,00(' ruoruJã 'uor8utltng tuorurâ jo Írrsra.truç1ag1 uonepunoCrrorayduaa uqof ãrÌt ruo5 rroddns qtr.u Mnlqrano+I râperl,ltr3ue331o16 lq parrpa s1a(q)BanrgrãlãId eql uo urnrsoduÍs PuonBurâlul uv sqnnoq qs!?usl,taqpN aqJ ç6Ì turr.ap.r" ,irto - ,,rrr|n*u,r,ruo ,rrrr* ,lttor{tllL?{:#t.rro ,,sProlNPUEsnorìI e usrlt â.rotrl ql-rolN stEÌ{r rrnlrrd ãuo,, Ç9r 5q D a rr rt r,.rf rq pr,,o, r"r, : 'td r,* r r r,*,rr o,,o"o ï:{:::Krr ru .lslrEtxocrÌtr^\ sr"rrc Pu! JooÈ ãql uo srâlPPIc,, " 67I 4zunx PliPO sq r) not(I t/s lpu uryd tf âl{ s,la8an:g ur stulurlg l-rerr1rp1 ..1%Nârll 8urlng,, - ,,rEJaqr 3ur11ag,, !01 " 'mo?p2zu'v4.tpw sqrã^ordpâlurrd s.la8an:gur ruopsrlNpue 1116 ,.too-JrregìlElN âsââì ârPl !rìJ ro uos"ãx sjr{J roc,, IL t,tow oloÁ lrv l"rqrâ^orduI sâIIIocu?unH Jo PIrolNârïI ,,purqsnHrâH râ^O ìEoÌì ânlg aç s8ueg aqg,, Ly " ' uanlllns 'y uta3tu14 uos pu" .ragreg's1a(q)8ânrg ârp tuo.r3Suru:ta1 ,,(s-rar1:eaa ruayrg) r.rrsr8tln{ Irnt^{,, >l sapun]uryv sq D no+l tlslpupln q pN s-ra8unotr aqr leq8an:g :arar4 <<iãâl1ãqr ruo.rglpg alddy eql sâoc r"{ .{\oH,, "'''srlBld . | | Í uot ÌJnDoll'-l ÌX âfEJrld sluãluoJ Jo âlgeJ i(a1a>1ragtp sârolsìoog Pueq-Puo)âsÍueu aqr ul rulq ol ernlrrl ol Í4141:ag rïtr-4\sìooq ro3 lunq ol PU!sluJPnls Jo sPerPunqslq or Surdrd Surn8t-lrurstq ot real E âluo a8elr.trrdplrads Íru uaag ^\olloj rllll rlÌl turq â^Ei.lsãIll osJEspr{ rI puts (('erolìloCJo :edr4 par,1,,Jo Pâur?e a,ttltrtdruolJo ?lrrry aql sndur: snoruï -^nle âsâqtJoIfV'sãÌpnls ârofïlo; ãlEnPErõârolìlo3 reqr Suqeru 'Ía1a1:ag ol Pllo.lt ãrÌl PunorÈ rllog sluãPnls slH 'sluãPllls lsãqãqt pãlrerttPosÌE stq a1.nlsSurq:eal PJuIloJUl pue lrureu'ip ra8ra gç7 se Íutu st slloruâ reql ,ia1a1:agle âsrnol ,,âroPIIoCol uolllnP -ollul,, rurlS t srãlJoât{ leai Í;a,rg 'sluãPnlsJo sPuesnoqr-i're::rr1 Jo 'Iol -uilu put râtlrÌÌ:)l t sr: uotlplndãl slq sl os lnq ',i,lepua8alsr drgs-leloqrssnou -runlo^ sIH 'lsuoÌìlo1 rrtsetu pqo13 ;qr sEluãLUr,\ãIqrE aIUIIâJII stq Surzru ã_rì -Sora: Íp:r1 '{ouIrãlpdui ãzÌrd q:rl4 addasnlC âqr Pã^Iârãroslt seLÌ 'ãrtul uããqãq seq loN âzud ãrolìlo4 o8e:rq3 ÌÌtuoÌleurrluIâLll tÌlL\\ Pârouoq '\Ìuo .plro,\\ sr:q ãrïl ur lsÌrolì1o3Sutpeal âql sÌruonEtndar leuorreurâturuE paure8 ãiÌ 'sg/(rI Í1:eeaqr a:ursÍa1a1;ag re PIuToJIIPìJo,\lÌsrâ^Ìul'ì âr{l lE ãloPlÌoC 'ìsel sÌql uo âìEl ol sãPunq pur Í8o1odon{ruv Jo rossâJordsV ltrlads ãlN uEIVu?ql pagtpnb ro Pru^\ouãrãloru rEÌoLIrsE PunoJã^eq lou PFol 'sÍrp o.ru asagr8ur:np e:t1d aler III'\\ leql V(03dnq taSunotr rdjd+I aql uo runtsodrufgfuuotluufilul ãtì] PutsSuruado uolllqlqxâ dqJ,, uolstlro ãLil lt ssãrPPE aqt Taqïantg .tata1 r(q,,squttl.td qtlquul.tdqpN Jo arouÍa1 aqt Strrra.rrlepíq Íepor sn 8ur;ouoq sl srPUÌ-ÌCJord l?ql PãsEãÌd rIâLIl stl âreJ,!