Civilian Marksmanship Program FINAL RESULTS of the 2001 NATIONAL TROPHY MATCHES RKSMANSHI DQUART ailim::2'.""~ .~...~ ,-, • ' ·~.,.,.. --= ~ - ~i;:,~,~! Sponsored by: THE CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP P OGRAM Competitions Conducted by: THE NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION Conducted at: CAMP PERRY, OHIO July 15, 2001 - August 4, 2001 2001 Distinguished Badges Distinguished Pistol Sho t Badge s: MIiita ry LAST NAME FIRST NAME Service RIIIO' 2001 P1Uldont"$R irl&Ma :d1 \1/hner SSgt. Soott Threat'I, BELL JOHN M. ARNG USMC. Md 200 I Notion,, T;opl'ft,lnd vldual Rino Maleh wfMor, CORNING JOHN D. ARNG ~I J,iy w,11,oms, USAAp, .. enlod OISbnQUISllOOR ,llomanBadgo 1 HARTER RONADL M ARNG IOnowly o .. "'Qlit he<ItH lll!lnS11oo 1e11d uring • SPtCllllco romony KRAUSE ROGER S. ARNG ., Ult N111onnl TIO!>hYA•"· M41chOSAw~rd Coremo,,y MELLOR NEIL R. ARNG BUEHLER WESLEY 8. ARNG YOUNG ROGER G. ARNG CORNING JOHN D. ARNG GAYNOR EDWARD J. USCG KOLLAR DOUGLAS E. ARNG CARBONARI ANTHONY J. USMC LEVITSKY MICHAELE . ARNG OURSO DAMIAN R. USMC MARCHAND MICAHM . ARNG PARK, II ROBERT S. USMC MICHAELS JOSEPH E. ARNG PRYKRYL MATTHEW H. USMC SCANDALE JOHN J. ARNG PYLE JERRY 0 . USMC SEYBOLD DAVID L. ARNG RECTOR JACK A. USMC WOODRUFF STEVEN L. ARNG SANDERS JEROME USMC MOORE MICHAELE . USA SOBIERANSKI EDWARD R. USMC PARTIN JON T. USAR DOUGLAS THOMAS G. USN PAYNE ROBERTH . USAR EVERT MICHAEL F. USN GAYNOR EDWARO J. USCG KILLINGSWORTHSTEVEN M. USN KNAPP JAMESB USCG KOROICH DANIEL T. USN BODLEY CHRISTOPHER R USMC BRAGG RYAN G. USMC BROADSTON CHRISTIAN J. USMC BROOKS TIMOTHY A USMC CUSHMAN RYAN E. USMC DEAR KARL C. USMC Dlstlngu lshod Badgos Issued In 2001: Dlslinguished Pistol Shot Civilian 27 Distinguished Rifleman, Civ llan 78 Distinguished Pistol Shot. Army 0 Distinguished Rifleman, Amiy 1 Distinguished Pistol Sho~ USAR 0 Distinguished Rifleman, USAR 2 Dlslingulshed Pistol Shot, Army NG 0 Distinguished Rifleman, Army NG 9 Distinguished Pistol Shot, USCG 1 Distinguished R,0eman, USCG 2 Dlsllngulshed Pistol Shot, USMC 8 DlsUngulshed Rifleman, USMC 11 Distinguished Pistol Shot, Navy 4 DisUngulhsedR ifleman, Navy 3 Distinguished Pistol Shot. USNR 0 Disllngulshed RiReman. US'IR 1 Distinguished Pistol Shot, USAF not reported Disllngulshed Rifleman, US.I\F not reported Total DisllngUlshed Pistol Shot: 40 Pl,IOI S <l.fflO N•IJONI""' '°'Chomplon 01 , 81onkllntlllpPN IIOOled Ol'"nQulSl>Od.,,. ,OISho l BIIOQtldumg I _,. 1t!)Cognl llon o, , .. Total Distinguished RlOeman 107 mony ailIlle 2001 NationalM a.tchff 10CM llan shaotor,1who ea, nQO lt>e<badges donng u w Pf!MOUSye ar. Co,rporation for the Promotion or Rine Prac;Lice and Firearm Safety, Inc . The Civilian Marksmansh ip 1Program Table of Contents Director of Civilian M:irksmanshlp Program LeLter 2 The Nationa l Matches j Th e 2001 First Shot Ceremony 11 A Sho1t Histo1y o f the Presidenr's rune a nd Pisto l Matches 5 NATIONAL ·moPHY PISTOL J\IIATCH RESULTS President's Pistol Match 6-8 Nationa l Trophy Individual Pisto l Match 8-12 Na tiona l Trop hy Pistol Team Match 12-15 NATIONAL TROPHY RIFLE MATCH RESULTS Preside nt's Rifle Maleh 16-21 Nat io nal Trophy ind ividual Rifle M.atch 21-28 Nationa l Trophy Rillie Team Match 29-34 1ationa l Trophy lnfa ntr,1 Team Match 34-38 Jo hn C. Garand Match 38-43 Whistler Boy Smallbore Team Match 43-44 Whistler Boy High Powe r Trophy Match 44-16 2001 AWARD PRESENTERSAl'\!D NATIONAL MATCH STAFF 200] Award Prese nLers 47 CM:P Na tiona l Match Staff 48 Camp Pe1Ty Staff 48 NRA Pistol Matches Sraff 48 NRA High Powe r Rifle Staff 48 SPECIAL NOTICE TO NATIONAL MATCH COMPET ITORS As Lhis bull etin goes to press. Lhe Ohi o Natio nal Guard. NRA and CMP are moving ahead with pla n~ to carr:c, out the compl ete schedu le of eve nL~o f the 2002 National Matches . All three organizauons a.re full> commit ­ ted to condu cting I.be Matche~ wilhout allowing the <!Vents of Sep tember 11 Locurta il the competit ion~ m an) way. Sho oters who come to the 2002 National Matches will likely face increased security requi remen t~. but eve ryone is workin g toge ther to ass ure lhat the competitions will Lake place as planned . Be ~ure the .2002 Nati onal Matches are on your calendar and start ma.king a.rrangemems to be there! Cove r P hoto: 200 I California Seate Junior Serv ice lUt1e Team mem be rs pos e by the CMP Hea dquart e rs sign. 1 CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM Camp Perry TrainingSite, Building 3 P.O. Box 576 • Port Clinton, OH 43452 Telepone( 419) 635·2141 www.civifianmarksmanshipprogram.com 10 Oc1ober 2001 Dear Na1ional Troph y Matches Competitors: The Civilian Marksmanship Program is pleased 10 provide this Official 2001 National Trophy Matches Results Bulletin. Preliminary buJJelins posted during 1he Matches were red1ecked 10 confirm scores , categories and lhe Oi:;1inguished/Non ·Dis1inguished starus of competitors