Funded by: WASP The Windfarm Autonomous Ship Project REPORT AND ROADMAP June 2020 AUTHORS: Simon Cheeseman and Kacper Stefaniak (ORE Catapult) on behalf of the WASP Consortium CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS ABBREVIATIONS 4 AI ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BVLOS BEYOND VISUAL LINE OF SIGHT PURPOSE 6 CTV CREW TRANSFER VESSEL BACKGROUND 6 COLREGS COLLISION AVOIDANCE REGULATIONS AUTONOMOUS VESSEL CAPABILITY IN TODAY’S WORLD 6 FEED FRONT END ENGINEERING DESIGN ISR INTELLIGENCE, SURVEILLANCE AND CREWED VESSEL OPERATIONS 7 RECONNAISSANCE LOSC THE LAW OF THE SEA CONVENTION AUTONOMOUS VESSEL OPERATIONS 9 MASWG MARINE AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS WORKING GROUP TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGES 11 O&M OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE REGULATORY CHALLENGES 14 OSS OFFSHORE SUB-STATION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & SAFETY 15 OSW OFFSHORE WIND OWA OFFSHORE WIND ACCELERATOR SOCIETAL CHALLENGES 15 OWIH OFFSHORE WIND INNOVATION HUB LEVELISED COST OF ENERGY 16 RAI ROBOTICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ROADMAP 16 ROV REMOTE OPERATED VEHICLE SOV SERVICE OPERATIONS VESSEL INSIGHTS 22 USV UNCREWED SERVICE VESSEL CONCLUSIONS 23 UUV UNCREWED UNDERWATER VESSEL RECOMMENDATIONS 24 VLOS VISUAL LINE OF SIGHT CONTACTS 25 2 3 THE WINDFARM AUTONOMOUS SHIP PROJECT REPORT AND ROADMAP 1. Purpose of Document The purpose of this document is to set out • Define and quantify technology, integration the strategic roadmap for the introduction of (crewed operations), regulatory and societal ­autonomous­vessels­in­support­of­offshore­wind­ challenges; farm­operations.­It­takes­a­view­on­the­potential­ • Develop the case for follow on technology devel- benefits,­articulates­the­­challenges,­and­describes­ opment and trials, including targeted discussions a timeline for a phase-in of autonomous capability. in key forums and one or more follow-on project proposals. 2. Background Project deliverables included this report and road- The Windfarm Autonomous Ship Project (WASP) map, which will inform the Offshore Wind Innovation addressed the identified need,challenge and market Hub (OWIH) and Off-Shore Wind Accelerator (OWA) opportunity by researching and designing the world’s programmes. Follow-on funding will be sought for a first integrated autonomous vessel and robotic cargo FEED project to design, build and test the capabilities transfer mechanism for delivery of spares to offshore developed within the WASP project. wind farms (OSW). 3. Autonomous Vessel Capability in WASP utilised existing technology from project lead Today’s World L3Harris (vessel control, as well as advanced au- tonomy and AI) and from project partner Houlder The growth of autonomous systems has been fed (creating the vessel design and motion compensated by the rapid increase in pro cessing power, enabling marine equipment), demonstrating their integration the advance of machine learning, and the evolution into a range of autonomous vessels. and miniaturisation of sensor technology. Today, the aerospace, automotive, and space sectors lead the The University of Portsmouth developed on-board way with investment in autonomous systems. AI health diagnostics algorithms for autonomous vessels. They also produced a set of novel decision Technology advances and the desire to reduce the support algorithms for efficient and real-time route need for humans working in dull, dangerous and planning and scheduling of autonomous vessels for repetitive situations is now driving the study of cargo distribution, which will enhance SeaPlanner autonomous systems across every area of business Ltd’s own command and control products. In addi- activity. These are as diverse as financial services, tion, SeaPlanner expanded the use of its current insurance, recruitment, fruit picking, defence, nuclear software and hardware functionality to manage the waste handling, marine operations, air freight, health data flow and logistics management. and social care, oil and gas, and space applications. ORE Catapult’s cost and performance analysis 3.1 Maritime pinpoints how this new capability increases uptime of OSW turbines. Like all other sectors, the marine industry is showing a rapidly growing interest in autonomous vessels. Key objectives of the WASP project were: The focus is in two distinct areas: very large container vessels and small specialist data collection platforms. • Produce a definitive sector roadmap; Driven by the twin needs for greater efficiency and 4 5 performance optimisation to minimise costs, there has four use cases under consideration for WASP are been a steady advance towards greater levels of described below: automation on large vessels. This has resulted in • Geophysical Surveys - geophysical and reduced crew sizes and an increase in land-based environmental monitoring to comply with