סדור לב שלם Festivals Assembly Siddur and Lev Shalem Rabbinical Shabbat לשבת ויום טוב the for for shabbat by & fEstIVaLs 2016 Shalem © Lev Siddur Copyright the rabbinical assembly Copyright © 2016 by The Rabbinical Assembly, Inc. First edition. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form The Siddur Lev Shalem Committee or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, except Rabbi Edward Feld, Senior Editor and Chair for brief passages in connection with a critical review, without permission in writing from: Rabbi Jan Uhrbach, Associate Editor The Rabbinical Assembly Rabbi David M. Ackerman 3080 Broadway New York, NY 10027 Ḥazzan Joanna Dulkin www.rabbinicalassembly.org Rabbi Amy Wallk Katz Permissions and copyrights for quoted materials may be found on pages 463–465. Festivals Rabbi Cantor Lilly Kaufman Assembly isbn: 978-0-916219-64-2 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available. Rabbi Alan Lettofsky and Rabbi Robert Scheinberg Designed, composed, and produced by Scott-Martin Kosofsky at The Philidor Company, Rabbi Carol Levithan, ex officio Rhinebeck, New York. www.philidor.com Rabbinical The principal Hebrew type, Milon (here in its second and third Rabbi Julie Schonfeld, ex officio Shabbat iterations), was designed and made by Scott-Martin Kosofsky; it was inspired by the work of Henri Friedlaender. The principal the roman and italic is Rongel, by Mário Feliciano; the sans serif for is Cronos, by Robert Slimbach. The Hebrew sans serif is Myriad by Hebrew, by Robert Slimbach with Scott-Martin Kosofsky. Printed and bound by LSC Communications, 2016 Crawfordsville, Indiana. Shalem © Fourth Printing Lev 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Siddur Copyright תפילות חול Weekday Services ערבית לחול 264 Weekday Evening Service for the Conclusion of Shabbat or a Festival קריאת שמע וברכותיה 264 The Sh’ma and Its Blessings Festivals Assembly תפילת העמידה 270 The Amidah and סיום התפילה 281 Concluding Prayers הבדלה 283 Rabbinical Havdalah Shabbat the קידוש לבנה 286 for Blessing of the New Moon by מנחה לחול 289 Weekday Afternoon Service Before Shabbat or a Festival 2016 Shalem © תפילת העמידה 291 The Amidah Lev Siddur Copyright 263 weekday services ערבית לחול The Weekday Evening Service The weekday evening והַוּא רחוּםיַכֵפּרָ עֺון וַֹלא יְשִׁחית, וִהְרָבּה לָהִשׁיַב אפּוֹ Prayer Bar’khu: The Call to Worship Together service, Arvit (also called The twentieth-century Maariv), consists of the וָֹלא יִעירׇ כֲּל־חָמתוֹ. יה ִֽוה ה הוֹשָׁיעַה,ֶֽמֶּלְַך יֲע ֵֽננוּ ביׇוֹם קְר ֵֽאנוּ. ;God is compassionate and will wipe away sin, not wreak destruction Jewish philosopher Franz recitation of the Sh’ma Rosenzweig remarked for again and again God acts with restraint, refusing to let rage become The following is recited when a minyan is present. We rise. and its blessings, as well as that we are not praying all-consuming. Adonai help us—surely our sovereign will answer us as Leader: the weekday Amidah, the for God to change the in