MUSIC HALL. BOSTON. BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, ARTHUR NIKISCH, Conductor. Ninth Season, 1889-90. PROGRAMME OF THE Seventh Rehearsal and Concert FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 22, AT 2.30. SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23, AT 8.00. WITH HISTORICAL AND ANALYTICAL NOTES PREPARED BY G. H. WILSON. PUBLISHED BY C. A. ELLIS, Manager. (193) NEW LINE TO WASHINGTON BALTIMORE & OHIO R.R. FOR BALTIMORE, CHICAGO, WASHINGTON, ST. LOUIS, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS, COLUMBUS, PITTSBURG. Only Line Yia Washington to the West. Two Through Trains Daily to Chicago, Cincinnati, and St. Louis Without Change. Seven Fast Trains Daily to Washington. Magnificent Pullman Palace, Drawing and Sleeping Cars ON ALL TRAINS. CHAS. O. SCULL, Gen'l Pass'r Agt., A.J. SIMMONS, New Eng. Pass'r Agt., Baltimore, Md. 211 Washington St., Boston, Mass. C. P. CRAIG, Gen'l Eastern Pass'r Agent, New York. AND 1 59 Tremont S reet. (194. SEVENTH REHEARSAL and CONCERT. Friday Afternoon, November 22, at 2.30. Saturday Evening, November 23, at 8.00. PROGRAMME. Schumann - Overture, "Genoveva" 5 Raff - - - Song, "The Dream King and his Love' A. Foote - Suite for String Orchestra, in D major, No. 2, Op, 21 F rel ude. Minuetto. Air. Ga/otte. Songs with Piano. 11 Remembrance" Brahms "The Little Dustman" Beethoven -------- Symphony No. 8 Allegro vivace con brio. Allegretto scherzando. Tempo di minuetto. egro vivace. Soloist. Miss GERTRUDE EDMANDS. x The Programme or the next Public ^eiearsa 1 and Concert will be found on page 219. (195) SHORE LINE BOSTON NEW YORK NEW YORK TO BOSTON THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE FROM EITHER CITY. 10 a.m. DAY EXPRESS, arrives at 4.30 p.m. BUFFET DRAWING-ROOM CARS. Up.m. "AFTERNOON SERVICE," arrives at 8 p.m. BUFFET DRAWING-ROOM CARS. 5 p.m. NEW LIMITED EXPRESS, arrives at 11 p.m. THROUGH IN 6 HOURS, with drawing-room cars through and DINING CAR between Boston and New London. The Last Trains to Leave either City and Arrive at Termini the Same Day. 1 1 .30 p.m. NIGHT EXPRESS, MAIL, arrives at 7 a.m. SLEEPING CARS, open for occupation at 9.15 p.m. This late train affords the opportunity of a long evening in the city. It has been scheduled with a view L x of giving patrons a comfortable night's rest. It is not a fast train, and patrons will not be disturbed •by rapid movement en route or early arrival at terminal stations. Only ..Line between the two cities having Wagner Drawing-Room and Sleeping-Car Service. .w»(NEW YORK, from Grand Central Station, T»»Txre1 RAINS A-EAVET n J B0ST0N> FRQM pARK Square STATION. By the completion of the bridge over the Thames River, at New London, Conn., it is hoped the time be- tweea Boston and New York 01 the above trains will be materially shortened ; so that now, with new and greatly improved rolling stock, the finest dining, drawing-room, and sleeping cars, and a continuous rail pas- sage between the two cities, the service of the Shore Line has become as nearly perfected as is at present pos- sible, and it has no superior in New England. The New London bridge is the largest drawbridge in the world, and the vexatious and delaying ferries at this point are entirely done away with by its completion. J. R. KENDRICK, Gen'l Manager. GEO. L. CONNOR, Gen'l Pass'r Agent. OLD COLONY RAILROAD. ETHELBERT NEVIN. RIBBONS. Op. 5- THE LATEST SHADES and STYLES in all the choice Five Songs. and favorite qualities are now on sale in our NEW DE- RERBSTGEFUHL. PARTMENT. CHANSON DES LAYANDIERES. Nothing but first-class goods, 'TWAS APRIL. and EVERY PIECE FRESH THIS SEASON. RAFT SONG. AT DAYBREAK. WE OPEN WITH A Special Scale of Popular Prices. The above have been recently published by the" BOSTON MUSIC COMPANY Chandler & Co., (G. SCHIRMER), 28 WEST STREET. Winter St., BOSTON. (196) Overture, "Genoveva." Schumann. Schumann was seven years finding a book for the only opera he ever wrote. In that time, he examined no less than twenty-two subjects, in- cluding the " Nibelungen Lied," " Abelard and He'loise," and Byron's " Corsair." In 1847, ne came across Hebbel's version of the story of Genevieve. Tieck's poem on the same subject also presenting itself, he requested Robert Reinick to prepare from them both a libretto. Schumann, being dissatisfied with Reinick's book, made so many changes that Rei- nick renounced all claim to what finally appeared. The opera was com- pleted during the year 1848. On its first production, at Leipzig, in 1850, it failed ; and, though it has since been performed, from time to time, at various theatres in Germany, it has never held a firm place in the repertory of lyric theatres. It is admitted that reasons for its want of success are to be found partly in the defects of the libretto. With regard to this, Dr. " Spitta says : He himself [i.e., the