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INDEX Abreu, B. E., Richards, A. B., Weaver, L. Azide, effect of, on carotid chemoreceptor C., Burch, G. R., Bunde, C. A., Bock- activity, 46 stahler, E. R., and Wright, D. L. Pharmacologic properties of 4-alkoxy- BAL, see Dimercaprol $-(1-piperidyl)propiophenones, 419 Barbiturates, effect on actions of, of several Acetazoleamide, anticonvulsant potency in analgetic agents, 21 mice, and mechanism, 251 Barbituric acid: 5-ethyl,5(1-methyl,2- Acheson, G. H., see Kahn, J. B., Jr., 305 carboxyethyl), determination in urine, Adrenal cortex, effect of DDD derivatives metabolite of butabarbital, 275 on, 408 5-ethyl,5(1-methyl, 2-carboxyethyl), Adrenal gland, ascorbic acid, and thyroid, ethyl ester derivative, 275 144 Barsoum, H. Colchicine and spermatogene- Adrenergic blockade, effect on responses to sis, 319 sympathomimetic amines, 323 Bass, A. D., see Diermeier, H. F., 240 Agarwal, S. L., see Timiras, P. 5., 154 Benzoquinonium, substitution in, and ac- Alcohol, see Ethanol tivity of, 106 Alloxan, effect on liver DNA, 240 Bergner, A. D., see Murtha, E. F., 291 Alseroxylon, vasomotor effects, 464 Bhargava, K. P., and Borison, H. L. Effects Ammonium chloride, anticonvulsant po- of Rauwolfia alkaloids on hypothalamic, tency in mice, 251 medullary and spinal vasoregulatory Amphetamine, effects upon tracking be- systems, 464 havior, 480 Bioassay, of reserpine, pigeon emesis, 55 Anderson, H. L., Jr., see Ellis, 5., 120 Bockstahler, E. R., see Abreu, B. E., 419 Anesthetics, effects of on myocardium, 206 Borison, H. L., see Bbargava, K. P., 464 general, hydroxydione, 432 Boxill, G. C., and Brown, R. V. Blood pres- local, series of diamino propionic acid sure responses to epinephrine in dogs anilides, 246 with certain humoral backgrounds, I Anhydrochiortetracycline, effect of Brain stem, arousal, drugs on, 449 metallic cations on, 61 Brill, I. C., see Lahti, R. E., 268 Anilides, diamino propionic acid, as local Brodie, B. B., see Fouts, J. R., 68 anesthetics, 246 Brown, B., Schaffarzick, R. W., and Dreis- Anticholinesterase agents, bis-quaternary bach, R. H. Anticonvulsant properties oxamides, 185 of certain secondary and tertiary alco- Anticonvulsant drugs, carbinols as, 230 hols, 230 see Nikethamide Brown, R. V., see Boxill, G. C., 1 Arnold, A., see Lands, A. M., 185 Bunde, C. A., see Abreu, B. E., 419 Arora, S. B., and Sharma, V. N. Local anes- Burch, G. R., see Abreu, B. E., 419 thetic and pharmacologic properties of Butabarbit.al, determination in plasma and 4n-butoxy fl-(1-piperidyl)propiophenone urine, 275 HC1 and -diethylaminoethyl p-n- metabolic fate in (logs, and rate of metab- hexyloxybenzilate HC1, 413 olism, 275 Atropine, metabolism of, in mice, 217 Butisol, see Butaharbital radioactive, 217 Cafruny, E. J., Farah, A., and Di Stefano, Aviado, D. M., Jr., Cerletti, A., Li, T. H., H. S. Effects of the mercurial diuretic, and Schmidt, C. F. Activation of mersalyl, on protein-bound sulfhydryl carotid sinus pressoreceptors and intra- groups in the cytoplasm of rat kidney cranial receptors by veratridine and cells, 390 potassium, 329 Carbinols, as anticonvulsants, 230 Axelrod, J. Enzymatic conversion of codeine Carbonic anhydrase, effect of acetazole- to morphine, 259 amide, and other depressants, 251 485 486 INDEX Cardiac function, effects of anesthetics on, Digitoxin, metabolic fate, 371 206 Dimercaprol, on ventricular