/E/35 Anna/s of the History of Computing, Volume 18, 1996, Subject/Title Index A Aspray, William (Bill), No. 2, 6, 27 Brown, Gordon, No. I, 18; No. 4, Church, Alonzo (obit.), No. I, 68 Abacus, No. 1, 5 Association for Computing Ma- 37 Clapp, Judy, No. 3,37 Abramowitz, Milton, No. 3, 29 chinery (ACM), No. I, 68 Bullard and Moon machine, No. 4, Clark, Wesley, No. 2, 45, 60 ACF Electronics, No. 2,46 AT&T, No. 2, 35, 36 Cobb, Dick, No. 2,59,69, Ackoff, Russell L., No. 2, 68 Atanasoff, John Vincent, No. /, 7, Bullard, Edward, No. 4, 7 Cobol, No. 2, 71, 74 Ada Byron (Lady Lovelace), No. 3, 17; No. 2,60; No. 3,75 Bureau of Standards, No. 2, 10 Code-breaking equipment, No. 2, Atanasoff-Berry Computer, No. 1, Bureau of the Census, No. 2,9, 11 10 Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace, an 18; No. 2, 79 Burks, Arthur, No. I, 8, 22, 49, 52 Cohen, Gerry, No. 2, 69 Analyst and Metaphysician, Atlas computer, ERA, No. 2, 12 Burns, Coral, No. 4, 65 Collection Seeks Home, No. I, 64 No. 3,4 ATM, No. 2, 24 Burroughs computers No. 2, 14, 15, Colossus Rebuild Project, No. 4, Adams, Bill, No. 1, 71 Atomic Energy Commission, No. 2, 17, 19, 46 68 Adams, Duane, No. 2,48 32 Bush, Vannevar, No. I, 5, 7, 18; Colossus, No. 2, 79, 80 Advanced Information Systems, Auerbach Corporation, No. 2, 69 No. 4, S-15, 49 Columbia University, No. 2, 47 No. 2, 74 Augarten, Stan, Bit by Bit, No. 2, Busicom, No. I, 63 Commercial Applications of the AFOSR, No. 2,46 57 Byron, Ada, No. 3, 4 Digital Computer in American Aiken Computational Laboratory, B C Corporations, 1945-1995, No. No. 2,43 Babbage Charles, Difference en- C-10 Language, No. 3,31 2, 18 Aiken, Howard, No. 1, 6, 67; No. 2, gine, No. 2, 79; No. 4, 65 CAD/CAM, No. 2,20,23,26 Compiler technology, No. 2, 59 32,55,56 Babbage, Charles, No. I, 5, 21; No. Cadwell, Sam, No. 4, 34 Compuserve Information Services, Air Force Cambridge Research 2, 56, 58, 61, 77; No. 3, 6; No. 4, Cahn, Ruth Haueter, No. 3, 29, 33 No. I, 59 Laboratories. No. 2, 43 65 Calculating Machines, role of, No. Computer Conservation Society, Air Force Office for Scientific Backus, John, No. 2, 13,56, 59 4, 12 No. 3,74 Research (AFOSR), No. 2, 44 Balistics Research Laboratory, No. Caldwell, Hester, No. I, 8 Computer History Association of Air Force Scientific Advisorv I, 7, 19; No. 3, 14, 17, 26 Caltech, No. 2, 45,48 California, newsletter, No. I, 64 Board, No. 2,44 BARK computer, No. 4, 29, 30 Campbell, Betty, No. 2, 80; No. 3, 3 Computer Industry, customers, Alex Brown and Sons, No. 2,72 Barney, Smith, No. 2, 73 Campbell-Kelly, Ma&n, No. 2, 60 suppliers, technology, No. 2, 7 Allen Bradley, No. 2,74 Batch systems, No. 2, 22 Camras, Marvin (obit.), No. 3, 61 Computer Museum, The, No. I, Allison, David, No. 1, 62; No. 2, 40 Bauer, Walter F., No. 2, 76 Canadian Information Processing 64 Amarel, Saul (fig.), No. 2, 47; No. Baxter, Assistant