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Index Compiled by the author Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle): 955, 1 rn7, 1239 'Albatros' (Saki airfield): l 158 n.5 Abadan: 163, 181, 381 Albert Hall (London): protest meeting at, 245 Abbeville: l 2 l Albery, Sir Irving: l 242 Abdul Azziz, King (Ibn Saud): Churchill's meeting Aleutian Islands: 446, 886 with (1945), 1225--6 Alexander, A. V. (later 1st Earl of Hillsborough): 49, Abdullah, Emir of Transjordan: 256 rn5, 146, 147, 151 n.1, 152, 639 n.4, 697 n.3, 733, 'Abraham' (the Quebec Conference): 470, 478 n.1 735, rn37, 1307 Abyssinia: .58 Alexander, General H. R. L. G. (later Field Marshal Acco (Acre): rn52 n. 1 Earl Alexander of Tunis): and Rangoon, 72; and 'Accolade' (capture of Rhodes): 475, 525--6, 527, 611 the fall of Burma, 102; and offensive plans against Acland. Sir Richard: rn90 Burma, 122; and the war in Europe, 158; new 'Acrobat' (Tripoli): 38-9, 50 military Command of, 164-5, 168, 110, 209, 2!0, Acropolis (Athens): floodlit, 1222 213 1 2151 216; offensive plans of, 227, 229, 232, Adana (Turkey): Churchill's visit to, 316, 319-25 234; and Enigma, 238, 247, 349, 359, 448, 449, Addison Road station (London): 937 520, 651, 960; and the 'battle of Egypt', 241-5, Addison. Viscount: l 3o6 n.4 246-8, 250, 258; and the battle in Tunisia, 279, Aderno (Sicily): 463 283, 283-4, 286, 288-9; at Casablanca, 294, 296, Adige River: rn78 297, 301, 308; in Turkey, 324 n.6; his orders 'ful­ 'Admiral Q'. (Roosevelt): 288, 293, 300 filled', 333, 339; in Algiers, 345, 347, 348; 'shocked', Admiralty, the: 7.52, 753 n.2, 970, rn29 n.4 360; 'your hand at work', 362; 'are you massing Adriatic Sea: 411, 448, 470, 475, 501, 505, 512, 556-7, for a counter-stroke?', 368-9; and the battle for the 55 7-8, 561, 563, 565--6, .'i 71, 5 72-3, 61 l, 713, 792- Tunisian Tip, 374, 378, 387, 388-g, 394, 397, 398, $ and a post D-Day strategy, 814-22, 827, 910, 401-2, 404; and Sicily, 379, 387, 439, 454, 458, 916, 930-1, 948-g, 95g--61, 966, 984, 987, rn54, 474, 476; and a deception plan, 406; in Algiers, rn66--7, rn78, l 157, l 164, 1174, 1315; Churchill 420; and the Italian campaign, 483, 490, 495, 496, flies over, 1I16; Italian-Yugoslav dispute at head 503, 506-7, 508, 520, 522, 534, 539, 540-2, 547- of, 12.'iO, l 253, l 303-4 9, 583-4, 605-6, 617, 619, 651, 698, 7rn, 728-g; Aegean Islands: 534, 580 and the Eastern Mediterranean, 526, 527, 528; at Aegean Sea: 565, 5 70, 5 78, 595, 685, 728, 764, 792-3, Malta, 555; and landing craft, 563; and 'war ex­ 981; and the Straits, 1205 igiencies', 620; and Anzio, 620~1, 630, 636-7, 640, Africa: 'cleared', 486; a letter from, 640 657, 66r, 662-4, 666-8, 678-9, 694-5, 7rn, 736, Agheila: 279 742, 773-4, 777; at Carthage, 622; 'the war 'Agrippa' (Simferopol): rn32 n.5 weights very heavy on us all', 714; and the 'Air Commodore Spencer' (Churchill): 505 renewed offensive