
Map 24 Asturica-Conimbriga Compiled by E.W. Haley, 1996 Introduction Material for compiling a map of north-west Iberia varies in terms of accessibility, completeness and reliability. In addition to Schulten (1974) and Tovar (1976; 1989), there are now TIR Conimbriga (1991) and Caesaraugusta (1993); for Portugal (omitted from TIR Conimbriga), Alarcão (1988) is indispensable. Tovar’s volume on Tarraconensis (1989) was incomplete at his death and reflects his primarily philological and etymological interests. TIR omits certain toponyms attested by epigraphy alone, and the quality of its maps is uneven. The physical environment has changed appreciably since antiquity with virtually all of the major rivers dammed, particularly from the 1940s to the 1970s. I have attempted to reconstruct their ancient courses as accurately as possible. No substantial shoreline changes since antiquity have been identified. The varied Celtic and Celtiberian legacy of the Iron Age survives most visibly in thousands of castros, castella or citânias of the north-west Iberian peninsula (Tranoy 1981). Even TIR omits most of these native, generally hilltop, settlements known occasionally through excavation but mostly from survey; I have aimed to mark only the best-known or most representative of them. In fact many, if not the majority, of the named Roman towns shown represent little more than pre-Roman castros endowed with varying degrees of Roman material, construction and political institutions. An attempt has been made to record all ancient place names attested in the literary and documentary sources, and to mark as many of them as possible. A desire to include the archaeologically most significant sites has dictated the choice of rural habitations and mines, but it is important to note that even Domergue’s repertorium of mines (1987) is incomplete. There is no equivalent for the north-west of Sillières’ compendium of roads for southern Iberia (1990). The main highways indicated by the itineraries are shown, together with those secondary routes whose course is confirmed in places by milestones. Many scores of villas in north-west Iberia have come to light through complete or partial excavation and survey, even since Gorges (1979) published his study. Those marked here are a representative selection: they are ones that display, through excavation, outstanding architectural features, ground-plans or stratigraphic sequences. Directory All place names are in Spain unless otherwise noted Abbreviations THA J. Mangas and D. Plácido (eds.), Testimonia Hispaniae Antiqua I: Avieno, Ora maritima: descriptio orbis terrae phaenomena, Madrid, 1994 TIR Caesaraugusta Tabula Imperii Romani K-30, Madrid: Caesaraugusta, Clunia, Madrid, 1993 TIR Conimbriga Tabula Imperii Romani K-29, Porto: Conimbriga, Bracara, Lucus, Asturica, Madrid, 1991 372 MAP 24 ASTURICA-CONIMBRIGA Names Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference E1 Ablaneda R Domergue 1987, 445 Abulobrica = Amallobriga C2 Ad Duos Pontes RL Pontevedra TIR Conimbriga 19 F4 Ad Lippos/ RL/ Valverde de Valdelacasa TIR Caesaraugusta 41-42 Appos L C4 Aeminium RL Coimbra POR Tovar 1976, 258-59; Alarcão 1988 II.2, 95-96 E1 Albiones HR left bank of