Foreword Thank you for downloading Islamic Relief’s guide on baby names for Muslim girls. Having a baby is a joyous time for any parent. For many it is the best blessing attained in this life from Allah. For others it is the ease Allah grants after hardship. Unfortunately there are many children around the world living without one or both of their parents. As you move forward in this blessed time in your life we would implore you to listen to the words of our beloved messenger: Sahl ibn Sa’d reported: The Prophet, peace be upon him said, “The one who cares for an orphan and myself will be together in Paradise like this,” and he held his two fingers together to illustrate. [Sahih Bukhari 5659] We also look after over 43,000 orphans worldwide and ask you to celebrate the birth of your child, with an orphan sponsorship: If you are able, consider making a donation to Islamic Relief‘s Orphan Sponsorship program. www.islamicrelief.ca/donate Name Arabic Meaning Worshipper ده ٌ ب ع Aabidah ,Fleeting, Transitory ده ٌ ب ع Aabirah Ephemeral Daughter Of Sad Who Was A ب Aabish دهٌ Queen Of Iran AN Honour, Fame, Dignity و ب ع Aabroo Hope And Need آ اب Aadab Just, Honest, Equal, Upright ة ل أ Aadila Visiting, Returning, Reward ٌ ا د Aaeedah Life, Vivaciousness, Living دهٌ أع Aaeesha Prosperous, Youngest Wife Of The Prophet Muhammad Pbuh Good Health, Bin Ayyub Had فاع Aafiya ة ده This Name, He Was A Narrator Of Hadith Created, Produced ة د ف Aafreeda Brave, Acclaim ن ده ف ع Aafreen .Visiting, Returning أ د Aaida ضا Name Of A Narrator Of ٌ أ د Aaidah Hadith .Beautiful, Like Moon ئاع Aaila ةل .Leader, Ruler ةم ئأ Aaima Mirror ا نا Aaina Noble, Respectful أ ى Aaira A Lady Who Worship Allah In قا Aakifa ىف Solitude Devoted, Dedicated كا Aakifah ٌف Bounties ال آ Aala Exalted, Highest Social لا Aaleyah ٌ ده Standing Exhalted, Noble لآ Aalia ا ده Scholar, Authority لا Aalimah ٌم ده ,High, Tall, Towering دها ل ع Aaliya Excellent Tall, Towering دهٌ ل ع Aaliyah Hopes, Aspirations, Wishes أعمال Aamaal Pl. Of Amal, Hope آمال Aamal Good Wish ه نامأ Aamanee ,Doer Of Good Deeds ٌل ده ما Aamilah Righteous Secured, Safe ٌن ده ما Aaminah ,Imperial, Abundant ده ة أم Aamira Inhabited A Woman Inhabitig In A ده ٌ ام Aamirah Place. Fatimah Khatoon Female She ه نآ Aani Was A Literary Woman And A Poetess In Qastaniniyah. Aani Fatimah She Was A Literary Woman Khatoon And A Poetess In Qastaniniyah .Towards, Direction, Concern نآ Aania ا ده Young Lady, Maiden نا Aanisah ٌس ده Intelligent ٌل ده ق ع Aaqilah Adoring آ ا Aara Knowing, Women Who ٌ ف اع Aarifah Recognises Islam Desire, Wish, Hope آ زو Aarzoo .Protector, Guardian اف س آ Aasfa Hope دها س آ Aasia ,Protector, Defendant ٌمس ا Aasimah Central .Bond ده ة س أ Aasira Excellent, Precious سم ا Aasma Excellent, Precious سماء أ Aasmaa Affection, Sympathy ةف ده طع Aatifa Generous ٌق ده طا Aatikah Shoulder Support Old ٌق ده طا Aatiqah Fragrant اط ح Aatirah Wild Rose ل بأ Abal Daughter Of Al-Mahdi ةس ب ع Abasah Lioness, Sister Of Haroon ٌس ا ب Abbaasah Rashid Worshipper ا با Abda .