Volumes VI, VII, VIII

Volumes VI, VII, VIII

UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 16 Date 08/06/2006 Time 11:11:49 AM S-0864-0003-02-00001 Expanded Number S-0864-0003-02-00001 Title items-in-Public relations files - luncheons, dinners and receptions - Volumes VI, VII, VIII Date Created 15/09/1964 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0864-0003: Public Relations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit ro Hs I uiSiSl^s^ ^™^?^i$N$£.sv"'t*p .^2^ fe$n^ iu$»'A»(aflp(»«; r ; ; ;; l£«'wV $ w "^;%A|«;^^A.. "•'"': •• . *..: h . :• : -•„ . t-. t^J^ifll^- •*'•*"'s ;:'.. f- : -"-'*-v ."-•• >i/:-"M.;.;?:/,^,. .-. •. ••^.,-^v i ¥.^^^m^^i^^i^&n1 f ^ - ^-, ^:^^: -'*••.•":'•; >^^^.T1 L , "-* -;. "'.-v f--ri?t^K^^fkiSL -1"? V'*^,-i,i- -'ir; ^ "' "tf* • , / *& ., ' ' f \ -. •"• •; tV J* E ' -' 3 ) fer-v .^«-^'..l -1v;¥-i '>*•.'• '• ' ,r-. v-, ... ' ;;• • -£••/, ;^-^ - •/ v , . B>^S*^?-.a ; v. ..*•.*-=„(!- »S*-, ': • ?•<• ^ -1 -.•"•' - -5- < f -5,f% f =.- , ' viv i '<-,-?• ^ . ias*isi^i*^i^>^^ x,*^ fr'^C' '••'"'"t .<:\ . .* * ... • "^.--••--.:;"f ^ .' ":^, ^-^' , '• • . •••*''U-: v.-?i ' ••• "• 4 ••-.•^» plifcift*"' ':^^^i^'^^ FUND Mr0 Roberto Iteurtemtte Associate Managing Director OF gSMEML H«£« Hr« 1 V ; I 'ms. I* ittetetoiif :«%• *»i* s¥« Mel, Go mm miss 2f H, 43 8fc« a J, 23 si c, •«!. M»mn« OS Micsisa to tte Grg^n&ia&ta Affair® -. IIWITATIQK- S MR. & MRS. JOSKPH..L^.-MAKKIEWIC2 129 East 71 Street New York 23, N.Y. tel: YU 8-1160 MR. & MRS. ROD SERLING 1490 Monaco Drive Pacific Palisades, Calif, tel: (213) 478-7759 MS. & MRS. HENRY MANCIHI 6290 Sunset Blvd. L,A., Calif. tel: office - (213) HO 6-4269 hotae - (213) CR 5-0669 -?S5ER-SS£LERS MR.AND MRS. PETER SELLERS Brookfield, Elstead Surrey,. England MR. & MRS. STERLING HAYDEN 416 Golden Gate Avenue Belvedere, Calif. tel: (415) 435-4377 37* MR. & MRS. JEFFREY HAYDEN (Eva Marie Saint) 2410 Mande^ville Canyon L. A. 49, Calif. tel: (213) GR 6-2940 MR, & MRS. STEVE LAWRENCE 1 West 81 Street New York, N. Y. tel: TR 7-7066 MR. JAMES SHIGETA 1807 Courtney Avenue L. A., Calif. (213) 876-5726 MR. & MRS, PAT HINGLE 41 Viola Road Suffera, N. Y. ' / MR. & MRS. ROBERT SHAM 301 East 47 Street Hew York, New York tcl: MR. & MRS. BEN GAZZARA 67 Riverside Drive New York, New York tel: SU 7-6507 MR. & MRS. GODFREY CAMBRIDGE (Barbara Ann Tear) 792 Columbus Avenue New York, New York tel: RI 9-4135 MR. & MRS. PERCY RODRIGUEZ 1615 La Salle Villa Jacartier Quebec, Canada tel: MR./& MRS/, 95,59 ITiyfe Dir (213) CR 4-4444 •fcopv•HuSOS!] ..... £ WASHINGTON" MR. & MRS, GEORGE SIDNEY 1140 Tower Road Beverly Hills, Calif, tel: (213) 870-3432 ME. TAD MOSBL 400 Eaat 57 Street New York, New York tel: HA 1-0072 MR. & MRS. BOW MANKIEWICZ 20 Splie Dak Drive East Norwich, L.I. New York tel: (516) WA 2-5035 MR. & MRS.' JOHN GREEN 903 No. Bedford Drive Beverly Hills, Calif, tel: MR. & MRS. EDWARD G. ROBINSON 910 No. Rexford Drive Beverly Hills, Calif, tel: —i,m. WASHINGTON 3WVITATIONS * ;—rT| \ /_L/1. / V / MR. & MRS. ALFRED HITCHCOCK ^5'- Los Angelesf^Calif. tel: (213) BR 