composer] arranged his own libretto. His chief model was Hebbel's ' Genoveva,' — a tragedy which had affected him in a wonderful way,— though he also made use of Tieck's ' Genoveva.' Besides these, he took Weber's ' Euryanthe ' as a pattern. The mixture of three poems, so widely differing from one another, resulted in a confusion of motives and an uncertainty of delineation, which add to the uninterest- ing impression produced by the libretto." The essentially lyric character of Schumann's score affords another reason for the succes (Testime which " Genoveva " won. Nearly the entire music to " Genoveva " was given in concert by the Bach Choir of London, in May, 1887,— a unique proceeding, which gave great pleasure to the GRAND, UPRIGHT, AND SQUARE PIANOFORTES. For more than fifty years before the public, these instruments have, by their excellence, attained an unpurchased pre-eminence, which establishes them the unequalled in TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP, AND DURABILITY. E. W. TYLER, Agent, 178 TREMONT STREET. (197) H. B. STEVENS & CO., Music Publishers and Importers, 169 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON. JUST PUBLISHED. IN PRESS. A Group of Six Songs, TWELVE LYRICS, By WALTER PETZET. PRICE, 75 CTS. NHT. "The whole series is up to the level of the Lieder A. GORING THOMAS. ' f more distinguished, but possibly not more talented composers than Mr. Petzet." — Music and Drama. A new collection of beautiful songs and duets by "An exquisite and unique little volume of Vocal Gems." — The Folio. this popular composer. FLYNT WAIST, or TRUE CORSET. No. 1 represents a high-necked garment. No. 2 a low-necked one, which admits of being high in the back and low front. No. 3 is to illustrate our mode of adjusting the " Flynt Hose Support " each side of the hip; also, the most correct way to apply the waistbands for the drawers, under and outside petticoats and dress* skirts. No. 4 shows the Flynt Extension and Nursing Waist, appreciated by mothers. No. 5 the Misses' Waist, with Hose Supports attached. No. 6 how we dress very little people. No. 7 illustrates how the warp threads 0/ the fabrics cross at right angles in the back, thereby insuring in every waist the most successful Shoulder Brace ever constructed. It is universally endorsed by eminent physicians as the most Scientific Waist or Corset 6 known. THE FLYNT WAIST is the only garment manufactured where the material of which it is rnade is shrunk be- Pat. Jan. 6, 1874 fore cut, the only one which in its natural construction contains a Pat. Feb. 15, 187b SHOULDER BRACE which supports the bust from the shoulders, and (a fact so essential to large girls or women, thereby overcomes the objectionable abdominal development. The Flynt Waist, fitting superbly, permits that most desirable grace of motion possible only with perfect respiration gained by freedom from compression. For Singers, Actresses, Teachers or Pupils of elocution or physical exercise, for equestrians or invalids, for every girl or woman, the Flynt Waist is unequalled. Thousands of ladies whom we have fitted by mail sat- isfactorily are constantly blessing its inventor. Sg^" Our "Manual," containing 48 pages of reading matter relating to the subject of Hygienic Modes of Under-dressing, Sent Free to any physician or lady, on applica- tion to Mrs. O. P. FLYNT, 319 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. Columbus Avenue cars pass the house from all depots. EUREKA SILK PURE DYE, FAST COLORS, BRILLIANT LUSTRE. EUREKA SPOOL SILK so and ioo yard spools. Button-hole Twist 10 and 16 yard spools. These goods have stood the test for years and have constantly grown in popularity, for the reason that they are ALWAYS RELIABLE in length, strength and quality. For sale by leading job- bers and retailers throughout the United States. EUREKA KNITTING-SILK is the best for all kinds of Knitting, Crochet work, etc. Our celebrated Eureka Wash Silks, for Art Embroidery, Rope Silk, Zephyr and Etching Silks, are unexcelled. TRY THEM. EUREKA SILK MFC. CO., BOSTON, MASS. (198) cultivated clientele of that society, but which has not been adopted else- where. The story of Genevieve, as related in the "Origines du Palatinat," by Freher, has been a favorite with novelists, dramatists, and the makers of pantomime, opera, and opera bouffe (notably Offenbach). We will ask the accomplished annotator of Mr. Henschel's London Symphony Concerts to tell something about the overture, mentioning, however, that it was first performed in Boston by the orchestra of the Harvard Musical Association on March i, 1866. Its last performance here was at a Boston Symphony Concert, Nov. 19, 1887: — " Genoveva's knightly husband goes to the wars ; and, in his absence a pretended friend urges her to forget her duty to him.
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