Index 1984, novel by George Orwell, 274 ALOHAnet, 293 2001:A Space Odyssey , film by Stanley Altair 8800 computer, 225–231 Kubrick, 93–94, 308 Amdahl Corporation, 164 Aberdeen Proving Ground. See U.S. Amdahl, Gene, 148, 156, 249–250 Army, Ballistic Research Laboratory American Management Systems Aberdeen Relay Calculator, 18. See also (AMS), 168 IBM, Pluggable Sequence Relay American Totalisator Company, 26 Calculator Anderson, Harlan, 127 Accumulator, in computer processor, Andreessen, Marc, 303 59–60. See also Architecture, APL (A Programming Language), 233, computer 235, 248 Addressing, computer, 61, 62, 132. See Apollo Guidance Computer, 188–190 also Architecture, computer; Apollo, Project, 124, 188–189 Indirect addressing; Modes Apollo (workstation manufacturer), ADP. See Automatic Data Processing 281, 285 Adventure, computer game, 210 Apple Computer Company, 264 AESOP (Advanced Experimental AppleTalk, 275 System for On-line Planning), Apple II computer, 264–268, 311 252–253 disk drive development, 266 Aiken, Howard H., 13, 51, 81–82, 212 Lisa computer, 273–275 Air Force, U.S., 31–31, 51, 55, 65, 71, Macintosh computer, 273–276, 140, 179. See also Minuteman ballistic 294 missile Applications of computing and development of integrated finite element analysis, 147 circuit, 187 payrolls, 33–34 need for reliable circuits, 179–182 for personal computers, 230 Wright-Patterson AFB, 32, 55 typesetting, 109 Air Material Command, 32 wind tunnel data reduction, 117 Aldus Corporation, 276 Architecture, computer, 57–64. See also ALGOL programming language, 94, Accumulator; Addressing; Index 98 registers; Interrupt capability; ALGOL-68 programming language, Microprogramming; von Neumann 101, 106–107 architecture; Word length Algorithm, 103 Minicomputer, 125 Allen, Paul, 233–235, 237 Parallel, 21, 24, 196–197 432 Index Armstrong, Lancelot, 44 Automatic programming. See Army, U.S., 56 Compilers Ballistic Research Laboratory, Automatic teller machine (ATM), Aberdeen, Maryland, 18–19 80–81 Signal Corps, 180, 224 Automation, 32 ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Autonetics. See North American Agency), 117, 140, 194, 259–261 Aviation IPTO (Information Processing Auto-Sembly, 180 Techniques Office), 260 and PDP-10, 286 B programming language, 106 support for internet, 295 Backus-Naur Form (BNF), 95 ARPANET Backus, John, 79, 91 initial impetus for, 296 Ballistic Missile Early Warning System programs available on, 298 (BMEWS), 71 at Xerox-PARC, 291–292 Ballistic Research Laboratory, Arthur Anderson & Co., 32 Aberdeen, Md., 18–19 Artificial Intelligence (AI), 10 Bank of America, 55 Art of Computer Programming, the, BASIC programming language 103 for the Altair, 232–236 Artwick, Bruce, 278 for the Apple II, 264–265 A.S.C.C. See Harvard Mark I at Dartmouth, 203–205 ASCII (American Standard Code for Microsoft BASIC. See Microsoft Information Interchange). See also minicomputer adaptations of, EBCDIC 205–206, 235–236 IBM and, 193–194, 268 on a read-only memory (ROM), 240, minicomputers and, 152, 226, 251 264–265 origins, 133 Batch processing, 74, 77–78, Assabet Mills (DEC headquarters), 122–123 127, 129, 137–139, 141, 312 BBN (Bolt Beranek and Newman), Assemblers, 85, 87–88 128, 259 Association for Computing Machinery Bechtolsheim, Andy, 282 (ACM), 102 Bell Laboratories, 64–65, 155–156, AT&T, 65, 66, 172, 282. See also Bell 203, 282 Laboratories Model V computer, 18 Atanasoff, J. V., 38 Model