muscle, 300 measurement of, 199 Diphenhydramine, effects upon tracking Cardiac glycosides, see Digitoxin behavior, 480 Cardiac muscle, effect of diphenylhydantoin Diphenylhydantoin, effect on brain car- on electrolytes, 74 bonic anhydrase, 74 Cardiac pharmacology, impulse origination effect on electrolyte changes following in rabbit atria, 283 maximal electroshock seizures, 74 Carotid chemoreceptors, effect on, of vari- effect on electroshock seizure threshold, ous compounds, 46 74 Cations, transfer in red cells, 305 effect on radiosodium distribution, 74 Cerebral cortex, effect of diphenylhydan- effect on tissue electrolytes, 74 tom on electrolytes, 74 Di Stefano, H. S., see Cafruny, E. J., 390 influence of Metrazol and thiosemicarb- see Diermeier, H. F., 240 azide on electrical activity of isolated, Domino, E. F. Pharmacological analysis of 28 the functional relationship between the Cerletti, A., see Aviado, D. M., Jr., 329 brain stem arousal and diffuse thalamic Chemoreceptors, carotid. effect on, of vari- projection systems, 449 ous drugs, 46 Dontas, A. S. Effects of energy donors, Chlorisondamine dimethochloride, as metabolic inhibitors and substrates on ganglionic blocking agent, 172 carotid chemoreceptor activity, 46 Cholinesterase, inhibition of, by bis-quater- Dreisbach, R. H., see Brown, B., 230 nary oxamides, 185 Dyclonine, pharmacology of, 419 Chumakow, N., see Walkenstein, S., S., 16 Codeine, enzymatic conversion to mor- Earl, A. E., Winters, R. L., and Schneider, phine, 259 C. M. Assay of reserpine based on eme- Colchicine, on spermatogenesis, 319 sis in pigeons, 55 Competence index, significance of, 199 see Plummer, A. J., 172 Cooper, T. W., see Walters, P. A., Jr., 323 Edberg, L. J., see Murtha, E. F., 291 Curare -like action, see Benzoquinonium, Electroshock seizure, maximal, effect of 106 acetazoleamide, 251 Curry, J. H., Jr., see Okita, G. T., 371 threshold, effect of diphenyihydantoin, 74 Cyanide, effect of, on carotid chemoreceptor threshold, effect of hyponatremia, 74 activity, 46 Ellis, S., Davis, A. H., and Anderson, H. L., Cyclizine, effects upon tracking behavior, Jr. Effects of epinephrine and related 480 amines on contraction and glycogenoly- Cyclopropane, on myocardial function, 206 sis of the rat’s diaphragm, 120 Cvsteine, on ventricular muscle, 300 Emesis, in pigeon, as assay for reserpine, 55 Davis, A. H., see Ellis, S., 120 Ephedrine, contraction and glycogenolysis, DDD, effect. of derivatives on adrenal cor- rat diaphragm, 120 tex, 408 Epinephrine, blood pressure responses to, Denison, A. B., Jr., see Walters, P. A., Jr., influenced by hormones, 1 323 contraction and glycogenolysis, rat dia- Dews, P. B. Studies on behavior. II. Ef- phragm, 120 fects of pentobarbital methampheta- responses to, in vascular beds, effects on mine and scopolamine on performances of adrenergic block, 323 in pigeons involving discriminations, Erythrocytes, cation transfer in, effect on, 380 of glycosides and lactones, 305 Diamox, see Acetazoleamide Estrogens, and uterine permeability, 442 Diermeier, H. F., Di Stefano, H. S., and Ethanol, metabolism in rat, 360 Bass, A. D. Effect of alloxan on liver DNA of the rat, 240 Ether, diethyl, effects of, on brain mech- 3-Diethylaminoethyl p-n-hexyloxyhenzilate anisms, 449 HC1, pharmacology of, 413 diethyl, on myocardial function, 206 INDEX 487 F:i mb , .. , see Cafruny , F . J . , 390 Hexabarbital, see Barbiturates