng Sequen al Processes Magdalina Todorova, Maria Nisheva-Pavlova, Atanas Semerdzhiev, Trifon Trifonov, Petar Armyanov, Georgi Penchev ................... 267 S C Parsing “COBOL” programs Krassimir Manev, Haralambi Haralambiev, Anton Zhelyazkov ................................ 281 Verifi ca on of Java Programs and Applica os of the Java Modeling Language in Computer Sceince Educa on Kalin Georgirev , Trifon Trifonov ............................................................................... 288 Evalua on metrics for Business Processes in an Academic Environment Kris yan Shahinyan, Evgeniy Krastev ....................................................................... 297 Monte Carlo Simula ons: Interest rate sensi vity of bank assets and liabili es. What will happen if interest rates change by a certain amount? Milko Tipografov, Peter Kalchev, Adrian Atanasov .................................................. 307 Classifi ca on of Events in the EPC Standard Ivaylo Kamenarov .................................................................................................... 320 A I .......................................................................................... 328 7 I_ S17_ 9 The Data Mining Process Vesna Mufa, Violeta Manevska, Biljana Nestoroska Faculty of Administration and Information System Management, University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola, Partizanska bb, 7000 Bitola, Republic of Macedonia [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract. The rapidly growing amount of data exceeds the human ability to understand them without the mediation of powerful tools. In such case, the stored data are an archive material, which is rarely visited and used. Consequently, the decisions are made based on the intuition of decision makers, but not on the basis of information and knowledge extracted from the data, which are stored in databases. Data mining is the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful information or knowledge from large dataset. It is a carefully planned and complex process that consists of the following
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