dfltmwtmrt latlg Gkmjma Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. LXX, NO. 39 &tnrrs. (Cnmirrtirut FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1965 Student Senate Advisor Sees Trend Toward Accepted Responsibility "The Student Senate is showing will consist of representatives mittee of the Student Senate pe- a continuation of a trend toward from the fraternities, 2 sorority tition the administration for the more responsibility," announced women and 5 independents. provision of chairs with left- Jack Lamb, advisor to the leg- The Senate also passed a bill handed writing arms for left- islative branch at Wednesday to have the Public Relations Com- handed students. evening's meeting. In an attempt to point out to the campus legislators the fal- licies in the system of pre- Senate-WSGC Conflict senting bills, Lamb cited the need for Improved methods of bring- ing bills to the floor of the Sen- ate in a more orderly fashion. Over Dress Standards Lamb further specified several bills which were passed by the By passing amended Bill No. However, other issues are at Senate which he felt showed a 34, at a recent Senate meet- stake, beyond the question of lack of homework". ing, which changes dress stan- women's dress standards. As In regard to the ambiguous dards for men and women in the ASG President Andrew Dinnlman wording of several of the bills, Student Union, the Senate invoked said, "this Is an Internal, Con- Lamb singled out the bill con- the Associated Student Govern- stitutional conflict." It has be- PETER MACGILLIVRAY, campus-wide chairman for the Blood mobile; cerning the Final Examination ment (ASG) Constitution, which come a question of "If the Stu- Juliana Hleftje, Homecoming Queen; Marge McCann, captain of the schedule. He pointed out that the gives It the right to "make rules dent Senate represents all the cheer leaders; Marge O'Donnell, president of pan-Hellenic; and Fred problem with the bill was the and regulations affecting student students, Is the Associated Wo- Baker, IFC president sign pledge cards to give blood at the Blood- failure to specify the future of customs...." The bill thereby men Students subservient to the mobile November 17 and 18 at the R.O.T.C. Hangar. Shouldn't you? the bill and the action to take usurped considerable power Senate?" as Senator Llpson im- (photo by Firth) on the bill before bringing it which has previously been held by plied. before the Senate. Lamb con- the Associated Women Students According to Dr. Arwood North- tinued noting ambiguity in several (AWS). by, last year's Dean of students, other bills passed during the The men's dress policy went into "the Associated Women Students present semester. A bill con- affect Thursday, Nov. 4th, while Is not subservient to the Student Campus To Host Red Cross cerning Departmental-Student the change for the women stu- Senate; for they are both equal Relations which authorized the dents will not go into affect un- parts of the legislative branch of appointment of "task forces" to til either the Student Court, or the the ASG and one of them can't Bloodmobile Wed. & Thurs. be sent to each department in Board of Trustees decides if the pre-empt the authority of the order to improve the relations, Student Senate has the right to other. This, I thought to be All students and faculty will have Campus-wide chairman, Peter was cited by the Senate advisor. overrule the established AWS understood when the Board of the opportunity to donate blood MacGillivray, stated, "Student Lamb pointed out that there are dress standards. Trustees passed the ASG Consti- November 17 and 18 at the R.O.T. support of this program in the approximately 65 departments in The amended bill, passed by a tution," last year. the University structure show- C. Hangar, when the Red Cross past has not been shown to be Senate vote of 18-4, reads, "That Dean Robert E. Hewes, present Blood Mobile, a service program as enthusiastic as is possible. ing the impossibility of such a the dress policy for men and wo- Dean of students, agreed with Dr. of the American National Red We sincerely hope that students project. ASG President Andy men In the Student Union Bull- Northby "that the AWS is an equal Cross, will be on campus. of the University go all out this Dinnlman later clarified the bill ding allow wearing of dungarees, part of the Student Senate's and explained that only one such The Blood Mobile makes avail- semester to prove that their bermuda shorts, shoes without legislative branch." group would be formed. socks and sandals. Restricted able whole human blood and se- spirit does not end with athletic "I don't have this very author- lected blood products for the events, but is channelled