Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1980 Daily Egyptian 1980 7-18-1980 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 18, 1980 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 64, Issue 181 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, July 18, 1980." (Jul 1980). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1980 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1980 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. (jus 'Daily 'Egyptian 'Bode Friday, July 18, 19ro-Vol. 64, No. 181 Southern Illinois Unilersity ~us says looll on U.e •ri~tbt s1de--the chill yoa get frem your CIPS bill is free. SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM Electric bills Registration Form READ PRNACY ACT S'!ATEMfflriT Ofil AfVlASl PLEASE ,_INT CLEARLY ~ 81AfH 00 NOT WRITE ,,. THI ABOVI SPACI may shock ~~~~~~ ~-...__- _:v~··~__J~-~~·~·~~~-~·•~··~~--·~--'IOC.:::..._ii~l.::..5t_to-'A-Ifji_"o_lil'--'fA::.:_.l..__'--'-=.:...--'-'=----- some people i -__ By Dave Powers Staff Writer Central Illinois Public Service ~.;--- customers depending on air conditioning to beat the heat :R~.. T- MAl~ I~C AOORIU may _be in for an unpleasant surprtse when their electricity bills arrive. llrtum-....ctS"H1 "Customers should prepare li~ Pt:RMA'-E:NT AfStDENCf - for a shock,'' said Allen Booten public affairs represeutative with CIPS's Southern Division. As for estimating just how much of an increase over previous bills customers can expect, Booten said "there are just too many variables" in­ volved to speculate. However, he added that "someone is using a Jot of of electricity" and in- ~.~~b:~ntW~!.l probably be I Booten said demand for I. electricity reached an all-time summer peak Tuesday of mme This is a reproduction of the form wbicb will be 118ed ill registerillg men for tbe draft. than 1.9 million ltilowatt hours up from the record l.S milli..; kilowatt hour peak of July 18. 1974. Last year's consumption peaked at 1.1 millioo kilowatt registration set to start Monday hours on August 9. ~~~!t Just t.w many days al abowe Staff Writer regu~ter w1th. tbe Selective Against Registration and the also a box on the form the too-degree eemperatures lfiU be D aft . f Se_rv1ce IS f1ve years lm- Draft, said the group would iDcluded ia the latest CIFS bill r re~stration or ?»-year- pritlonmeDt and a $10 000 fine .,...,._, tbe repatration from 11 ~registering eaa ched: if wiU van with lacatian, ar­ ~ttiu ;·~~ton Mbeondafay anded Car_la Olkoski, 'district a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday at tbe they want to be contacted by an cordin& to Fred Davis. n y . oU~ exanuner for the Carbondale post off"tee. <;ARD will also armed forces recruiter. supervisor al the CIPS Car­ the week after by regiStration Post Office, said post office out leaflets there for the Garland Booifant, a Selective bondale off"l('e. for 19-year-old m~ at the employees will be unable to two weeks. · =Service spokespersoo. said that Monthly billing is divided into Carbondale Post Off1ce near the answer any questions about . following registration, letters 20 cycles, established by University Mall. registration other than those ~ ~t offi~ .IS ~y m- will be sent to those who geographical location usually All 19-and ~year-olds are questions pertaining on how to vohed wtth distr!buting the registered to verify Ltte in­ based on 30-days of service. required to register or face fill out the ,orms. forms a~ forwa~ng them to fonnation in forms. Davis said that all customers, poss.ible prosecution. The Vickie Rightmyre, a the Selective Servtce. Bonifant said a reply to the . except those included in the maxtmum penalty for failure to spokesperson for the Coalition The registration forms ask letters is not required unless the first five or six billint cycles, date of birth, gender, Social letter contains incorrect in­ will see the heat wave reflected Security number, current and formation. The l-etters will be in this month's bills. permanent address, full name sent within 90 days of Those customers who thought in 'Pocus---- and phone number. There is registration. IConllnued on Page Zl A tornado's cominf! -hide or seek? WTAO radio station withdraws When the sky turns eerie green and the warning sirens blast, what do you d()-5tand there and watch, or run? Local weather from Saluki Sports Action Network and how to seek shelter during ::~ ~:~t!