IS MISSILE DEFENSE ? A LOOK AT FAMOUS SWINDLES THE STEAM DRIVEN AUTOMOBILE IN AMERICA THE PROBLEMS OF PORNOGRAPHY . OS Wsezms ' COLOR TV, IN A CRUDE STATE, WAS DEMONSTRATED THE ORIGIN OF THE MODERN DAY IN 1928... NEARLY8 YEARS UMBRELLA WAS A SUNSHADE, USED BY BEFORE TV NOBILITY IN ANCIENT EGYPT BROADCASTING BEGAN TODAYACHILD IN GRADE SCHOOL CAN AVERAGE ONLY ABOUT 3 MINUTES A DAY WITH THE SCHOOL ENCYCLOPEDIA FORTHE PIRSTTIME INTHE200 YEAR Few people are aware HISTORY OF BRITANNICA that the first edition of Britannica was originally published over YOU MAY OBTAIN THIS a three-year period. That is why the EDITION AT THE publishers have decided to NEW extend the Anniversary Celebration. BEST DISCOUNT EVER Amazing 200th Anniversary Celebration Limited Time Offer on Heirloom Edition BEST DISCOUNT EVER on this magnificent new edition of Get ENCYCLOPAEDIA Britannica' Junior BRITANNICA FREE of extra You get all volumes now... direct from the publisher, cost pay later on easy Book a Month Payment Plan Yes, the response to our 200th Anniversary Britannica Junior Ideal for Younger America. Its use develops the active, alert Celebration last year was so favorable that Children. It is written, illustrated and in- minds that bring success in school and Encyclopaedia Britannica has decided to dexed especially for children in grade later life. extend the Celebration— by making avail- school . easy to read and understand, Also, may we send you our special new able to you now— a completely new offer. rich in picture interest and carefully 200th Anniversary Preview Booklet which Under this new offer you may obtain this matched to school subjects. It will help pictures and describes the latest edition? magnificent new Heirloom edition—a/ the your child get a head start in school, and it For your free copy and complete informa- best discount ever. And, in addition to this leads right into Encyclopaedia Britannica. tion about this dramatic discount offer- new offer, we'll include Britannica Junior Thousands of Subjects of Practical available only during this year— plus Britannica Junior free of extra —free of extra cost—on our Cooperative Value. The new edition of Britannica has cost on our Plan. Both sets will in Cooperative Plan, simply mail the attached be placed your special articles on household budgets, in- . postage-free card now. home NOW. you pay later on conve- terior decorating, medicine, health, home nient budget terms. It's as easy as buying remodeling, child care and many more . book month. a a useful information that can save you many FREE! dollars. Benefits Passed on to You. You may Illustrated. wonder how we are able to make this New Edition is Profusely Mail card The new Britannica offers over 22,000 dramatic discount offer. First, because we magnificent illustrations — thousands in now for hope for great demand on this magnificent brilliant color. But it does not merely Heirloom edition, we would expect to ma- Special New show "attractive pictures"— it is the work terially reduce our costs. And, because of 10,200 of the world's great authorities. we'd like every youngster to have the ad- Preview vantages of these two great encyclopaedias Essential for Homework. For students, —to help with homework and to answer Britannica is indispensable. It is the finest, Booklet questions— we pass these benefits on to you. most complete reference published in and complete details It card is detached, write li> Encyclopaedia Britannica, Dept. iH9-Z,425 N. Michinan A ye,, Chicano,Ill. 6061 1 on this remarkable ofTer. The American AUGUST 1969 Volume 87. Number 2 CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Notify Circulation Dept., P. O. Hot 19.>4, Indianapolis, Ind., "16206 using Post Office Form 3578. Attach old address label and give old and uew addresses with ZIP Code number and current menibersliip card number. LEGION .Also be sure to notify your Post Adjutant. The American Legion Magazine Editorial & Advertising Offices 720 Fifth Avenue Magazine New York, New York 10019 Publisher, James F. O'Ncil Editor Robert B. Pitkin Art Editor Contents for August 1969 Al Marshall Assistant Editors John .Andreola Mario V. Lubrano Associate Editors HOW IMPORTANT IS MISSILE DEFENSE? 