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9781405129992_6_ind.qxd 16/06/2009 12:11 Page 203 Index Acanthus, 130 Aetolian League, 162, 163, 166, Acarnanians, 137 178, 179 Achaea/Achaean(s), 31–2, 79, 123, Agamemnon, 51 160, 177 Agasicles (king of Sparta), 95 Achaean League: Agis IV and, agathoergoi, 174 166; as ally of Rome, 178–9; Age grades: see names of individual Cleomenes III and, 175; invasion grades of Laconia by, 177; Nabis and, Agesilaus (ephor), 166 178; as protector of perioecic Agesilaus II (king of Sparta), cities, 179; Sparta’s membership 135–47; at battle of Mantinea in, 15, 111, 179, 181–2 (362 B.C.E.), 146; campaign of, in Achaean War, 182 Asia Minor, 132–3, 136; capture acropolis, 130, 187–8, 192, 193, of Phlius by, 138; citizen training 194; see also Athena Chalcioecus, system and, 135; conspiracies sanctuary of after battle of Leuctra and, 144–5, Acrotatus (king of Sparta), 163, 158; conspiracy of Cinadon 164 and, 135–6; death of, 147; Acrotatus, 161 Epaminondas and, 142–3; Actium, battle of, 184 execution of women by, 168; Aegaleus, Mount, 65 foreign policy of, 132, 139–40, Aegiae (Laconian), 91 146–7; gift of, 101; helots and, Aegimius, 22 84; in Boeotia, 141; in Thessaly, Aegina (island)/Aeginetans: Delian 136; influence of, at Sparta, 142; League and,COPYRIGHTED 117; Lysander and, lameness MATERIAL of, 135; lance of, 189; 127, 129; pro-Persian party on, Life of, by Plutarch, 17; Lysander 59, 60; refugees from, 89 and, 12, 132–3; as mercenary, Aegospotami, battle of, 128, 130 146, 147; Phoebidas affair and, Aeimnestos, 69 102, 139; Spartan politics and, Aeolians, 53 99–102; Sphodrias affair and, 9781405129992_6_ind.qxd 16/06/2009 12:11 Page 204 204 INDEX Agesilaus II (cont’d) of, 88; in early Iron Age, 30; 100–1, 141; thrombophlebitis of, Lemnian and Imbrian settlers 141; victory of, at Coronea, 136 at, 32; as obe of Sparta, 9, 31; Agesipolis (king of Sparta), 86, 139 Spartan conquest of, 31; see also Agesipolis III (king of Sparta), 177 obe(s) Agesistrata, 167 Amyclaeum, 25, 26, 31, 35, 172, Agiads, 29, 93, 95 177 Agiatis, 169 Analipsi, 90 Agios Stephanos, 25 Anatolius (proconsul), 193 Agis I (king of Sparta), 79–80, 88, 93 Anaxandridas II (king of Sparta), 50, Agis II (king of Sparta), 113, 125, 54–5, 104 131; Alcibiades and, 124; at battle Andros, 65 of Mantinea (418 B.C.E.), 123, Antalcidas, 108 149; ephors and, 97, 114, 123; Antigonus Doson (king of Macedon), Lysander and, 125, 127, 129, 131; 175, 176 king Pausanias and, 129, 131; Antinous, 190 Sphacteria crisis and, 120 Antiochus IV (king of Commagene), Agis III (king of Sparta), 161 188 Agis IV (king of Sparta), 17, 104, Antiochus of Syracuse, 35, 36, 79, 110, 165–7, 174 80 Agôgê: see citizen training Antipater (Macedonian regent), 161 agriculture, 7, 42, 161 Antony, Mark (Marcus Antonius), Agrigentum, 161 183, 184 Alaric, 193 Apellai, 46, 47, 48; see also Alcamenes (king of Sparta), 32 Assembly Alcibiades, 108, 113, 124, 125, 126, Apia, 178 128 Apollo: Amyclaeus, 25; Assembly Alcidamus, 170 and, 48; Carneus (at Taras), 37; Alcman, 9, 10 Hyacinthius, 31, 37; statue of, Alcmeonids, 56 at Thornax, 53; temple of, at Alexander (prince of Judaea), 185 Geronthrae, 91; see also Delphi Alexander I (king of Macedon), 66 Apollodorus, 21–2 Alexander III (king of Macedon), Apollonius of Tyana, 186 160, 161 Aracus, 127 Amompharetus, 67–8 Aratus of Sicyon, 166 Ampelius (proconsul), 193 Arcadia/Arcadian(s): at battle of Amphares, 167 Mantinea, (418 B.C.E.), 149, Amphictyonic Council, 71, 159, 160, 150; Cleomenes I and, 60, 189 115; Cleomenes III and, 175; Amphipolis, 11, 122, 153 Messenians and, 42, 145; receive Amyclae: Agiads and, 95; cult of Spartan territory, 160; see also Agamemnon at, 51; dedications by Tegea Lysander at, 130; “Dorianization” Arcadian League, 145, 146 9781405129992_6_ind.qxd 16/06/2009 12:11 Page 205 INDEX 205 Archagetai: see kings of Sparta: in kings and, 56, 96; marching of, Great Rhetra 152–3; mobilization of, 66, 97, Archelaus (king of Cappadocia), 185 106, 155–6; perioeci in, 89; year Archelaus (king of Sparta), 31 classes in, 106, 155–6; see also Archidamia, 167 cavalry; mora; navy Archidamus II (king of Sparta), 114, Artabazus, 69 119; Archidamian War and, 120 Artaxerxes (Great King of Persia), Archidamus III (king of Sparta), 22, 137, 146 101, 159 Artemis Orthia, sanctuary of: Archidamus IV (king of Sparta), 162 amphitheater at, 192; Artemis of Archidamus V (king of Sparta), 169 Aegiae and, 91; cheese stealing Areus I (king of Sparta), 162–4, 185 contest at, 172; Cleomenes III Areus II (king of Sparta), 174 and, 174; in fourth century C.E., Argeia, 93–4 193; lead votives at, 89; location Arginusae, battle of, 83, 126–7 of, 30, 39; victory dedications, at, Argolicus, C. Julius, 186 18, 171, 192; see also Alcman; Argos, grove of, 58 citizen training system; Endurance Argos/Argive(s): Athens and, 116, Contest 123; Cleomenes I and, 57–8; Artemisium, battle of, 64–5 Cleomenes III and, 174; death of Asia Minor, 52, 70, 124–8, 132–3, Pyrrhus at, 163; defeatist oracle 136, 189; see also Aeolians; for, 61; foundation of Messenian Ionians Asine and, 41; Heraclids and, 22, Asine (Messenian), 41, 88 23; king Lycurgus and, 177; Assembly (Athenian), 57 Messenians and, 42, 145; Nabis Assembly, 111–14; army and, and, 178–9; Sparta and, 31, 51–2, 113–14; constitutional crises and, 117, 160; Thyreatis and, 160 104, 112–13; as court, 58; debate Ariobarzanes, 146 in, 113; in foreign affairs, 96, 113; Aristagoras, 57 in legislative procedure, 110–11, Aristodemos, 21, 34 164; in Tyrtaeus’ Eunomia, 44–5; Aristomachus, 21 see also Apellai; ephorate/ephors; Ariston (king of Sparta), 50, 59 Gerousia/Gerontes Aristotle, 14–15; on ephorate, 14, Assembly, Little, 112 102, 105; on Gerousia, 102, 109; Athena Chalcioecus, sanctuary of, on helotage, 85; on kings of 39, 73, 165, 166, 193 Sparta, 93, 95; on land crisis Athena Syllania, 46, 47–8 at Sparta, 43, 49; on Spartan Athens/Athenian(s): Aeginetan women, 167 hostages and, 60; alliances of, army, 147–58; burial and, 157; in fourth century, 142, 146, development of, from Archaic 160; Arkteia festival at, 168; period to fourth century B.C.E., campaigns of, in Hellespont, 72; 147–51; equipment of, 154–5, Chremonidean War and, 163–4; 171; in third century B.C.E., 164; Cleomenes I and, 55–7; defeat of, 9781405129992_6_ind.qxd 16/06/2009 12:11 Page 206 206 INDEX Athens/Athenians (cont’d) 131, 134; Pausanias (regent) and, by Sparta, 106, 