~~~ndorti:::re for the next two vears. WINI in -Paget By Michael Monson 25, Nicholes listed varecha as one of the five partners in the Murphysboro, the only other Staff Writer bidder. offered $23,500 in cash Radio station WTAO of network. Varecha said he decided to and $7,000 in advertising Murphysboro has "resigned credits. from any participation" in the withdraw from the network on Tuesday. but he wouldn't give a Wli'il general mallilger Dale Saluki Sports Action Network, Adkins appealed the Univer­ station general manager Bill reason for the decison. "There are a lot of reasor.s. sity's decision June 26 under Varecba said Wednesday. state bidding and procurement The move leaves the SSAN but I don't want to thMw any stones." Varecha said. It"s procedures. The appeal was without a radio station in the heard Tuesday by SIU.C's chief Carbond&le area to broadcast just my belief that broadcasting Is there any relief in :;ight Saluki sports would not be business officer Robert Gentry. from the heat wave Saluki sports-a violation of He said h~ will make a final University contract beneficial to our station." smothering Southern Olinois'? On Wednesday morning. ruling on WINI's appeal July 22. Weather experts give their specifications. Varecha appeared 011 a talk Mace has said several times opinions on the cause or the "The University's bid that no contract will be signed specifications clearly state that show on Y."T AO callet' "On The continually high tem­ Air" with the show's hosts. until Gentry makes his decision. peratures that have affected there must be a station with a !\lace said Thursday that the grade A signal broadcasting in Tony Esposito and Tim Cawley. everything from TVs to com. and asked for audience feed­ delay is hurting SSA~. Carbondale." George Mace. "I met with several people vice president for university back about having WTAO broadcast SIU.C men's football associated with the network -Page 5 relations. said. "We expect the Wednesday night and they are sucessful·bidder to provide such and basketball games The reaction was uniformly ArP temf'Prs hot flS ti1P U'Ptlther? an outlet." :~t~~~~ ~:!~li ~:r~~ ~ as A class A radio signal is the negative. only seven weeks away and the strongest class&fication ·•uve" Earl Jive. a disc owners are having real trouble Do tempers narl' with the rising heat" A child abuse expert available and is used in a major jockey and program director at says yes. but some psychologists say that when thP. mercury lining up advertising. That will :-;ized market. Paul Williams, au ;!-,.; station. said that the call-in probably contmue until we sign rises too far. "it"s JUSt too hot to fight.·· engineer at WEBQ in program "reinforced doubts we -Page 7 a contract.'' Harrisburg. said. were already ha~:ing about A potential solution to the loss Mackie 1\icholes, owner of joining the network." of WTAO would be fo:- radio WEBQ and spokesman for The withdraw! of \\"TAO is yet station WSIU-F:\1 to carry the --weekend weather---- SSA::'Ii. declined comment on the games. t:nder University new developments. except to another blow to the nedgling Forecasts call for mostly swmy skies. continued hot and SS.o\N. The uetwork was contract specifications. SSA:"l say that he was compl>?tely must provide tht! University humtd conditions with a chance of afternoon and evening unaware of WTAO's with· awart!ed exclusive SIU·C showers Sunday. Temperatures will range from highs near llO broa1lcast1ng rights on June 25 with a free feed of all Saluki drawal. In a letter published in IContinued on Page> !l durmg the day to lows in the upper 70s at mght. the Southern lllinoisan on June after submitting a bid of $30.000 u;c seis· two· meetin'gs for athletics discussion By Jacqlli K08zc:ruk solicit constructive suggestions S&aff Writer that relate to increasing . at­ Intercollegiate Athletics tendance at athletic events, CGmmittee members plan next incn;asing funding, . and im­ week to listen to anyone who proVlng the program s Image. wants to offer suggestions for The committee will stu.fy itrproving intercollegiate results of the discussions July 25 athletics fund raisers, at­ at its scheduled meeting. teodance, and even for the "Depending on what the program's image. responses are. the next thing we Tuesday is the £irst day h:tve to decide is who can im­ schedulec:! that the committee plement a suggestion." Friend ..,m boid thE public discussions said. She speculated that most of athletics. said Chairperson suggestions would not be ones Shirley Friend. and more the lAC could act on. but said meetings will follow if the first that the committee could pass is successful. them on to others. In order to accommodate For example, some ideas S&aff Photo by Bn!llt Cramer people affiliated with the might entail mvolvement from CIPS spokesmen say their customers can exped an increase iD bills due to the beat wave. University as well a~ <.~thers who outside the University, Friend live and work off campus, the said.
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