Disclosure Meetings Report BAKAD Project October 2019 www.erm.com The business of sustainability DRAFT BAKAD PROJECT Disclosure Meetings Report Prepared for: BAKAD Consortium October 2019 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 5 2 DISCLOSURE MEETINGS 9 2.1 KARASAYSKY DISTRICT: KYRGAULDY, 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 10 2.2 ZHAMBYLSKY DISTRICT: KARGALY, 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 11 2.3 TALGARSKY DISTRICT: KYZYL-KAIRAT, 4 SEPTEMBER 2019 12 2.4 ENBEKSHIKAZAKHSKY DISTRICT: BOLEK, 4 SEPTEMBER 2019 13 2.5 ILIYSKY DISTRICT: KAZTSIK, 5 SEPTEMBER 2019 15 2.6 ILIYSKY DISTRICT: POKROVKA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2019 16 3 FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSIONS 18 3.1 ORGANIZATION OF FGDS AND INDUCTION SESSION 18 3.2 CARRYING OUT FGDS 18 3.3 MAJOR ISSUES RAISED DURING FGDS 22 4 OUTCOMES OF DISCLOSURE MEETINGS 28 4.1 KEY CONCLUSIONS 28 4.2 RECOMMENDATIONS ON FURTHER STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 30 4.3 UPDATE OF THE EISA REPORT FOLLOWING THE DISCLOSURE PROCESS 32 APPENDIX 1 35 APPENDIX 2 37 APPENDIX 3 39 APPENDIX 4 41 APPENDIX 5 43 BAKAD PROJECT DM REPORT 3 APPENDIX 6 45 APPENDIX 7 47 List of acronyms Acronym Definition BAKAD Big Almaty Ring Road CoR MIID PK Road Committee, the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment FGD Focus-group discussions GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism NGO Non-governmental organizations BAKAD PROJECT DM REPORT 4 1 INTRODUCTION This document was prepared by ERM Eurasia Limited (ERM) with the assistance of Armine Simonyan, a consultant from BAKAD Investment and Operation LLC, for a consortium of companies represented by Alsim Alarko Sanayi Tesisleri ve Ticaret A. Ş., Makyol Inşaat Sanayi Turizm ve Ticaret A., Korea Expressway Corporation and SK Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. (the Consortium). ERM was commissioned by the BAKAD Consortium to perform an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) in line with international standards and requirements of the Project’s Potential Lenders. This document is the Disclosure Meetings Report, which outlines results of meetings conducted in September 2019 in the Karasaysky, Iliysky, Talgarsky, Zhambylsky and Enbekshikazakhsky districts of the Almaty Region of Kazakhstan. The main purpose of the disclosure meetings was to disclose information about the key design solutions, ESIA results and the grievance mechanism, and also to collect feedback from the affected parties in relation to the proposed solutions and impact mitigation activities. The disclosure meetings process was supported by the Road Committee of Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development, as well as by district and okrug akimats. The main participants of the consultations are listed in the table below (Table 1). BAKAD PROJECT DM REPORT 5 Table 1 Participants of disclosure meetings on the BAKAD Project Role in the Project Participation in meetings Participants’ names Names of representatives Concessionaire Initiator of meetings; party TOO BAKAD Investment and Operation Director, Ayman Serekbekovna Zhanuzakova; providing information on Social Specialist, Gaydar Muratovich Uteshev; stakeholder engagement Environmental Specialist, Mara Bahytzhanovna matters. Shakenova EPC Contractor Party providing information Consortium: Representative of Executive Committee, Abbas Shahin; HSES manager, Cagri Yildiz; (engineering, procurement on matters related to progress Alsim Alarko Sanayi Tesisleri ve Ticaret A. Ş., and construction) of construction, recruitment H&S Chief, Fekhim Sakkaly; Makyol Inşaat Sanayi Turizm ve Ticaret A. Ş. and other construction-phase Environmental Specialist, Umsunay Karbaevna SK Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd., aspects. Baygabulova, Korea Expressway Corporation. Environmental Specialist, Ismail Erdogan, Social Specialist, Cansu Erdogan, Civil Engineer, Raisov Aydin Rymtaevich Grantor Leader of the disclosure The Road Committee of the Ministry of Industry Deputy Head, Satzhan Aitenovich Ablaliyev process and representative of and Infrastructure Development of Kazakhstan Head of Concession Department, Erkebulan the Project’s initiator Esmagambetovich Sulpadiyarov (customer); party providing Principal expert, Asel Mukhamedrakhimovna information on feasibility of Karymbaeva the Project, possibility of material changes to the design; toll-road matters. Technical Design Team Party providing information TOO NIiPK Kazdorinnovatsiya (development of Technical Director, Aygul Salimovna Munaydarova on detailed technical Project Design) Technical Director, Victor Chumachenko solutions, the technical ability to accept proposals from participants of the meetings, and access-related matters. Executive authorities Moderator of meetings; Authorities