Robert Burns World Federation Limited www.rbwf.org.uk The digital conversion of this Burns Chronicle was sponsored by Paisley Burns Club The digital conversion was provided by Solway Offset Services Ltd by permission of the Robert Burns World Federation Limited to whom all Copyright title belongs. www.solwayprint.co.uk BURNS CHRONICLE AUTUMN 2005 2009250th Anniversary of Birth “TAM O’ SHANTER BALLET” POSTCARDS A SET OF 8 POSTCARDS SHOWING SCENES FROM THE BALLET BY ARTIST WILLIAM DONACHIE, FIRST PRODUCED IN LODZ, POLAND IN 1976. AVAILABLE FROM THE FEDERATION OFFICE IN KILMARNOCK. DISCOUNT AVAILABLE TO CLUBS Printers, Heathhall, Dumfries. Tel. 01387 262960 Printers, Heathhall, Dumfries. Tel. PER SET FOR SALE TO MEMBERS PER SET the £3 INC. POSTAGE PHONE: 01563 572469 £3 INC. POSTAGE Solway Offset A ROBERT BURNS WORLD FEDERATION PUBLICATION Motto — “A man’s a man for a’ that” THE ROBERT BURNS WORLD FEDERATION AVAILABLE NOW – BURNS FEDERATION LIMITED Company Registration No. 196895. Scottish Charity No. SCO29099 (Formerly THE BURNS FEDERATION) Instituted 1885 www.worldburnsclub.com HEADQUARTERS: DEAN CASTLE COUNTRY PARK, DOWER HOUSE, KILMARNOCK. KA3 1XB. CHRISTMAS CARDS TEL/FAX: 01563 572469. OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CLOSED FOR LUNCH 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. [email protected] DIRECTORS AND CONVENERS WALTER WATSON (President), 7 John Street, Biggar, Lanarkshire. KL12 6AE. Tel: 01899 220708. E-mail: [email protected] JOHN G. PATERSON (Vice-President), Newlands, 35 Shorncliffe Road, Folkestone, Kent. CT20 2NQ. Tel: 01303 256670 ANGUS MIDDLETON (Junior Vice-President), “Red Gables”, 38A Skelmorlie Castle Road, Skelmorlie, Ayrshire. PA17 5AL. Tel: 01975 522 722. E-mail: [email protected] WILSON OGILVIE (Heritage Convener), “Lingerwood”, 2 Nelson Street, Dumfries. DG2 9AY. Tel: 01387 264267 ROBERT DALZIEL (Schools Convener), 4 Parkside Road, Motherwell. Tel: 01698 252225. E-mail: [email protected] HARRY McGUFFOG (Conference Convener): 30 South Edge, Shipley, West Yorkshire. DB18 4RA. E-mail: [email protected] MURDO MORRISON (Marketing Convener), 110 Campbell Street, Wishaw. ML2 8HU. Tel: 01698 372638. E-mail: [email protected] SHIRLEY BELL (Chief Executive), “Inveresk,” Kelton, Dumfries. DG1 4UA. Tel/Fax: 01387 770283. E-mail: [email protected] A. MacARTHUR IRVIN (Director USA), 40 Brighton Road, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30309, USA. E-mail: [email protected] MAY CRAWLEY (Director Canada), 25 Pine Street, St. Catherines, Ontario. L2N 4T2. Fax: 001-905-937-9443 JIM O’LONE (Director Pacific Rim), 14 Marine Terrace, Freemantle, 6160, W. Australia. E-mail: [email protected] WILLIAM DAWSON (Literature Convener), 4 Riverview, Claremont, Alloa. FK10 2DF. E-mail: [email protected] HUGH WILSON LOGAN (Immediate Past-President), 64 Bally Hampton Road, Larne, N. Ireland. BT40 2SP. Tel: 02828 272963 200 Club Organiser: MOIRA DUNSMORE RENNIE, 5 Southwark Close, Stevenage, Herts. SG1 4PG. Tel: 01438 228366. E-mail: [email protected] OFFICIALS Chief Executive/Secretary: SHIRLEY BELL, “Inveresk,” Kelton, Dumfries. DG1 4UA. Tel/Fax: 01387 770283. E-mail: [email protected] PRODUCED IN PACKS OF 10 Clerical Secretary: MARGARET CRAIG, Dean Castle Country Park, Dower House, Kilmarnock. KA3 1XB. Editor: PETER J. WESTWOOD, 1 Cairnsmore Road, Castle Douglas. DG7 1BN. Tel/Fax: 01556 504448. E-mail: [email protected] Hon. Legal Advisor: DAVID STEVENSON. Auditors: SMITH & WALLACE & CO. £4 PER PACK (PLUS POST/PACKING) Main Sponsor AVAILABLE FROM FEDERATION OFFICE of DEAN CASTLE COUNTRY PARK, DOWER HOUSE, The Robert Burns KILMARNOCK. KA3 1XB. World Federation Tel: 01563 572469 BURNS CHRONICLE SUMMER EDITION 2005. Editor: PETER J. WESTWOOD, 1 Cairnsmore Road, Castle Douglas. DG7 1BN. Tel/Fax: 01556 504448. E-mail: [email protected] Editorial Consultant: Professor RAYMOND GRANT, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Advertising Manager: MURDO MORRISON, 110 Campbell Street, Wishaw, ML2 8HU. Tel/Fax: 01698 372638. E-mail: murdo.morrisonmmpr@btint EDITORIAL CONTENTS John Faed, R.S.A. .....................................6 TWENTY FIVE years ago I joined the Burns Burns at the Home of Wordsworth .........10 Federation and for the last thirteen years have had Paisley Burns Club Bi-Centennial the honour and pleasure of being Editor of the Dinner ...............................................11 Burns Chronicle (Founded in 1892). Regretfully, owing to recent health problems I have decided Robert Burns Junior (1786-1857) to retire from the post at the forthcoming Annual Black Sheep of the Family ..................20 General Meeting of the Federation in September. The National Burns Memorial Homes ....31 I have met many interesting Burnsians from Robert Burns in Ukraine ........................32 many parts of the world and equally made The Robert Burns many lasting friends. I would have liked to have Song-Writing Method .........................37 continued until 2009 (The 250th Anniversary of Address given by The Late Samuel Hay the Birth of Robert Burns), however I believe the time has come for a ‘new broom’. - Founding of the