www.spectroscopyonline.com November 2006 Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry 47 Acronyms in Mass Spectrometry Spectroscopy columnist Ken Busch once again brings readers his comprehensive list of common acronyms used in the field of mass spectrometry. Kenneth L. Busch cronyms used in mass spectrometry appear in ADO Average dipole orientation printed publications of researchers working in es- AE Appearance energy A tablished areas, and also are coined at and used in AEI Associated Electric Industries, a past MS meetings, presentations, and proceedings. The latter espe- manufacturer cially reflect new applications, with new audiences, each of AGC Automatic gain control which generates a unique technical jargon. Acronyms reflect AGHIS All-glass-heated-inlet system the diverse and vibrant discipline of mass spectrometry, but AMS Accelerator mass spectrometry; adolescent shorthand-speak can become common, and practitioners in mass spectrometrists one subdiscipline tend to become more isolated, even in amu atomic mass unit conversation, from their colleagues in other areas. Re- AN Auger neutralization; application note (in JASMS) searchers enjoy coining acronyms as much as the federal ANP 2-amino-5-nitropyridine (a MALDI matrix) government, and our acronym-laden language can become ANZSMS Australian and New Zealand Society for Mass intimidating. Additionally, a new acronym can rise to gen- Spectrometry eral use, or can be orphaned and its meaning lost. In this AP Appearance potential; atmospheric pressure installment, we add more acronyms to the already extensive APCI Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization collection, culled from recent publications, proceedings, API Atmospheric-pressure ionization and web sites in the field of mass spectrometry. Inclusion of APPI Atmospheric-pressure photoionization an acronym in this list is not explicitly an endorsement for AREX Axial resonant excitation its use by the community; the nomenclators eventually ARMS Angle-resolved mass spectrometry make their judgments, but the community itself enforces a ASGDIMS Atmospheric-sampling glow discharge certain discipline. Immortality in the annals of science is ionization mass spectrometry not to be gained by coining a new acronym; a truly useful ASMS American Society for Mass Spectrometry acronym quickly becomes distributed so widely that its ASTM American Society for the Testing of Materials originator is forgotten, and even commercial trademark ATT 6-Aza-2-thiothymine (a MALDI matrix) protection can be insufficient. AVS Accelerating-voltage scan; American Vacuum For some recent additions to the acronym list, a short de- Society scription is provided, along with a recent (not necessarily the first) reference. Visit the reference given for a more B Magnetic sector mass analyzer, magnetic field; complete description. Space constraints preclude extensive magnetic sector field strength or flux density discussions here — but perhaps later in a future coffee- BAMS Bioaerosol mass spectrometry table book, when mass spectrometers themselves shrink to BAT Best anode temperature the same scale. Most acronyms are composed of uppercase BDE Bond dissociation energy letters, but a few traditionally are given as sequences of low- B/E Linked scan for product ions in MS-MS ercase letters, or a mixture, and sometimes including punc- B2E Linked scan for parent ions in MS-MS tuation, all to the consternation of spell-checkers, editors, BEoQ A reverse-geometry sector instrument followed by and indexers everywhere. We retain acronyms in this list an octupole collision cell followed by a quadrupole but not specialized nomenclature or abbreviations. If your mass filter favorite acronym is missing, if you would like to argue for BEqQ A reverse-geometry sector instrument followed by an acronym’s deletion, or to correct an error, please contact a collision quadrupole followed by a quadrupole the author at [email protected]. mass filter BEMS Biomedical and Environmental Mass A Anion Spectrometry (a former MS journal) AA Amino acid BET Best emitter temperature ACMS Asilomar Conference on Mass Spectrometry BIAMS Biomolecular interaction analysis mass ADC Analog-to-digital converter spectrometry 48 Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry November 2006 www.spectroscopyonline.com BIRD Blackbody infrared radiative CEC Consolidated Electric DCT Double charge transfer dissociation Corporation (a former MS DCTB trans-2-[3-{4-tert- BMS Biomedical Mass manufacturer) Butylphenyl}-2-methyl-2- Spectrometry; Biological Mass CEMA Channel electron-multiplier propenylidene] malononitrile Spectrometry array (a MALDI matrix) BMSS British Mass Spectrometry cf ConFlat DE Delayed extraction Society CFFAB Continuous-flow fast atom DEI Desorption (or direct) BNG Bradbury–Nelson gate bombardment electron ionization BrMASS Brazilian Mass Spectrometry