in Italy (May 1944), 769, 773·- Air Courier Service: to Moscow, 1031; to Yalta, 1202 4, 784-5, 791, 792, 799, 803, 838, 843-4, rn46; n.l and D-Day, 799; and Allied strategy after D-Day, Airedale: sunk, l 23 n.3 814·-22, 824, 827-8, 829, 843; 'torn to pieces', 844; Ajaccio (Corsica): 897, 899, goo praised, 846; his continuing Italian campaign Aiax, HMS: l 118-21, l 126-7, l 130-3 (1944-5), 848, 849, 862, 886, 906, 9rn, 914-16, Akvab: 122, 290-1, 478, 479; captured, II41 931, 934, 943-5, 946, 955-9, 977, rn41, rn54; and Alam Haifa: 212, 222; battle of, 223, 227 the Poles, 858; Churchill's visit to (August 1944), Alamein, El: 137, 164, 167, 238, 251, 287, 288-g, 309, 865, 902-6, 912-16; and 'Dragon', 898; gay, 496; and Leros, 5.5.'i: death of an air officer from, smiling, debonair', 91s; and Eisenhower, 930; and 855; recalled, 1331-2 Vienna, 931; medical advice of, criticized, 939; Alaska: 436, 446, 471, 476, 852 and on Italian-Adriatic strategy (after October Alba. Duke of: 377 1944), 965-6, 984, 985-8, !018, !054, I066, l 139; Albania: 374, 440, 448, 453, 498 n.1, 523, 557, 559, in Naples (October 1944), rn36; becomes Supreme 564, 579, 601, 1000-1; and the Moscow 'percen­ Allied Commander, Mediterranean (November tages agreement', 1oo1 1944), 1054 n.2, 1099 n.2, 1103; and Greece, 1084, 1375 INDEX Alexander, General H. R. L. G. continued Annexe, the-contirmed ro85, 1089, 1098-.g, I IOI, I 102. 110'.~ 4, I I 11 13, 1086, 1093, 1112-13, 1:270, 1282, 1291, l'.)OI, 1314, It14, 1116-36; and Malta, 1141. 1164, 1166; at 131j, 1327, 1328, 1343, 1347, 1348 Yalta, I 172, 1173, I 190, 1202; on the Franconia, Anthony and Cleopatra: on honeymoon, r 26j 1214, 1215, 1217; and 'Cro-s<;word', 1280 1; 'on the Anti-U Boat Warfare Committee: 261, 364, 365 move', 1283, I 287-8, 1307, 1315; and the surrf'nder Antibes: 913 of the German armies in Italy, 1316--17, 1332; and Antonescu, Marshal Ion: 753, 911 Trieste, 1326- 7; and the final struggle for lstria, Antonine Age, the: 1232 1334, 1336 Antonov, General A. I.: 1018, 1177, 1178, 1322 Alexandria: 128, 137, 22:h 250 n.7, 504, 5.)/, 732, Antwerp: 86, 934, 942, 943, 975, 980, w63, 947, 1047, 1159, 1213, 1222 1!05 Algeria: 10, 829, 1054 'Anvil' (Sou th of France landing): 594-5, 596, 599, Algiers: 180, 191, 218, 219, 220, 221 1 223 4, 225, 226, 600, 621, 638, 740 1, 74» 792, 799, 843, 898; and 228, 251-2, 258; a possible Big Three meeting at, 'Caliph', 669-70, 748, 792; and 'Overlord', 692, 266; Darlan assassinated in, 283; Churchill's visits 71j 16, 728-9, 735-9, 748 n.2; and 'Diadem', 792; to ( 1943), 329-36, 413, 42 1, 553-4; possible confer­ a strategic dispute concerning, 8 l 4-22, 826-7, 829- ence in, 488; military missions at, 758--9; a plane 30, 843, 847-8, 873·-81, 90.1-6, 914, ro82;.for.future ready to fly de Gaulle back to, 79$ Churchill in index entries see 'Dragoon' (1944), 887 8 Anzac Cove (Gallipoli): 212 Alice in