Art & Culture dyk vkSj laL—fr Q1). Which of the following Q1). fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk osn Vedas is related to music? laxhr ls lacaf/kr gS\ a) Rig Veda a) _Xosn b) Yajur Veda b) ;tqosZn c) Sama Veda c) lkeosn d) Atharva Veda d) vFkoZosn Q2). Which monument was Q2). eqxy lezkV vdcj us fdl built by the Mughal emperor Lekjd dk fuekZ.k djk;k Fkk\ Akbar? a) dqrqc ehukj a) Qutub Minar yky fdyk b) Red Fort b) pkjehukj c) Charminar c) Qrsgiqj lhdjh d) Fatehpur Sikri d) Q3). The Sarnath Lion Q3). v'kksd dh lkjukFk 'ksj Capital of Ashoka carries jkt/kkuh esa fdls n'kkZ;k x;k gS a) Horse a) ?kksM+k b) Bull b) lkaM c) Elephant c) gkFkh d) All the Above d) mijksDr lHkh Q4). Karla, one of the best Q4). dkjyk] lcls vPNh lajf{kr preserved Buddhist Caves is ckS) xqQkvksa esa ls ,d Hkkjr ds in which Indian state? fdl jkT; esa gS\ a) Madhya Pradesh a) e/; çns'k b) Uttaranchal b) mÙkjkapy c) Uttar Pradesh c) mÙkj çns'k d) Maharashtra d) egkjk"Vª Q5). Name the heritage site Q5). ml fojklr LFky dk uke consist of the finest crk,a ftlesa 31 f'kykvksa dks rjk'k masterpieces of 31 rock cut dj ckS) xqQk Lekjdksa] fp=ksa vkSj Buddhist cave monuments, ewfrZdyk dh mR—"V —fr;ksa fufeZr paintings and sculpture? dh xbZ gS\ a) Khajuraho a) [ktqjkgks b) Hampi b) gEih c) Ajanta c) vtark d) Ellora d) ,yksjk Q6). Who had written the Q6). ßrqtqd&,&tgk¡xhjhß iqLrd book “Tuzuk-i- jahangiri”? fdlus fy[kh Fkh\ a) Abul Fazl a) vcqy Qty b) Jahangir b) tgkaxhj c) Mulla Daud c) eqYyk nkÅn d) Abdul Haq d) vCnqy gd Q7). This Islamic Q7). bl bLykeh okLrqdyk dks architecture was built by 'kkgtgk¡ us viuh iRuh ds Lekjd Shah Jahan as a memorial ds :i esa cuok;k FkkA bldk uke to his wife. Name it. crk,aA a) Qutub Minar a) dqrqc ehukj b) Red Fort b) yky fdyk c) Taj Mahal c) rktegy d) Fatehpur Sikri d) Qrsgiqj lhdjh Q8). Lectures from Q8). dksyacks ls vYeksM+k ds O;k[;ku Colombo to Almora is fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlds vuqHkoksa ij based on the experiences of vk/kkfjr gS\ which of the following? ohj lkojdj a) Veer Savarkar a) b) Annie Besant b) ,uh cslsaV c) Ramakrishna c) jke—".k ijegal Paramhansa Lokeh foosdkuan d) Swami Vivekananda d) fdax iape vkSj Dohu Q9). Which monument was Q9). t‚tZ built to commemorate the eSjh dh cacbZ dh ;k=k dks eukus ds visit of King George V and fy, fdl Lekjd dk fuekZ.k fd;k Queen Mary to Bombay? x;k Fkk\ a) India Gate a) bafM;k xsV b) Gateway of India b) xsVos v‚Q bafM;k c) Victoria Terminus c) foDVksfj;k VfeZul d) Elephanta Caves d) ,yhQsaVk xqQk,¡ Q10). Which famous Q10). eksgEen dqyh dqrc 'kkg us monument was built by fdl çfl) Lekjd dk fuekZ.k fd;k Mohammed Quli Qutab Fkk\ Shah? a) Charminar a) pkjehukj b) Jama Masjid b) tkek efLtn c) Mecca Masjid c) eDdk efLtn d) Toli Masjid d) Vksyh efLtn Q11). Which temple Q11). jFk ds vkdkj esa lw;Z&Hkxoku dedicated to the sun-god is dks lefiZr