THANK YOU! To All Our Valued Customers for the Most Successful Auction Sales The Gross Amount Sold - $9,209.374.00 Vol. 22, NO.3 TIle Gelato,," Inside The CelatoyPJ ... March 2008 Consecutive Issue No. 249 Incorporating ROnl(ln Coinsa/UI e ll! lin! FEATURES Pu bl ili hcrfEdilOr Kerry K. Wetterslrom [email protected] 6 History and Coinage of the Aetolian League Associate Editors by Steve M. Benner Robert L. Black Michael R. Mehalick 26 An Investigation of the Physical Proper­ Page 6 ties of Roman Republican Silver Coin­ For Back lssues From age: Part II-Silver Content 1987 to May 1999 ('Ontact: by PierJuigi Debernardi Wayne Sayles [email protected] DEPARTMENTS Art: Parnell Nelson 2 Editor's Note - Coming Next Month Maps & Graphic Art: 4 Letters to the Editor Kenny Crady 32 People in the News P.O. Box 10607 J1ro(i[ts in ilumisnl!ltirs Lancaster, PA 17605 TeUFax:717-65~7 33 Art and the Market For FedEx 1!. UPS deliveries: Kerry K. Wetterstrom 36 Coming Events 87 Apricot Ave Leola, PA 17540-1788 41 ANT1QlJ ITI ES by David Liebert 42 ~ oin5 of tur jBilJlr by David Hendin The Ce/a/or (ISSN 1 1048-0986) is an independent journal pub· lished on Ihe first day 01 each 44 The Internet Connection month at 87 Apricot Ave , Leola, by Kevin 8arry & Zachary "8eas/" 8easley PA 17540,1788. !I is clrculat&d in· tarnalionally through subscrlp­ lions and special distributions. 45 'through the .cooking glass Subscription rat es. payable in by Wayne G. Sayles U.S.lunds, ara $30 per year (Pe­ riodical rale) within the United States: $36 to Canada: $60 per 46 Cartoon year to all other addresses (ISAL). Advertising and copy deadline Is 47 Professional Directory the Iirst workday 01 each month. Unsolicited articles and news reo 52 On the Road - The Celator's Show & Club Schedule About the cover: A sil­ leases are welcome , however ver stater (or didrachm) publication cannot be guaran· teed. Unless expressly stated. 54 Club & Society Directory issued by the Aetolian The Celalorneither enclorses nor league. Photo courtesy is responsible lor the contents 01 55 Classifieds - Index of Display Advertisers of e NG , Inc. adverlisements, len ers-to-the­ edilor. leature arUcles, regular columns and press releases in ilS office pages. including any opinions The Gelator will staled therein. and the accuracy be closed on Monday, 01 any dala provided by its coo­ March 3n1 and also lribulors. Periodical postage paid M ~h 14!h & 21S!. (USPS '006077) LaJ'lCasler, PA t 7603 and additional offices. Check the "On the Copyright C 2006, Paradigm Road' section for fur­ Numismatics & Publishing, lne. ther details. Office hours are normally Postmaster: please send address changes to: Noon to 6PM EST. P.O. Box 10607 Please keep in mind Lancaster, PA 17605-0607 that this is a one-per­ son business when FOUNDED 1987 BY you're trying to reach WAYNE G. SAYLES me. Thank you! EDITOR'S COMING NEXT [; MONTH NOTE ~,- IN THE CELATOR" In mid January. The Normans in Sicily Egyptian o ffi cials 1060-11 94 a nn ounced their pl un to copyright some of thei r 111 0S t rec­ By Charles Suter ogni zable and famous anti quities in the Faces of Empire - Part X, country. This proposed Egyptian law would appl y 10 such icons as the Giza hind this piece o f Egyptian legislation, any Women Around tile Outset Pyn un ids. the Sphinx. and the funerary funds genera ted by the law would be used of the Principate mask of Tulankhamun. A ll told. " boUi to preserve and protect historic si tes in by Cornelius Venncule 120 anti quities would be protected by Egypt. according to Hawas.s. Well, Ihal this new law, according 10 Z,hi Hawass. changes everything- where do I send my A New Variant ofa "Provi­ secretary general of Egypt's Supreme royalty checks? sional" Samarian COill Coun ci l of Antiquities. Within the samc pi ecc of legislation Obviously, the Egypt ian government urc "provisions thaI stiffen penalties for by Rorm Berrol can pass and enforce such a law in their those cuugh t smuggling, stea ling, or own country, but it is their intention 10 destroying untiquities-thc fi rst n:vi sion AND COMING SOON enforce this law worldwide. Good luck of such laws since 1983." This section A Roman Moneyer with that! Internati onal law li mits copy­ of the proposed law is certainly more right protection for speci fi c amounts of practical and admirable. Smugglers and by Gregory Zentz lime, usuall y about 95 years. and then thieves need