FIRST CAUFORNI^TATjy^VERSITY SAN MARCOS INDEPENDENT STUDEN^NEWSPAPER www.thecsusmpride.com TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009 VOL. XXI NO. 12 Students team up with Habitat For Humanity in Cleveland ASr$ Alternative Spring Break provides life changing experiences to all involved BY KEVIN CHATHAM worked closely with Habi- wide array of diverse exhibits, Pride Staff Writer tat for Humanity to partici- films, and memorabilia that pate in community service in relate to the history of music, While many spring break- cities across the country such particularly rock and roll. ers nationwide went to places as Oakland, New Orleans, and Another highlight of the like Cancun and Miami to most recently, Cleveland. event included an opportunity party, sun bathe, and have fun, Alternative Spring Break to participate in a Home Dedi- a hatful of Cal State San is a unique opportunity that cation Ceremony. Although Marcos students worked in empowers students to have an participants helped build the conjunction with Habitat for impact in less fortunate com- foundation of a home while Humanity to build a house in munities. they were in Cleveland, they Cleveland, Ohio. "For me, it's about making were had the opportunity to Alternative Spring Break is life changing experiences one present a finished home to a an annual spring event hosted step at a time," said Kyle Greg- fortunate family. and sponsored by Associated ory, a junior at CSUSM. "The entire family was Students, Inc., the student Gregory is a veteran Alter- there," D'Andreas said. government on campus. ASI native Spring Break partici- Participants noted that it provides students with the pant having attended Alterna- was an emotional event that unique opportunity to experi- tive Spring Break 2008 in New gave them the opportunity to ence an alcohol-free "alterna- Orleans. see the fruits of their labors. tive spring break." "It was really cool going a D'Andreas stated that the The program involves second time," Gregory stated family was grateful to receive CSUSM students volunteering with a smile. the home as well as several their spring break in order to Alternative Spring Break certificates to various home give back to the community. requires participants to apply improvement stores like Lowes A small group of students for consideration during the and Home Depot. and faculty members embark previous fall semester. Alter- To the participants of Alter- on a location outside of the native Spring Break hopefuls native Spring Break 2009 immediate San Diego area to must submit an application Cleveland, the experience assist communities that need and undergo an interview pro- was .valuable »and memorable. help. In the past, ASI has cess in order to be eligible to Many participants left Cleve- participate. land feeling accomplished and This year, ASI accepted a fulfilled. diverse population of about ten Next fall, any students look- CSUSM students to participate ing to spend the next spring in the event. Students include Photos by Susana Figueroa break with a healthy combina- members of ASI, the Orien- tion of community service and tation Team, UVA residents, tion. "It was cold. We got to see fun should make sure to keep and commuters. Students were "We were digging trenches snow!" D'Andreas said. "We their eyes open for Alternative required to attend informa- for the house plumbing and had the amazing opportunity Spring Break 2010 applica- tional meeting a couple times doing a lot of manual labor," to see the Rock and Roll Hall tions. throughout the semester in D'Andreas added, "It was of Fame and Museum. It was "It's something that not order to plan and bond before rewarding but hard work." definitely a highlight." everyone gets to experience," the trip to Cleveland. Students also found the The Rock and Roll Hall of said Emily Rhem. "Being a The entire trip costs stu- poverty in Cleveland as an Fame and Museum is one of part of it was amazing. I am dents $300 dollars individu- extremely sobering experience. Cleveland's cultural high- thrilled to have had the oppor- ally with the vast majority of "My best experience was once lights. The museum offers a tunity. It was awesome." the expenses covered by ASI. we got lost," Alternative Spring During their stay at Cleve- Break participant Cindy Falla land, two faculty members, said. "We got to see the real Coordinator of New Student side of Cleveland. The reality Programs Jennie Goldman and of poverty and the next day we Rodger D'Andreas, Director of were able to build houses." LGBTA Pride Center, accom- Falla added that witness- panied the students. ing poverty first hand made "The highlight of the excur- her thankful and eager to help sion was getting to work with the community. When asked students," D'Andreas said. why she applied, Susanna "Spending time with them and Firgueroa replied, "When I working on a project together came back from Spring Break was amazing." I wanted to feel like I accom- During their experience, plished something." the small group of individu- Although the students and als came together through a faculty members worked hard mutual collaborative effort. during the day, they also had They spent the day helping some opportunities to explore build a home that was in the Cleveland and attend exciting beginning stages of construc- events. 