ISSN 0739-3482 WINTER 2006 Virginia Appalachian Notes Plttaytvanl• Danvi •lie Southwestern Virginia Genealogical Society Roanoke, Virginia SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY INC.. Calendar Year 2006 Oftlcen and Executive Board Area Code 540 email address President Pamela B. Young 342-2367 pmyoungOO l @aol.com Vice-President Elaine Powers 529-2817 [email protected] Reoord Secretaiy Susan Hays 884-3497 [email protected] Corresponding Secretary Mickey Prescott 985-0751 mprescott3@ cox.net Treasurer Don Vaughan 989-8645 [email protected] Membership Jim Nelson 725-5303 jasneJson@ cox.net. VAN Editor Needed InnnOOiate Past President Gene Swartzell 774-3856 [email protected] VAN Editor Emeritus Babe Fowler 563-1733 fowlervw@ cox.net Committees Computer/Labeler Don Vaughan 989-8645 [email protected] Program Elaine Powers 529-2817 elainepowers@ mindspring.com Historian Babe Fowler 563-1733 [email protected] VAN Exchange Quarterlies Virginia Room Staff Publicity Karen Kappesser 977-0067 [email protected] Book Reviews As Signed The SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. is a tax-exempt corporation under section 50l(c)(3) of the Federal Income Tax Code. Section 170 of the Tax Code provides for the treatment of contnDutions to the SVGS as a deductible contribution by the donor. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to the SYGS may be deductJble for Federal estate gift tax purposes, if they meet the applicable provisions of sections 2055, 23106, and 2522 of the Tax Code. MEMBERSHIP: Each SVGS member will be mailed a copy of the "Society's" quarterly, the VIRGINIA APPALAClilAN NOTES (VAN). The VAN is usually published quarterly. The annual index will be included in the Fall issue of the VAN for that year. Society memberships are on a calendar year basis and those memberships, which are not renewed by January 30, will be deemed as inactive and removed from the VAN mailing list. Single or fumiJy memberships are $20.00; Organization and Library memberships are $15.00. Members with mailing addresses outside the United States shall add $10.00 to the above fees and all monies are payable in U. S. currency. All plyD1eDts should be made by check or money order, payable to: Southwestern Virginia Genealogical Society, Inc. or to SVGS, Inc. and mailed to: SVGS, A TT: Membership, Post Office Box 12485, Roanoke, VA 24026- 2485. BACK ISSUES oftbe VAN: 1995 and earlier, are available at a reimbursement cost of $4.00 each, as long as the supply lasts. More recent issues are $6.00 each. These prices include postage. Mailed to Virginia addresses please add 4.5% sales tax. A bulk mailing of old VANs to one address may be eligible for a discount. All payments should be made by check or money order, payable to SVGS and mailed to: SVGS, A TT: Jim Nelson, Post Office Box 12485, Roanoke, VA 24026-2485. BOOKS for REVIEW: Boob submitted to the Society will be reviewed and the review printed in a subsequent issue of the VAN. When submitting a book, please include the price of the book, copies of the available advertising material, and information as to where orders for additional copies may be placed. Following their review, all books will be placed in the Virginia Room of the Roanoke City Library, Roanoke, Virginia. VIRGINIA APPLACHIAN NOTES Published Quarterly By SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. Vol. 30 -No. 1 - Winter 2006 (January, February, March) CONTENTS Financial Report for 2005 1 Correction to Marsteller Stone Records- transcribed by Jim Nelson 2 Fair View Cemetery Staff 1929 - published with permission 2 Fair View Cemetery Centennial uWalking Tour"- published with pennission 3 Tinnell Family- courtesy of Gordon Marc Tinnell 4 1850 Census of the Virginia Penitentiary, Richmond City, Henrico Co. VA-transcnbed by 7 Babe Fowler Book Report 9 Virginia Room Additions- Brenda Finley, staff 10 Virginia Room- diagram by Jim Nelson 14 List Of Ex-Soldiers, Sailors and Marines Living in Iowa, Ancestry List 1885- 15 Ancestry.corn Quaker Mount Pleasant Meeting- Anthony Lowe 17 Time Line of Quaker Settlement- Anthony Lowe 18 Strange Maladies Took TI1eir Toll- Denton Record-Chronicle, July 4, 1976 20 Montgomery County Obituaries-from RootsWeb.com 21 Botetourt County, Virginia Death Records continued- 35 collected by Charles T. Burton, transcribed from cards by Vicey "Babe" Waskey Fowler In Memoriam, Donations and New Members 50 Virginia AppoJachfan Notes P. 0. Box 12485 Roanoke, Virginia 24026 February 2006 Happy New Year! Let me introduce myself. I'm Pam Brammer Young. I have a B.A. in history from Elon University in NC and have worked in the Virginia Room the past 3 years. My parents and grandparents are from the Roanoke area - my mother's side 5 generations in