Fatigue, effects of analeptic drugs upon, 480 Hoppe, J. 0., Funnell, J. E., and Lape, H. Finnegan, J. K., see Larson, P. S., 408 Effects of structural variation in the Iouts, J. R., and Brodie, B. B. Inhibition quaternary nitrogen centers of benzo. of drug metabolic pathways by the quinonium chloride upon neuromuscu- potentiating agent 2, 4-dichloro-6-phen- lar blocking activity, 106 ylphenoxyethyl diethylamine, 68 Howard, J. W., see Lands, A. M., 185 Funnell, J. E., see Hoppe, J. 0., 106 Hutcheon, D. E., see P’an, S. V., 432 Fujimori, H., see Garb, S., 300 Hydroxydione, anesthetic action of, 432 Hypoglycemia produced by mesoxalate, 343 Gahourel, J. D., see Gossehin, R. E., 217 Hypothalamus, effects on, of Rauwoifia, 464 Ganglionic blockade, by chlorisondamine dimet.hochloride, 172 Insulin liberation by mesoxalate, 343 Garb, S., Scriabine, A., Penna, M., and Isobol, of nikethamide-phenoharbital com- Fujimori, H. Effects of reduced glu- binations, 6 tathione and related substances on the Isoproterenol, contraction and glycogenoly- threshold of irritability of mammalian sis, rat diaphragm, 120 ventricular muscle, 300 responses to, in vascular beds, effects on, Gardocki, J. F., see P’an, S. Y., 432 of adrenergic block, 323 Geiling, E. M. K., see Okita, G. T., 371 Gilfoil, T. M., see Miller, J. W., 350 Kahn, J. B., Jr., and Acheson, G. H. Ef- Glassman, J. M., and Seifter, J. Effects of fects of cardiac glycosides and other analgesic agents on barbiturate re- lactones, and of certain other com- sponses in mice, 21 pounds, on cation transfer in human Glucuronic acid, determination in urine erythrocytes, 305 aft.e r administration of hutabarbital, Kalman, S. M. Some studies on estrogens 275 and uterine permeability, 442 Glutathione, on ventricular muscle, 300 Kaiser, S. C., see Gosseiin, R. E., 217 Glycine, on ventricular muscle, 300 Karczmar, A. G., see Lands, A. M., 185 Glycogenolysis, effect of sympathomimetic Keasling, H. H., see Vim, G. K. W., 96 amines, 120 Kelly, J. M., see Numerof, P., 427 Glycosides, cardiac, see Digitoxin Kidney-SH groups and mercurial diuresis, effect of, on cation transfer, in red cells, 390 305 Kobayashi, Y., and Ohashi, S. Hypogly- Goodman, L. S., see Millichap, J. G., 251 cemic effect of mesoxalate produced by Gordon, M., see Numerof, P., 427 infusion into pancreatic circulation in Gosselin, H. E., Gahourel, .1. D., Kaiser, the dog, 343 S. C., and Wills, J. H. Metabolism of Kodet, M. J., see P’an, S. V., 432 C’4-labeled atropine and tropic acid in mice, 217 Lactones, effect of, on cation transfer, in red cells, 305 ---, and Megirian, R. Influence of chain length on the metabolic fate of con- Lahti, R. E., Brill, I. C., and McCawley, densed phosphates, 402 E. L. Effect of methoxamine hydro- Green, H. D., see Walters, P. A., Jr., 323 chloride (Vasoxyl) on cardiac rhythm, Gross, E. G., see Vim, G. K. W., 96 268 Lands, A. M., Karczmar, A. G., Howard, haag, H. B., see Larson, P. S., 408 J. W., and Arnold, A. An evaluation of Heart muscle, glutathione on threshold of the pharmacologic actions of some his- irritability, 300 quaternary salts of basically substi- Helrich. M., see Price, H. L., 199, 206 tuted oxamides (WIN 8077 and ana- hlemiacetals, quaternary ammonium salts logs), 185 of as respiratory paralyzants, 127 Lape, H., see Hoppe, J. 0., 106 “Hemicholiniums”, a new group of respira- Larson, P.
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