Daguanlou Tower on Tianchi Lake in Kunming, Yunnan Province' Lian Kutt Articles of the Month At Beijing University Todoy Fost-moving oYerYiew ol life ond study ot Chino's oldest modern university, by on out- stonding.student. f\9 poge 2 PUBTISHED MONTHTY IN ENG[!SH, FRENCH, SPANISH, ARABIC, GERMAN AND PORTUGUESE BY THE CHINA WETFARE INSTIIUIE (SQONO CHNG [NO; GHAIRMINI Our Honi People The notionolity, to which the uor. xxtx No. I AUGUST 1980 outhor belongs, numbers 900,000 people in the moun- toins of southwestern Chino. CONTENTS Its history, cforocter, cultsre, customs ond festivols. College Days Wang Youqin 2 Poge t2 Higher Education Today Chen Su 5 How Work-Study Sy5tem Operates in One Province Wang lndo-Chino Refugees Resettled Yousheng I lnd.ustrial Brlels: (photos) 11 Chino hos occepted ond We orronged homes ond of the Hani Nationality Wang Zhenglang 12 work for 263,000 of these For Indochina Refugees, Homes and Work Zeng Shuzhi 18 involuntory exiles. On- the-spot report deols My Muslim Brothers I Al-Ha11i Muhammad Ali and . moinly with their new Zhang Jie 21 lile on Hoinon lslond. Shaoxing - City on the Water Zhi Exiang 24 Poge l8 Shaoxing's Bice Wine: Connoisseurs' Delight Dai Erkang 28 'Teahouse' Goes to Europe Uwe Krduter 30 New Film on Evolution Bei Ke .A 30 Years of China's Esperanlo Magazine Lu Chuanbiao 39 Newspaper for Peasants Yan Liu 40 "Medicine Anguo - City" Zheng Jinsheng 42 Sports: lnternationail lnvitational Tournaments 44 My Muslim Brothers ond I Storied Baidi Town Tang Zhongpu 46 Choirmon oI Chino's lslomic Associotion recounts the Our Postbag 50 life ond octivities ol his 10 million co-religionists in Colorado's Young Songsters in China 52 Chino, their contocts with believers obrood, qnd something of his own history. Poge 2l An Ancient and Vital Style of Painting Liu Lingcang 54 Prime Teas of China Wu Juenong 62 A Greot Ploy Goes to EuroPe Chinese Cookery: Winter Melon Cup (Dong Gua Zhong) 64 years "The Teohouse"-o moster. Did Chinese Buddhists Beach America i,000 Be- piece by lote fomous ploywright fore Columbus? Fang Zhongpu 65 Loo She will soon go to West Chinese History XXlll Germony, Fronce ond other The Ming Dynasty:- 1 Politics and Economy Jiao Europeon countries. Through Jiah - the frequenters of o Beijing 67 teohouse over 50 yeors, it de- Football in Ancient China Xu Diankui 70 picts the odvoncing decoy ol Language Corner: the old society ond the in- evitobility of ihe revolution thot Lesson 20: The Great Wall 71 come in t949. Poge 30 FRONT COVER: Listening class of English students in the Western Lan- Prime Teos of Chino guages Department of Beijing University. Zhang Shuicheng Noted long-titne speciolist, now 83, describes the origins, moin vorieties, gustotory ond heolth-giving Editoriol Office: Woi Wen Building, Beijing properties ol Chino's teos. Also the present situo- (9), Chino, Coble: "CHIRECON', Beijing. tion in teo cultivotion, processing ond trode.' Genercl Dlstributo;: GUOJI SHUDIAN, Poge 62 P.O. Box 399, Beijing, Chino. t.tOR years I thought I'd never be women students, some of the men for the first time, were so moved L' able to go to college. came out to carry in my luggage. we could hardly go to sleep My parents were both college Tuition and lodging are paid by afterwards. In the ceremony Pro- teachers in the city of Wuhan in the state, and so is medical treat- fessor Yang Hui, who had taken Hubei province. When the cul- ment. Students who worked for part in the May 4th Movement, tural revolution began in 1966 five years before college get a and others of the school leaders my father disapproved of the subsidy of 37 yuan, somewhat handed torches to the best students upheavals. He was labelled an higher than most. Other students from every department, who lit a "active counter-revolutionary", may get government aid varying big bonfire. mercilessly persecuted and forced from 6.5 to 22 yuan per month, to leave his job. At 17 I and my depending on their family's in- Chinese Studies sister, fourteen and a ha1f, had to come. In cases of special need, leave middle school and go to students from the south clrn also The Chinese Language Depart- live on a rubber plantation in get winter clothing, and can apply ment has a number of noted professors, whom most Xishuangbanna (Yunnan province). for extra financial aid. I get 37 of the distinguished elderly ones are the I soon became a skilled rubber yuan a month and my sister as a cutter. I did manage to get'some postgraduate, 46. Only my young- linguist Wang Li and the writers books and after finishing making est sister's expenses are borne by Yang Hui, Wu Zuxiang, Lin Geng. the