17.10.2017-23.10.2017 • No: 134 7 EVALUATION OF THE 2017 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS IN KYRGYZSTAN On October 15, 2017, Kyrgyzstan held its sec- approved by the CEC. Two candidates, namely vote (Article 31). Ballots are automatically ond peaceful power transfer leading to delega- Kamchibek Tashiyev and Bakyt Torobayev, counted by precinct count optical scan (PCOS) tion of authority between the members of the withdrew from the elections by submitting ap- machines. During the recent parliamentary Social Democratic Party, which continues to be plications of their own volition. Since their elections, there were cases when voters could the ruling party holding the most parliamentary withdrawal occurred after the ballots were not find themselves in the lists or could not seats. The competition between the two main printed, in accordance with Article 30 of the vote because of technical failures of identifica- candidates running for president resulted in a constitutional law on presidential and parlia- tion equipment. According to the Office for resounding first-round victory of Sooronbai mentary elections in Kyrgyzstan, their names Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of Jeenbekov, the former prime minister and the were crossed out from the ballots. In fact, pres- the Organization for Security Cooperation in chosen candidate of outgoing President of Kyr- idential candidate Azimbek Beknazarov also Europe report, in 3% of polling stations ballot gyzstan Almazbek Atambayev, while his main announced his withdrawal from the 2017 pres- scanners had to be replaced due to equipment opponent Omurbek Babanov, the former prime idential race, leaving 10 candidates to run on failures. Moreover, a significant number of minister and the leader of the opposition the election day. However, his name remained Kyrgyz citizens, mainly those residing abroad, Respublika Party, came second. In fact, despite on the ballot since he did not submit an official did not undergo the biometric registration and accusations of foul play from both sides, ar- application. was therefore unable to exercise their right to rests, pressure on the media and other cam- It was expected that there would be a close run- vote. paign violations, the recent elections in Kyr- off between Sooronbai Jeenbekov and According to Almaz Asanbaev, Deputy Chair- gyzstan offered a real political struggle and Omurbek Babanov. However, according to the person of the State Migration Service of choice, which made it hard to predict the elec- preliminary results of the presidential elections Kyzgyzstan, in 2017 over 710,000 Kyrgyz cit- tion results. There was no guarantee that the published by the CEC, Jooronbai Jeenbekov, a izens work abroad, including 616,000 in Rus- ruling party’s candidate would win the elec- 58-year-old political ally of incumbent Presi- sia, 30,000 in Kazakhstan and Turkey each, tions with an overwhelming majority. Both dent Almazbek Atambaev, gained 54.28%, or and 15,000 in South Korea. However, the Min- leading contenders, until the last minute, ex- 919,654, of votes, while his main opponent istry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan in- pected to obtain a majority of votes, which is Omurbek Babanov, a 47-year-old wealthy en- formed that only 18,580 of voters staying an unprecedented situation for Central Asia. trepreneur, was the second leading candidate abroad were registered at the consulates. As a Indeed, Kyrgyzstan has had a turbulent politi- with 33.41%, or 566,188, of votes. Neverthe- result, the vast majority of labor migrants cal history since becoming independent in less, the gap between the top two leading can- working in Russia and other countries could 1991. First Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev didates appears to narrow in comparison with not vote because they did not submit biometric was overthrown in the 2005 Tulip Revolution, the 2011 presidential election results with data and failed to register with a relevant Kyr- while his successor Kurmanbek Bakiyev was Almazbek Atambaev achieving an almost 50% gyz embassy or consulate in time. ousted in 2010. As a result, until recently, the advantage (62.52% vs. 14.77%) over his near- It is worth mentioning that despite intense only example of a peaceful power transit in the est rival. Other three leaders among the candi- competition neither of the leading candidates country was the post-revolution elections won dates include Adakhan Madumarov (6.42%, or showed intention to change Kyrgyzstan’s geo- by Almazbek Atambayev in 2011 following 110,174, of votes), Temir Sariyev (2.54%, or political course, with the country firmly in the brief interim presidency of Roza Otunba- 43,157, of votes), and Talatbek Masadykov Russia’s political and economic orbit com- yeva. (0.63%, or 10,728, of votes). The “against all” bined with the membership in the Eurasian According to the new Constitution developed option received nearly 0.72%, or 12,114, of Economic Union. In fact, the recent changes under the interim