;v:...m ....V OMAHA DRUGGIST. 4 4 1] ^ ^ ij V IkITell This Glass Container,, with metal top and blotter for moistening, will always keep your cigars fresh and moist, a very desirable feature, particularly in a dry climate. The most satisfactory package and the best Cigar ever offered for * PER THOUSAND We guarantee these to increase your cigar business Wellerettes are packed in Tin, Glass or Wood— 10 Sizes, all the Same Price The Masterpieco of all Broad Leaf Wrapped Havana Cigars. On drop shipments of 2,- 000 assorted or one size, 8 Sizes as you may prefer, we will allow a trade discount of 10 per cent. Write to us regarding our special ad­ $60.00 vertising- proposition = = T O = = which goes with this quan­ — 0----------------------------------- 0— tity. We cannot recom­ “ THE MASTEPP/ECE OF ALL mend Pastoras too highly. $85.00 BPOADLEAF WRAPPED You will make no mistake PER THOUSAND < H a v a n a C i g a r s ” by buying a quantity lot and acting as a sub-jobber SAN TELM O CIGAR MFC. CO. in your locality. We hope you will give DETROIT. these goods a trial ; ^QWUTT CREATORS” RICHARDSON DRUG CO., i OMAHA OMAHA DRUGGIST. Dollars and Delighted Customers Every Progressive Dealer Can Have Them If He Will Hitch His Business Go-Cart to The Progressive Star HOLLISTER’S ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA A LIVE SELLER FOR LIVE DEALERS Do it Right!------Buy Our Quantity Offer It saves you IS per cent additional in buying1 and increases your profits to 100 per cent. Free goods and advertising- makes the deal an exceptional one, don’t miss it. Write us today and we will give you full particulars and outline an advertising offer which will interest you. You should make Rocky Mountain Tea your leading constipation and stomach remedy, because it gives results every time you take it. Trade Supplied by RICHARDSON DRUG CO. Omaha, Nebraska SOLE MANUFACTURERS HOLLISTER DRUG COMPANY MADISON, WIN. OMAHA DRUGGIST. ■HI ..... = 0 SPECIAL OFFER ON DENVER MUD An Ideal Shampoo for the Blonde, near Blonde and Auburn types of fair women. $15.00 Lot less 5 per cent Discount. It actually keeps the hair from turning $25.00 Lot less 5 per cent Discount .darker without dyeing or and Free Goods to retail at $6.00. bleaching. Over 125 Per Cent Clear Profit For You GUARANTEED UNDER THE PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAWS. Y-2. Pound a t..........................$ 1.75 doz. 1 Pound a t.......................... 3.00 doz. 2 Pound a t.......................... 6.00 doz. PREPARED ONLY BY 5 Pound at................... ... 12.00 doz. Mme. Elizabeth Gille If it isn’t made in Denver it is MIS­ No. 1 Hamilton Grange BRANDED. NEW YORK CITY Pure Food and Drug- Law. m :|B] Uncle Sam guarantees the purity and quality of every bottle of this WHISKEY Its purity a n d fine quality makes 11 ideal for prescrip­ tion and home use. Because of its continued good quality Every druggist, whether he sells by the bottle, or uses whiskey only for prescription purposes, should have Lewis’ Single Binder has won the confi­ dence, both of the dealer and the smoker, _ and as a result of this the sale of the Lewis’ Good old Single Binder is Nearly a Million a Month with­ out the Factory Sending out a Traveling Salesman; ' P u r e 3 ^ / depending upon the quality to do the busi­ Bo t t l e d In Bo n d ness. YOUR JOBBER For sale in Quarts, Pints and Half-Pints by the WILL Richardson Drug Co., Omaha SUPPLY YOU. = E l 4 OMAHA DRUGGIST. 0 :0 0 SWANSON’S REMEDIES MR. DRUGGIST, Let Us Introduce s§ G E F ” • Not a cure, but ‘ “GEF” a POSITIVE PREVENTATIVE \ has stood the test. for all A clean tenacious Veneral Diseases. preparation. Simple, Safe Put up in collap­ and Effective. sible tubes, Will not Stain the convenient in size Clothing and is to be carried "5 DROPS” (One Size Only) $1.00 $8.00 Practically Non- in the vest "5 DROP” Corn Remedy .25 2.00 Odorous. pocket. "5 DROP” Plasters .25 2.00 "5 DROP” Salve .25 2.00 Retail Price, $1.00 Sent Postpaid "5 DROP” Salve .50 4.00 The SWANSON PILL .25 2.00 MANUFACTURED BY The G. E. F. MEDICAL CO. SWANSON RHEUMATIC' CURE CO. L.orton, Nebr. CHICAGO, ILL. SOLD BY ALL JOBBERS 0 =0 Dr. La Rue’ s Old Overholt Celebrated Remedies Pure Rye Whiskey Are the Safest and Best. Never a Dissatisfied Customer Pays the dealer 99 per cent Profit BOTTLED IN BOND The Customer 100 per cent Satisfaction. under Government Supervision, jT » W / ’\ f One (1) doz. single or assorted of your with Government stamp over LJ CJ M dealer and get % dozen free from us. cork of each bottle, guar­ Riggs Pharmacal Co. anteeing- proof, quantity and Distributors - Lincoln, Neb. age. AGENTS FOR DR. LA RUE’S ^ Baloon Spray Syringe...................................per doz. $24.00 Antiseptic Vaginal Tablets for Women... 