Wonderland: 7 12 Anzio: 61q, 620, 623-4, 625, 628, 630, 631, 636- 7, Allegheny Mountains: 407 640, 650-1, 653, 656; landing at, 661, 662-4, 666- Allied Control Commission i.'Germany): 1181, 1187, 8, 678-9, 680 I, 694-6, 704, 706-7, 7IO, 721; 1207 renewed offensive at, 736, 740, 766, 773, 777, 784; Allied Control Commission (Italy): 909-10 and the '.'lormandv landings, 752, 769, 772; Almighty, the: took seven days, 1138 recalled, 985 Alpes Maritimes: 669 Apennines, the: 572, 822, 916, 98,•l, 987, 1082, Alsace: I 107, r272 I 131 'Amantium irae ... ': 1276 'Aperitif': not a suitable codeword, 4ti!J Ambassadors' Conference (Moscow); 1199-1200, Appeasement: 'has had a good run', 703; 'would 1211, 1231, 1242, 1246-8, 1268-70, 1277, 1295, worsen our chances', 1074 1297, 1298, 1318 Appeasers: 'have become the warmongers', 1235 Ambleteuse: 113 n.1 Arab Revolt (Palestine, 1936): 451 Amboina Island: 851 Arabs, the: and Palestine, 648, 743, 1049, 1225; and Amery, Julian: 136 n.1, 140 ·1, 601, 602 -3 the Allied war effort, 1034; search for a 'definite Amery, Leo: 140, 343, 467 and lasting settlement' (with Jews), 1225 Amicns: r 2 I , r 1 4 I Arakan Coast: 657, 1034 'Anakim' (to re-open Burma Road): 125, 154, 'Arcadia' (Washington War Conference): 39 230, 293-4, 296, 299, 311, 329, 355, 381, 392, Archangel: convoys to, 45, 142, 146, I 56, 289-90, 400 364, 452, 516; a possible meeting at, 476; a dispute Ancona: 475, 478, 487, 822, 858, 948, 986 concerning, 698 Andaman Islands: 77-8, 465 Archer, G.: 501 n.1 Andartes: in Greece, :) 14 Arciszcwski, Tomasz: Io75, 1158, 1318 Anders, Lieutenant-General Wlazdyslaw: 199, 200, Ardennes, the: I 107, I 1 IO, I 120, I i33, I 134, I i39, 205, 205--6, :216, 376, 858, 1012, 1015, 1023, 1229, 1r44,1285 r236- 7 Argcntia: recalled, 1254 Anderson, Sir John (later Viscount Waverley): 63, Argentine, the: 861, 1074 151 n.1, 415 18, 511, 708 n.I, 715, 1060. 1126 n.2, 'Argonaut' (Yalta conference'.: 113B, 1163, 1168 1223, 126:i, 1266, 1282, 1297; and repatriation, Argostoli: 559 I I60 TL2 Argus: r47 Anderson, Lieutenant-General K. A. i\: 280 n.2, 287, Armageddon: 'and a good profit', 64 7 347, 360 Arms and the Man (Shaw): 981 Anfa (Casablanca): 293, 535 Armstrong, Brigadier C. D,: 853 n.4 Angel of Death: and the V.2 rocket, "47 Army of the l'\ile: 26 Anglo-American Chiefs of Staff (after the war): a Arnhem: 477 n.2, 968, 974-5, 976, 1 rn6 proposal for, 495 6 Arnim, General Juergen van: 284, 286, 289, 359----60, Anglo-American Shipping Adjustment Board: 40 367, 404 Anglo-Persian Oil Company: 587 Arno River: 905 Anglo-Portuguese Treaty (1373): 450, 530 Arnold, Lieutenant-General Henry II.: 74, r30 n.2, Anjou: 901 267 n.4, 297, 303, 338, 497, 738, 820, 843, 915- r6, Ankara (Angora): 324, 598, 605 984, I I 97 ll.4 Annapolis: r 8 Arras: 1141 Anne of Cleves: 1209 Arromanches: 860, 942 Annexe, the (No.

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