^AMERICAN LEGION Net Paid Circulation more than Three-quarters of a Million Copies e # # "America's Most Famous Dessert" LL°(Q) Joseph Fox, Company . / Carl Lee, Company I Leo Mooney, Company I Gordan Hoffman, Company M John Vcscovi, Compa?iy H James Spillanc, Company II All of the I08th Regiment, 27th Division *T'H£ same sort of stuff that was in their ability to do a day's *• needed to make up the A. E. F. work. In fact, it is generally is just the stuff that is the backbone conceded that they are just a trifle of American Industry in this period handier in tossing the boxes of of reconstruction. Dainty Dessert after their recent These boys of the 108th, to- practice of placing the delicate gether with their friends of other hand grenades in the most effec- outfits, have come back to their tive positions in the Hindenberg old jobs not a bit slowed up line. THE GENESEE PURE FOOD COMPANY, Le Roy, N. Y., and Bridgeburg, Ont. J : " York^Cily lxe Aovhi.tis.ng M»r.ACE«. 627 Wesl 43d St.. N.~ CORRTSPOraniCE" SCHOOL ' '^^"ALEXAinJEflHiiMIUTOS IBSTITTO Made by....- TfT. •• OS TKS Advertised with us- H IS THE FINEST WEEKI* D^jSS5tfif^b AIL READERS OF THE War SHOULD KKO* ABOOT " TBS SS?'JlftL. Ucir V.,t dly CHARLES. JOTELASS .. Same . I would tike to see Address Madeby » ". '155CLTOE ST. EP.OOKLIHE? . Advertised with us— ' j> • Ujvi or JtauM. >. iMa Because reason) ™» (five /7 . /S . TMS A/. M /C ' <£ A- MAI* A/ ..Art The Ad ACS*. 627 Wert t.M 51.. New Vork City Name .„. Alexander I would lie to see Hamilton Business Course Address .7 . £7 ." .'.* «f (-AM -to as Madeby . .. Inst .... pott.. ] (ftttft a A/. -.//.•/, Advertised wiiti us- It will give returns to most any Because (give reason aan who wishes to increase-Ms Edwin H. Geyer, 123 Prince Edward St. ',' A<Wress - Jaoteon, Tetvn. Post nu tuut m fuwi 1. ion What the Readers of the Weekly Say about the Alexander Hamilton Institute Read their testimony. Then find out about this Modern Business Course and Service MR. CUSHING, the Adver- Perhaps you, too, have been tising Manager of The familiar with the main facts about Ten bits of testimony from American Legion Week- your friends the Institute. You know that ly, who is, by the way, a sub- behind it are men who represent scriber in the Alexander Hamil- "It is the making of any'man." the finest leadership in business, ton Institute, asked you readers "A real service should be advertised education and finance. in a real magazine." of the Weekly to tell him the "All ex-service men will benefit by You know what it has done for American business organizations it." thousands of other men, in every that should advertise in the "It will give returns to any man who Weekly and why. He asked wishes- to increase his earnings." kind of business. You, too, have "Their Course is fine." meant some time to send for you to fill in and sign a special "It is an A-No. 1 Course." "Forging Ahead in Business," coupon, giving the name of some "Their set of books should be in that guide book of 116 pages national advertiser and the the library of any man who is look- which has proved so stimulating reasons why you thought their ing to be successful." to so many other men. message should appeal to all Le- "It is the finest Course on the mar- ket and all readers of the 'Weekly' gion men. should know about it." * ** * "Their Course will prove beneficial Only one moment of decision is re- to any legionnaire who works." quired to place a* copy in your hands. "Their Course is excellent." Will you act now, as these friends of Forty-six of the coupons re- yours have acted, by filling in the cou- turned to Mr. Cushing called for pon and mailing it today ? A copy is advertising of the Alex- ready for you. some center of this page you will find ander Hamilton Institute and 46 representative comments from ten very good reasons were presented different men. Alexander Hamilton Institute why we should use the advertis- > 893 Astor Place, New York City "/ had always intended sending ing pages of the Weekly to ad- " Yantage. Those 46 replies did for 'Forging Ahead in Business' Send me "Forging Ahead in Business" more than give good selling am- From Omaha a reader of the which I may keep without obligation munition to the advertising de- Weekly wrote at length partment of the Weekly. They "I had always intended sending Name. also presented some very im- for 'Forging Ahead in Business,' mentioned in the advertising of the pressive indorsements of the value Business Alexander Hamilton Institute in Address_ of the Institute's Modern Busi- almost every leading magazine," he ness Course and Service. said. "But not until I saw the ad- vertisement in the Weekly did I read and act. I am now glad to The answers came from every count myself one of their students Business section of the country; in the and boosters.'