US 20030228333A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2003/0228333 A1 Fecht et al. (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 11, 2003 (54) SUBSTITUTED HYDROCARBYL Publication Classification FUNCTIONAL SILOXANES FOR HOUSEHOLD, HEALTH, AND PERSONAL (51) Int. Cl." .............................. A61K 7/16; A61K 7/42; CARE APPLICATIONS A61K 7/135; A61K 31/695; A61K 7/06 (76) Inventors: Cassandre Michelle Fecht, Sanford, (52) U.S. Cl. .............................. 424/401; 424/59; 514/63; MI (US); Deborah Lynn Meyers, 424/62; 424/49 Midland, MI (US); Heidi Marie Van Dort, Sanford, MI (US); Isabelle Van Reeth, Incourt (BE) (57) ABSTRACT Correspondence Address: DOW CORNING CORPORATION CO1232 Cosmetic, household, and medical compositions containing 2200 W. SALZBURG ROAD certain substituted hydrocarbyl functional siloxane fluids or P.O. BOX 994 certain Substituted hydrocarbyl functional Siloxane resins MIDLAND, MI 48686-0994 (US) provide good aesthetic, Solvency, and Stability performance, and are useful as delivery vehicles for personal, health, and (21) Appl. No.: 10/157,639 household care ingredients Such as pigments, antiperspirant Salts, drugs, Sunscreens, alpha-hydroxy fatty acids, and (22) Filed: May 28, 2002 Vitamins. US 2003/0228333 A1 Dec. 11, 2003 SUBSTITUTED HYDROCARBYL FUNCTIONAL SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION SILOXANES FOR HOUSEHOLD, HEALTH, AND PERSONAL CARE APPLICATIONS 0008. This invention relates to a composition which is a guar gum free and hydroxyStearic acid derivative free mix FIELD OF THE INVENTION ture of (i) a substituted hydrocarbyl functional siloxane fluid, or a Substituted hydrocarbyl functional Siloxane resin; 0001. In the household, health and personal care areas, and (ii) a cosmetic ingredient, a household care ingredient, the need exists for Silicone raw materials that contain both or a health care ingredient, and (iii) an optional cosmetic hydrophilic and hydrophobic functionality. To date, this active, a household care active, or a health care active Such need has been addressed with polyoxyalkylene and Silanol as an antiacne agent, anticaries agent, antidandruff agent, functional Silicone materials. These structures have a num antifungal agent, antimicrobial agent, antioxidant, antiper ber of limitations including unpleasant aesthetics and acid/ Spirant agent, cosmetic biocide, deodorant agent, external base instability, respectively. analgesic, oral care agent, oral care drug, oxidizing agent, 0002 The present invention relates to cosmetic, house reducing agent, skin bleaching agent, skin protectant, Sun hold and healthcare compositions containing Substituted Screen agent, UV light absorbing agent, pigments, moistur hydrocarbyl functional Siloxane Structures for improved izers, Vitamins, enzymes, optical brighteners, fabric Soften performance and/or Stability. In an alternate embodiment, ing agents, or Surfactants. certain Substituted hydrocarbyl functional organosiloxane 0009. These and other features of the invention will resins can be included in the compositions. become apparent from a consideration of the detailed description. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0.003 Polar silicone compounds have found use in a DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE number of different types of products ranging from cosmet INVENTION ics to car polish formulations. Most of these products have 0010. The present invention is based on the unexpected been formulated as aerosol or pump Sprays, liquids, roll-on discovery that the inclusion of a substituted hydrocarbyl liquids, creams, emulsions, gels, gel-Solids, or Solid Stick functional Siloxane, in particular, results in personal care, formulations, and Sometimes comprise an additional active medical and household care compositions with novel prop material, e.g. Vitamins, erties. For example, compositions containing Such siloxanes 0004 alpha-hydroxy-acids, Zirconium salts or combina impart the following characteristics when compared to Simi tions thereof, incorporated into a Suitable carrier. lar formulations without Such siloxanes: (a) remain stable at relatively high and low pH; (b) compatibilize both polar and 0005 These products are designed to provide a variety of non-polar Solvents; (c) offer high lubricity; (d) mitigate skin benefits, for example, moisturize dry skin, mask Surface discomfort or irritation; (e) impart a Smooth, Soft, moist imperfections, and allow effective perspiration and odor texture, (f) evenly disperse active agents and pigments, (g) control while being cosmetically acceptable during and after detackify formulation components, (h) moisturize the skin; application onto the axillary region or other areas of the skin. (i) enhance the durability of formulation components; () Polar Silicone compounds used in these applications include