administration and approved votes. made in the constitution have weakened the of- by the referendum in June 2010, any Kyrgyz The turnout during the presidential elections fice of the president in favor of the Parliament citizen who is above the age of 35 and under reached 55.93%, meaning that 1,692,423 vot- and the prime minister. Therefore, presidential the age of 70, fluent in the state language and ers out of 3,025,770 million people who were powers in influencing the country’s foreign has been living in Kyrgyzstan for at least 15 eligible to vote took part in the elections at policy and determining priorities in trade and years in aggregate has the right to run for pres- 2,375 polling stations. It appears that despite defense will be limited by the Parliament, idency (Article 62). The same person cannot be the growth of the population from 5.5 million which makes it difficult for President-elect elected as the president twice to serve a six- in 2011 to 6.1 in 2017 the voter turnout, as the Jeenbekov to significantly change the geopolit- year term (Article 61). As a result, incumbent percentage of those registered, was lower than ical landmarks shaped under Atambayev’s six- President Almazbek Atambayev was barred at the 2011 presidential elections where year term even if he wanted to. from running for a second term. Since the num- 1,858,632 out of 3,032,666 registered voters It should be concluded that the incumbent pres- ber of candidates for president is not limited participated in the voting process. This may be ident invested great efforts in Jeenbekov’s vic- (Article 62), and the right to nominate candi- due to the introduction of the technology of bi- tory and even accused Kazakhstan of attempt- dates belongs to both citizens through self- ometric verification of voters, which was ap- ing to influence the elections results, which led nomination and political parties, there were 59 proved in 2014 and tested during the 2015 par- to the rise in tensions with Astana. As a result, people who had declared their intention to run liamentary elections. it could be expected that the incoming presi- for presidency. However, after the completion According to the current Kyrgyz election leg- dent together with recently appointed Prime of the necessary registration process, which in- islation, citizens could not be included in voter Minister Sapar Isakov would carry on in At- cludes the state language exam and the submis- lists without passing the biometric registration ambayev’s footsteps searching for opportuni- sion of at least 30,000 signatures in support, the in the Unified State Population Register (Arti- ties to improve relations with the closest neigh- Central Election Commission (CEC) shortened cle 14). After a voter’s identity is verified by bor. However, there is still a risk that the polit- the final list of candidates to 13 people, includ- polling officials, he/she gets a special printed ical tandem of Jeenbekov and Isakov will not ing three former prime ministers. For compari- cheque, which should be given to another poll- work properly being influenced by some third son, in 2011, 83 candidates submitted applica- ing official in return for a ballot. If his/her iden- power and creating potential for competition tions to run for presidency, but only 16 were tity is not confirmed, a voter is not allowed to and conflict. Written by Lidiya Parkhomchik, Eurasian Research Institute, Kazakhstan Politics, Foreign Affairs and Security took part in the Unbreakable Brother- ($28.03 billion) of the GDP will ac- hood-2017 military exercises of the count for the non-oil sector, which During their official visit to Tbilisi, Collective Security Treaty Organiza- will grow to 2.9% next year. Defense Minister of Azerbaijan, tion (CSTO) at the Ilyisky training According to the Kazakh national Colonel General Zakir Hasanov, and ground in Kazakhstan. The drills are railway company, Kazakhstan Temir Chief of the General Staff of Turkey, aimed to practice the post-conflict Zholy, the first million tons of cargo General Hulusi Akar, discussed with settlement involving CSTO peace- was sent to the Azerbaijan’s port of Chief of the General Staff of Georgia, keeping forces. Baku from Kazakhstan’s port of Major General Vladimer Chachibaia, According to the spokesman of Rus- Kuryk on the Caspian coast. It was the development of cooperation in the sia’s Pacific Fleet, Captain 2nd Rank noted that Kazakh grain, coal, oil trilateral format and the role of armed Nikolai Voskresensky, the Indra- products, fertilizers, chemicals, as forces in ensuring regional stability. 2017 Russia-India drills took place in well as transit cargo coming from The sides also exchanged views on Vladivostok. It was noted that the China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, the implementation of practical activ- 2017 joint Indo-Russian military drill were exported via the Kuryk ferry ities in ensuring the security of re- included army, navy, and air force el- complex.
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