R. Navia TIR Conimbriga 20-21 Albocela = Arboukale D4 Alpedrinha R POR Alarcão 1988 II.1, 71 C3 Alto de Martim Vaz R Póvoa de Varzim POR Gorges 1979, 457 E1 Alto del Palo R Domergue 1987, 422-28 E2 Amaci HR around Astorga TIR Conimbriga 21 G2 Amaia ACHRL Peña Amaya TIR Caesaraugusta 47 F3 Amallobriga/ ACHR/ DesplobladodelaErmita Mañanes 1985, 62; TIR Caesaraugusta 222 Abulobrica L (Tiedra)? G2 Ambisna/ HRL/ Castrillo de Villavega? Mañanes 1985, 103 Ambinon L Appos = Ad Lippos C2 Aquae Calidae RL Cuntis TIR Conimbriga 22 C2 Aquae Celenae RL Caldas de Reis TIR Conimbriga 22-23 D3 Aquae Flaviae RL Chaves POR Tovar 1989, 302-303 C3 Aquae Originae RL Riocaldo (Lovios) TIR Conimbriga 23 D3 Aquae Quarquernae RL Baños de Bande Tovar 1989, 296 D2 Aquae Quinti(n)ae RL Guntín Tovar 1989, 303; TIR Conimbriga 23 D3 Arabrigenses HR left bank of R. Douro from Alarcão 1988 I, 22-24 R. Tedo to R. Coa POR H1 Aracelium/ R Espina del Gallego Peralta 1997 Aracillum F3 Arboukale/ H/ El Alba de Villalazán? Mañanes 1985, 63-64; Tovar 1989, 323 Albocela HRL F2 Argentiolum RL Pago de S. Miguel, Mañanes 1985, 79 Miñambres? D1 Arroni HR Viveiro or Ortigueira TIR Conimbriga 25 region C1 Artabri/ HR/ from Cape S. Adrián to TIR Conimbriga 25 Arrotrebae R Cape Ortegal C1 Artabris Sinus/ HR/ gulf between Cape S. TIR Conimbriga 25 Megas Limen R Adrián and Cape Prior B2 Artabron Limen HR Duyo (Fisterra)? TIR Conimbriga 25-26 Artabrum Pr. = Nerion Pr. C2 Assegonia RL Santiago de Compostela Tovar 1989, 306-307; TIR Conimbriga 26 F2 Astura fl. RL Esla TIR Caesaraugusta 55 E2 Astures Augustani RL Astorga region TIR Conimbriga 27 E1 Astures Transmontani RL N Cordillera Cantábrica TIR Conimbriga 27 E1 Asturia RL central NW Iberian TIR Conimbriga 27 peninsula E2 Asturica (Augusta) RL Astorga Tovar 1989, 325-26 A2 Atlanticus Oceanus See Map 1 C3 Auaron Pr. RL Carreiro (Póvoa de Tranoy 1981, 30 Varzim) POR C2 Aunios Ins. RL Ons TIR Conimbriga 29-30 D2 Auregenses L Orense region TIR Conimbriga 30 D2 Aurium/ RL/ Orense Tovar 1989, 307; TIR Conimbriga 30 Aurenses/ R/ Auriensis L G2 Autraka R Castrojeriz? Solana 1992, 61; TIR Caesaraugusta 58 G1 Avarigini HR between R. Saja and R. TIR Caesaraugusta 57-58 Nansa valleys F4 Avia HR Avia de las Torres? Tovar 1989, 326; TIR Caesaraugusta 41 MAP 24 ASTURICA-CONIMBRIGA 373 Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference G4 Avila/ HRL/ Avila Haley 1986, 200 (n. 175); TIR Obila? R Caesaraugusta 163 C3 Avus fl. RL Ave POR Tranoy 1981, 30 F2 B(a)edunia HR El Castro (S. Martín de Mañanes 1985, 36-37; Tovar 1989, 327-28 Torres) F2 Bedunienses HR around S. Martín de TIR Caesaraugusta 59 Torres C1 Baidyoi? HR Ambroa region (Irixoa) TIR Conimbriga 30 B2 Baroña (Castro de) HR Porto do Son TIR Conimbriga 31 D4 Belmonte R POR Domergue 1987, 511 D2 Bembibre R Viana del Bollo Tranoy 1981, 225 E2 Bergidum Flavium RL Cacabelos TIR Conimbriga 31 D3 Bibali HR R. Búbal basin TIR Conimbriga 32 D3 Bibesia fl. L Búbal TIR Conimbriga 32 F3 Bletisa(ma) HR Ledesma TIR Conimbriga 32-33 F1 Boides RL Puelles Gorges 1979, 332 Bonisana = Burbida F1 Boreios/ H/ Bay of Biscay TIR Conimbriga 38, 58; TIR Caesaraugusta Gallicus/ R/ 66-67 Cantabricus Oceanus RL C3 Bracara Augusta RL Braga POR Tovar 