VI computer, 149 Atlas computer (ERA). See TRADIC computer, 65 Engineering Research Associates, Bell, C. Gordon, 198–199, 211, 246 1101 Bendix, 42–43, 165 Atlas computer (Manchester). See G-15 computer, 42–43, 132 Ferranti, Atlas Bennett, Edward, 253 Atlas missile, 67 Berkeley Computer Corporation Atomic Energy Commission, 30 (BCC), 259 Atomic Energy of Canada, 128–129 Berkeley UNIX. See UNIX AUTOCODE programming language, Berkeley, Edmund C., 27 113 Berkeley, University of California at, Automatic Data Processing (ADP), 168 140, 259 Automatic payrolls, 168 Berners-Lee, Tim, 302 Index 433 Bina, Eric, 303 Callow, Theodore, 33 BINAC computer, 23 Canion, Rod, 277 BIOS (Basic Input/Output System), Cannon, Edward, 13 239, 271, 277 Carnegie-Mellon University, 259 Bit-mapped display, 262 Carter, Jimmy, 255–256 BITNET, 299 Casio, calculator manufacturer, 213 Bloch, Eric, 51 CCC. See Computer Controls Boehm, Barry, 82, 170 Corporation Boggs, David, 291–292 CDC. See Control Data Corporation Bonneville Power Administration, 235 Census Bureau, U.S., 26–27, 29, 31 Bowmar Brain calculator, 213 Centrallab. See Globe Union Bradshaw, Charles, 167 CERN, 301–302 Bramhall, Mark, 236 Channels, input/output, 62–63, 128. Brand, Stewart, 207, 221, 258, 260, 280 See also Architecture, computer Bricklin, Daniel, 267 Charactron, display tube, 38 Brooks, Fred, 101, 148, 156, 164 CICS (Customer Information Control Browser, software for hypertext, 302 System), 106, 201 Buchholz, Werner, 151 City University of New York, 299 Bull, Machines (French computer Clark, Jim, 303 company), 172 Clark, Wes, 130 Bulletin Board Systems (BBS), for Clean rooms, for microelectronics personal computers, 298 assembly, 181 BUNCH (Burroughs, UNIVAC, NCR, Clones. See Compatibility Control Data, Honeywell), 143, 171– COBOL programming language, 91– 173, 248 93, 113, 163 Burks, Arthur, 44 Cocke, John, 288, 290 Burroughs Corporation, 41, 51, 66–67, Cold War, 7–8, 11, 140, 169–170 213 Colton Manufacturing Company, 53 adding machines and calculators, 119 Columbia University, 18 E-101 computer, 67 Commercial Credit, 172 Bus, computer, 199, 228–229 Commodore, PET computer, 264 Bush, Vannevar, 301 Compaq, 277 Busicom, 218, 220–221 Compatibility, computer. See also Plug- Byte magazine, 310 compatible manufacturers Byte (grouping of bits), 151, 193–194 with Altair, 231, 239–240 IBM mainframe, 161–163 C-Cubed (Computer Center IBM PC (‘‘clones’’), 277–278, 294 Corporation), 211, 235 Compilers, 85 Cþþ programming language, 79 A-0, A-1, A-2, 85 C programming language, 91, 106, 283 FLOW-MATIC, MATH-MATIC, CADAC computer, 40. See also 92–93 Computer Research Corporation Comptometer, 47–48 CADET. See IBM 1620 computer Computer Controls Corporation CalComp, 164 (CCC), 194 Calculators, programmable pocket, Computer leasing companies, 159 214–216. See also individual brands Computer Lib/Dream Machines, 216, under manufacturers 301 434 Index Computer memory. See Magnetic core; Curriculum ’68, 102–103 Magnetic tape; RAM Computer networking, 120. See also DARPA (Defense Advanced Research ARPANET; Ethernet; IBM Systems Projects Agency). See ARPA Network Architecture; Internet Dartmouth College, 55, 70 Computer Research Corporation time sharing at, 200, 250 (CRC), 38, 40, 66 DASD(Direct Access Storage Device), 200 Computer science, 101–103, 201–203 Data General Corporation, 195, 246, Computer Sciences Corporation 305–306. See also Soul of a New (CSC), 92, 168 