Attorney General, Society, No. J, 73 Computer Museum, No. 2,62 2,47,50 No. 2, 36 Canning, Richard G., No. 2, 67, 68 Computer Research Corporation Amble, Ole, No. 4, 21 Becker, Joseph (obit.), No. 3, 62 Canning, Sisson and Associates (CRC), No. 2, 14, 15, 67, 68 Amdahl Corporation, No. 2, 17 Before 2001, There Was HAL’s (CS&A), No. 2,68 Computer Science, milestones, No. American Airlines SABRE System, Birthday, No. I, 66 Cannon, Edward, No. 3, 34 2, 58 No. I, 58 Behavioral Sciences Office, No. 2, Cape Cod System, No. 3, 37 Computer Usage Corporation, No. American Computer Museum, No. 45 Card Programmed Electronic Cal- 2, 73 3, 76 Bell Laboratories, No. 2, 34,47 culator (CPC), No. 2, 7 Computer, early departments, No. American Federation of Informa- Bell Relay Computer, No. 3, 26 Carlson, Walter, No. 2, 54 2, 7 tion Processmg Societies Bennett, John M. , No. 3, 63, 66 Carlstrom, David, No. 2, 48 Computer-Assisted problem Solv- (AFIPS), No. 2,54 Berkeley University, No. 2,48 Carnegie Mellon University ing, No. 3, 13 Analog-Digital comparison, No. 4, Berkelev, Edmund, Comouters and (CMU), No. 2,45, 47, 48 Computers vs. the Human Race, 36, 42-48 Automation (C&A), No. 2, 68 Carter, Jimmy, No. 2, 36 No. 4, 60 Analytical Engine, No. 3, 8 Bernoulli Numbers, No. 3, 9 CDC 1604 computer, No. 2, 16, 70 Computerworld Smithsonian Analytical Engine, The, No. I, 64 Berry, Clifford, No. I, 7; No. 3, 75 Celebrating the Birth of Modern Awards, 1989-1994, The, No. I, Annals Home Page, No. 1, 66 Berry, Mr., No. 4, 65 Computing: The Fiftieth Anni- 56 Another Difference Engine, or BESK computer, No. 4, 29, 30 versary of a Discovery at the Computing at the University of Who Was Berry?, No. 4,65 Betts, Austin W., No. 2,41 Moore School of Engineering Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Anthropomorphic terms, No. I, 54 Bilas @pence), Frances, No. I, 8, of the University of Pennsylva- No. 1, 64 Antitrust Division of the Justice 18; No. 3, 23 nia, No. 1, 5 Computing History Web Pages Department, No. 2, 30 Billings, John Shaw, No. I, 5 Census Bureaus, No. 2,60 Available, No. J, 65 Antonelli, Kathleen McNulty BIZMARC, No. 2, 16 Cerf, Vinton, No. 2, 48 Computing Technologies, Emer- Mauchly, No. 3, 16 Blanch, Gertrude, No. 3, 29, 30 Chalmers University, Sweden, No. gence of, No. 1, 52 Apple Computer, No. 2, 30, 37 Bletchley Park-1995, No. 2, 79 4, 27-33 Comrie, L. J., No. I, 53; No. 4, 10 Applied Mathematics Executive Bloch, Erich, No. I, 58 Chamber, Carl C., Nrl. I, 8, 53 Conditional branch instruction, No. Council, No. 3, 3 1 BLS, No. 2, 23, 24 Changing Computing: The Com- 1, 17, 21 Armer, Paul, No. 2, 63-66 Blue, Allan, No. 2, 46, 48 puting Community and CONSCO Enterprises Inc., No. 2, Army Tactical Operations Center Boeing, No. 2, 19 DARPA, No. 2,40 69 (ARTOC), No. 2,68 Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN), Charles