(Worshiper (Of Allah ٌا با Abdah .Worshipper ة ب ب ع Abdaorabeedah Qaniyare ب Abdiqani نق ده ض Worshipper ده ٌ ب ع Abeedah Fragrance ده ب ع Abeer The Mixture Of The Smell Of ده ب ع Abeera The Petals Of Rose And Sundal Rose, Sandal Saffron Mixed ده ٌ ب ع Abeerah Together In Fragrance The Mixture Of The Smell Of ة ب ب Abeeraorabeerah The Petals Of Rose And Sundal. Great ه بأ Abia Worshipper ده ة ب ع Abida Worshipper ده ٌ ب ع Abidah Abidah Abida Worshipper Serious, Beautiful ده ب ع Abir Abir Abeer Fragrance, Perfume Well-Rounded با Abla ال Perfectly Formed بأ Ablaa ال Perfectly Formed ل بأٌ Ablah Ablah Abla Ablaa Perfectly Formed Genius ب Abqurah ٌ ق Example, Lesson ا با Abra Devoted To God ا با Abrar .Made Of Silk ان مٌ ز بأ Abreshmina Honour, Fame, Dignity و ب ع Abroo One Who Lives In Abtah بأ Abtahi ٌات Hope, Need ا اب Adab Adab Aadab Hope And Need .Justice ة ل أ Adala .Paradise, Heaven ا ان Adan Virgin أ ا ة Adara Summer Plant ة أ دو Adawiyah Cultured, Polite ده أ Adeeba ةب Cultured, Polite ا ب ا ب أ Adeebaoradiba Equal ل ع د Adeel Equal ة ل أ Adeela Just ده ع Adeelah ٌل .Rare مة ع د Adeema Pious, Good Luck ده أ Adeena ان Pleasant, Gentle دهف ض أ Adeeva Warm Person ن ا د Aden ,Well, Mannered, Cultured ده ا Adiba اب Polite Smart, Talented ٌف ده ض أ Adifaah Justice ة ل أ Adila Equal, Just, Honest ده ع Adilah ٌل Adilah Adila Adeela Equal, Just, Honest .Just, Honest, Equal, Upright ة ل ل أ Adilaoradilah .Strong ة أ د Adira Pleasant, Gentle دهف ض أ Adiva .Respected Witness ى ل أ Adla .Visiting, Returning, Reward ٌ أ د Aeedah ,Chaste, Virtuous, Decent فاف ع Afaf Pure .The Forgiver, Pardner فأ Afana ىن Chaste ع ف ٌ ف ى Afeefa Pure, Chaste, Virtuous ع ف ٌ فه Afeefah Covered With Soil Or Dust حا فأ Afeerah Away From All Problems فاع Afia ة ده Neat Lady ع ف ٌ ف ى Afifa Chaste, Modest ع ف ٌ فه Afifah Chaste, Modest ف ٌف ده ف ع Afifah or Afeefa اف Health, Free From Illness And فاع Afiyah ٌ ده Grief A Person Who Knows The ف Afizah دهزٌ Recital Of The Quran Pl. Of Fikr فا Afkar اك Tree Branches Or Twigs فا Afnan نان Dust-Coloured ا ف ع Afra Afra Afraa White White ءا ف ع Afraa Celebrations, Festivals حا فأ Afrah Friendly ن ده ف ع Afreen .Praise, Lucky ن ده فا Afrin .Illuminated ز فأ Afroz .Burning, Polishing ز فأ Afroza Enlightening ز فأ Afroze Prophet Mohammeds PBUH فأ Afsa ىص Wife Story ف Afsana ةن س .Crown فأ Afsar س Adornment Aids ف Afshan شن Shine Like A Star ص فأح Afsheen Decorated With Sparkles ف Afshin شن Shadows فاع Afya ة ده .Increase, Augmentation ز فأ Afza Increasing ز فأ Afzaa .Pleasing ىل غأ Aghala Pl. Of Ughrudah, Twittering ا ا د Agharid .Pl. Of Ghusn, Branch, Twig صان أغ Aghsan Pl. Of Hadaf, Aim, Goal أه اف Ahdaf Unique, The One ة أ دذ Ahdia Witty, Imaginative ال م أح Ahlam Dream مل حأ Ahlem Enthusiasm ا د Aicha شا .Visiting, Returning, Reward