\ pu ! 'uoÌlerqãlâfÌPIUUãlueflq rno Sur.rnpJJoJJq a:u:sud qll'{\ prssàlq:,ter-1 Íaq1 'luoullr^Jo rqr uorSurl'rngor uÍ1o-rel1 ^ìÌslr^tun Pur sr tl ãJI^\slq put sãpun(Ì uE[V Jord ãrüo]lâ.\\ol rouoq 1el:adst peaprrr uoDf,nPoJluI szpun] ualv sqnaotd Çls??upyaqpN s.re8unoÃãq] Iâq8enrg rãlârd ((êããJIeq} tuo5 IIsc alddy eql sãoçl rE{ aoH,, 16 Alan Dundes Prof. Dundes's scholarly oeLivrecomprises hundreds of articles and dozensof books pubiished on alÌ continents.A scholarof his breadth and depth is hard to pin down, br-rtit can certainly be sratedthat his major accomplishmentlies in the internationaland comparativeappro:rch to folk- lore. His pr-rblicationsare replere u'ith hundreds of sourcesfrom dozens of cultures and languages,and it is this linguisticallyhighll. dir.erseresearch approachthat Prof. I)undes also ir-rstillsin and expecrsfrorn his students. Anvbody wanting to studv folklore rvith Alan Dundes better have the knowledgeoÍrat leastnvo foreign laneuages.It is, after all, rhis compararivc analysisof folklore rhat safeguardsthis intriguing acadenricdiscipline frorn being misappropriatedand manipulatedas it rvasduring Nazi Germany'. Above all, Prof. Dundes is knorvn for his morphologicaÌ,strucrural, and psychoanalvticalapproach to various folklore genres.In fact, he is also the ÌeadingFreudian folklorist, something rhat r,villbecome quite clearduring his lecture this afternoon. Unfortunately I cannor cite all of his intriguing pubÌications,but let me ar leasrmenrion a fervtitles of his m;'riad of books. Plcasenote the vasrnessof ethnic, cultural, folkloric, a.rd theoreticalrhemes that inform theseptrblicarions: The Motpltology of ÌVorth American Indidn Folktales (1964) T'heStutl1 of Folklore (1965) Urban Folklorefom tbe PapertuorkEmpìre (1975) Lì.fe is Lilee a Chicken Coop Ladder: Portrait of Gernt,ut Cuhure through Folklore(1984) CrackingJolees:Studies in SìcleHuntor C),c/esand Stereo4,pes(1987) Parsing througb Customs:Essays by a Frettdian Folklorist (1987) The Blood LibelLegend:A CaseBook ín Anti-Semìtic Folklore(1991) FolleLaw; Essaysin the Theorl, and Practice oJ-LexÌYon Scripto (1994) Frorn Gante to War: PsychodnalyticEssay on Fo/hlore (1997) International Folh lorìsrìcs ( 1999) HolT Wrít as Oral Lít: The Bible ds Folklore (1999) The Sltdbbat Eleuator dnd Orher Sabbdth Subterfuges(2002) Fablesof the Ancìents?Folklore in the Qur'an (2003) The list of intriguing titles with me:rningfuland sense-makinginterpre- tations of folkloristic conundrums goeson, and it includesfinally also the book 1z Questof the Hero (1990). It should be clcar ro you who my hero is, to whom I owe so much of my own scholarly careerand whose knowledge and friendshiphave inspiredancl supported me for three decades. But finallv,Prof. Dundes and his former studentClaudia Stibbehave also authored the invaluable book The Art of Mixìng Metaphors: A Follelorìstìc Ìttterpretatìonof the "NetherlandìshProuerbs" (1981). And so, wearing his hat snorJnJE sr suonÌPEJIgJ3^oJd ol lJâdsrJ r{lÌ,\\ .\\ãuì ãfuârPnEs,lã8ãnrg lEt{,\\ '(g '"çgt:266I Jo rronrnlsuorâr le]nãrÌtoclÍqsr91. .\\opeãN) ,,ue s,la8anrg or sagreordde rnsrrolìloJ Jo uor]Etn3âr luâlâr 8,, sE strol3ã .rag or Ípui -.tordde srãJãr.\\opEãW 'eruãÌpne s,la8an;g Íq pazru8ore.rÍlqeurnsard se.t Itr{l uonrpÈJllsrueurnq praua8 t3o rred se.trrnbrturÌprlssplr uro-lj sqra.tord ìerrD pue une'Ì sE sq.ra.r.o.rdìlo3 lo l?ro r1lnru os lou a.ra,lrSutluted aqt ur pârÌreluor sqre.r.ordãrp ltr{l panS:e í1GGIuI slttoy ary4 Í8o1oqrue s,tãPâIt\ ur parurrdar sE.{\pue 166I ul u!1al/ng LtV àHt ur pe:eadde lsr5 tplq.\\ ,.rruãrpnv lsruÈrunH e JoJ IJV âfuESsIEuâU:8urrure4 qrà^oJd s,1a8an.rg,, 'y Íessa Surrep put âlrpnJâ s,u?^tÌlnç rare8re1,l,1'sãr-Inos 3o uonsanb 1e -;aue8 ãqt qlr.t\ op ol setl uoÌl!rlJÌluãpt Suiu-la:uor rnssr rug 'srâqunu ^âì uEgl ãJoru qJnur srrrâfuoJ uollEfuÌluãPÌ lnoqB rlEqJP âqI ^lrEloqrs '0ffçU:696I rãrlrPN) sqla,tord ZEI srsrl 'râ^â,{\oq'Suttuted aqt 3o sardor sra8ut.totraql laq8anrg ate14] Jo lerâ^âsjo ípnts snl ur râÌlr?N ,.'sgrâ.\ordr{sÌLUã1,{,, E6 srsrl [7 'partrdap Ído: :addely ruasa-rdãrÌl roJ Sopter aq1 sclra,ro:dJo ràgulllu eqt or lradsarqÌI.{\ ''3'a'sardoo aqt Suoue sãruãrãlJlpãrt ãrãtll'(Zt!,SSe t) .ra8unol aql laq8anrg rerar4 Íq parured í1pnr:e a;a.ttsatdo: Ítua.ttt âurosJo auru í1uo r?LIl sulÌ?