Babbage and the Anglo- Consolidated Engineering Corpo- Aronian, Leo, No. 2, 64 No. 2, 43, 44,47 American Copyright Dispute, ration, No. 2, 14 ARPNET, No. 2, 41, 43, 46, 47, 49, Bomb sights, No. 4, 30 No. 3, 56 Constant transmission, (ENIAC) 50 Borg, Anita, No. 3,40 Charles Babbage Institute, No. 2, No. I, 10 Artificial Intelligence - General Bosak, Bob, No. 2,64 62 Constructions of Gender in the Problem Solver (GPS), ELIZA, Brainerd, John Grist, No. J, 7 Charp, Sylvia, No. 2, 69 History of Artificial Intelli- DENDRAL, No. 2,58 Brief History of the Japanese Chedaker, Joseph, No. I, 8, 49; No. gence, No. 3,47 Artificial intelligence (Al), No. 2, Computer Industry Before 3, 14 Come, Samuel D., No. I, 80 48 1985, A, No. I, 76 Chervin, Robert, No. I, 58 Control Data 6600 supercomputer, As the Twig Is Bent: The Early BRLESC No. I, No. 3, 15 Chess Championship, No. 1, 73 No. 2, 16, 72 Life of John Mauchly, No. I, 45 Brown, Alex, No. 2, 72 Chiappinelli, Bruno, No. 2, 68 Cooper, Robert S., No. 2,41, 50 ASCC, No. 2, 13 Chu, Chuan, No. I, 8,49 Cortada, James, No. 2, 6 16 l IEEEAnnals of the History of Computing, Vol. 18, No. 4, 1996 Counters, No. I, 12 E Federal Communications Commis- Goldstine, Herman, No. 1, 7; No. 2, Courant, No. 3, 31 E-101 computer, No. 2, 15 sion (FCC), No. 2, 30, 35 f.0 CPC, No. 2, 14 Early Analog Computers in Swe- Federal Express, No. I, 60 Go rella, Tito, No. 4, 6 Cray Seymour R., No. I, 58; No. 2, den-With Examples From Fermi, Enrico, No. 1, 9 Gomella integrators, No. 4, 23 16 Chalmers University of Tech- Ferranti Mkl, No. 3, 64 GolId, I.J., No. 4, 66 Creating the Computer Industry, nology and the Swedish Aero- Ferranti Recollections (1950- Go!;den, John, No. 2, 69 No. 2, 7 space Industry, No. 4,27 1955), No. 3, 63 Go1.0, Eiichi, No. 1, 77 Cracker, Stephen, No. 2, 48 Eckert, J. Presper (fig.), No. I Ferrite-core memory, No. 2, 11 Grant, G. B., No. 1, 5 Crosby, Kip: No. I, 65 (entire issue); No. 2, 8, 11, 31, FERUT, No. I,71 Greene, Jay, No. 2,68 Crowley, Cdr. Tom, No. 2, 80 59,60, 71, 78; No. 3, 27, 32 Fidelity Investments, No. I, 59 Greenwald, Sid, No. 3, 33 CRT display, No. 2, 13 Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corpo- Fifth Generation Computer Pro- Greif, Irene, No. 3, 40 CSIRAC, No. 3,68 ration (EMCC), No. 2, 11 gram, No. 1, 79, No. 2, 50 Grlev Walter’s Tortoise, No. 1, 65 Cummings, James, No. 1, 8, 49 EDA Electronic Differential Ana- 50 Years After Breaking the Grosch, Herb (fig.), No. 2, 63-66 Cyc, No. 3, 47, 50 lyzer, No. 4, 30 Codes: A Disclaimer, No. 4, 65 Grosch, Herb, No. 4, 61 D EDSAC, No. 1, 9, 52; No. 2, 8; No. First Draft of a Report on the ED- Grosch, Herbert, No. 1, 70 DARPA, No. 2,40,42,44-51 3, 61, 68 VAC, No. 2,8, 11 Grosch Claims Title of “Oldest Data Processing Digest (DPD), No. EDVAC, Draft Report on, No.
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