November 18, 19, 20, 2009 New York City A REPORT ON THE INTERNATIONAL COUNciL SUMMIT The Search for Common Ground C#&%!&%3 5 Developing a Sixth Sense About the Media: 21 The Man with the (Eventual) Plan How Innovative Thinking Drives the Industry A Conversation with Julius Genachowski, Chairman, By RJ Smith Federal Communications Commission, and Jon Miller, +PQMN,QOQ\IT7NÅKMZ6M_[+WZXWZI\QWV 8 Snapshots from the Gala Dinner at the Rose Center for Earth and Space, The American 21 They’ve Got Next: Turning Big Sports Museum of Natural History Dreams Into Win-Wins “The Worldwide Sporting Life” 10 Snapshots from the Chairman’s Dinner at Hearst Tower 23 Wireless, Brilliantly Unbound A Conversation with Ivan Seidenberg, Chairman and 12 Snapshots from Lunches at ‘21’ Club CEO, Verizon Communications; and Philippe Dauman, President and CEO, Viacom Inc. 14 The Search for Common Ground: Moderator: David Faber, Anchor, CNBC The Price of Convergence Convener Session: A Conversation with Jeffrey L. 25 Youth Is Served: The Power of the Bewkes, Chairman and CEO, Time Warner Inc.; and New Mobile Community Leslie Moonves, President and CEO, CBS Corporation “Monetizing the Mobile Landscape” Moderator: Katie Couric, Anchor and Managing Editor, CBS Evening News 26 Rebel Without a Pause One-on-One Conversation with Ted Turner, Chairman, 15 AOL: Flying Solo, Aiming High Turner Enterprises, Inc. A Q&A with AOL Chairman and CEO Tim Armstrong Interviewer: Pat Mitchell, President and CEO, The Paley Center for Media 16 <PM*QO9]M[\QWV"0W_\W5ISM\PM?MJ8ZWÅ\ from Content 27 Mantra for the New Era of Deals: “The Promised Land—Revenue from Beyond the TV Set” Creativity Breeds Opportunity “The Media Outlook: Investments, Mergers, 17 Solutions in an Era and Acquisitions” of Challenges and Excitement “The Future of News Worldwide” 28 When the People Speak: the Industry Must Listen 18 NBCU: On the Cusp of Big Change “State of Advertising in the Global Digital Economy” Convener Session: A Conversation with Jeff Zucker, President and CEO, NBC Universal 30 IC 2009 NYC Attendee List Interviewer: Erin Burnett, Anchor, CNBC 34 About The Paley Center for Media 19 Innovative Sites and Products That Rock “The Hunt For the Next Big Thing” 34 About ThinkSocial 35 About Our Sponsors Left to Right: Jeff Latch; Andrew Lacy; Dick Parsons; Alfonso de Angoitia and Javier Moreno; Russell Dubner, Albayrak, Berat Albayrak, Suna Vidinli, Salih Memecan, Dr. Henry A. Kissinger and Lan Yang; Erin Burnett and Peter Land, and Josh Karpf; Gordon Crawford, Andy and Tony Burman; Ken Lowe; Frank A. Bennack, Jr., Pat Mitchell; Christopher A. Vollmer and Jack H. Grif- Duncan, Philippe Dauman, and Ivan Seidenberg; Anne M. 6]ZQiWTISWOàT]IVL<PQVS;WKQIT)_IZL[XIZ\QKQXIV\[ ÅV#)VVM5;_MMVMaIVL8I\5Q\KPMTT#8ZIVVWa:Wa# Sweeney, Avner Ronen, and Gustave M. Hauser; Serhat and winners 2 | I NTERNATI ONAL COUNCIL 2009 N EW YORK T HE PALEY CENTER FOR MEDI A | 3 F#$!.#$6 D!1!*#")&4 ( S)5%' S!&3! A2#+% %'! M!6)(: H#. I&&#1(%)1! T')&/)&4 D$)1!3 %'! I&6+3%$0 his year, The Paley Center for for their awards. B0 RJ S-)%' Media proudly brought you to New 7]ZÅZ[\Hunt for the Next Big Thing session took us York City for our premier annual into the digital future and provided a template for a he communication event, the International Council new Paley Center initiative featuring digital startups. world’s most impor- summit. After exploring the media 1V\PMXIOM[\PI\NWTTW_aW]_QTTÅVLPQOPTQOP\[WN tant CEOs and VIPs landscape from Berlin to Beijing to this thought-provoking three-day, on-going conver- gathered last Novem- TBangalore at previous IC meetings, we were honored sation, which kicked off with Katie Couric inter- JMZNWZ\PMÅN\MMV\P to host a record total of 160 of the most prominent viewing conveners Jeffrey L. Bewkes, the chairman time since 1995 to QVL][\ZaTMILMZ[NWZ\PMÅZ[\\QUMQVW]ZPWUM\W_V and CEO of Time Warner, and Leslie Moonves, the Texchange ideas and draw the industry Challenging times always serve as an important president and CEO of the CBS Corporation. As the that much closer together. Exploring reminder of the transformative power of change. conference progressed, conveners Philippe Dauman, the theme of “How to Thrive in the With that in mind, our conference looked at the big president and CEO of Viacom Inc.; Ivan Seiden- Global Economy,” the Paley Cen- picture: How berg, chairman and CEO of Verizon Communica- ter International Council allowed, to Thrive in the tions; Anne Sweeney, cochairman of Disney Media encouraged, even demanded those in Global Media Networks and president of Disney ABC Television attendance to study where media has Economy. Eigh- Group; and Jeff Zucker, president and CEO of NBC most recently been heading, and begin teen event ses- Universal, lent their expertise. Tim Armstrong, charting a new course. sions explored chairman and CEO, AOL; Dr. Henry