Ìl 'aldurexaroJ '.ztr3 'rãIIrrE sÌtÌ Jo srãqluaruíq parured uaaq Sur.teq or pasoddo se ;a8unol aqr 1aq8:nrg :atar4 íg parured rctj ur í1pnr:e se,uÍdoc ;e1n:ured E rãtllâLl,{\jo uotrsanb E sãLUIIâtuossI ãrâLlJ 'ra8unoa agr lag8anrg râlârd Jo sardo: snld Írua.ur ãrll Jo ãuo PâtPnlsã^Etl 'squltor(I IEJâ^ãsrncl Surrured s,la8an.rgJârãId uo pãl?rluãluor ã^eq lsotrN qslpuuyaqpN ur p:rcrdep sLLroIpÌ:qr ,gnuepr or slduaue Jo rãqunu p uââq ã^pq ãJârlI 'uoilrra:dr:luÌ sr puoJàsrr.ll put ruoÌteruÌtuãPlst lsJU aqt :sdarspdnurrd o,\\l ãre a:aqr 'íSolopolllãril rÌlsuolìloJ Jo sulrãt uI ',{qdat8 o u ot J qr d(to.t(J 'sallauãt,t Jo uonprrlgnd aqr âluIs pãnulluor seq drqsrelog:s âqr PUV Surlrrrs olul surorpl IEqJã^Jo uolrelsueJrâÌqËìretuãJ slrll Jo uolluâlle Í1rt1og:s aqr Sur,traral ol ãsoÌr sãruo) ua,ra Sutluted .raqro o111'ro8unol aqr 1eq8an.rgrarar4 Íq aptu satdoc âtll ro Surruted srqt ol Surrra3a:ruaqr àlgle Jo gil rs!eïlE rllï,{\ sâÌrur 8/t ãrt rrâLp'(666I) [qíut8ouot1 qratto'td -n1e.tílasuarutur s,rìsãÌqospue rãpãIN LtI'tqano.t4 qtlpua/tafidN s.la8en.rg râlãrd sr Íllerradsa) srsuollloj pue su!IlolsIqu? qroq (stsrSolorua:ed T pâteurrse; lsour serl rrqt Surlured auo aqr reqr lgnop âptlÌ sI a::g-l-, eJntf,â-I 'ssârppparouía1 slq LIIL{\sn a8ualleq: Pu! rouorl .\\ou Ìlr.{\ sãpuÌìC up[V Jord '.r?lot{)sq-ra,to:d uEIpnãU pagsrn8unsrp3o /t ,;âary af uo.1{pag alddy atlt eo(J ra! onH,, IB Alan Dundes exercisein speculativereception theory. From a folkloristic persPective,it is qtiite renriniscentof "gesunkenesKuÌturgut" theory, an elitist Ìlotion that basicallyfelt that proverbs and other folklore was much too artful and inge- nious to have been createdby ignorant, illiterate Peasants.Rather it was claimed,such fòlklore could onlr.'havebeen createdby educatedaristocratic individuals after which such folklore trickled don'n to the folk who often mangledit. Sr.rllivannotes for examplethat "Castingiõìeq beforeswine" is a varianr of the Biblical "Casting pearlsbefore su,ine." This is surelyaccurate, but the point is that Bruegel was unquestionablyclever enough to have painted "pearlsbefore swine" if he had so desired.The fact that he chosea folkloristicvariant rather than the standardBiblical text could be construed as prima facieevidence that Bruegelfavored folk materialrather than elitist classicalor biblical versions.Bruegel also utilized the folk version in one of his twelveproverb scenes of 1558.The peftiÌlent questionthat shouid alwa,vs be addressedto advocatesof the "gesunkenesKulturgllt" theofy or a variant thereof is: where do they think that the classicalliterary Presumedsource came from? Poetsand painters in antiquiW also drew on f-olklorearound them for inspirationjust asÌater poetsancl painters did and do.
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