fdl eafnj dk fuekZ.k shaped like a chariot? fd;k x;k Fkk\ a) Sun Temple, Konark a) lw;Z eafnj] dks.kkdZ b) Lotus Temple, New Delhi b) yksVl VsEiy] ubZ fnYyh c) Surya Pahar Temple, lw;Z igkM+ eafnj] vle Assam c) d) Jagannath Temple, Puri d) txUukFk eafnj] iqjh Q12). Who is the writer of Q12). ÞikWoVhZ ,aM vu&fczfV'k :y the book “Poverty and Un- bu bafM;kß iqLrd ds ys[kd dkSu British Rule in India”? gSa\ a) Lala Lajpat Roy a) ykyk yktir j‚; b) Gopal Ganesh Agarkar b) xksiky x.ks'k vxjdj c) Mahadev Govind egknso xksfoan jkukMs Ranade c) d) Dadabhai Nouroji d) nknkHkkbZ ukSjksth Q13). What is Jantar Q13). tarj earj D;k gS\ Mantar? a) ,d [kxksyh; os/k'kkyk a) An Astronomical Observatory b) ,d laxzgky; b) A Museum c) ,d iSysl c) A Palace d) ,d fØdsV xzkmaM d) A Cricket Ground Q14). Who among the Q14). fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlus following wrote the book cgqfcokg iqLrd fy[kh Fkh\ Bahubivah? jktk jke eksgu jk; a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy a) bZ'oj paæ fo|klkxj b) Ishwar Chandra b) Vidyasagar c) iafMrk jekckbZ c) Pandita Ramabai d) jchaæukFk VSxksj d) Rabindranath Tagore Q15). The play Q15). ukVd ßuhyniZ.kß ‘Neeldarpan’ is associated fuEufyf[kr foæksgksa esa ls fdlds with which among the lkFk tqM+k gqvk gS\ following revolts? eqaMk foæksg a) Munda Revolt a) [ksM+k lR;kxzg b) Kheda Satyagraha b) bafMxks foæksg c) Indigo Revolts c) d) Champaran Satyagraha d) paikj.k lR;kxzg Q16). The Patriotic poem Q16). ns'kHkfä ij dfork “Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab ßljQjks'kh dh reUuk vc gekjs fny hamare dil mein hai” was esa gSß fuEu esa ls fdlus fy[kh Fkh\ written by who of the following? a) Hkxr flag a) Bhagat Singh a) cVqds'oj nÙk b) Batukeswar Dutt a) fcfLey vthekcknh c) Bismil Azimabadi egkRek xka/kh d) Mahatma Gandhi a) Q17). The Brihadisvara Q17). rfeyukMq ds ratkoqj esa temple at Thanjavur, in Tamil c`gfn'oj eafnj fdlds }kjk cuk;k Nadu was built by x;k Fkk a) Marthanda Varma a) ekraZMk oekZ b) Tipu Sultan b) Vhiw lqYrku c) Vikramaditya c) foØekfnR; d) Rajaraja Chola d) jktjktk pksy Q18). Which railway station Q18). ÝsMfjd fofy;e LVhoal was built by Frederick William fdl jsyos LVs'ku dk fuekZ.k fd;k Stevens? Fkk\ a) Mountain Railways of India Hkkjr dk ioZrh; jsyos b) Chhatrapati Shivaji a) Terminus b) N=ifr f'kokth VfeZul c) Delhi railway station fnYyh jsyos LVs'ku d) None c) d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha Q19). Which World Heritage Q19). csxe csxk us Hkkjr ds fuEu Sites in India was built by esa ls fdl foÜo èkjksgj LFky dk Begum Bega? fuekZ.k djok;k Fkk\ a) Humayun’s Tomb a) gqek;w¡ dk edcjk b) Taj Mahal b) rkt egy c) Red Ford c) yky fdyk d) Qutub Minar d) dqrqc ehukj Q20). Milandapanho was Q20). fefyaniUgks esa es,aMj vkSj the compilation of dialogues fdlds chp laoknksa dk ladyu gS between Meander and a) mixqIr a) Upagupta