FA 9002 Frequen cy to Ana lo gue Converter In struc ti on Manual War ran ty For de li ver ed pro ducts our "All ge mei ne Lie fe rungs- und Zah lungs be din gun gen" are ef fec ti ve. In no event we or our supp liers shall be li ab le for any other dama ges whatsoe ver (in clu ding, wit hout li mi ta tion, da ma - ges for loss of bu si ness pro fits, bu si ness in ter rup ti on or ot her pe cu nia ry loss) ari sing out of or ina bi li ty to use this pro duct. All our pro ducts are war ran ted against de fec ti ve ma te ri al and work mans hip for a peri od of two (2) years from date of de li very. If it is ne ces sa ry to return the product, the sen der is re spon si ble for ship ping char ges, freight, in su ran ce and pro per packa ging to prevent brea ka ge in tran sit. The warran ty does not apply to de- fects re sul ting from ac ti on of the buy er, such as mishand ling, im proper in ter fa cing, opera ti on out si de of de - sign li mits, im pro per re pair or un aut hori zed mo di fi ca ti on. Trade marks All tra de marks that are na med or portray ed in the text are regis te red trade marks of its owner. The tra- de marks are re cog ni zed by ERMA-Elec tro nic. CONTENTS 1. Descrip ti on ...........................3 2. Safe ty in struc ti ons .......................4 2.1. Sym bol ex plana ti on ....................4 3. Moun ting ............................5 3.1. Place of ope ra ti on .....................5 3.2. Moun ting of si gnal con ver ter................5 4. Electri cal con nec ti ons .....................6 4.1. Ge ne ral in struc ti ons ....................6 4.2. Hints against noisy envi ron ment..............6 5. Func tion .............................7 6. Jum per and DIP- switch con fi gu ra ti on ............8 6.1. Jum per set tings for input volta ge level and analog output 8 6.2. DIP- switch set tings for di vi ding fac tor ...........9 7. Con nec tion and pin as signment ...............11 7.1. Plug- in screw ter mi nal as signment: ..........11 7.2. Con nec tion of the si gnal inputs ..............11 7.3. Co nec tion of po wer supply ................11 7.4. Pin assignment of the ana logue output ..........11 8. Star tup Pro ce du re .......................12 9. Hand ling of mis func ti ons ...................12 10. Tech ni cal Da tas.........................13 10.1. Elektri cal Da tas ......................13 10.2. Me cha ni cal Da tas .....................13 10.3. En vi ron men tal Con di ti ons .................13 11. Or de ring in for ma ti on ......................14 12. No ti ces .............................14 Sta te : 01.2015 FA9002_man_en Tech ni cal sub jects to change ERMA-Electronic GmbH 2 1. Description 1. Description The con ver ter FA 9002 is a frequen cy to analog con verter designed to gene ra te a out put voltaget pro por tio nal to an in put fre quen cy. When using in cre men tal en co ders it is pos si ble to ob tain an out put si gnal pro por tio nal to a ve lo ci ty or re vo lu ti ons per mi- nu te. Appli ca tions • Mea su re ment of ve lo ci ty • Mea su re ment of r.p.m. The functio nal struc ture of the conver ter is shown in figu re 1. There are two in put chan nels pro vi ded. The se in put chan nels are op ti cal ly iso la ted from the in ter nal cuir - cui try. The inputs chan nels are supp lied with resi stor networks. The se network can be used as volta ge divi der. By this way diffe rent input volta ge levels can be reali zed. In addi ti - on a high noise immu ni ty will be reached. The input volta ge ran ge is ad justable to 5 V, 12 V or 24 V. 1 Frequency. 1 + Optocoupler 2 Frequency 2 + Doubling 3 Stage GND Frequency Divider 7 + Frequency To Current Output Analog Converter 9 - 4 + 12 ... 36 VDC 5 Power Supply - 6 - Fi gu re 1 3 ERMA-Electronic GmbH 2. Safety instructions 2. Safety instructions This instru ment is produ ced in ac cor dance with Class II of IEC 348 and VDE 0411. When deli vered the intru ment has been tested to meet all functi ons descri bed. Befo re in stal ling the in stru ment plea se read the moun ting and ser vicing in struc ti ons. We have no liabi li ty or respon si bili ty to cu stomer or any other person or en tity with re spect to any liablity, loss or da mage cau sed or alle ged to be caused directly or indi rectly by equipment or software sold or furnis hed by us. Read the instal la ti on instruc tion care - ful ly. No lia bi li ty will be as su med for any da ma ge cau sed by im pro per in stal la ti on. Inspect the instru ment modu le car ton for obvious dama ge. Be shure there are no shipping and handling damages on the modu le befo re pro ces sing. Do not apply po - wer to the instru ment if it has dama ged. ERMA’s warran ty does not apply to defects resul ting from action of buy er, such as mis hand ling, im pro per in ter facing, ope ra ti on out si de of de sign li mits, im pro per re pair or un au tho ri zed mo di fi ca tions. 2.1. Symbol explanation Caution Attention Instruction Tip Cau ti on: Will be used at dan ge rous for life and health !. At ten ti on: Will cau se da ma ge In struc tion: If not no ticed, trouble may occur Tip: Use ful hints for bet ter ope ra ti on ERMA-Electronic GmbH 4 3. Mounting 3. Mounting 3.1. Place of operation Atten ti on must be paid to the pro tection against humi di ty, dust and high tempe ra tures at the place of opera tion. 3.2. Mounting of signal converter • Through simple snap up at 35 mm rail (DIN EN 50022). 99 17,5 5 , 4 1 1 5 ERMA-Electronic GmbH 4. Electrical connections 4. Electrical connections 4.1. General instructions • It is forbid den to plug or unplug termi nals with volta ge applied. • Attach input and output wires to termi nals only without volta ges applied. • Cords must be pro vided with sleeves. • Atten ti on must be paid that the power supply volta ge applied will agree with the vol tage no ticed at the name plate. • The instru ment has no power- on switch, so it will be in opera tion as soon as the po wer is con nec ted. 4.2. Hints against noisy environment All inputs and outputs are pro tected against noisy envi ron ment and high volta ge spikes. Ne vert he less the lo ca ti on should be se lec ted to en su re that no ca pa ci ti ve or in duc ti ve in ter fe rence can have an ef fect on the in stru ment or con nec tion li nes. It is adv isable: • To use shiel ded cables. • The wiring of shields and groung (0V) should be star- sha ped. • The distan ce to inter fe rence sour ces should be as far as pos si ble. If ne cessa ry, pro tec ti ve scre en or me tal en clo su res must be pro vi ded. • Coils of relays must be supplied with filters. • Paral lel wiring of input signals and AC power li nes should be avoi- ded. • The par allel output lines must be as short as pos si ble. • It is necessa ry to use shielded twisted pair cable for the RS422-li nes as well as for the SSI si gnal lines. ERMA-Electronic GmbH 6 5. Function 5. Function The functio nal struc ture of the conver ter is shown in figu re 2. There are two in put chan nels pro vi ded. The in put fre quen cies come to a dou bling sta ge. At ten ti on must be paid, that the pulse width high to low is about 50% (180° or 1/2 cycle). If both input chan nels are used the se cond in put pulse must have 90° degrees out of phase. When in put frequen cies have pas sed the doubling stages the output frequen cies of the doubling stages are ad ded. By this way input frequen cies can be qua dru pled. The qua dru pled fre quen cy co mes to a fre quen cy di vi der. The fre quen cy di vi der is pro grammable. Program ming is done by an inter nal 8- po le DIP-switch.
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