7T Sam^l 48° 1 Smniy Offing Offing 50° §0DDDQg7 Tuesday, Apri/ 74, 2009 Viewpoint THE PRIDE THE(£PRIDE SEX /Off WITQKM STAFF The explosion of mockumentaries EDITOR in CHIEF Anniversaries JACKIE CARBAJAL BY IVAN GARCIA budget BY BILL RHEIN 'The Office" as a FACHS AND PLACES Pride Staff Writer s o Senior Staff Writer mockumentary about EDITOR office life. His series AMY SALISBURY let's not Hopefully you remem- go com- Film and television exploded to spin off in FACES AND PLACES ber them, otherwise pletely all makers tossed around several different coun- ASSISTANT tries, including the U.S. SANDRA CHALMERS the only gift you'll be out How do the term "mockumen- receiving is a big smack you know when to go all tary" in the mid 20th version starring Steve ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT in the mouph (yes, it's out? Usually, it's best to century, but it was not Carell. EDITOR TIFFANIE HOANG an offshoot of the word really plan something until 1984, when Rob Sasha Baron Cohen "mouth," get used to it). nice out for an anniver- Reiner made "This is is also a maverick with ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Whether it be March 2, sary every six months. Spinal Tap," that there was con- the mockumentary. First, he had suc- ASSISTANT April 5, or you simply don't remem- cess in the U.K. and U.S. with "Da BILL RHEIN Typically, a six-month, one-year, crete mainstream mockumen- ber, an anniversary is a time to cel- etc. anniversary is the best time to tary. Ali G Show," where he played three COPY EDITOR ebrate a union with your partner acknowledge this unity. Making Now, mockumentaries are journalist characters. TIFFANIE HOANG and reflect on all the great and not it to six months or a year are quite seemingly everywhere in the- Cohen took one of them, Borat, to so great times you've had with one the accomplishments, so why not aters and on television. A moc- the big screen, which became a con- RUDLAYOUY MARTINET ÉDITORZ another. let him/her know that you still care kumentary is a fictitious film troversial and challenging comedy. DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Let's focus more on the happier about them after all that time? When or television program shot like He looks like he will continue this BILL RTÌEIN side of a relationship's anniversary, it comes to anniversaries that cel- a documentary and attempts to as the trailer for a film about another which raises the question: What ebrate at least six months of togeth- look realistic. The results are of his characters, Bruno, came out BUSINESS MANAGER & SALES REPRESENTATIVE makes a good anniversary? For erness, make sure to make it mean- often comedies in a British style, recently. KRISTINA LAWLER starters, remembering it makes for ingful instead of something that you which is subtler than outlandish PRI [email protected] The genre also encompasses seri- a great anniversary already. Society, think they might want humor popular in the U.S. ous films, such as "Cloverfield," ADVISOR the media, and just general word of Yes, I'm sure all people could Through the 1990's, some "Quarantine," and "The Blair Witch JOAN ANDERSON mouth has shown us all that forget- think of the most romantic thing directors produced the occa- Project." These action horror films ting an anniversary could lead to they could ever hope for (eating sional mockumentary, but tell the story by making the camera SENIOR STAFF WRITERS BILL RHEIN more than a few nights on the coach donuts and bacon off your lover's Christopher Guest truly prolif- part of the story. The singular per- SANDRA CHALMERS (and lord knows that's uncomfort- body, anyone?), but it may not always erated the genre. Guest, who spective creates tension and only the BENROFFEE able). be the best choice. While a roman- starred in "This is Spinal Tap," film footage can tell the story in the JONATHAN THOMPSON Even though I'm currently drill- tic dinner at a fancy restaurant fol- first made "Waiting for Guff- end. STAFF WRITERS ing the idea of letting people know lowed by dancing and a long walk man," a fictional documentary The mockumentary is a unique KEVIN CHATHAM to never forget an anniversary, what on the beach may seem like the per- about a small town producing a IVAN GARCIA deviant in the comedy genre, though EBON! HARVEY about the idea of knowing when to fect idea, it could also be the most play for the area's sesquicenten- it not limited to humor.
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