! Position_ Copyright 1920, Alexander Hamilton Institute SEPTEMBER 24. 1920 PAGE 3 — - THE. MOGUL OF THE PRESS ROOM One of the Magazine Web Presses of William Green, New York, Printers of The American Legion Weekly CMFTY TONS of paper are fed into this to use a better quality, your publication will great press each week to produce The equal any in the country. American Legion Weekly. We are proud of The American Legion Finished copies are delivered printed, folded Weekly and of our part in its record-break- and bound—at the rate of 24,000, an hour. ing accomplishments. We believe that The Then comes the big job of individually American Legion may well be proud of its addressing, sorting, packing and mailing publication. It's your paper to back and the 800,000 and more copies. boost, but we're with you strong. All this is done in remarkably short time O Most folks know of our big print - little a from editorial, rooms 1 • kJ . pi more than week ng ant an(j our reputation for to reader. quality and service. We want them to Perhaps you have not been impressed with know, too, of our Editorial and Plan^ The American Legion Weekly as^ "a Department where we plan and build re- thing of beauty." But the quality is there-— sultful catalogs and direct-by-mail advertis- editorially and mechanically—and when the ing campaigns that, because they are based price of paper drops, so that you can afford on experience, produce results. William Green - new york city a Corporation PAGE 4 THE AMERICAN LEGION WEEKLY LEGl^^S^eekfy Official Publication of *W$Jf0^ The A merican Legion 627 West Forty-third Street, New York City Ullllllliilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll OWNED EXCLUSIVELY BY THE AMERICAN LEGION From the Retiring National Commander To the Delegates at Cleveland and to All Legionnaires: IT is but eighteen months since a few hundred and establishing precedents which would affect American soldiers met at Paris and brought the whole life of the Legion. The making of these forth the idea of The American Legion. It is but decisions, we have felt, is for the Legion itself, as ten months since, at Minneapolis, that idea was represented in its national convention. crystalized, committed to paper and made imperish- This second annual convention at Cleveland able in the constitution of this organization. finds The American Legion an organization which The last ten months, like the eight that preceded already has behind it a creditable record of accom- them, have been crowded and eveatiul in the life plishment. We can review with satisfaction what of the Legion. They have seen it continue its we have done in our infancy for the disabled, for growth with the spontaneity which marked its all ex-service men and for our country. It finds it birth. They have seen it become a great organiza- also an organization which realizes that it has heavy tion, carrying its doctrines and policies into every obligations and much more to do in the future. city and town in this land and into other lands In many respects this convention is of extreme They have seen it test and learn its power. importance. Decisions are to be made which will They have seen this country come to look upon it affect the whole future of the Legion, which will, as the highest exemplification of patriotism and in a large measure, determine the usefulness of the citizenship. organization for the rest of its existence. The dele- The convention at Minneapolis left to each of gates will have behind them, however, what the the officers of the Legion, local, departmental and delegates at previous meetings did not' have, a national, a vast amount of work and responsibility. year's practical experience, with many lessons Ours was the job of completing the task of organi- learned, with less uncertainty as to the wisdom of zation, of perfecting the machinery to co-ordinate measures to be adopted or avoided. With implicit the Legion's efforts and to carry out its purposes confidence can we leave the future of the Legion and policies. Ours also was the job of executing a in their hands. comprehensive program of accomplishment. To attain the highest measure of success we must It was not an easy job. There was no precedent ''make use of two strong inherent American charac- to guide us. Never before nad there been an organi- teristics—common sense and tolerance.
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