cuts, in the hour while the sap my parents. There are also some outstanding dripped I used to do some studying Competition to get into college teachers of young and middle age. among the rubber trees in a cool is keen, but after we finish our We are required to take courses secluded glade. four-year course we wiII have in classical and modern Chinese, After the fall of the gang of four little to worry about, as work is classical and modern Chinese in 1976 great changes took place. guaranted by the government. Iiterature, in literary theory and My father was cleared and re- When I think about the fact that foreign literature. We must also gained his teaching post. The those who get into college are study one or two foreign lan- system was reinstated whereby aetually only a very tiny propor- guages, the history of the Chinese the .best applicants for college tion of all young people, it Communist Party, and take were chosen on the basis of strengthens my feeling of rbspon- courses in philosophy and political entrance exams. sibility to study well and become a economy. We can also choose a I sat for the nationwide univer- person who can really serve the number of elective courses, such as poems sity exams in the summer of 1979 people. How can I let those others one on the in the style of in Kunmiag. I wanted to get into down? Chu (a state in the 4th to 2nd century B.C.), historical phonology, the Chinese Language Department May 4th Spirit of Beijing University,lbut I found or courses on special topics or writers. that it was not taking anyone from Our university is the oldest in garden particularly my province that year. I wrote China. Built around the of .I am interested in bureaucrat of the dynasty post-May 4th literature. Lu Xun, the school and, possibly because a Qing (1644-1911), Mao that my mark was the highest in the it has an attractive Dun and Ba Jin from campus with clear blue lake period are my favourite writers. I country for liberal arts students, the mirroring pagoda, blossom- am also making a study of the re- they made an exception and en- a ing flowers trees. is known, Iationship between literary trends rolled me. My two sisters took the and It curiously, as Nameless Lake. and China's advance towards a examination at the same time. Beijing University was the modernized society since the The sister who had been with me birthplace of the May 4th Move- overthrow of the monarchy in on the rubber plantation scored so ment of 1919, the anti-imperialist, 1911. well that she was accepted as a anti-feudalist movement imbued Our courses also cover literary postgraduate practical student in with the spirit of science and de- trends abroad. So far we have had mathematics at Jiaotong University mocracy, which was the first step Iectures on topics like develop- in Shanghai. Another younger toward the modernization of Chi- ments in research in comparative sister, who graduated from middle nese society. Beijing University Iiterature, the stream-of-conscious- school just last year, was admitted students are often exhorted to ness novel and the theater of to Qinghua University in Beijing strive to carry on in the May 4th the absurd. We also like to learn as a mechanics major, tradition. In its honor there is the about studies of Chinese literature Once I was accepted, the school May 4th athletic field, the univer- now being done abroad. We are was very good about making all sity's largest. The students have interested not only in the teachers' arrangements for my long trip organized a May 4th literary analysis but in learning from them from Yunnan, even to the Beijing society. Annually on that day a methods of scientific approach and University labels to stick on my science symposium is held. independent thinking. luggage. I was welcomed at the May 4th has also been the day We have some Iively class dis- station, and as I got my school the university celebrates the an- cussions. I remember one about badge and the key to the room I niversary of its founding. We Ba Jin's novel The Family. I had would share with three other freshmen, who participated in it been worried that it would result AUGUST I98O Women's,hundred-meter dash at the school's lg80 sports meet. May 4th bonfire. in awkward silence because there foreign titles. It has exchange re- have been published in magazines is a wide difference in the students' lations with some 250 colleges in outside. ages and their experience in life, 86 countries. Its reading roo[ts We all like to congregate in and because the life of a Chinese have a total of 2,000 seats.
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