the hour of our calling. silent prayer. At the end of Shabbat or a festival, it ָ בּרכוּ ֶאת־יהַוה ֹהמבָרְך. ,order of nature; rather what we pray for is The following is recited when a minyan is present. We rise. also includes Havdalah, a that, as we go out to the Congregation, then the leader repeats: Leader: ceremony marking the con- .clusion of the holy day & ּבָ רּוְך יהוה הַמ ֹברָ ְך לעֹולָ ם וָעֶ ד. -world, we may experi ence God’s love. Praise ADONAI, to whom all praise is directed. We are seated. God is compassionate . The Great Silence Congregation, then the leader repeats: adonai, help us .וְ ה וּו ַא רח וּום . יהוה ה ֹו שׁ ִֽ �י עָ ה .In the Sinai Desert, on a % Praise ADONAI, to whom all praise is directed forever and ever Festivals Psalms 78:38 and 20:10. To ּבָ רּוְך אַּתָ ה א יהֱוהֵֹֽלהינוּ ֶֽ מֶלְָך העוֹלָ ם, cloud of granite Barukh Adonai ha-m’vorakh l’olam va-ed. Assembly Sculpted by the Genesis- be human is to be fallible— to have made mistakes, to ֲא ֶ שׁר ִ בְּדָברוֹ ַמֲעִריֲב עָרִבים, בׇּחְכָמה פּוֹ ֵֽתַח שָׁעִרים, .night, We are seated allow base emotions to rule וּ ִבְתבוּ ָנה מ ַ שׁ ֶּנִהעִּתים, וּ ַמֲח ִלֶיףאתַ־הּזַמִּנים, Hewn of black flame and facing the Red Sea, us some of the time—even I saw the Great Silence. The Coming of Evening Light if all the while we strive to do what is right. We seek to וּ ְמַסֵּדרֶאתַ־הכּוֹ ָכִבים בִּמ ְ שׁמרוֹ ֵתֶיהם ָ בָּר ִֽקַיע ִ כְּרצוֹנוֹ. approach God in innocence בּוֵֹרא יוֹם וָלָֽיְלָ ה, ּגוֹלֵ ל אוֹ רִמ פֵּנֽי ֹח ֶ שְׁך, ֹוֽח ֶ שְִׁך מ פּנֵ י אוֹר. ,The Great Silence Barukh atah ADONAI, our God, sovereign of time and space Sifts the secrets of the whose word brings the evening dusk, whose wisdom opens the Rabbinical and so we ask that our ,transgressions be forgiven ◀ וּ ַמֲעִביר יוֹם וּ ֵֽמִב ָֽיא לְיָלה, וּ ַמְבִּדיל ֵ בּין יוֹם וּ ֵבי ָֽן לְיָלה, .night Unmoving, its thin flour gates of dawn, whose understanding changes the day’s Shabbat that our prayers may be יהוה צָבאוֹת שׁמוֹ אַל ֵ. חי וַקָּים, ָּתִמידִ יְמֹלְָך ע ֵֽלינוּ the falls on my brows. division, whose will sets the succession of seasons and received as the heartfelt .offerings of the pure soul ל עוֹ ָלָם וֶעד. ָ בּרוּ ְַךאָּתה יהַוה, ה ַ מֲּעִריֲב עָרִבים. Silently, whispering, arranges the stars in their places in the sky, who creates for I ask the Great Silence, by ָ וּ�רְ כ וּו אֶ ת ־ If I could I would ask day and night, who rolls light before darkness and darkness Praise adonai Public prayer begins .יהוה אַהֲבַ ת עֹולָ ם ֵ בּ יִתיְׂשָרֵאַל ע ָָךמּ א ָֽהְבָּת, more silently: from light, ▶ who makes day pass into night, who disting uishes How many stars did you with a call and response. It day from night; Adonai Tz’va·ot is Your name. Living 2016 is as if the leader asks, “Are ּתוָֹרה וּ ִמְצֺו ֻת, חִּקים וּ ִמ ְשׁ ָ פִּטים אוֹ ָֽתנוּ לִ ַֽ מְּדָּת. count Since your beginning, and ever-present God, may Your rule be with us, forever and Shalem you ready to pray?” and ַעל ֵן כּ א יהֱוהֵֹֽלהינוּ, בּ ׇ שְׁכ ֵֽבנוּ וּ ְבקוּ ֵֽמנוּ ָ נִֽׂש ַיח ֻח בֶּּֽקיָך, © since your hovering ever. Barukh atah ADONAI, who brings each evening’s dusk. the congregation responds, steady “Yes, we are ready.” וִנְׂשַמח בִּדְבֵרי תוָֹר ֶֽתָך וּ ְבִמְצֺו ֶֽתיָך לעוֹ ָלָם וֶעד. Lev Over the Genesis-night who rolls light before וּ� ֹו ֵלל א ֹו ִר וְּ מ�נֵ י darkness ִ כּ ֵי הַםחֵּֽיינוּ ו ֽ ֹאֶרְָך י ֵֽמינוּ, וּ ָבֶהֶםנְהֶּגה יוֹ ָמָם ולָֽיְלָ ה, facing the Red Sea? Torah and God’s Love ְ -Seen through a reli . חֽ ֹ שׁ ֶ �ך ◀ ֲ וַאה ָבתַָך אָל ּתִסירִמ ֶֽ מּּנוּ ל עוֹ ָלִמים. And the Great Silence With timeless love, You have loved Your people, the house of replies: gious lens, every change in nature is remarkable—each ָ בּרוּ ְַךאָּתה יהוה, אוֹ ֵהַב עמּוֹ ִ יְׂשָרֵאל. When I shall count it Israel: You have taught us Torah and mitzvot, statutes and laws. Siddur Copyright all— Therefore, ADONAI our God, as we lie down and as we rise day and night, each season. From nothing to the very up, we shall speak of Your laws, rejoicing in the words of Your The ideal of a religious first thing, consciousness is to see each Then, son of man, I shall Torah and in Your mitzvot forever and ever. For they are our life of these moments afresh. tell you first. and the fullness of our days, and on them we shall meditate day Torah and God’s Love. —abraham Sutzkever and night. ▶ Do not ever withdraw Your love from us. The religious life, with its (translated by Barbara and Barukh atah ADONAI, who loves the people Israel. mitzvot, is seen not as a Benjamin Harshav) burden but rather as a gift. 264 ערבית לחול · קריאת שמע וברכותיה weekday · evening service · sh’ma and its blessings 264 . שׁ ְ �ַמֶע . אָחד Final Notations hear . one The biblical paragraph that קִרַיאת שַׁמע Recitation of the Sh’ma it will not be simple, it will In the absence of a minyan, we add the following: ְ follows instructs us: “speak . אֵ ל מֶ ֽ ֶ ל ך ֶ נ אֱ מָ ן :not be long In the absence of a minyan, we add the following God is a faithful sovereign. of them . when you lie it will take little time, it down, and when you rise will take all your thought up.” The ancient rabbis שַׁ֖מִע יְׂשָר ֵ֑אל יה֥וֱה א ֵֹ֖להינוּ יה֥וֶה א ָֽחד. .Hear, O Israel, ADONAI is our God, ADONAI is one it will take all your heart, it took this quite literally Sh’ma yisrael, Adonai eloheinu, Adonai eh|.|ad. and understood it as an ָ בּרוְּך ֵ שׁם כּבוֹ דַמְלכוּתוֹ ל עוֹ ָלָם וֶעד. :will take all your breath Recited quietly it will be short, it will not Recited quietly: Praised be the name of the one whose glorious injunction to recite the be simple sovereignty is forever and ever. Sh’ma in the morning and the evening—that is, the ו ָ֣אַהְב ָּ֔ת ֵ֖ אתיה֣וֱה אֶֹ֑להיָך בׇּכל־לָבבָ֥ך וּ ְבׇכל־ַנְפ שָׁך֖ it will touch through your time of lying down and the וּ ְֹבׇכל־מא ֶֽדָך: ֞וָהיוּ ַהּדָבִ֣ריָם ֗הֵא ֶּלֲה א ֶ֨שׁ רָ ֹאנ ִ֧כי מַצוָּך֛ ,ribs, it will take all your You shall love ADONAI your God with all your heart time of rising up.
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