APPENDIX 'A* GLOSSARY OP IMPORTAMT TERMS All Gk>a Uaratbl Eduoatlon • Conference An association of Idarathi loverSf which held conferences for the develoiment of Marathi langua^. 'All doa Marathi Echication Conference’ has been used as equivalent to the original tezm *Akhll Gomantakiya Marathi Shikshan SaoEnelan'. Archbishop Archbishop of Goa'and the Orient Archdiocese Headq.uarters of Archbishop of Goa e n d the Orient situated at Fanaji. AssiMlation Policy adopted by the Pojrtuguese Goveznmait in Goa to denation­ alize and assimilate the Goans with We stem social and religious custcost Brotherhood Known as Iimandade in Portuguese, it is an association of priests for social and educational work. Central Library Central Library of Govemment of Goa, Daman & J)±u, at Panaji. Fomerly known as Biblioteoa Nacional Yasco-da-Qaina* Census > Census Reports Census reports of Govemiaent of Goa, Daman & Diu of census held in 1910, 1921, 1931, 1940 and 1950. Also Census report of Government of India held in 1961. 531 Cycle - lyceum Stages in the lyceum study. The first cycle comprised of the first three years and later two years. The second cycle comprised of three years and the third cycle comprised of two years. The three cycles together comprised the complementary course of Portuguese lycerum. Colonies ... Colonies of Portugal Including Gtoa before 19-12 -I9 6 1. Committeo of Churoh Revenue Knoim as Confraria in Portuguese, it is a committee i^ich administers church property and revalues. Each church has its own Confraria. Constitution Constitution of Portugal applicable to all her territorial possessionB including Ck>a before liberation. Cldade de Goa Panajif capital of Qoa, Daman & Din. Denationalization Policy of assimilation adopted by Portugal in Goa and other colonies with a view to make Goans adopt extra-territorial loyalties throu^ a systematic effort of indoctrination. Diocese Same as Archdiocese Diocesan Society of Educatirai An educational society which manages all primary and secondary schools run by various parishes in Goa, Escudo ($) Portuguese currency used in Goa before liberation. It is represented by (t) sign. At the time of liberation one Indian Supee was worth six Escudos. Enjflish mediiim schools Pre-liberaticsn English medium schools of Goa, most of which were privately owned and managed. They taught a 7-year Matriculation and later S.S.C.E. Course. Before setting up of the S.S.C.E. Board of Poona, these schools were affiliated to the University of Bombay. 532 GSoveznmeaat Government of Goa,Daman & M u during the Portuguese regime. Goverment - Metropolitan Central Govexxunent of the Portuguese Qsplre In Lisbon* CJovemor Governor and the chief administrator of Goa during the Portuguese regime. He was appointed by Lisbon. GkTveznor General Saoa as Governor Gayak Samaj A Hindu sub-caste in Goa. Grade I Used as an equivalent of Portuguese primary •xamination known as Premeiro Grau. This was a public examination held after three or four years of primary education. Grade 1 was the penultimate examination of the Primary Course. Grade II Used as an equivalent of Portuguese primary examination known as Segundo Grau. (This examination was held at the end of the fourth or fifth year of primary education and it represented the Complementary year of Portuguese Primary Course. Ing.ulsltion A notorious institution of religious persecution. First established in Europe. Started in Goa during the l6th century by a Spanish Missionary by name Francis Xavier. Inquisition sou^t to prevent the new Christians from relapsing into their original religion by adopting moat dubious methods of physical and mental torture. Jiiry A cosamittee of referees conducting a public academic examination at all levels. A jury generally comprised of three teachers one of iriiom generally hs,ppened to be the class teacher. Juries were appointed by the Govemment. Kshatriya lllaratha Samaj • • • k Hindu sub-caste in Goa. Lencastxian Method • • • A method of teacher training on vhich the Komal Sohool of Goa vas initially based* Lisbon • # • Capital of Portugal, In Portuguese lanj?uaKe it is written as Lisboa Li'bexatlcm • • • Liberation of Goa on 19-12-1961 froa Portuguese domination. Local Committee • • • A cannnittee of local citizens known as Junta Local. It was appo-^inted by the Goveimant to supervise the woiddng of prinaiy schools In particular localities. Local Representative • • • A member of Local Comnlttee Lyoeum » National • • • Lycvum teaching a 3~ys&r course I^eum > Centxal • • • Ly«eum teaching a complete 7-year course Lyceum - Municipal • • • Lyceum under municipal control and supervision, teaching either a 2-year or 3-year course. I^eum • • • Government Portuguese secondary school at Panaji before liberation, ^own as the Central Lyceum of Aionso de