Batchelors’ Club .....43 I take this opportunity of thanking the “The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns many contributors and subscribers for their - St. Andrews Burns Club Supper .......47 support over the years, and to our printers My Hearts in the Highlands ...................53 Solway Offset, Dumfries and their friendly staff, The Ballad of John Muir .........................56 who by now are familiar with the life and works Cheers (on Toasting the Bard) ................57 of the Poet! I could fill many pages with stories about Burns and Mauchline DVD ....................59 some of the contributors I met while editing Wilson Meets the Poet in Paris ...............61 the Chronicle - I mention two, from the U.S.A Burnsong - From Idea to Reality .............62 Honorary President Professor Henryk Minc, Robert Burns Returns to Ellisland ...........64 and from Scotland Honorary President James L. Obituaries ..............................................66 Hempstead who has contributed in the last 33 Federation and Club News .....................68 years over 36 Academic articles. Exploring the Burns Chronicle ...............70 continued on page 3 The Robert Burns World Federation Limited does not accept any responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed in the Burns Chronicle. Contributors are responsible for articles signed by them; the Editor is responsible for articles initialed or signed by him, as well as for those unsigned. Articles, photographs, items for review and all correspondence should be addressed and forwarded to the Editor at the above address. Articles offered should be in typescript with double spacing and on the one side of the sheet. A stamped addressed envelope should be forwarded for return of articles and photographs. © THE ROBERT BURNS WORLD FEDERATION LIMITED 1 President Walter N. Watson 2 EDITORIAL CONTINUED: There have been many highlights, high on FROM the PRESIDENT my list would be the many wonderful poems y year in office is drawing to a close and submitted for publication by the young Burnsian it will be with a sense of real regret when poets. Editing the Bi-Centenary Edition in 1996 I stand down in September. It has been a (Subscriber’s hardback edition 304 pages), the M roller-coaster year with many ‘highs’ and not a few largest ever edition, and introducing the regular ‘lows’. use of full colour illustrations. My heartfelt thanks Of the ‘lows’ it has to be said that the loss of three to Burnsians worldwide. key Board Members’ most valuable contribution over lengthy periods due to serious ill health problems FRONT COVER has been a major set-back in the furtherance of our The design was prompted as a reminder aims and objectives but I am delighted to report that (As if I needed one) that on the 25th of January, Shirley, Murdo and Peter are well on their respective 2009 marks the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of ways to a full recovery. The ‘highs’ of course must include the Robert Burns. It may be a few years away, however magnificent support that Liz and I have had from numerous celebrations are already planned, and you, the members and especially from our two Vice it is hoped to publish a list of all such events Presidents, the indefatigable Major John Paterson (As they are announced) in future issues of the and the ebullient Angus Middleton. Chronicle. The visit to Houston, Texas and Atlanta, Georgia in January has left Liz and I with many indelible memories of places visited and hospitality extended by the fine Burnsians we met during our travels. But of course, this is equally true of our experiences nearer to home and we take this opportunity to express our very grateful thanks to each and everyone who has smiled upon us. To be elected President of The Robert Burns World Federation is an accolade extended to few and a very personal experience second to none. I have no fears for the future of the Federation and no doubts about the sterling worth of those elected to succeed me in office. I take this opportunity to wish Major John Paterson every success in the role he is about to inherit and I know that he takes office with your whole-hearted support. Finally, can I extend a very grateful ‘thank you’ to each and everyone who had made a donation to our charitable works either as an individual member The illustration of the Poet’s Cottage at or through the medium of club membership. Donations large and small do make a vast difference Alloway where the Poet was born was taken to what we as a Charity can achieve. I am mindful from an early engraving circa 1796! However too of our individual sponsors, notably East one must ask why an engraving of the Cottage as Ayrshire Council, Arran Distillers and the sponsors early as 1796? for it was indeed many years after of our National School Children’s Competitions, his death that the Poet became ‘Famous’ which ExxonMobil and take this opportunity to express eventually did result in many engravings of his my grateful thanks to them on behalf of The Robert birthplace cottage, built by his father.
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