أ د Aida ضا Guest, The One Whos ٌ أ د Aidah Returning Aidah Aida Visiting, Returning ,Visiting, Returning, Reward ا هو اا د Aidahoraida Present. Lady, Woman ةٌ ده ع Aiesha ,She Was A Religious أ ا Aighar Righteous Woman Noble ةل ده ع Aila Hope مال ا د Aimal Most Congratulated من أ د Aimen Ain Alsaba Treasure Of The Eye .Treasure Of The Eye ن Ainalsaba اب س ل ,Spring, Flower, Source ه ن ده ع Aini Choice Life, Vivaciousness, Living ا د Aisha شا Prosperous, Youngest Wife Of The Prophet Muhammad Pbuh Wife Of The Prophet SAW ده اع Aishah ٌٌ Aishah Aisha Ayishah Living, Prosperous Life, Vivaciousness, Living اٌ ٌٌ أ Aishahoraesha Prosperous, Youngest Wife Of The Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh). Noble زا ا د Aiza A Narrator Of Hadith ٌب ده جأ Ajeebah .Superb, Wonderful أ ج Ajia Al-Ameeh, Was A Great ج ا ٌ Ajradah Worshipper Who Worshipped Long In The Night Sometimes Right Up To Dawn AN Name Of A Date In Saudia اجوا Ajwa Arabia Tree Planted By Holy Prohpet PBUH .Big كأ Akbari ب .Star, Good Luck ات خا Akhtar ...Wife Of Prophet ي ات خا Akhtari Sister ك ا ع Akia .Certain, Firm اك Akida ده ا .Devoted To, Dedicated To قأ Akifa ىف Intent, Busy ك Akifah ٌف ده Intelligent, Smart ةل ده ق ع Akila Intelligent, Logical, One Who ٌل كأ Akilah Reasons Beautiful One Of The قأ Akleema ىم ده ل Daughters Of Adam AS The First Step قأ Aklima ىم ده ل Victorious Peace ك ش ت Akshiti Al Adur Al Karimah A Pious, Righteous And Intelligent Woman Of Egypt She Respected The Ulama And Built Religious Schools Madrasah And Mosques, She Died In 762 Signs ىل ع Alaa Virtuous دها ل ع Alaia .World, Sing. Of Alameen م لأ Alam Adorning The World األ ما ة Alamara Exalted, Highest لأ Aleema ةم ده Knowing, Knowledgeable لأ Aleemah ٌم ده Silk Of Heaven ان ده ل ع Aleena Joy لأ Aleeza ز ده .Protected By God اٌ ع لا Alesha .Guide لأ Alfah ٌف .Melody ناٌ لا Alhan A Ring ان ٌ لا Alhena Beautiful دها ل ع Alia Exaulted, Noble, Highest لا Aliah ٌا ده Social Standing Friendly, Sociable لأ Alifa ةف ده Love دهك ل ع Alika Wise لأ Alima ةم ده Skilled In Music Or Dance لأ Alimah ٌم ده Beautiful Not Verified لا Alina ان ده Honest, Truthful, Protected لا Alisha اٌ ده By Allah. .Beautiful Sunshine باٌس لإا Alishaba Pretty ةب ٌ ع لا Alishba High, Tall, Towering, Lofty ة اا دل Aliya Exalted, Noble دهٌ ل ع Aliyah Aliyah Aliyyah Alia Exaulted, Elevated, Highest Alia Social Standing Exaulted, Elevated, Highest لا Aliyahoraleyah ل ٌ ده ة ده Social Standing Highest Social Standing ة اا دل Aliyya Variant Transcription Of ٌ ده ده ده ل ع Aliyyah ALIYAH .(The Daughter Of Ali (Ra لا Aliza ا دهز Leader دهٌ ل ع Alleyah Apple ام لا Alma Diamond سام لا Almas .Diamond اس م لا Almasa Princess ا ده م لا Almira Mystery ز لا Alraaz Kindness, Politeness فاط لأ Altaf Sincere دهةال ح ت Altthea Virgin ا ع لا Aludra ,Loved One, Cared One لأ Alveena ان ده ف Liked.
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