Albuq.uerq.uef it was the only full-fledged Portuguese secondairy school in Goa till the time of liberation. Maha.ian • • • A monber of Sindu temple trust. Haialatdar • • • Used as an equivalent to the Portugese desi^oaation Administrador de Concelho (Administrator of Taluka). Mission Schools • • • Schools run by religious orders, congregations of priests and nuns and by the Diocess of Goa. Komal School • • • Primary Teachers* Training Sohool at Panaji before liberation. The school was called Luis de Camoes Nomal School. ... -f 534 Nova Gk>a Panaji, capital of C!oa Official Schools Government schools Portuguese Ixidia Portuguese possessions in India upto 19-1 2 -1 9 6 1 v iz ., Goa, Daman & Diu. Panjlm Patiaji, capital of Goa. Parochial Schools Schools run by churches in Goa under the management of Diocesan Society of Education. Parish Schools Same as Pariah schools Provincial CkxBgress Congresso Pit)vincial in Portuguese. These congresses were held from 19 16 onwar-ds after the Republic in wixich prominent citiseno participated to discuss various projects. The powers of the Congress were only- deliberative. Parliament Poo.'tuguose Paz'liament Republic Portuguese Republic proclaimed on 5th October, I9IO. Rector principal of the lyceum Regent Untraijied teachers appointed in primary schools following the enforcement of compulsion of primary education in 1956, Recognized Schools Secondary schools recognized by the University of Bocibay or the 5.3.C»E» Board of Poona. State Portuguese state School Committee A committee of teachers with the headmaBt4r as its chairman. School age Age ranging between 6-14 years School going age group Children in the age group of 6 -1 4 on the school rolls. Schools - MoMle Schools established in tho Hew Conquests and which were subject to shifting depending on the availability of students. 535 Seminary A training school for cler^ Shenai Mama A dcaaestic teacher in private Marathi primary aohools Sheaaai Mama Schools Lotiestio Marathi primary schools during 19th and early this century State Bellglon Catliolioiara Viceroy Viceroy of Goa during the Monarchical regjjne i .e ., upto 1910 Yillage Coaarmmity The well-known rural Institution of Goa knonn as C<gai tunidade in Portuguese. It is an ancient institution of Gtoa fownd at almost every village level, administering surplus lands and grazing grounds in the village. 000 APPENDIX 'B* PEnrATELT MANAGED MARATHI PRIMARY SCHOOLS IK 1957 OLD C0B3JIESTS Tlswadl (Ilhas) 1. Shri SarasTiati Yidyalaya, Agaoalm 2. Shrl Bhavani Shanker Vidyalaya, Kalapur (Santa Cruz) 3* Shri Shanta Durga Yldyalaya, Kalapur (Santa Cruz) 4> Marathi Shala, Kalapur (Santa Cruz) 5. Shri Sharada Vldjralayat Cumbharjuveni 6. Maxathl Shala, Chimlsal 7. Shri Krishna yidjralaya» Chodneim 8. Shri Ram Tidyalaya, Jurem 9. Sbri Gajanan Vidyalayay Taleigaon 10. Shri Chaaunda Vid^laya, Groa Velha 11. Marathi Shala, Palem 12. Shri Pandursng Prathamik Vid^ralaj&» Diiradi 13. Shri Saraswati Vidyalaya, Diwadi 1 4 . Shri Mahalaaoai Vidyalaya, Nonra Ooa (Panaji) 1 5 . Shri Sarasvati Vidyalaya, Hava Croa (panaji) 1 6 . Shri Ramdas Yidyalaya, Hova Ooa (panaji) 1 7 . Shri Ham Tidyalaya, Hova Cioa (Panaji) 18. Havin Marathi Yidyalaya, Nova Goa (Panaji) 1 9 . Pandurang Prathamik Marathi Shala, Hova Goa (Panaji) 20. Mahalaaoni Mothi Marathi Shala, Nova Goa (Panaji) 21. Mahananda Yidyalaya, Narvam 22. Shri Dhondeahwar Yidyalaya, Neiurem 2 5 . Shri Shashti Shantfc Durga Yidyalaya, Mandur Dongri 537 Bardez 1. Shrl Shatita ]}urga Yldya Bhuwan, Asnodem 2. Shrl Saraswatl Vldjralayat Asgaon 3* Shrl Datt Yldyalaya, Asgaon 4* Marathi Shala» Uskal 3. Marathi Vldja Bhuvan, Edcoshl 6. Shrl Yetal Vldyalaya, Ekoshl 7. T l d ^ Prasarak Shala, Calangute 8. Shrl Shantadurga Vld^laya, Calangute 9* Shrl Sharada Vld^alaya, Calangute 10* Shrl Laml Yld^alaya* Calangute 11. Shrl Siatitadorga Yldyalaya* Candollm 12. Shrl Ram Yldyalaya, Colvale 13. Shrl Shivajl Yldyalaya, Khorlim 14* Shrl Ramdas Yldyalaya, Khorllm 13. Shrl Bamdas Yldyalaya, Khorjuvem 16. Shrl Shanta Durga Yldyalaya, Nerul 17. Shrl Hanuman Yldyalaya, Parra 18. Shrl Hanuman Yldyalaya, Parra (Branch No.l) at Sallgaon 19. Marathi Shala, Porvorlm 20. Shrl Ravalmth Yldya Bhuwan, Pom'burpem 21. Shrl Ram Yldyalaya, Pom'buipem 22. Shrl Saraawatl Yldyalaya, Betlm 2 3 . ttiyan Prasarak Mofat Yldyalaya, Mapuca 2 4 . Shrl Baraswat Yldyalaya, Mapuca 2 5 . Shrl Sharada Yldyalaya, Mapuca 26. Shrl Prabhu prasadlk Yldyalaya, Yagall 2 7 . Marathi Shala, Sl-^jllm 28. Shrl Dutt Prathamlk Yldyalaya, Aldona 2 9 . Yishwa Yldyalaya, Aldona 3 0 . Sarvatrllc Marathi Shala, Aldona. 538 Saloate 1. Navln Inyan Prasarak Vldyalaya, Assolnaa 2, Shri Vetal Prasadik Vldyalaya, Aasolnein 5, Sftiri Laxmi Vidyalaya, Sacar Katta, Chmoollm 4, Slirl Laxml Vidyalaya, Sanvar
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