enhance Surface Shine; (k) impart the Sensory performance polydiorganosiloxane-polyoxyalkylene copolymers and Sil of higher molecular weight Structures; (1) protect the hair anol functional Substituted Siloxane Structures. cuticle; (m) aid curl retention, (n) Sustain fragrance release; 0006 The preparation of siloxane-oxyalkylene copoly (o) impart Softness to Solid Substrates; (p) increase water mers by hydrosilylation of an organohydrogensiloxane absorbency of fabrics; (q) mask Surface imperfections; (r) (SiH) and an olefinically substituted polyoxyalkylene is well reduce whitening of antiperspirant salts, (s) modify formu known and reported in the literature. The hydrosilylation lation rheology, (t) improve particulate active Suspension; reaction is typically performed in a low molecular weight (u) improve ease of ironing, (v) enable the Suspension and Volatile hydrocarbon Solvent Such as benzene, toluene, delivery of polar materials in non-polar Solvents; and (w) Xylene, or isopropanol to aid in handling the reactants, to enhance emulsion Stability. moderate an exothermic reaction or to promote the Solubility 0011 AS used herein, the terms personal care composi of the reactants. The CPA catalyzed reaction of Si-H tion, health care composition, and household care compo polymers with allyl ethers was disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. Sition are intended to mean typical materials commercially 2,823,218 (Feb. 11, 1958). Typically, although not exclu available as products or raw materials in consumer markets Sively, the Smallest oxyalkylene Substitutents disclosed in containing active and inactive ingredients. patents are EO and PO. This is because of the ready availability of the Starting materials and Synthetic ease of 0012. In the preferred embodiment, the compositions of making allyloxypolyethers with that minimum Substitution. the present invention comprise at least one Substituted hydrocarbyl functional Siloxane. These siloxanes generally 0007) While U.S. Pat. No. 5,486,566 (Jan. 23, 1996) and U.S. Pat. No. 6,060,044 (May 9, 2000) describe silicone have a formula Selected from the group consisting of: ethers containing only a single oxyalkylene unit in any RSiO(RR'SiO),SiR, chain, the compositions containing Such Silicone ethers must Rs. SiO(RSiO) (RR'SiO)SiRs, necessarily include guar gum or an hydroxyStearic acid RRSiO(RSiO)SiRR', derivative for effectiveness, whereas compositions accord ing to this invention possess the above described benefits RRSiO(RR'SiO)SiRR', without requiring the use of guar gum and hydroxyStearic R" RSiO(RSiO),(RR'SiO),SiRR', acid derivatives. R"RSiO(RSiO)SiRs, US 2003/0228333 A1 Dec. 11, 2003 RRSiO(RR'SiO)SiR, a nitro group. In addition, the hydrogen atom can be Sub R"RSiO(RSiO) (RR'SiO)SiR, and cyclic silox Stituted with a group containing a Sulfur atom to form anes of the formula -SOH. -(MeSiO) (MeR'SiO)-. 0022. The Substituted hydrocarbyl functional siloxanes of 0013 In these formulas, R is an alkyl, cycloalkyl, alk the present invention can be made by Standard processes enyl, aralkyl, or an aryl group containing 1-20 carbon atoms, Such as the hydrosilylation of organohydrogensiloxanes and R" is a group having one of the formulas (i)-(iv): olefinically substituted polyoxyalkylenes. The hydrosilyla tion reaction is typically performed in a low molecular -(CH2)(OCH2CH)OR (i) weight volatile hydrocarbon Solvent Such as benzene, tolu -(CH),(OCHCHCH)OR (ii) ene, Xylene, or isopropanol to aid in handling the reactants, -(CH),IOCHCH(CHCH.) IOR’ (iii) to moderate an exothermic reaction or to promote the Solubility of the reactants. Such processes are described, for -(R)OR (iv) example, in the 218 patent noted above, which is incorpo 0014) whereina is 3-11; b is 1-50; R is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, an alkyl group, an aryl group, rated herein by reference. an arylalkyl group and an acyl group, X is 1-500, y is 1-40, 0023 These silicone compounds are useful in a number of different products, including hair care products Such as Z is 1-40, m is 1-6, n is 1-6, and the Sum of m+n is 3-12. hairsprays, Shampoos, mousses, Styling gels and lotions, 0.015 For the sake of simplicity in nomenclature in the cream rinses/conditioners, hair tonics, hair dyes and colo Examples, these Substituted hydrocarbyl siloxanes are rants, permanent waves and bleaches. Also included are skin referred to as the CARBINOLFLUID. In preferred embodi care products Such as cleansers, moisturizers, conditioners, ments of the invention, and in the Examples, R is the methyl lipsticks, eye makeup, foundations, fingernail polish, Suntan group, R' is -(CH2),(OCH2CH)OR, products, antiperSpirant/deodorant products and depilato ries. Also included are household products Such as waxes, 0016 R is hydrogen, a is 3, X
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