Relevant manuscripts in 1730 (t1) This is a list of t1‐manuscripts that contained parts of the catalogued manuscripts or are otherwise relevant to the study “Árni Magnússon’s rearrangement of paper manuscripts”. First, the entries list the CUs of which the manuscripts consisted and their contents. The order of the named parts indicates their order as far as known. An asterisk (“*”) in front of a manuscript part marks a hypothetical position. Two asterisks (“**”) in front of a manuscript part mark a random, usually alphabetical order, since no educated guess on the order was possible. Second, the entries describe the outer binding form of the manuscript as far as known. In some cases more specific reference is made to separate bindings for individual parts. Afterwards, some entries have additional notes. Finally, the main sources for information that is not codicological evidence are given in parentheses. Number 1 in fol. AM 1 a fol. (Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum), *AM 1 b fol. CU3 (Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum í Dana og Svíaveldi), *AM 1 b fol. CU1 (Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum í Dana og Svíaveldi), *AM 1 b fol. CU2 (Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum í Dana og Svíaveldi), *AM 1 c fol. (Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum í Dana og Svíaveldi), AM 1 d α fol. (Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum), AM 1 d β fol. (Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum), AM 1 e α fol. (Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum), AM 1 e β I fol. (Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum), AM 1 e β II fol. (Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum), AM 1 f fol. (Langfeðgatal, Langfeðgatal, Talbyrðingur hinn gamli, Árni’s notes, Angelsaksiske kongerækker, Árni’s material on Langfeðgatal), AM 1 g fol. (Ættartölur frá Adam til Jóns Arasonar, Genealogia ab Odino, Genealogia. Diducta a nobilissimis viris in Islandia) Binding form: In a bundle, partially “un‐bound”. Note: AM 1 e β I fol. and AM 1 e β II fol. are on parchment. (AM 456 fol., 2r) Number 5 in fol. AM 5 fol. (Völsunga saga, Ragnars saga loðbrókar) Binding form: Bound in cardboard. (AM 456 fol., 2r) Number 9 in fol. AM 9 fol. (Hrólfs saga kraka) Binding form: Bound in a full parchment binding with parchment strips laced through the spine fold. (AM 456 fol., 2r) Number 13 in fol. AM 13 fol. (Jómsvíkinga saga) Binding form: Bound in a full parchment binding with parchment strips laced through the spine fold. (AM 456 fol., 2r) Number 15 in fol. AM 15 fol. (Jómsvíkinga saga) Binding form: Unknown. (AM 456 fol., 2r) Number 34 in fol. AM 34 fol. CU1 (Hversu Noregur byggðist), AM 34 fol. CU2 (Hversu Noregur byggðist), AM 34 fol. CU3 (Hversu Noregur byggðist), *AM 34 fol. CU4 (Hversu Noregur byggðist), *AM 34 fol. CU5 (Hversu Noregur byggðist, Letter), *AM 34 fol. CU6 (Hversu Noregur byggðist, Genealogy from Adam to Ólafur), *AM 34 fol. CU7 (Hversu Noregur byggðist), *AM 1008 4to CU1 (Hversu Noregur byggðist) Binding form: Unknown. (AM 456 fol., 2v; AM 477 fol., 3r) Number 49 in fol. AM 49 fol. CU1 (Hálfdanar saga svarta, Upphaf Ríkis Haralds hárfagra, Hauks