8.00 “ SEE THAT THE LITTLE GREEN STAMP Antiseptic Disc for Men.............................. 3.00 Antiseptic Cones for Women....................... 8.00 IS OVER EACH CORK. Female Oap-sal-oids for Women................. 8.00 Female Cap-sal-oids “Extra Strong”........ 16.00 Galega Beans (Bust Developer).................. 8.00 x x a : Gee & Gee Capsules for Men......................... 8.00 “Gee-Gee Injection for M en....................... 8.00 Blood-Oids | H° ‘ K g & S 8 r n* t - 24.00 R ichardson Dr. Pasture’s Obesity Treatment............ 8.00 Ner-vo-ine Tabloids for Men and Women 8.00 Yag-in-oids for Women................................ 8.00 Drug Co. Trade Supplied by Om&hai, - - Neb. Richardson Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. 0= 0 0 ■ 0 OMAHA DRUGGIST. HEBE BATH POWDER w e __ . A Wonderful Water Soft­ f t A T f l , ener, delicately Perfumed Our New Product PQWDE% with the odor of fresh red, roses. M '-j ^»l n.T. r°*rjpcx>n/ul tor f jf We have an exceptionally attractive proposition; a very attractive package—clever and original advertising- copy, and exceptionally catchy window displays. WILL YOU NOT LET US LAY IT BEFORE YOU? This is the time to take advantag-e of new “ sure to be” exceptionally GOOD SELLER. Philo Hay Specialties €o. N E W AR K, N . J., U. S . A.Sole Manufacturers. NEWARK, N. J., U. S. A.Sole A complete stock of both sizes carried by Richardson Drug Co. They will be g-lad to fill your orders for it. m After ten years of severe tests and the establishment of its claims for efficiency and reliability, we offer with confidence in its merits and the profits it will bring- to the retailer, who will recommend and urge its sale— CLEANSINE Guaranteed under Pood and Drugs Act, June 30, 1909 It cures surely and quickly the most stubborn discharg-es WITHOUT «— *'<* SYRINGE As a BLOOD PURIFIER, it has no equal and has never been known to fail, when used to cure the most dreaded of human diseases, for which it is especially recommended. It is used, with marked success in severe cases of RHEUMATISM. A pure and harmless VEGETABLE COMPOUND which does NOT contain Mercury or any other Mineral, contains no alcohol sug-ar or water; no Morphine, Cocaine, Opiates, Coal-tar or any kind of poisons. Price, to Trade, $12.00 per Dozen Retails at $2.50 per Bottle RICHARDSON DRUG CO., Distributors, OMAHA, NEB. 0= OMAHA DRUGGIST. [□} \E\ [d]: ONE DOZEN IMPERIAL HARD OIL FINISH The Best Hard Oil Finish Made— On the Market For Twenty Years. Pays You "Cut” Out Wright's Smoke Prolit Imitations Gives User Buy the Results F IN IS H l* Original —•"UOHT^Mr FREE FOR INTEIJtORWORk "Im perial” WU.C HtCOCW Sells Quick tltS HARO WITH A MILUAVT GLOSS M Twnvt HOURS It’ s the on orders for three cases, (6 Always IMPERIAL HARD OIL CO. BEST dozen). the Same Hard Oil PRICES Calendars, Window Displays, 5 Gallon Cans................................ 85c per gallon 1 Gallon C ans................................. 90c per gallon Samples and Mailing List ^ Gallon Cans .............................. 95c per gallon on all orders. Quart Cans.......................................$1.00 per gallon MADE ONLY BY SEIDLITZ VARNISH CO., Varnish Makers Mfgrs. of Seidlitz and Continental Varnish Co’s The E. H. Wright Co., Ltd. Full Line of Varnishes. KANSAS CITY, MO. Carried in Stock 09 Broadway Kansas City, Mo. and Sold by " RICHARDSON DROG CO., Omaha [51 ■\n\ CREME ELCAYA CERAT ELCAYA [□} = 0 NEW ORIGINAL CREME ELMMB 1 M INDIAN ROOT COUGH CANDY ELCAYA (IN STICK FORM) “ Makes the Skin I/ike Velvet’* Mr. Druggist and Dealer: The popular toilet cream that sells on “repeat orders” and all ELCAYA prepa­ Your trade will call for this rations can be obtained through the article. leading Wholesale Druggists at WHY? Because once tried it will win $41 DOZENA confidence. Because it’s the best piece of Special discount on 3 dozen quantity cough candy on the market. through jobber. For terms, advertising, ------ ORDER FROM YOUR JOBBER ------ samples, etc., address Trade Supplied by JAMES C. CItANE S O L E A G E N T Richardson Drug Co. I OS Fnlton Street NEW YORK CITY Omaha, U. S. A. POUDRE ELCAYA SAVON ELCAYA [° ]: OVER 300 PER GENT PROFIT THAT IS, IF YOU BUY ON CREDIT OR SIXTY DAYS T IM E ...................... STILL MORE IF YOU PAY GASH Profit is the only thing that the Druggist can live on. Here is the offer and where you make over 3 0 0 per cent profits SELL GERING’S DENVER MUD COMPOUND One Gross of one-half pounds, retails at 35c each $50.40 One-half Gross of one pounds, retails at 75c each 54.00 Total retails at $104.40 Costs You Only $34.20 Can be ordered through any Jobber you wish.
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