1989, 310-11 § Bracari H2 Brauon? R Ubierna Solana 1992, 60; TIR Caesaraugusta 67 C2 Brevis RL Furelos, Melide TIR Conimbriga 33 F2 Brigaecini HR Fuentes de Ropel region TIR Caesaraugusta 67 F2 Brigaecium/ ACHRL/ Dehesa de Morales TIR Caesaraugusta 67 Brigeco R (Fuentes de Ropel) Brigantium = (Flavium) Brigantium Brigeco = Brigaecium D1 Britaniensis/ L/ Mondoñedo Tovar 1989, 311-12 Britonensis Ecclesia L C3 Briteiros HR hilltop settlement; Citânia Alarcão 1988 II.1, 14 de Guimarães POR Britonensis Ecclesia = Britaniensis H4 Brittablo L Buitrago? Tovar 1989, 370 C2 Burbida/ RL/ Borbén TIR Conimbriga 34 Bonisana L D3 Cabanca (Castro de) HR hilltop settlement TIR Conimbriga 34 E3 Cabeço de Mua R POR Domergue 1987, 509 E3 Cabeza de S. Pedro R TIR Conimbriga 34-35 F4 Caelionicco/ RL/ FincadelaVega Roldán Hervás 1971, 89-91; TIR Coloricum L (Peñacaballera) Caesaraugusta 72 Calabria = Caliabriga D3 Caladunum RL Vilar de Perdizes Tranoy 1981, 214 (n. 133); Tovar 1989, 294 (Montalegre)? POR C3 Cale HRL Vilanova da Gaia POR Tovar 1989, 306 D3 Caliabriga/ HRL/ Castelo Calabre (Vila Tovar 1976, 255; Alarcão 1988 I, 137; Calabria L Nova de Foz Coa) POR II.1, 53-54 C2 Callaeci Bracari RL SW Galicia and NW TIR Conimbriga 36 Portugal D1 Callaeci Lucenses RL N Galicia TIR Conimbriga 36 C2 Callaecia RL NW Iberian peninsula TIR Conimbriga 36 G3 La Calzadilla RL Almenara de Adaja Gorges 1979, 437-38 G2 Camala RL El Lagunal (Sahagún)? TIR Caesaraugusta 78 G1 Cantabri HRL TIR Caesaraugusta 80 Cantabricus Oceanus = Boreios Oceanus E4 Capera RL Ventas de Cáparra Tovar 1976, 242-43 374 MAP 24 ASTURICA-CONIMBRIGA Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference D1 Caranicum RL Guitiríz Tovar 1989, 317; TIR Conimbriga 39 §Karonion R F4 Carpetana Iuga RL central Cordillera TIR Caesaraugusta 83 G4 Carpetania See Map 27 D3 Cárquere R civitas capital? POR Alarcão 1988 II.1, 52 F4 Caserío L S. Julian de Valmuza Gorges 1979, 345-46 D4 Castellum Araocelum HR São Cosmado Alarcão 1988 I, 137; II.1, 61 (Mangualde) POR C1 Castellum Aviliobris HR Cores (Ponteceso) TIR Conimbriga 48 C2 Castellum Meidunium HR Castro de S. Facundo Tranoy 1981, 374 (Orense)? D2 Castellum Toletum R Monte Cido (Carbedo) Tranoy 1981, 374 Castellum Tyde = Tude F3 Castrodeza HR indigenous settlement TIR Caesaraugusta 90 E2 Castropodame R Domergue 1987, 313-14 E2 Castro Ventosa HR hilltop settlement; TIR Conimbriga 41 Cacabelos G3 Cauca ACHRL Coca TIR Caesaraugusta 90 D2 El Caurel R TIR Conimbriga 42 C3 Celadus fl. RL Cávado POR Tranoy 1981, 30 Celticum Pr. = Nerion Pr. F4 Centro RL Castañeda de Tormes Gorges 1979, 344-45 C1 Centroña L Puentedeume Gorges 1979, 252-53 D4 Centum Celas RL Belmonte POR Alarcão 1988 I, 70 G3 Cercado de S. Isidro RL Dueñas Gorges 1979, 335 G4 Cerro de los Almadenes R TIR Caesaraugusta 94 D1 Cibarci HR R. Porcia valley Tranoy 1981, 56; TIR Conimbriga 44 C2 Cileni HRL TIR Conimbriga 45 C2 Cirro L Bastavales Gorges 1979, 252 D4 *Civitas Aravorum RL Marialva POR Alarcão 1988 I, 22 D3 *Civitas Baniensium RL Mesquita (Adeganha)? Alarcão 1988 II.1, 45-46 POR G2 Civitas Maggaviensium HR Monte Cildá (Olleros de TIR Caesaraugusta 97-98 Pisuerga) E3 *Civitas
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