THE BOTSWANA GAZEttE WEDNESDAY 20 MAY 2020 PAGE 1 APEX Boss Questioned Over Fake Covid-19 Products PAGE 7 WEDNESDAY 20 MAY 2020 FREE! “Kitso ke maatla” BDC’s P200m Kamoso Deal Contravened The Competition Act 45 MOWAG PIRANHAS, SURFACE-TO-AIR MISSILE SYSTEMS & ANTI-AIRCRAFT VEHICLES BDF'S P4 BILLION WAR MACHINES NBFIRA WRESTLES FOUrs CasH & CARRY “BUTTERFLy” P50 MILLION CAUGHT IN ALLEGED prosecUtors SCANDAL SMUGGLING OF MAIZE learn to SHoot? PAGE 3 PAGE 5 PAGE 2 PAGE 2 NEWS WEDNESDAY 20 MAY 2020 THE BOTSWANA GAZEttE “Some of the concerns are that the “I am Going escort team feels abused as they have to follow the two everywhere, including when they engage in very Nowhere” – personal and absolutely private business. Magosi Magosi unmoved by reports of him leaving DISS soon LETLHOGILE MPUANG Reports last week suggest- py Chief Brigadier ed that the country’s head of Peter Magosi has yet intelligence would be leaving to respond to recent the spy agency soon following S an alleged fall-out with Presi- reports that he will soon exit the Directorate of dent Mokgweetsi Masisi. A well placed source at the Intelligence and Security Office of the President (OP) Services (DISS). told this publication yesterday The Botswana Speaking to (Tuesday) that reports of Ma- Gazette in a brief interview, sisi and Magosi’s alleged fall- the former head of the Bo- out are false and largely po- tswana Defence Force (BDF) litically motivated. Military Intelligence (MI) “Magosi and Masisi’s rela- unit said his focus will not be tionship is still intact, it is un- derailed by such reports, but fortunate how these rumours “BUTTERFLY” PROSECUTORS rather remains focused on de- - are being peddled in the me livering his mandate. dia. Magosi is one of those LEARN TO SHOOT? But both DPP and DISS say they know nothing about it TEFO PHEAGE fensive target shooting lessons inspite Tiroyakgosi, told The Botswana Ga- etective Jako Hubona of of disagreements over their protection. zette in an interview that he was not DCEC and senior prosecu- Said a source: “Hubona and Israel are aware that Israel was taking self-de- Dtor Priscilla Israel of the Di- currently receiving foundational hand- fence lessons in the use of firearms and rectorate of Public Prosecutions - both gun training. These intensive classes that the law did not permit his officers key in the high profile case in which are also an introduction to core shoot- to undergo such training. P100 billion was allegedly stolen from ing principles. The decision came At the DCEC, spokesman Lentswe the Bank of Botswana – could be tak- about after the escort team raised a Motshoganetsi said while DCEC in- ing pistol shooting training for their complaint that escorting was becom- vestigators are currently not allowed own defence. ing a burden to both the escort team to handle firearms, the corruption bust- However, until it was approached and the two. ing agency has been motivating for by this publication, DPP may not have “Some of the concerns are that the that. Motshoganetsi added that DCEC been aware of this development in- escort team feels abused as they have currently relies on the police, DISS volving one of its own and so could to follow the two everywhere, includ- and the army for support in cases of not have sanctioned it. Similarly, ing when they engage in very per- protection,“We have made a strong DCEC says its investigators are not al- sonal and absolutely private business. case to be allowed to handle firearms lowed to handle firearms. What is being said in low tones is that and it is something that we’re working The detective and the prosecutor perhaps the parameters of the escort on,” he said. were placed under protection upon re- should be revised or the entire matter Regarding Hubona specifically, quest at the beginning of this year after people who is always in con- be handed to the police.” Motshoganetsi answered: “What I can “I am aware of the specific they informed their superiors that they According to this source, the team confirm is that the DCEC has not al- stant communication with the individuals peddling this false President,” said a source. feared for their lives in the course of wants regular police to take over pro- lowed or sent anybody to go for such rumour in a hope to cause un- “The President has the dis- the case in which powerful individu- tection and escort of the two and for training.” certainty within structures of cretion of choosing who he - the secret service to play a supportive - als, former president Ian Khama, for DISS director Brigadier Peter Ma governance, and particularly air travels with, on OK 1. mer spy chief Isaac Kgosi and DISS role. According to police spokesman, gosi denied that Hubona and Israel in the DIS. I am however not Magosi was one of the first agent Wilheminah Maswabi, are in- Dipheko Motube, “the police do pro- were undergoing firearms training at fazed or distracted by this and names on that list for the Zim- volved. vide protection upon request in civil the behest of DISS and would not shed I continue to be laser focused babwe trip. Why