licence operations and condition monitoring. In addition to requirements; the developments in larger vessels, small Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USV) (2-7m) are increasingly being • Security operations – asset protection,­­ liaising used for data collection tasks such as hydrographic and assisting during emergencies; survey. • Cargo delivery - transfer of spare parts and 3.2 Other sectors consumables to turbines, offshore substations (OSS) or Service Operations Vessels (SOVs); The motor industry leads the introduction of greater levels of autonomy, through an ever-increasing range • Crew­Transfer - transfer of personnel to wind of driver and safety aids that are either operating all turbines and onshore/offshore substations to the time or can be dialled in. In the space industry perform maintenance tasks. sensor technology, data management and remote Typically, wind farm operators use the nearest port monitoring of activities are commonplace. that meets its specifications for vessel operations in 3.3 Offshore Renewables order to minimise time lost due to bad weather. O&M facilities need 24/7 access, 365 days a year. For wind The offshore renewables sector has been slow to react farms located further offshore, the use of offshore and consider how it can utilise autonomous systems. accommodation and other facilities (possibly shared The sector is still intensely dependent on human with other wind farms) is an attractive prospect. intervention across the entire lifecycle – from site assessment and installation to routine operations and Technician welfare during transfer is an important maintenance (O&M). consideration in port location and vessel choice: sea- sickness can severely impact technicians’ health and Until recently, autonomous systems were limited to productivity. For context, a 500MW wind farm may the experimental use of small surface platforms to employ up to 100 people, of which three quarters are collect environmental and resource data. However, likely to be technicians. the launch in 2017 of the UK Government’s Industrial Strategy’s research funding came with an acute focus 4.2 Crewed Vessel Operations on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RAI). A 500MW wind farm may require the operation of Since then, we have witnessed a huge growth in around seven vessels, depending upon distance autonomous systems and the identification of a wide from shore. Marine coordination in offshore wind range of potential tasks that could be conducted involves planning and oversight of marine opera- by machines. This includes environmental data tions undertaken within a wind farm, in addition to collection, wind turbine blade inspection, offshore cooperation with national authorities in providing asset inspection, subsea asset inspection, spares effective incident response. While it has been used provisioning, crew transfer and array security patrol. in other offshore (especially construction) activities, the large numbers of people and vessels associated 4. Crewed Vessel Operations with offshore wind has led to an expansion of marine Visualisations of the WASP vessel and docking at a charging station - see the WASP animated film operations function. 4.1 Scene set Marine co-ordination’s responsibilities may include Crewed vessel operations occur for a variety of reasons continuous monitoring of wind farm (and non-wind during the life-cycle of an offshore wind farm. The farm) marine traffic, providing navigational advice to 6 7 by robots, to be maintained by robots, then it can main benefits: be foreseen that decommissioning by autonomous - Improvements in safety: removing or relocating SATELLITE REMOTE systems will be designed into offshore structures. MONITORING personnel from potentially unsafe scenarios, or from WIND TURBINE BLADE 5. Autonomous Vessel Operations undertaking dull and repetitive tasks. INSPECTION 5.1 Scene Set - Cost savings: typically realised by reducing/ SPARES PROVISIONING minimising the need for large crewed ships and/or While USVs are still widely regarded as a new and personnel on deployment, thus reducing the total emerging technology, they are already commercially overheads. CREW TRANSFER active around the world for a variety of tasks. The SUBSTRUCTURES past decade has seen an ever-increasing growth in 5.2 Uncrewed Vessel Operations INSTALLATION terms of operations completed and subsequent scope USV operations specifically in support of wind farms ENVIRONMENTAL DATA for future maritime capabilities. COLLECTION have been very limited to date. That said, the types There are many advantages to using USVs alongside of USV operations that have been conducted in CABLES INSPECTION or instead of traditional crewed vessels, but it has similar arenas have successfully proven the capabil- consistently been demonstrated that the use of USVs ity of the technology and
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