CFP Continuous flow probe DESI Desorption electrospray Society CHCA Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic ionization BSMS Belgian Society for Mass acid (a MALDI matrix) DF Double focusing Spectrometry CI Chemical ionization DFTPP Decafluorotriphenylphos- BTEX Benzene, toluene, CID Collision-induced phine ethylbenzene, and xylene dissociation DHB 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid CIDI Collisionally induced (a MALDI matrix) c “Conventional” collision cell dissociative ionization DI Desorption ionization C Cation; coulomb; short CIT Cylindrical ion trap DIADS Delimited ion abundance communication in JASMS CM Center-of-mass database search CA Collisional activation CMD Carbohydrate membrane DIN Direct injection nebulizer CAD Collisionally activated desalter DIOSMS Desorption ionization on decomposition CNL Constant neutral loss silicon mass spectrometry CAF Chemically assisted CODA Component detection DIP Direct-insertion probe fragmentation algorithm DLI Direct liquid introduction CCA ␣-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic COM Center-of-mass DLV Direct laser vaporization acid (a MALDI matrix) COMSPARI Comparison of spectral DMS Differential mobility CCE-ES Controlled-current electro- retention information spectrometry chemistry electrospray CREMS Charge-reduction DNFW from the Latin for “Please do electrospray mass not mess with the The electrospray ionization process spectrometry instrument” is, at its core, an electrochemical CRM Charged residue model; DP Direct probe; declustering process. As such, the insights and certified reference material potential; diffusion pump strategies developed over years of clas- CS Charge stripping DPBD Diphenyl butadiene sical analytical electrochemistry can be CSMS Canadian Society for Mass (a MALDI matrix) brought to bear to generate additional Spectrometry DS Data system sensitivity and specificity from the CV Compensation voltage; cone DTIMS Drift-tube ion mobility electrospray ionization. Many research voltage spectrometry workers are advancing this field. In CX Charge exchange this paper, oxidations and reductions CXP Collision-cell exit potential E Energy; electric sector of electrochemically active com- CZE–MS Capillary zone EA Electron affinity pounds are reflected in the positive electrophoresis mass EAD Electron avalanche and negative ion electrospray mass spectrometry desorption spectra. Because the current demands ECD Electron-capture dissociation on the electrochemical system are D Disproportionation factor; ECID Electron-capture–induced small, relatively simple, battery-oper- deuterium dissociation ated circuitry is devised to operate in Da Dalton ECMS Electron-capture mass conjunction with the electrospray DA Dopant-assisted spectrometry source. See V. Kertesz and G.J. Van DAC Digital-to-analog converter ECNCI Electron-capture negative Berkel, J. Amer. Soc. Mass Spectrom. DADI Direct analysis of daughter chemical ionization 17(7), 953–961 (2006). ions ECNI Electron-capture negative DAPCI Desorption atmospheric- ionization CDEM Continuous-dynode electron pressure chemical ionization multiplier DAR Data-acquisition routine A moderator gas used in a chemical CDNT Conformation-dependent DART Direct analysis in real time ionization source decreases the energy neutralization theory DB Database of electrons emitted from a filament to CE Charge exchange; collision dbe Double-bond equivalent energies sufficiently low that the elec- energy; capillary DCI Desorption (or direct) trons are captured by electrophilic electrophoresis chemical ionization compounds to form stable molecular www.spectroscopyonline.com November 2006 Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry 49 negative ions M-.. The electron-capture Polyanions formed from DNA were FAB Fast-atom bombardment cross section can be increased with use stored in a QIT and irradiated with FAIMS High-field asymmetric of a proper electrophilic derivative. In laser light. The irradiation caused elec- waveform ion mobility this work, a pentafluorobenzoyl ester tron loss from the polyanion to form a spectrometry derivative is prepared of triclosan, a radical anion, and subsequent CID of FAME Fatty acid methyl ester common antibacterial agent in con- the anion provided a MS-MS spec- FC Faraday cup sumer products. An analytical protocol trum that provided good sequence in- FD Field desorption for determination of this agent in formation and a lack of internal cleav- FFID Fission-fragment-induced plasma and milk samples is developed ages. Preliminary work indicates that desorption and validated. See M. Allmyr, M.S. even noncovalent bonds of the DNA FFR Field-free region McLachlan, G. Sandborgh-Englund, can be preserved through the initial FI Field ionization and M. Adolfsson-Erici, Anal. Chem. electron photodetachment
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