into such Dinniman In his address to the clothing shall Include bathing Senate announced the institution suits, tee shirts, abbreviated at- itatively," said Hewes, "but I medical care of the sick and worthwhile programs as the think there was a tacit agreement Injured. Blood Mobile as well." of an Associated Student Govern- tire, and sloppy clothing." ment Greek Committee to inves- The original bill, submitted by with the Board of Trustees' ap- Dormitory chairmen have been proval of the ASG Constitution, chosen and are contacting each For the sake of comparison, tigate the goals and aims of the Vice-chairman Judy Pease dealt Yale University has an enroll- Fraternity system on campus. only with dress policy for men that It (the ASG) wouldn't over- member of their houses. Or, a rule the AWS, which was a strong student may obtain a pledge card ment of 8,000 undergraduate and He added that the Fraternity students. USA majority leader and graduate students. The Yale Study Report presented last year Michael Llpson, believing the and already established organ- Inside the main entrance to the ization at the time." R.O.T.C. hangar. quota to the Blood mobile is 13 to the president of the univer- Senate had the power to legislate Students between the ages of units per year (one units equals sity did not delve Into this aspect In this area, proposed the amend- Hewes added, "I have not had eighteen and twenty-one must 150 pints). of the system. Said Dinnlman, ment to include women students. the opportunity to look into this "The Greek system affects the Llpson defended his proposal by (the dress standards conflict) yet. also pick up a consent card to During the Blood mobile drive be signed by their parents. campus deeply, for example the saying, "Associated Women Stu- I frankly don't think anyone has of April, 1965, Yale donated 1,064 dress on campus is established dents are a subsidiary organiza- stopped to think and dig Into this" In the State of Connecticut blood pints. is collected entirely from free by the Greek system." tion of ASG and In this way are issue. contributions. There is no charge UConn's enrollment Is approx- He specified that the committee subject to Senate ruling." This observation seems to be for blood In Connecticut. The imately 7,500 at Storrs. The true. When carol Hyjek, Presi- Red Cross also guarantees that quota is six units per year. dent of Associated Women Stu- blood will be ready for any donor, Our donation for November, dents was contacted, she said, and his family if the need should 1965, will depend on the gener- Next Semester Registration "I don't feel I can make a state- arise. Even if you are In another osity of students and faculty of ment now because It would be a state, you may obtain this blood. UConn. personal opinion, rather than that of the organization." Scheduled For December 6 After reaching a decision at the Advance registration for the tration card (yellow) and retain AWS executive board meeting this World News Briefs spring semester, will be held one portion of the desired pro- week on "that which we have Dec. 6-10 at the Student Union gram card. The student should always thought to be matters of Rhodesia Declares Independence Lobby, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. have the computer scheduling our own," Hyjek said that it would The white government of nomlc boycott of the Rhodesian The student-faculty counselor card and the registration card take at least until the end of the Britain's African colony of Rho- regime. conferences will be between Nov. completed, including the choice week to contact the rest of the desia declared Its independence Britain's reaction was to impose 29 - Dec. 3. of sections and hours, when reg- AWS Council and the House Pres- today and the United States lost an economic boycott designed to Registrar Franklin O. Fingles istering the following week. Stu- ident's Council. no time in publicly deploring the hit Rhodesia's economy and to announced, In explaining the con- dents will turn In both cards at Hyjek added that she would have step. The u. S. State Depart- take the issue to the United ference prbcedure-. "The func- registration, and present the to talk to Dinniman "to see If ment said; "We will be in con- Nations. The Security Council tions of the faculty counselor dur- "desired program card" which the dress standards Issue will go sultation with the British Govern- will hear British Foreign Sec- ing this period are to be limited will be stamped and returned to to the Dean of Students, orBoaro ment." This is taken to mean retary Michael Stewart outline to advising students on programs the student as a receipt.
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