Machine, The Computer Terminal Corporation, 221 computers at Xerox-PARC, 291 Computer Usage Company, 167 influence on designs of other Computerworld Magazine, 121 computers, 265, 305 Consolidated Engineering, 41, 67 Nova, 195, 199, 227, 273 Control Data Corporation (CDC), 43, Super Nova, 195–197 125–126, 161, 172. See also Norris, Datamation magazine, 68 William; Cray, Seymour Datapoint Corporation, 221 CDC 160, 160A computers, 59, 126, 2200 terminal, 251 129, 132 Data processing, definition, 48 CDC 1604 computer, 126 Davidoff, Monte, 235 CDC 6600 computer, 161 dBase III database program, 293 service bureau, 167 DEC. See Digital Equipment Convair (Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation Corporation), 38 DeCastro, Edson, 130, 195 Conversational Monitoring System Defense calculator. See IBM 701 (CMS), 157, 200 computer Core dump, 97, 99–100 Defense Department, U.S., support for Core memory. See Magnetic core computing, 91, 112, 258, 289. See also memory individual services CP/M-86 operating system, 268 Democracy, and computing, 9 CP/M operating system, 232, 238–240, Diebold, John, 32 262, 270 Digital at Work, 140 and Microsoft, 265 Digital Equipment Corporation CPT, 255 (DEC), 88, 101, 110, 128, 159, 191, Crabtree, Bob, 124 243. See also Assabet Mills; Bell, C. Crawford, Perry O., 38 Gordon; Olsen, Kenneth Cray Research, 173 and BASIC, 236 Cray, Seymour, 37, 125–126, 161, culture, 136–139 172–173 DECUS (users group), 88 CRC. See Computer Research financial losses, 305–306 Corporation founding, 127 Cromemco personal computer, 270 operating systems, 238–240 Cross-compiling, 223, 238 revenue growth, 136–137 CSAW (Communications and UNIX, 247, 284 Supplementary Activity— Digital Equipment Corporation Washington), 36 computers CTSS (Compatible Time-Sharing DECsystem 10, DECsystem 20. See System), 155–156, 203, 208 PDP-10 Index 435 PDP-1, 127–128, 204, 255 Eckert, J. Presper, 13, 18, 22, 25–27, 69, PDP-5, 130 179. See also Eckert-Mauchly PDP-6, 139, 208, 209 Computer Corporation PDP-7, 106, 157, 283 Eckert, Wallace, 18 PDP-8, 110, 129–137, 194, 218, 228 Eckert-Mauchly Computer PDP 8A, 135, 244 Corporation, 13–16, 22–23, PDP-10, 139, 157, 166, 208, 210, 215, 25–27, 45, 89. See also Remington 235, 286 Rand PDP-11, 157, 198–200, 204, 205, 243– Edelstein, David, 249 244, 275, 283, 287 EDSAC, 23, 84 PDP-11/20, 205 EDVAC, 18, 21, 25, 89 PDP-11/45, 205 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 31–32, 258 PDP-X, 195 Eisler, Paul, 180 peripheral equipment, 132, 208, 212, Electrodata, 67 247, 251, 286 Electronic Computer Corporation, 41 personal computers, 245, 287 Electronic Data Systems (EDS), 169 Rainbow, 287 Electronic Frontier Foundation, 312 VAX, 101, 243–247, 284–287 Electronic mail, origins on ARPANET, Digital Research, 270 298 Dijksterhuis, E. J., 308 Electronics Diversified, 135 Dijkstra, Edsger, 104 Electronics magazine, 309 DIP (Dual In-line Package), 192 Elkind, Jerome, 259 Direct memory access, 93. See also Emulation, of one computer by Architecture, computer another, 149, 151 Disk Operating System. See DOS, Engelbart, Doug, 207, 259–260. See also MS-DOS Mouse, NLS Disk storage, 69. See also Floppy disk and hypertext, 301, 303 Domain operating system, 281 Engineering Research Associates Doriot, George, 127, 140 (ERA), 36–39, 45 DOS (Disk Operating System), origin 1101 computer, 37 of term, 237 1103 computer, 38 Dr.
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