in the Karasaysky district: Deputy Akim of Karasaysky district, Almazbek Razbekovich Ashimbay; additional explanations to Akimat of the Karasaysky district; answers given by Akim of Raiymbeksky rural okrug, Yelzhan Seitnurovich Akimat of the Raiymbeksky rural okrug; representatives of the Project. Tulenbaev; Akimat of the Irgelinsky rural okrug; Deputy Akim of Irgelinsky rural okrug, Yeskendir Akimat of the Yeltaysky rural okrug. Yegizbekovich Yegeubek; BAKAD PROJECT DM REPORT 6 Role in the Project Participation in meetings Participants’ names Names of representatives Principal specialist, Yeltaysky rural okrug, Birzhan Manatovich Makhatov Authorities in the Talgarsky district: Deputy Akim of Talgarsky district, Chingizkhan Maratovich Mamanov; Akimat of the Talgarsky district; Akim of Alatausky rural okrug, Kuatbek Nygymetovich Akimat of the Panfilovsky rural okrug; Smagulov; Akimat of the Guldalinsky rural okrug; Akim of Belbulaksky rural okrug, Aslan Nurgalievich Akimat of the Belbulaksky rural okrug; Kasymbaev; Akimat of the Alatausky rural okrug. Akim of Guldalinsky rural okrug, Maksat Makhanbetkali; Acting Akim of Panfilovsky rural okrug, Saule Nabiollaevne Myktybaeva; Authorities in the Iliysky district: Head of Department of Passenger Transport and Roads of Iliysky district, Ernat Zhanabek; Akimat of the Iliysky district; Acting Akim of KazTSIKovsky rural Aisulu Esenova Akimat of the Kaztsikovsky rural okrug; Italmasova; Akimat of the Aschibulaksky rural okrug; Akim of Aschibulaksky rural Bekmyrza Ilyasovich Akimat of the Energetichesky rural okrug; Imanbekov; Akimat of the Bayserkinsky rural okrug. Akim of Energetichesky rural okrug, Bauyrzhan Akzholovich; Akim of Baiserkinsky rural okrug Tleuken Otynshievna Kolbaeva Authorities in the Zhambylsky district: Akim of Kargalinsky rural okrug, Dosbol Akylbekovich Turysbekov Akimat of the Kargalinsky rural okrug. Authorities in the Enbekshikazakhsky district: Akim Deputy of Boleksky rural okrug, Jalil Karibovich Osmanov Akimat of the Boleksky rural okrug. Potential Lenders Asian Development Bank Safeguards Specialist, Private Sector Operations Department, Aida Khalil Gomez BAKAD PROJECT DM REPORT 7 Role in the Project Participation in meetings Participants’ names Names of representatives Independent observers who European Bank for Reconstruction and Principal Social Adviser, Environmental and do not directly participate in Development Sustainability Department, Nurzhan Dzhumabaev, discussions. Adviser for Transport Projects in Kazakhstan, Sholpan Dikhanbaeva International Finance Corporation Lead social specialist, Environmental, Social and Management Department, Gulen Metin Lead environmental specialist, Environmental, Social and Management Department, Elena Chuzhakova Consultants Participants of meetings who ERM Eurasia Limited ESIA Project Manager, Alexandra Leman will be presenting Project- Consultant, Nadezhda Petukhova related environmental and social risks and impacts; party responsible for providing information on impact mitigation matters; moderator of focus groups. Moderation of focus group - Consultant, Armine Simonyan discussions. Stakeholders Participation in discussions; Residents of settlements affected by the See Appendix 3 escalation of matters of Project; interest / concern for Non-governmental organisations; discussion. Mass media. BAKAD PROJECT DM REPORT 8 2 DISCLOSURE MEETINGS The disclosure meetings on the ESIA results were held on 3-5 September 2019 in the five districts of the Almaty Region that are affected by the Project. In total, 6 meetings were held (see Table 2). Table 2 Participants of disclosure meetings Number of participants Venue Date Males Females Total Karasaysky district: Kyrgauldy 03.09.2019 44 45 89 Zhambylsky district: Kargaly 03.09.2019 13 22 35 Talgarsky district: Kyzyl-Kairat 04.09.2019 36 26 62 Enbekshikazakhsky district: Bolek 04.09.2019 8 13 21 Iliysky district: KazTSIK 05.09.2019 28 22 50 Iliysky district: Pokrovka 05.09.2019 29 46 75 They were initiated and formally arranged by the Concessionaire. Notices were published in the following district and local newspapers in Russian and Kazakh languages on 16 August 2019: Karasaysky district: Zaman Zharsysy, Iliysky district: Ile Tany, Talgarsky district: Talgar, Enbekshikazakhsky district: Issyk, Zhambylsky district: Atameken. Also, printed announcements were displayed in district and Okrug akimats, and an electronic announcement was published on the websites of the Concessionaire1 and the Road Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development2 (Appendix 1). Representatives of the Road Committee took part in all meetings. Prior to the meetings, brochures explaining the grievance mechanism and giving a summary of the Project in a question-and-answer format were distributed to participants
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