0-A818 MRp AND MRS. RICHARD CONDON 35-B-r-Route-d&-3 a Capita 35 B0 Route de la Capita -Gotoguy— Cologny Geneva, Switzerland (Phone 35-98-61} WASHINGTON IITCtTATff /HO^~W I MR. &-MES. TERENCE YOUNG 155 Sloane Street London, S.W.I, England tel: GjFCSWeor 9057 MISS CLAtpIA e/b Mather , ;Y Nomentarnai ' MISS KIM NOVAK Shapperton Studios Chertsey Middlesex, England MR. SIDNEY POITIER Shepperton Studios Chertsey Middlesex,'England MR. & MRS. RICHARD RODGERS 70 East 71 Street New York 21, New York tel: BU 8-9067 e/o 3Qth Century Pox 10201 West Pico Drive tos Angeles 35^ California COPXECRYO Pf J WASHIM^TOM IWTkATIONS jeii MR. 6= MRS. SAM SPIEGEL 475 Park Avenue New York, New York tel: office - MU 8-3672 home - PL 9-7857 MR. & MRS. FHED ZINNEMANN MR0 AM) MRSe FRED ZINHEMAHH 35 Blomfleld Rd0 tondon W 9* England •(Lord© 0433) MR. & MRS. EUGENE BURDICK 791 Santa Barbara Road Berkeley, Calif, tei: (415) 525-5753 MR.X&/MRS 'AT^ EJr/gpat^r Road// ^afi, S^W.JX' .JE«0 r COPV l TELSIM BOARD MR. & MRS/ PAUL G, HOFFMAN 8 Sutton Square New York, New York tel: EL 5-0620 MR. & MRS. ROBERT S. BETJJAMIN bock Lane King's Poiat, L. I. - Naw York tel: MR. & MRS. DONALD L. CLARK 44 Crescent Hill Road Pittsford, New York tel: GENERAL & MRS, ALFRED M. GRUENXHER 4101 Cathedral Avenue N. W. V7ash., D,C, telV (202) 244-7693 MR. ANDREW HEISKELL 5 Tudor City Place New York, Kew York tel: MRS. ALBERT ]>. LASKER 29 Baekmaa Place New York, New York tel: office - YU 6-7110 home - PL 8-1242 MR. & MRS. SOL M. LINQWITZ 25£3 -East Avenue S0chester 10, New York tel: MR. & MRS. JOHN J, MG CLOY I Chass Manhattan. Plaaa New York, New York tel: HA 2-2660 MR. & MRS. FREDERIC; 65 East 90 Street New Yorkj, Hew York tel: TELSUN BOARD (CONT.) MR. & MRS. WILLIAM S. RENCHABD Hegeman's Lane Glen Head, L. I. - New tel: MR.. & MRS. EtJGUENE R. BLACK 178 Columbia Heights Brooklyn., N. Y. 10201 MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH C<, WILf-CK 1550 Clover St. if ' Rochester, N.J, i',1 r (f*V *vv '\ '•' ABC .- ' ' MS. & MBS. LEONARD ;: : 803 This faskway ., '..•• Masuaronack, S. Tt. ; MR. & MRS. THOMAS M30B3S ;''', ••• . 91 Dorchester Road ;:,;V, Darien, Conn. ' ,; MR, & MBS. EDGAR SCHERICK • >i West 72 Street ' . i New York, Sew York : . THEO&OSB '•*-••.• V\\r'«s^'i ':*" j~$.. Ne.? York, Kw Yosrk i' •> i ES. &M1S. ^FSED SCBRBdiK-' •'• .:?* 65 Shore H. Y. 1 V «a. & KRS. 160 East 48 :New York,, New York m. &KSS. SIMM SIEGEI, •••- II Colonel Court ...... .''•''•:* YostkeBa9 N, Y. • .'.. ' :' ESKCK 22 Cheater Uriya. Eye, K. Y. ' '• .He* & Mrs, Jasass Hagerty 7 Ritterahouse '.• ..:•.•-:••'-• ^!^^i^"j'^^fte^ - • - v-v«^ i :«r.f4O ;?.,>! e<-,K v. if ;WS9| $3141 Bfl , , Hfe* Hotel 42 » H««? tork teis HE, U.S. Uslegaeion to the U.N* 799 Hiit:*<i Hatieos'PIasa 79 Strife., tesrlc, Nw' focfe' ' ** 1-L. NBC frMM. »AVID East 71 Street York 21, Hew York tals MR. & MHS. ROBEBS ^ 885 Pa*k Avenue Nesj York, H«s* tell MR. 4 MSS. ROBEBI B. K1HTSSR 817 Fifth Avenue N«H» York* E®» York tat: WASHINGTON INVITATIONS MISCELLANEOUS MR. MARLON BRANDO 12900 Mulhdlland Drive Beverly Hllla, Galif. MRS. ANDRE PREVIK 1454 Stone Canyon Road },.A* 24, MR. FRANK SINATRA c/o Warner Bros. Studio , 4000 Warner Blvd. Burbank, Calif. • . * , Mi!0 arid' Mrs0 Gene Kelly 725 Ho RM«o Drive Beverley liills., California xEfioL ••' '" . >' . •'• ^'n :.