þáttur hábrókar), AM 49 fol. CU2 (Haralds þáttur grenska, Ólafs þáttur Geirstaðaálfs), AM 49 fol. CU3 (Ólafs saga hins helga) Binding form: The manuscript was “un‐bound”. Note: Haralds þáttur grenska and Ólafs þáttur Geirstaðaálfs, now AM 49 fol. CU2, are not mentioned. (AM 456 fol., 3r) Number 99 in fol. AM 99 fol. (In Nomine Jesu. Om Norges Rige) Binding form: Bound in a half binding with reused parchment on the boards. (AM 456 fol., 3v) Number 108 in fol. AM 108 fol. (Landnámabók, Um erlenda biskupa á Íslandi) Binding form: Bound in a half binding with reused parchment containing Latin text and musical notation on the boards. (AM 456 fol., 3v; Kålund 1889‐1894, 1: 72) Number 113 in fol. AM 113 a fol. (Íslendingabók), AM 113 b fol. (Íslendingabók), AM 113 c fol. (Íslendingabók), AM 113 d fol. (Íslendingabók), AM 113 e fol. (Íslendingabók), AM 113 f fol. (Íslendingabók), AM 113 g fol. (Íslendingabók), AM 113 h fol. (Íslendingabók), AM 113 i fol. (Íslendingabók), AM 113 k fol. (Íslendingabók) Binding form: Unknown. (AM 456 fol., 3v; AM 477 fol., 5v) Number 129 in fol. AM 129 fol. (Eyrbyggja saga, Verse, Verse) Binding form: Bound in a cardboard binding. (AM 456 fol., 4r) Number 130 in fol. AM 130 fol. CU1 (Eyrbyggja saga), AM 130 fol. CU2 (Laxdæla saga) Binding form: Bound in a cardboard binding. (AM 456 fol., 4r) Number 139 in fol. AM 139 fol. (Þórðar saga hreðu) Binding form: Bound in a full parchment binding with parchment strips laced through the spine fold. (AM 456 fol., 4r) Number 142 in fol. AM 142 fol. CU1 (Fóstbræðra saga), AM 142 fol. CU2 (Þorsteins saga Síðu‐Hallssonar) Binding form: Bound in a half binding with reused parchment leaves from a liturgical manuscript on the boards. (AM 456 fol., 4r) Number 144 in fol. AM 144 fol. CU1 (Víga‐Glúms saga), AM 144 fol. CU2 (Svarfdæla saga), AM 144 fol. CU3 (Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða, Gunnars saga Keldugnúpsfífls, Þorsteins þáttur forvitna, Þorsteins saga hvíta, Þorsteins þáttur Austfirðings, Þorsteins þáttur fróða, Þorsteins þáttur stangarhöggs, Gunnars þáttur Þiðrandabana) Binding form: Bound in a half binding with reused parchment leaves from a liturgical manuscript on the boards. (AM 456 fol., 4r) Number 148 in fol. AM 148 fol. (Gísla saga Súrssonar) Binding form: Bound in a full binding made of parchment with parchment strips laced through the spine fold. (AM 456 fol., 4v) Number 155 in fol. AM 155 fol. (Hrafns saga Sveinbjarnarsonar) Binding form: Unknown. (AM 456 fol., 4v) Number 156 in fol. AM 156 fol. CU1 (Þorsteins saga hvíta), AM 156 fol. CU2 (Þorsteins þáttur stangarhöggs), AM 156 fol. CU3 (Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða), AM 156 fol. CU4 (Gunnars þáttur Þiðrandabana), AM 156 fol. CU5 (Gunnars saga Keldugnúpsfífls) Binding form: Bound in a half binding with reused parchment leaves on the boards. (AM 456 fol., 4v; AM‐slip) Number 161 in fol. AM 161 fol. CU1 (Svarfdæla saga, Valla‐Ljóts saga), AM 161 fol. CU2 (Reykdæla saga) Binding form: Bound in a full parchment binding with parchment strips laced through the spine fold. (AM 456 fol., 4v; Kålund 1889‐1894, 1: 114) Number 163 in fol. AM 163 a fol. (Vatnsdæla saga, Grettis saga), AM 163 b fol. (Grettis saga, Gunnars saga