10 Roy Miller James S. Swarlz BY R.B. PITKIN AND GERALD L. STEIBEL A look at the ABCs behind the big current Assistant Art Editor debate over whether Walter H. Boll we should have our own ABMs (missiles to knock Production Manager down enemy missiles in flight). Art Bretzfield Copy Editor Grail S. Hanford Circulation Manager A LOOK AT FAMOUS SWINDLES 16 Dean B. Nelson BY DAVID LOTH Indianapolis, Ind. A sampling of some of the fanciest con games that have been Advertising Sales Representatives worked by some of our fanciest con men (and women). New York—Chicago Robert Redden Associates, Inc. Ill West .i7th Street New York, N.Y. 10019 212-246-2.516 THE PROBLEMS OF PORNOGRAPHY 22 California JE Publishers' Representative Co. BY O.K. ARMSTRONG 8380 Melrose Avenue Los .Angeles, California 90069 How recent legal decisions opened the doors of the smut industry and saddled the nation with "a 420 Market Street San Francisco, California 94111 clear and present danger." The American Legion Publications Commission: James E. Powers, Macon, Ga. ( Citairinan) ; Benjamin B. Truskoski, Bristol, Conn. (Vice Chair/nan); James R. Kelley, Radnor, Pa. THE STEAM-DRIVEN AUTOMOBILE IN AMERICA (National 26 Commander's Representative } ; Lang BY LYMAN NASH Armstrong, Spokane, Wash.; Charles E. Booth, Huntington, W. Va.; Seventy Adolph F. Bremer, years ago, the Stanley brothers came up with a steam- (f inona, Minn.; Clovis Copelanil, Little Rock, driven auto. Others followed. Here's an Ark.; Raymond Fields, Guymon. Okla.; Chris Hernandez, Savannah, Ga.; Mylio Kraja. account of their heyday. S. Youngstown, Ohio; Russell H. Laird, Des Moines, Iowa; George D. Levy, Sumter, S.C.; Frank C. Love, Syracuse, N.Y.; Morris Meyer, Starkville, Miss.; J. H. Morris, Baton Rouge, La.; Harry H. Schaffer, Pittsburgh, Pa.; IS A CABINET-LEVEL Stephen F. Steele, Faribault, Minn.; Bradley DEPARTMENT THE BEST WAY J. Stephens, Los Altos, Calif.; George B. TO PROTECT THE CONSUMER? 32 Stover, Jonestoien, Pa.; Wayne L. Talbert, Delphi, Ind.; J. Cornelius Trump, Manhattan, TWO SIDES OF A NATIONAL QUESTION III.; Robert H. Wilder, Dadeville, Ala.; E. pro: rep. benjamin S. ROSENTHAL (D-N.Y.) Meade Wilson, Mulberry, Fla.; Edward Mc- con: rep. FLORENCE P. DWYER (R-N.J.) Sweeney, New York, N.Y. (Consultant) The American Legion Magazine is published monthly at 1100 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky. 40201 by The .American Legion, Copyright 1969 by The American Legion. Second-ciass Departments postage paid at Louisville, Ky. Price : single copy, 20 cents; yearly subscription, S2.00. Order nonmember subscriptions from the Cir- culation Department of The American Legion. EDITOR'S P.O. Box 1954, Indianapolis, Ind. 46206. CORNER 4 LIFE IN THE OUTDOORS 46 Editorial and advertising offices: 720 5th Ave., LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 8 PERSONAL 56 New York, N.Y. 10019. Wholly owned by DATELINE WASHINGTON 21 The American Legion, with National Head- quarters at Indianapolis, Ind. 46206. William VETERANS LEGION SHOPPER 57 NEWSLETTER 34 C. Doyle, National Commander. NEWS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION 35 PARTING SHOTS 58 NONMEMBER SUBSCRIPTIONS Send name and address, including ZIP num- ber, with S2 check or money order to : Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not be returned unless a self-addressed, Circulation Dept., P. 0. Box 1954, Indian- stamped envelope is included. This magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. apolis, Ind. 46206. POSTMASTER: Send Form 3579 to P.O. Box 1954 Indianapolis, Ind. 46206 THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE • AUGUST 1969 a Soviet missile lead over the United States is a perilous thing. EDITOR'S Today, Mr. Nixon is President, and when he came into office last January the HHHH CORNER Soviets had been busy building up a new missile lead for several years. They have more powerful warheads than we have, IN THIS AUTHORS ISSUE they have just passed us in numbers of O.K. Armstrong is identified on the land-based missiles and are reported to opening pages of liis article "The Prob- be heading toward doubling our missile lems of Pornography." strength. Their submarine strength is rush- Co-authors of "How Important is Mis- ing ahead. Meanwhile, they have installed sile Defense?" are R.B. Pitkin, editor of some 67 or more anti-missile missiles, or this magazine, and Dr. Gerald L. Steibel, ABMs (to knock down missiles that might national and world affairs analyst of the be fired at them). We have no ABMs in Research Institute of America. operation. This is a bigger "gap" than in Author of "A Look at Famous Swin- 1960, and all this last winter and spring dles," is David Loth, a professional writer President Nixon, taking up where Presi- and reporter, author of hundreds of ar- dent Johnson left off, has been urging I ticles and dozens of books on popular sub- particularly that we close the ABM gap, jects. where our score is a round zero. He has Author of "The Steam-Driven Automo- run into opposition so tough that at this bile in America," is Lyman Nash, a pro- writing it is touch and go whether he will fessional writer whose nostalgic articles have been able to muster enough strength on the DC-3 airplane, the Jeep, the Lib- in the Senate to get an ABM program erty ships and the Model T Ford have ap- going before you read this. peared in this magazine in the past. On page 10, we have joined hands with Dr. Gerald L. Steibel, to give you a run- IF YOU LIKE FAMOUS SWINDLES down on today's missile gap, and the role If you want to read more about some of ABMs in it.
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