to be prosecuted and convict­ Th e Cambridge Honrd of the property becomes part of Ihe public ed. especiall y in source countries like do muin. As onc {; opyrigh t and in te li ec­ Egypt. If more countries pol iccd ;md en­ 1897 Revisited lUu l property law expert , Mark S:lblc- forced th eir smuggling laws, it would not by Jayseth Guberman PllblillS Helvius Pertinax "Under the proposed law, any manufacru rer or retailer By Paul Anderson wo uld have to obtain permission, and probably pay a royally 17" Philosopher al1d the Celator f ee, to sell products fhat are copies of th e antiquities Egypl by Nicholas j. Molinari wallIs 10 prolecl. " A nimals Oil Roman Coins By T. R. McIntosh man of S!. Louis, commented at the ti me be politic31ly necessary for them to try and Roman Ghos ts to the National Geographic Society get the U.S. and other governments to do N(;ws. "the p roposed Egyp tian law it for them. O r am I just bei ng naive? byS. C. Stites seems out of pl ace unde r trad iti o na l In the end, though. il is anOlhcr pro­ copyright concepts ... il appelll"S to rob vision of the Egypti tl ll law that I am the Portraits of Cleopa tra rather than fill the publi c domain." most enthu siasti c about. " Egyptia n ven­ by Walter C. Holt As this Egyptian law wo uld contra­ dors sclling goods-including those who ObsefU/tions on the Madonna dict U.S . and Euro pean copyright l3ws. offer the popular camel and horse rides it could not be enforced internationall y. at the foot of the Giz:l Pyramids-will be Denars ofMntthins Corvin"s Under the proposed law. any nmnufac­ forced to remain outside o f a O. 6-mile oj H"ngan;-Part I turcr or retailer would have to obtain ( I-kilometer) buffer zone." It's about by Steven H. Ka plan permission, and probably pay a royalt y lime! When [ visited Egypt :tnd the Giz:t fee, to sell products that arc copies of Pillteau in 1997, J fo und th:tt it was a Fa ces of Empire - Part XI, the antiq uities Egypt wants to protect. constant stru ggle to Hvo id the c:tme1-ride Hellenistic Bea llty to Tetrar­ T here are loopholes. so-to-speak. in the h ucksters. "A rc yo u an Ameri c a n? ltl w us it prohibits exact-scal e repl icas, Americ:t is No. I! " was the us ual start chic/Col1s tal1tinian Brutality but not-to-scale replicas arc allowed. ortheir sa les pitch. " Yes, ['m an Amer­ by Cornelius Vermeule Huh! Who reall y cares if Ihe re plic:t is ican. b ut we're only number 29." I to scale or not? A manufacturer that ac­ would repl y. And 3S J started counting The Birth of Jesus Viewed tuall y wanted to comply with this 13 w off the 28 countries above us. they would Th rough Coins could simply just change the dimensions roll their eyes. and wandcr o ff, looking By Richard Plant o f his product to a void any fees. O f for someone more in need o f a camcl­ course, there is an altmislic motive be- ride than yours truly! ~he CeltltM is "Mned toz MId dedicated to the coi" die-e"7ta "eH ot a"tiquit~ ",hose att temains as pOhJet5ul and appealin? todalt as in theit 0"''' time, 2 The Celator PUBLIC AUCTION to be held in conjunction with the Chicago International Coin Fair th th April 25 _26 , 2008 Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare Hotel featuring ANCIENT COINS WORLD COINS MEXICAN COINS WORLD PAPER MONEY Catalogs available for $30 each. The entire catalog may be viewed on our web site starting on or before April!", 2008 at: ~ PONTE RIO & ASSOCIATES ~PNG 1818 Robinson Ave., San Diego, CA 92103 PH.G. #308 800-854-2888 or 619-299-0400 Fax 619-299-1S952; E-mail: [email protected] Licensed Allction Company #968 ~f.IIIBU L_M. '216l Richard H. Ponterio - President March 2008 3 covering a coin in a previous collection has etc. I think one of the attractions of both of a certain charm in and of itself, but to find our collections is the crude but beautiful oul thai one is a rather interesting forgery designs. The hammer struck coins of 2000 was even more compelling to read. This years ago probably were made in much is one reader that would be willing to read the same way as those of Carlos and Jo­ htte/':J more such stories of provenance discov­ hanna in Mexico City. The human element ered in the pages of this fine pub li cation. I in the making of the dies, no two dies were am also grateful for the letter by Curtis Clay the same, many dies had mistakes, and (February 2008, p.
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