Kelldugnúpfífls, Þórðar saga hréðu, Orms þáttur Stórólfssonar), AM 163 c fol. (Kjalnesinga saga, Jökuls þáttur Búasonar), AM 163 d fol. (Flóamanna saga, Njáls saga), AM 163 e fol. (Fóstbræðra saga), (lost (Bandamanna saga)), (lost (Ljósvetninga saga, Gunnars saga Kelldugnúpfífls, Hávarðar saga Ísfyrðings)), AM 163 f fol. (Króka‐Refs saga), (lost (Víglundar saga)), AM 163 g fol. (Þórðar saga hréðu), AM 163 h β fol. (Bárðar saga Snæfellsáss, Harðar saga og Hólmverja, Ölkofra þáttur), AM 163 h α fol. (Kjalnesinga saga, Jökuls þáttur Búasonar), (lost (Víglundar saga, Þórðar saga hréðu, Finnboga saga ramma)), AM 163 i fol. (Njáls saga), AM 163 k fol. (Hávarðar saga Ísfirðings), AM 163 l fol. (Kjalnesinga saga), AM 163 m fol. (Víglundar saga og Ketilríðar), AM 163 n fol. (Kjalnesinga saga, Jökuls þáttur Búasonar), AM 163 o fol. (Bandamanna saga), AM 163 p fol. (Gísla saga Súrsonar), AM 163 q fol. (Kjalnesinga saga, Jökuls þáttur Búasonar), AM 163 r fol. (Eigils saga Skallagrímssonar) Binding form: In a bundle (contained parts “un‐bound”). Note: It is possible that the current AM 163 s fol. is the as lost marked copy of Bandamanna saga. (AM 456 fol., 4v‐5r; AM 477 fol., 7v‐8r) Number 164 in fol. AM 164 a fol. (Víga‐Glúms saga), *AM 164 b fol. (Víga‐Glúms saga), AM 164 c fol. (Flóamanna saga), (lost) (Droplaugarsona saga), AM 164 d fol. (Króka‐Refs saga), *AM 164 e α fol. (Orms þáttur Stórólfssonar), *AM 164 e β fol. (Orms þáttur Stórólfssonar), *AM 164 e γ fol. (Orms þáttur Stórólfssonar), *AΜ 164 f fol. (Orms þáttur Stórólfssonar), AM 164 g fol. (Jóns þáttur biskups Halldórssonar), AM 164 h fol. (Gautreks saga, Kjalnesinga saga, Hálfdanar saga Brönufóstra) Binding form: In a bundle. Note: Two of the four copies of Orms þáttur Stórólfssonar are only mentioned in AM 477 fol. The first two items of the last part are neither mentioned in AM 456 fol. nor in AM 477 fol. Based on the codicological evidence, they appear to have been an original part of the manuscript. Today the collection also contains an excerpt from Fóstbræðra saga and Fóstbræðra saga (AM 164 i fol.) as well as Brandkrossa þáttur and Droplaugarsonar saga (AM 164 k fol.), which are not mentioned in the old catalogue. (AM 456 fol., 5r) Number 169 in fol. AM 169 a fol. (Egils saga einhenda og Ásmundar berserkjabana), AM 169 b fol. (Þorsteins þáttur bæjarmagns), AM 169 d fol. (Illuga saga Gríðarfóstra), AM 169 c fol. CU2 (Egils saga einhenda og Ásmundar berserkjabana), AM 169 c fol. CU1 (Þorsteins þáttur Víkingssonar), AM 169 c fol. CU3 (Göngu‐Hrólfs saga) Binding form: At least parts two and three were “un‐bound”. (AM 456 fol., 5r) Number 181 in fol. AM 181 a fol. (Ívens saga, Parcevals saga, Valvers þáttur), AM 181 b fol. (Erex saga, Samsonar saga fagra, Möttuls saga), AM 181 c fol. (Bevus saga), (lost (Elis saga)), (lost (Flóvents saga)), AM 181 d fol. (Hektors saga), (lost (Jarlmanns saga og Hermanns)), AM 181 e fol. (Clárus saga keisarasonar), AM 181 f fol. (Konráðs saga keisarasonar), AM 181 g fol. (Mírmanns saga), AM 181 h fol. (Rémundar saga keisarasonar), AM 181 l fol. (Þjalar‐Jóns saga), *AM 181 i fol. (Ála flekks saga), *AM 181 k fol. (Ála flekks saga), AM 181 m fol.
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