would the The Gazette has established that and criminal cases after thorough as- a new light on the status of the pro- on achieving the mandate President travel with him if the two officers from DCEC and DPP sessment of (a) request”. tection and escort of the two because of serving the nation, on its the relationship is really bad. evolving security needs!” the have in recent times been taking de- The Director of DPP, Stephen “these are operational issues”. TO PAGE4 Is that consistent with a claim Head of the DISS briefly said. that he will be leaving soon?” TO PAGE4 JOB VACANCIES Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA) invites applications from qualified candidates to fill the following positions: 1. Director National Credit And Qualifications Framework (NCQF) Services 2. Director Human Resources 3. Manager Customer Service 4. Manager Capacity Building 5. Manager Organisation and Employee Development Suitably qualified candidates should submit a motivation letter and a detailed CV with names of three referees to [email protected] on or before 06 June 2020. For detailed advert, please log onto http://www.bqa.org.bw/sites/default/files/external_vacancy_circular_-_no_1._of_2020_final_3.pdf Block 7, Plot 66450 Private Bag Bo 340, Gaborone Botswana | TEL: +267 365 7200 FAX: +267 395 2301, E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.bqa.org.bw Toll Free Line: 0800 600 934 SMS (+267) 75671114 Twitter: @BQA_BWUpdates, Facebook: BotswanaQualificationsAuthority “Building a Seamless Education & Training System” BuildingBLOCKa 7,Seamless PLOT 66450Education PRIVATE BAGand BOTraining 340, GABORONE System BOTSWANA | TEL: +267 365 7200 FAX: +267 395 2301 e-mail: [email protected] website: www.bqa.org.bw Toll Free Line: 0800 600 934 sms line: (+267) 7289 3313 twitter: @BQA_BWUpdates facebook: BotswanaQualiÞcationsAuthority “Building a seamless Education and Training System” BuildingBLOCKa 7,Seamless PLOT 66450Education PRIVATE BAGand BOTraining 340, GABORONE System BOTSWANA | TEL: +267 365 7200 FAX: +267 395 2301 e-mail: [email protected] website: www.bqa.org.bw Toll Free Line: 0800 600 934 sms line: (+267) 7289 3313 twitter: @BQA_BWUpdates facebook: BotswanaQualiÞcationsAuthority “Building a seamless Education and Training System” THE BOTSWANA GAZEttE WEDNESDAY 20 MAY 2020 NEWS PAGE 3 Prime Employee Benefits RA charged BluThorn with expenses. In its letter dated (Pty) Ltd has allegedly re- failure to comply with Sec- September 2, 2019, docu- placed Ecsponent Projects tion 79 (1) (b) of the Col- mented evidence shows (Pty) Ltd, a special invest- lective Investments Under- that BluThorn admitted ment vehicle for BluThorn. takings Act, which compels that it used clients’ funds to It was further found that an investment management meet the company’s oper- Ecsponent Projects (Pty) company to furnish NBFI- ating expenses by indicat- Ltd was no longer in exis- RA within such period as ing that the contravention tence. Before closure of Ec- the Authority may specify, resulted from BluThorn us- sponent Projects, BluThorn with any financial informa- ing the custody account as had allocated it the sum of tion which the Authority an operational account. P14 915 000. On inquiry may require. According to documents by NBFIRA, BluThorn Further, NBFIRA filed by NBFIRA Chief was unable to explain what charged BluThorn with Executive Officer (CEO) had happened to the said failure to comply with Rule Srarim Gade before court, funds upon Ecsponent 8(7) of the NBFIRA (Mar- the Authority issued Blu- Projects closure. BluThorn ket Intermediaries’ Con- Thorn with a licence to was further unable to ex- duct of Business) Rules, carry on the business of plain another P13 694 072 2012 which provides that managing a collective in- allocated to BluThorn So- a market intermediary who vestment undertaking. In lutions (Pty) Ltd and a fur- has control of client money this regard, BluThorn was ther P19 567 277 allocated in a client account may to pool the funds of in- to BluThorn Holdings Bo- only pay the client money vestors together for their tswana Ltd. to the bank account in the collective investment in NBFIRA WRESTLES A P50 The total sum of unex- client’s name, transfer the securities, property and/ plained money amounts to money to another client or financial assets so as to MILLION FINANCIAL SCANDAL P48 176 349, which Blu- account or use the client’s spread investment risk. In Thorn failed to explain its money in settlement of an an inspection carried out whereabouts. NBFIRA , in obligation of the client ei- by NBFIRA on BluThorn Clients’ Millions embezzled at BluThorn Fund Management its letter to BluThorn dated ther on the instruction of from May 7 to May 14, August 7, 2019 instructed the client or in accordance 2019, the Authority found • Bluthorn fails to provide trails of almost P50m in clients funds BluThorn to provide it with a written agreement that contrary to its licence, • Funds used to settle company operating costs with trails of the aforemen- with a client.
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