fo".kqxqIr b) Vishnugupta b) v'o?kks"k a c) Ashvaghosha c) ukxlsuk d) Nagasena d) Q21). What is the name of Q21). Þn usfVo LVsV~l vkWQ the writer of the book “The bafM;kß iqLrd ds ys[kd dk D;k Native States of India”? uke gS\ a) William Lee-Warner a) fofy;e yh&okuZj b) Warren Hastings b) okjsu gsfLVaXl c) Lord Cornwallis c) y‚MZ dkuZokfyl d) Lord Stanley d) y‚MZ LVsuyh Q22). The Buddhist Q22). ckS) lkfgR; f=fiVd fdl literature Tripitaka was Hkk"kk esa fy[kk x;k Fkk written in a) laL—r a) Sanskrit ex/kh b) Magadhi b) kkSjlSuh c) Shauraseni c) ’ ikyh d) Pali d) Q23). Who among the Q23). fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu following was the editor of Þcaxky fdjdk:ß lekpkj i= ds the newspaper “Bengal laiknd Fks\ Kirkaru”? pkYlZ eSDyhu a) Charles Maclean a) fofy;e Mqvku b) William Duane b) ukbV c) Robert Knight c) j‚cVZ d) None of the above d) mijksä esa ls dksbZ ugha Q24). Who wrote the song Q24). *vkekj lksukj ckaXyk* xhr ‘Amar Sonar Bangla’ ? fdlus fy[kk Fkk\ a) Rajanikanta Sen a) jtuhdkar lsu b) Dwijendralal Ray b) f}tsaæyky js c) Mukunda Das c) eqdqan nkl d) Rabindranath Tagore d) jchaæukFk VSxksj Q25). Which of the Q25). fuEufyf[kr esa dkfynkl dh following are the works of dkSu&dkSu lh jpuk,a gSa\ Kalidasa? a) 'kdqaryk a) Shakuntala j?kqoa'k b) Raghuvamsa b) ekyfodkfXufe=k c) Malavikagnimitra c) mijksä lHkh d) All the Above d) Q26). Which of the Q26). fuEufyf[kr esa ls D;k iqjh esa following is not in Puri? ugha gS \ a) Jagannath Temple a) txUukFk eafnj b) Rajarani Temple b) jktjkuh eafnj c) Chilika Lake c) fpfydk >hy d) Konark Temple d) dks.kkdZ eafnj Q27). Who among the Q27). eqxy dky esa fuEufyf[kr following ladies wrote a efgykvksa esa ls fdlus ,d historical account during the ,sfrgkfld ys[k fy[kk Fkk\ Mughal period ? xqycnu csxe a) Gulbadan Begum a) uwjtgk¡ csxe b) Noorjahan Begum b) tgk¡vkjk csxe c) Jahanara Begum c) d) Zebun-nissah Begum d) tscqu&fulk csxe Q28). The rock cut temples Q28). lkr iSxksMk ds :i esa tkuk known as the Seven tkus okyk f'kykvksa dks dkVdj Pagodas are at cuk;k x;k eafnj --------------------- gS ......................... egkcyhiqje a) Mahabalipuram a) egkcys'oj b) Mahabaleshwar b) dkaph c) Kanchi c) d) Tanjore d) ratkSj Q29). Gol Gumbaz is in Q29). xksy xqEct fdl 'kgj esa gS \ which town ? a) chnj a) Bidar b) cjkj b) Berar vgenuxj c) Ahmednagar c) xksydqaMk d) Golconda d) Q30). The Nalanda Q30). ukyank fo'ofo|ky; dh University was founded by LFkkiuk fdlus dh Fkh \ a) Kanishka a) dfu"d b) Kumaragupta I b) dqekjxqIr çFke c) Dharmapala c) /keZiky d) Vikramaditya d) foØekfnR; Q31). Which is famous for Q31). vius vuks[ks jktiwr lSU; its unique Rajput Military j{kk okLrqdyk ds fy, D;k çfl) Defense Architecture? gS\ a) Hill fort a) igkM+h fdyk b) Qutub Minar b) dqrqc ehukj c) Jantar Mantar c) tarj earj d) Nalanda d) ukyank Q32).
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