A. Kissinger; The established industry players— the media Dick Parsons, chairman, Citigroup Inc.; and Ted QKWVQKÅO]ZM[ITT¸_MZM\PMZMQVIJ]V- landscape Turner, chairman of Turner Enterprises, Inc.; pro- dance. Jeffrey Bewkes, Leslie Moonves, Prannoy Roy, Philip I. Kent, and Subhash Chandra around the vided their much-anticipated perspectives. Govern- Ivan Seidenberg, David Stern, Anne Sweeney, Ted In one clip, Mistry picks up a book in a book- world. Expert ment leaders such as Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg Turner, Jeff Zucker, and the chairman of the Federal store—its title, As the Future Catches You, is anything speakers and and FCC Chairman Julius Genechowski, weighed in Communications Commission, Julius Genachowski but ironic—and Amazon reviews are projected on moderators as well. Their ideas and comments make for provoc- led an impressive list of international execs. They a blank page. He looks at an airline boarding pass tackled issues ative reading and viewing. To view video of many of spoke, discussed, cajoled, needled, and bonded over and “Delayed 20 Minutes” appears on its surface. of program- the sessions, visit the IC 2009 NYC Video Gallery issues in the midst of a media age in great transi- 0MM^MVLZI_[I_I\KPWVPQ[_ZQ[\_Q\PIÅVOMZIVL ming, news, on our Web site at http://paleycenter.org/ic-2009- tion, a period when business models that were once a virtual dial face with the correct time suddenly social media, nyc-video-gallery/. embraced are now embattled. appears. Frank A. Bennack, Jr., sports, mobile We extend our thanks to our sponsors Gustave M. Among those not in attendance was Pranav Mis- Mistry’s work was discussed and debated in panel Pat Mitchell, and Mayor media, investments, and advertising, seeking solu- and Rita E. Hauser, Booz and Company, O’Melveny try, a young PhD candidate from the MIT Media sessions and in the hallways at the IC. This presence Michael R. Bloomberg tions to the challenges that our delegates face day to & Myers, PricewaterhouseCoopers, UBS, Edelman, Lab. While he made no appearance, his presence— is, frankly, a reminder of what the IC conference day. the Nielsen Company, and Hearst Corporation, as and the brilliant new technology he created, called has long been all about. Yes, the communication IC 2009 NYC took great strides with a program of well as all our conveners and delegates who made SixthSense—could be felt throughout the proceed- world’s most important CEOs and VIPs gathered ÅZ[\[UIVaWN\PMUQVZM[XWV[M\W\PMM`\ZIWZLQVIZa this a landmark event. ings. His name came up repeatedly during panels, to exchange ideas and draw the industry that much interest in our events. We look forward to seeing you again at the next IC perhaps because he has invented something that is closer together. But Mistry and SixthSense served as LMTMOI\M[ZMXZM[MV\QVOÅN\MMVKW]V\ZQM[UILM NYC, in the fall of 2010. vastly innovative without boundaries, and perhaps a reminder that the waves of the future are invented for record attendance. also because he is among the young and thriving. anywhere, at any time. What the world demands, +6*+IVKPWZML\PMQZ[QOVI\]ZMXZWOZIU With Mistry’s SixthSense technology, Internet in- the International Council—and all the innovators it Squawk on the StreetNZWU\PM8ITMa+MV\MZ¸\PMÅZ[\ NWZUI\QWVÆW_[MNNWZ\TM[[TaQV\WaW]ZLIQTaTQNM5Q[- depends on—must supply. live broadcast ever from the IC. try can be seen on a set of incredible video clips that The swift movement of time, in terms of technol- ?M[\ZMIUML[M[[QWV[TQ^MLQZMK\Ta\W\PM1V\MZVM\ have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times on ogy, was very much present at this year’s IC meeting, NWZ\PMÅZ[\\QUM Pat Mitchell Frank A. Bennack Jr. YouTube (pranavmistry.com/projects/sixthsense/). PMTLNWZ\PMÅZ[\\QUMM^MZQV6M_AWZS_Q\P\WXQK[ <PMÅZ[\M^MZ<PQVS;WKQIT)_IZL[_MZMPMTL President & CEO Chairman 1VITTWN\PMU5Q[\ZaK]\[I]VQY]MÅO]ZM0MPI[I prodded and pondered through eighteen sessions which recognized the best in social media and how it The Paley Center The Paley Center camera slung around his neck, with an odd projector over three days. can be used to address global problems. We congrat- for Media for Media and a mirror dangling just below that. As he walks, it Mistry’s name remained, for several, top of mind. ulate SocialVibe, March 18 Movement, and Kiva.org becomes clear that these devices are synched in com- When Ivan Seidenberg, chairman and CEO of munication with a cell phone he’s also carrying. Verizon, told the gathering about the coolest of the 4 | I NTERNATI ONAL COUNCIL 2009 N EW YORK T HE PALEY CENTER FOR MEDI A | 5 SixthSense clips, he said he thought the clip was they needed to make more of it fast just to feed the on the Comcast deal foreshadows a “funny.” Though his look said he didn’t think it was beast.
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