![23 October 1986]149 3495](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
[Thursday, 23 October 1986]149 3495 2. Urgently re-examine its policies GErgislutiue Assemblu; on taxation, Government charges, Thursday, 23 October 1986 Government housing rentals, fuel levies and transport costs to lower their burden on these people. THE SPEAKER (Mr Barnett) took the Chair 3. Examine the increases in Shire at 10.45 anm., and read prayers. rates due to the introduction of the fringe benefits tax. PARLIAMENTARY SUPERANNUATION 4. Ensure that policies are FUND introduced to provide incentives, Appointment of Trustees not disincentives, for people to On motion by Mr Hodge (Minister for Con- live and work in these areas." servation and Land Management), resolved- Mr Speaker, this is a matter of public That, pursuant to the provisions of the interest and in my view is properly brought Parliamentary Superannuation Act 1970, forward within the Sessional Orders of the the Legislative Assembly hereby appoints House. the member for Dale, Mr Rushton, and the Yours sincerely, member for Perth, Mr Terry Burke, to be Richard Court ML.A. trustees of the parliamentary super- annuation fund as from this day. Eight members having risen in their places, The SPEAKER: I rule that the motion has SELECT COMMITEES: LEGAL FEES been correctly brought forward under the Standing Orders Committee Report Sessional Order and indicate that a half an hour will be allocated to each side of the House MR BURKETT (Scarborough) [10.48 am.): for the purpose of this debate. I present the report of the Standing Orders Committee on reimbursement of legal fees in- MR COURT (Nedlands) [10.52 aim]: I curred by witnesses before Select Committees move- and move- In view of the strike action taken That the report be received. this week by employees in the north of Question put and passed. this State and the disruption to com- munity services caused by this action, GOVERNMENT CHARGES the Government should: Northern Areas: Matter of Public Importance (1) take immediate action to relieve the hardship that Government induced THE SPEAKER: H-onourable members, I cost increases are causing employers have received today the following letter from and employees in both the public and the member for Nedlands- private sectors of this State's rural and In accordance with the relevant Sessional remote areas; Orders of the Legislative Assembly, I give notice that at the commencement of the (2) urgently re-examine its policies on sitting of the House today, Thursday taxation, Government charges, Government housing rentals, fuel October 23, 1986 1 wish to move the fol- a matter of public levies and transport costs to lower lowing Motion as their burden on these people; interest. (3) examine the "In view of the strike action taken increases in Shire rates this week by employees in the north of due to the introduction of the fringe this State and the disruption to com- benefits tax, and munity services caused by this action, (4) ensure that policies are introduced to the Government should: provide incentives, not disincentives, I . Take immediate action to relieve for people to live and work in these the hardship that Government areas. induced cost increases are causing During the last week we have witnessed an employers and employees. in both extraordinary event in which many public ser- the public and private sectors of vants in the north of this State went against this State's rural and remote their normal track record on industrial matters areas. and went on strike. 3496 3496[ASSEM BLY] The Opposition does not condone the action have had enough. He certainly got out before these people took by going out on strike, par- they threw him out. ticularly as it caused considerable disruption to Mr Taylor: You would get two out of 10. the many community services provided by them. Mr COURT: The Minister for Health might make that sort of comment, but he should talk The important point we must examine-we to some of the Health Department of Western are asking the Government to accept this-is Australia employees who live in some of the that the concern which finally made these remote areas of the State and hear what they people take such action has been brewing for think about the cost pressures which they are some time. It simply highlights the fact that the now being asked to bear. Labor Government is completely out of touch With the recent action, the Government with the electorate. tried to divert attention to home in on one or Members opposite have shown during the two particular issues, but I think that Mr four years they have been in Government, that Meacham from the Trades and Labor Council they really have no empathy with the people of WA summed up the situation very well. living in the remote and rural areas to which I Mr Pearce: I do not think I would say that. have referred in my motion. They simply do not understand, or do not seem to want to Mr COURT: Is it not interesting that just know, the problems that these people are because Mr Meacham attacked the Deputy facing, particularly those problems which were Premier about the situation concerning sub- highlighted this week; that is, that Government marines, we hear this sort of response. employees living in the north of the State are I refer to an extract from a radio broadcast of living under quite different circumstances from 22 October in which Greg Newbold said- those under which they would live in the Rent increases, manning levels and long metropolitan area. service ]eave were issues which the Government employees in the north have to combined Union Council identified as live alongside employees engaged in the mining reasons for members of fourteen unions and gas industries and they compare their rela- going on strike last Thursday. tive situation with those of their next door Most of the unions involved are not neighbours. They have found themselves in a known for being strike happy. They tend to position where they can no longer stand back solve their problems by less controversial and do nothing about the situation. means. Mr Meacham said the cause of the unprecedented strike was likely to be I will concentrate on the situation existing in the Pilbara and the Kimberley. I believe that found in the host of increases in Govern- the Labor members representing ment taxes and charges earlier in the year, the north are the inability of the Government to bring simply not fighting for the well-being of their constituents and in the last four years the stan- prices down when fuel prices dropped, and dard of living of these people the general perception of the Burke has declined con- Government as one which siderably. favoured businesses ahead of workers. In all the criticism about previous Govern- Mr Meacham said that there had clearly ments, members opposite cannot criticise the been a build up of frustration over some Opposition's commitment to the north. time and its release in strike action was not Mr Peter Dowding: We certainly can. suprising. Mr COURT: One certainly cannot. Here we have one of the Labor Government supporters saying that the cost burdens these The situation has become untenable, not people can no ]onger bear are the result of a only for Government employees who have host of increases in Government taxes and been working under these new cost burdens, charges earlier this year and the inability of the but also for the many private sector employers Government to bring down prices when fuel and employees who are being pushed over the prices dropped. brink as a result of the cost increases. What are some of the cost burdens? Many The member for Mayfands no longer rep- have been mentioned and the member for resents the interests of the people in the north Pilbara, in her maiden speech, spoke about and if he were to go back to the north today the grocery prices. It is not just grocery pnices people there would tear him to pieces. They which concern the people of the north, it is a [Thursday, 23 October 19861 349739 combination of a number of different costs Government had the opportunity to relieve the which is cause for concern. The fringe benefits inflationary pressure of high fuel prices, the tax, in a multitude of ways, is having an effect effect of which was greater in remote and rural on this particular structure. I believe that it is areas. However, those Governments squan- the one single issue that will bring this Govern- dered that opportunity. I was in this Parlia- ment down;, it certainly will result in the ment when the Government introduced legis- Government losing members in the remote lation supposedly designed to lower petrol areas of the north. Both the State and Federal prices. What a farce that was! When the Governments have totally misread the situ- Government had a genuine opportunity to ation in connection with this tax. When this lower fuel prices when oil prices dropped quiie Government had the opportunity to do some- dramatically, it did not do anything. Instead, thing about the situation last year, it did absol- the Governments, State and Federal, increased utely nothing. taxes on fuel so that people in remote areas Belatedly the Government is now trying to continued to pay high fuel prices. get onto the bandwagon to change that tax to lessen its effects. Members of the Government No member on the Government side of the knew what that tax would do to people living in House could truthfully say that the Govern- the remote and rural areas, but did nothing.
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