so some results and rankings have changed. In :tddition to containing all of the official, fmal results of the 2001 National Trophy Pisco! and Rifle Matches, this bulletin includes photos of lhe trophy presentations and some additiona l, special information about the Matches. The Na1ional Trophy Pistol and Rifle Ma1ches are a major component of the Annual National Ma1ches a1 cam p Perry. A federal stalUte passed by the U. S. Congress and approved by President Theodore Roosevelt esta blished the National Trophy Matches in 1903. Traditions embodied in !he National Trophy Matches date back even earlier to military and civilian competit ions that began in the late 19th cenrury . The oldest National Trophies, lhe Soldier of Marathon Trophy , lhe Hilton Trophy and !he Nathan Hale Trophy, were placed in national competition in 1875, 1878 and 1890respectively. The U. S. Congress placed lhe National Trophy that is awarded to the team that wins the National Trophy Team Match in compe tition in 1904. Today, the CMP preserves lhe National Trophy collection as an histo.ric ttUSt and governs lhe National Trophy Matches and their rich tradition through the CMP Competition Rules. ln addition to the outstanding shooting pe,formances by !he men , women and junior shOO!ers who won lhe 200 1 National Troph ies. great credit is due ro all of lhe pistol and rifle compe titors who competed in this year's National Troph y Pistol and Rifle Matches. Panicipation was up in every National Trophy event . The biggest increase was in the Garand Match where participation increased 30 percent over last year, to 1,300 shoo ters. The CMP expresses its sincere !hanks 10 everyone who made a great 2001 National Trophy Matches possi ­ ble , especiaUy 10 the NRA Competitions Division and its volunteers for conducting the matches, 10 the Ohio National Guard for hasting lhe matches and co lhe U. S. Army Reserves 881hRegional Suppon Group for providing vital personnel suppon . We hope you will enjoy and cherish lhis repon about your participation in the 2001 National Trophy Pistol and Rifle Matches. The National Matches are a great legacy of American marksmanship and we hope you will return 10 the 2002 National Matches 10 co ntinue 10 build lhis tradition. Sincerely, _s: Gary Anderson DIRECTOROF OVIUAN MA!llCSMANSHIP Gary Anderson Phone: (419) 635-2141 Director of Civilian Marksmanship Fax: (419) 635-2565 Mobile: (419) 23!M 182 [email protected] 2 ,, _.. .... THE NATIONAL MATCHES The National Trophy Rifle and Pistol Matches are the annual national championship in serv ice pistol and serv­ ice rifle marksmanship. The National Trophy Matches were established by federal law in 1903, are still con ­ ducted under the statutory authority of the U. S. Code (§ 40725-40727) and are now governed by the Civilian Marksmanship Program. Shooters from all over the U.S .• civilian and military, test their skills and compete to determine the nation 's best service pistol and rifle shooters. To fulfill the CMP statutory respo nsibility to "instruct citizens in marksmansh ip," the National Trophy Rifle and Pistol Matches are open to all shooters regardless of skill level. Beginners compete and learn while shooting side by side with champions . The tradl· lion of the matches and the competitions for prestigious national trophies celebrate marksmanship excellence and provide incentives to develop individua l marksmanship skills, equipment and a nationa l competition infra­ structure. The CMP National Trophy Rifle and Pistol Matches are conducted in conjunct ion with the NRA Nationa l Rifle and Pistol Championships through a partnership between the CMP and NRA. The Ohio Nationa l Guard and U. S. Army Reserves also provide vital support for the matches. The CMP National Trophy Rifle and Pistol Matches and the NRA National Rifle and Pistol Championships are collective ly called the NATIONAL MATCHES. The Civilian Marksmanship Program published the Official 200 1 National Trophy Matches Results Bulletin as part of its programs to promote competition shooting . Current CMP competition programs include: • Conduct of the National Trophy Pistol and Rifle Matches, in cooperatio n with the NRA Competitions Division. • Publication of CMP Competition Rules to govern the National Trophy Matches and service rifle and service pistol shooting in the U. S. • Publication of U. S. Army Marksmanship Unit Guides on Service Pistol, Service Rifle, International Rifle and International Skeet and Trap. • Production of u. S. Army Marksmans hip Unit Training Videos on Bull's-eye Pistol and High power Service Rifle. • Awarding of Distinguished Rifleman, Distinguished Pistol Shot and Distinguished International Shooters Badges. • Sanctioning of Excellence-In- Competition Matches in service pistol and service rifle. • Sanctioning of Joh n C. Garand Club Matches.
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