-,-.:v! , • '...-Jxcwo COP l opyF • ,-: . ,. ••-;, • •' 5 U TELSUN OFFICE MR. EDGAR ROSENBERG c.d, MR. & KRS. B£& ERICKSON MR-. & MRS. ARTHUR CANTON MR. ROBERT LAWRENCE MR. & MRS. ANTHONY FRAI^fCIOSA 707 No. Arden Drive Beverly Hills, Calif. tel: (213) CR 6-1232 MRS. MILDRED 3iC CARGAR .—-"-^v V- ..•"•[ XERO" OFFICES MR. & MRS. C. P. KG COLOUGH 8 Whitestoae Lane Rochester IS, New York tel: DR. & MRS. JOHN H. BESSAUER 37 Parker Drive Pictsford, N. Y. tel: ^COPVj MR. & MRS. WILL^M 3. PALEY Klluna Farm Manhasset, L.I. - New York Dr. & Mrs. Frank Stanton 5 East 92 Street New York 28, N. Y. Mr. James T. Aubrey, Jr. & Guest 116 Central Park South New York 23, N. Y. Mr. & Mrs. Richard S, Salarit Wing Road New Canaan, Conn. Mr, & Mrs, Fred W; Friendly 4614 Fieldston Road Rlverdale, N. Y. PKIZS Hay Whitney (Herald Tribune) mjS'rfeas Ma r,a alne 163 £. 6.3 Sto i%d1.aort Avenue H.I, Dorothy Schiff «- Mr. and Hraa Rudolf G. Sormeborn Mr. aa. (NT Bast) 133 E0 64 SU (Associated Press) N.I.C. 4 Hook Mo , and Mrs,, Hsnry Mr0 & Mrse A0 Kims Thossason 933 Piffch Aveime United Press lo'.ernational K.I, 20 220 E. 42 St. N.Y.C. Hr. and, Mrs* Boy Larsea Inc.) Mr» & Mrs. D« Kinpton Rogers Fifth ivem« Eeuters '• -I N.r.C. 229 W. 43 St. M.I.C. Mr0 and Mrs, Arthur Hays Sfclaberger (Kt Tiaee) Mr^ & Mrs* J0 Kiogsbujry Smith 1115 Fifth Avenu® Journal Americas S.I. Go 220 South St. Arthtir 1 M.T.C. JJr« & Urs./Oehs Sulaberg«r (MI Tlmee) 1010 Fifth Avenu* Mr, & MrSo P.H, Flymi (DaiiyNofwa) 1180 Ave, of the Americae Mr« and Mrs» Les B. Wood World Telegram & Sun 125 Barclay Stffl H.I.G« ; Richard Mr0 aad Hc/s./E. Berlia (Hearst Gorp,) S35 Fifth Avenue Hrs Hearst 810 Fifth New Tork, Mre and Mrs. L.L* Galloway (Herald Sfewsweek Magaa3jie i63 E* 63 Sfc* Avenue H.T.. 10021 Dorothy Schlff - lip* and Mrs. Rudolf G. J-Sr. and !-frs. Meslej Gallagher (MX Best) 333 E. &4 St. (Associated Press) 4 Hook Ed» f iM.i. 1$?* and Mrs. Jfr» & Mes. A. 13ims Biomason 933 Htffch United Press International H.Y., 23 aao E* 42 st. Ho^ Laraen (Tame lac.) fe, & Sirs. D* E5mp&on Eogers 944 Fifbh Heuters H.T.C* 229 W. 43 St* K.T.G. MP» aad Sfrs* Arthur Hays (JSI Times) Slip, & &!rs* J. Kingsbtu^ Smith 1115 Plf f*h Journal American 220 South Si* Arthur ••„ ' M.Y.C. .!&•*•& !lrs*/0oh@ Sttlsberger (SI Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Treen US Mission to UN Mr* (Baiiy Mews) 1180 xive. of the Araerieas >Ir. aad Mrs* Lee B, World felegraa & Sun -125" Barelajr Sfe* H.Y.C* ' . : • : Richard Mr* aad Mrs,/E* (Hearsi CoiPp*) 83$ Fijffeh Avsaue •& Mni» Randolph Hearst S10 Fifth Mr0 Borden Stevenson and ;-:v".o£t Maria Scheli - Mr, and JITS* Karat llacaler Waldorf Icuer3 809 Heberthal Suite 42-A Bei Wasserberg 50 Sto and Parl: Avenue Irai Obb,, Germany H.Y.C.

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