F loyd county. My mother is currently working to help restore the old Jacksonville Cemetery in Floyd where a son of Patrick Henry is buried along with the founders of the town. My Dad's side is a work in process. We've got great programs this year. Karen Kappesser is teaching "Beyond ancestry'' at the main library February 14. The class, as of February 3, was full! We're hoping she'll agree to teach it again, maybe on a weekend later this summer. For the March meeting Ms. Denise Smith of the Bland County Historical Society will be giving a talk. Elaine Powers continues to get wonderful speakers. Jim Nelson has been volunteering in the Virginia Room transcribing the Marsteller (the tombstone company in Roanoke) records. I know the Virginia Room and a great many researchers appreciate his efforts. The Virginia Room has their first open house coming up February 9. Many treasures wi 11 be on display and you'll be privy to the Special Collections temperature and humidity controlled room where the oldest treasures are kept. The staff has been working feverishly to get ready and hopes everyone will be pleased. They have a few surprises too. Any aspiring editors out there? The VAN needs an editor for 2006. Try it - you might like it! Ifanyone bas any ideas they would like to share please email me at PMYoungOO [email protected]. I've got ideas to share at the next meeting. One goal for SVGS is to increase membership. If you have ideas please share them. Hope to see you at the next meeting! Best Regards, Pam Vlrglnlo Ai:>Polachlon Notes I SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P 0BOX12485 ROANOKE VIRGINIA 24022 FINANCIAL STATEMENT JANUARY 1, 2005 - DECEMBER 31 , 2005 Beginning Balances, January 1, 2005 Wachovia Savings $10,571.23 Wachovia Checking $317.35 Outstanding Checks ($609.95) Roanoke County School Emp FCU $3,074.79 Total Beginning Balances $13J353.42 Income Memberships $3,518.00 Interest on Wachovia Savings $12.94 Interest on CD's at FCU $12.03 Lost Check $200.00 Total Income $3,742.97 Expenses Automated Mailing Systems $169.68 Digital Image Printing $2,368.00 Bulk Mail Permit $300.00 P 0 Box Rental $126.00 Deposit to Bulk Mail Account $300.00 Roanoke Public Library Foundation $1,050.00 Grants to Libraries and Historical Societies $6,500.00 Floyd County Preservation Trust $100.00 NGS Dues $50.00 VGS $100.00 Membership Chair $198.88 Meeting Notices, Computer Supplies $178.24 Gene Swartzell $21.94 Karen Kappesser $37.27 Elaine Powers $200.00 New Checks $16.00 Bank Charge $10.00 Total Expenses $11,726.01 Net (Beginning Balances + Income - Expenses) $5,370.38 Ending Balances, Decmeber 31, 2005 Wachovia Savings $3,592.17 Wachovia Checking $2, 188.16 Outstanding Checks {$409.95} Total Ending Balances $5!370.38 Winfred H. Hart, Jr. Treasurer CORRECTION The Marsteller records we published in the Fall 2005 issue are available in the Virg in ia Room. And Oops! The transcriber, used an "AutoComplete" feature of the word processor so ftware a nd not proofing the print out. Date of Birth and Date of Death were the affected entries. Any year shown as 20.XX should be 19XX. Sorry for the slip up! Fair View Cemetery Staff - 1929 Bruce Griggs, President of Fairview (fifth from left), is joined by fellow workers at the fountain near the cemetery office. More workers were required in 1929 than today. Graves were dug by hand,and horses were used to provide "power" for much of the general maintenance work. Virginia Appalachian Notes F.amlly Cemeteries Relocated To Fair View Cemetery A Campbe ll FAIR VIEW B Gi5h·Coon c Howbe rc D Keagy E McClanahan .;.,- :' ·~··~ · Cemetery Presidents F Tayloe G Trout 11lustrated Monuments W. P. Moomaw 18~ 1893 li Watu K Boyd C. W. C. Woolwine 1893- 1894 Were C. B. Bell 1894-1901 L Confederate Mcmonal /. Williamson F. A. Barnes 1901 -1915 :,ti M Ellis N Funkhouse r C. E. Barnes ' t,oY /). 19 1;-19~6 0 Goodman Bruce E. Griggs 1916-195 I p Clarence M. Griggs 1952-19 5 .l Hems ). Russel l Cronk 1965-t985 / Q Horton Dennis R. Cronk 1985-Pres:',, R Padden - Fim Ourtnl ( 1890) s Spence r T Staples U Wood rum ~ v Woody ! Notable Families 11 Airheart 34 Harris 57 Scott I:::r 12 Allen 35 Hash 58 Seay 13 Andrews 36 Heins 59 Simmons g 14 Angell 37 Henritze 60 Sites 5 15 Antrim 38 Hoge 61 Small 16 Bandy 39 Hooper 62 Stanard f 17 Bear 40 Jacobs 63 Staples 18 Bitterman 41 Key 64 Steele MAYORS 19 Boarwrighr 42 Kirk 65 Stephenson Town of Big Lick 20 Boswell 43 Lewis 66 Stone 44 Lookabill 67 Stone l Samuel Griggs July I, 1876 - June JO, 1878 45 Lynn 68 Strickbnd 2 William H. Staraman July I, 1878- June JO, 1880 23 Coleman 46 Malcolm 69 Thyloc City of Roanoke 24 Davis 47 Marsteller 70 Thomas 25 Oyer 48 McClanahan 71 Trout 3 Samuel G.
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