129; envoys from, 73; Pleistoanax and Cleandridas at Sparta, 66, 105, 113; First and, 118; Samian expedition and, Peloponnesian War and, 116–18; 53; Sphrodrias and, 100, 141 Four Hundred at, 124; grain bronze working, 43, 53, 90–1 supply for, 128; helot revolt burial(s), 17, 30 (465/5 B.C.E.) and, 76–7, 116; Byzantium, 71, 72 Ionian revolt and, 58; Long Walls of, 117, 129; Lysander’s Caeadas, 73 settlement for, 129–31; naval Caesar, C. Julius (dictator of Rome), raids of, on Laconia, 121–3; 183 Persian wars and, 61, 65, 65, 67; Callicratidas, 126–7 plague at, 120; Plataea and, 119; Calydon, 137 Second Naval Confederacy of, Caracalla (emperor of Rome), 192 140, 142, 159; Spartan envoys Cardamyle, 185 to, 119, 121; Sulla and, 183 Carnea festival, 63 Atreus, 21 Carystus, 65 Augustus/Octavian (emperor of Cassander, 161 Rome), 183, 184–5, 186 Castor: see Dioscuri Aulis, 132, 136 Caudus (island), 191 Avidius Cassus, 191 cavalry, 106, 107, 143–4, 151 Chaeronea, battle of, 160 Barbarian Ware: see Pottery: Chalcidians, 113 Handmade Burnished Ware Champions, battle of, 52, 148 Battus, 35 Charillus (king of Sparta), 31 Belminatis, 5 Charon of Lampsacus, 103–4 Boeotia: see Leuctra, battle of; Chersonese, Thracian, 72 Plataea, battle of; Thebes Chilon (ephor), 102–3, 108, 109 Boeotian League, 116, 118, 137, 140 Chilon, 177 boulê, 181 Chilonis (wife of Cleombrotus II), Brasidas: cenotaph of, 18; death 166 of, 122; as ephor, 108; musical Chilonis (wife of Cleonymus), knowledge of, 153; Thracian 163 campaign of, 11, 122; trial of Chios/Chians, 124 Eurycles and, 184; see also chlaina, 101 Brasideioi Choerilus, 130 Brasideioi: at battle of Mantinea Chremonidean War, 163–4 (418 B.C.E.), 149, 150; Brasidas chrêstoi, 52 and, 78, 82, 85, 122; settlement Christians, 191, 193 of, at Lepreon, 122–3 Chryse, 168–9 bribery: Cleomenes I and, 55, Cicero, 191 57, 59; ephors and, 105; king Cimon, 72, 76, 77, 116, 117 Lycurgus and, 171; Lysander and, Cinadon, 85, 106–7 9781405129992_6_ind.qxd 16/06/2009 12:11 Page 207 INDEX 207 citizen training: Aristotle on, 14–15; Commodus (emperor of Rome), 192 collapse of, 164; contests of, 171, common messes; see sussitia 172, 190; education and, 173; girls Common Peace, 146–7 and, 167; Herodes Atticus and, Conon, 128, 136 188; Macedonian settlement and, Constantine I (emperor of Rome), 176; phases of, 171–4 (Classical), 192 174–5 (Hellenistic), 19, 190–1 Constantius (emperor of Rome), 192 (Roman); Philopoemen’s Corcyra, 119 settlement and, 182; Plutarch on, Corinth/Corinthian(s): Athens 16–17; Pyrrhus and, 163; state and, 56, 129; baths of Eurycles control of, 15; theft in, 172–3; Herculanus at, 190; Cleomenes III see also Artemis Orthia, sanctuary and Antigonus and, 175; Corcyra of and Potidaea and, 119; destruction Clazomenae, 124 of, 182; in First Peloponnesian Cleandridas, 118 War, 116; in Peloponnesian Clearchus, 72 League, 51, 118 Cleisthenes, 55, 56 Corinthian War, 133, 136–7 Cleombrotus (regent), 60, 66 Corone, 191 Cleombrotus I (king of Sparta), Coronea, 136 100–1, 114, 140, 141, 143–4 correctores, 192 Cleombrotus II (king of Sparta), 166, Costoboci, 192 167 Crete, 161, 163 Cleomenes I (king of Sparta), Creticus, M.

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