ТНЕ І СВОБОДА^SVOBODA II Ukrainian Weekly PUBLISHED BY THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INC.. A FRATERNAL, NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATION ` " Vol. t No. 1 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 3, 1982 25 cents христосрождАєтся - CHRIST IS BORN the Savior and will also be with our "Let there be great martyred Ukrainian people. This vow we also make for our enslaved brethren who are found behind tightly love and unity..." enclosed armed borders and who per­ Christmas archpastoral letter of the severe in the faith, so that the fullness of Sobor of Bishops of the Ukrainian time might also come for them. Autocephaious Orthodox Church The shepherds whose hearts were jpure, proclaimed even prior to the Dear and beloved brethren in Christ:^ apostles, to all whom they encountered "But when the fullness of time had the wondrous hymns and told of the come, God sent His Son..." (Gal. IV:4) "glory of God revealed in the heavens, With these words the apostle instruct­ and of peace among people of good will ed the members of one of the original upon earth." Joyfully they returned Christian communities. He told them glorifying and praising God, and all that when the'people "were children" who heard were amazed at the things they were `serving under the elements of told by the shepherds as recorded by the the world, but when the fullness of Evangelist St. Luke. time came, the elements of .the .world The,Apostle St. Raul attested to this could no longer rule over people for the joyous wonder when he wrote that the former children became, through Christ, fullness of time was completed and courageous sons and heirs of God. The Christ "assumed the form of a servant fullness of time was perfected on that for which cause God has exalted Him glorious and exceptional night when and has given Him a name which is not only people, from the Magi to the above all names." (Phil. 11:7-9) shepherds, but the entire world, the May this Name, the Nativity in the stars and the angers were united and cave and the Good News of Christ be proclaimed the saving news. etched in our hearts so that we might Arduous and long was the road share our joy with our brethren who are travelled by man to that turning point in in bondage and bring to them, through time - the coming to earth of the Son the Christ Child, our radiant gifts of God. The result was that the barrier among which let there be our love and between heaven and earth was sundered our unity in Christ and for Christ. by the Nativity, suffering and Resurrec­ Christ is born! Glorify Him! tion of Christ. The human being who Mstyslav prior to this was separated from his Metropolitan Creator, became an heir of God. Today, we as heirs and as' ones saved from f . Mark sinfulness render praises of gratitude to Archbishop the Redeemer who, for our sake, came to us. `` Antatolij We come to Him, to His radiant Bishop manger, from the deep darkness of our A sifnvydav Christmas card from Ukraine which was published in the sins and wanderings, with our many Constantine United States by Smoloskyp. contradictions and our spiritual errors. Archbishop And having come to His manger, we sense the star which guides us and the reality of the eternal world made known ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE CONVENTION OF THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, INC. to us the enlightened by the celestial NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE SUPREME AND BRANCH OFFICERS AND TO ALL hymns of the angels. MEMBERS OF THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION THAT THE The Magi from the East opened their treasures and presented gifts to Christ. The shepherds also offered their preci­ ous gifts, filled with wonder and deeply 30th REGULAR CONVENTION moved in heart. We also present to the of the Savior gifts which are most precious to Him - our faith, love, unity anfr UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, INC. fraternal love which we manifest within the walls of the Holy Ukrainian Ortho­ will be held in ROCHESTER, N. Y./at the Genesee Plaza/Holiday Inn Hotel beginning MAY 24, 1982 dox Church which, by the will of God, In accordance with the By-Laws of the UNA regarding election of delegates to the Convention, the qualifications for arose beyond the borders of the father­ delegates, the number of delegates from each Branch and the credentials of delegates are as follows: land to take the place of the hundreds of The election of delegates and their alternates must be held within 60 Says of the announcement of the Convention. Since the churches in pious Ukraine ruined by Convention was announced on January 2, 1982, the 60-day term for election of delegates and their alternates ends on March those who hate human beings. 3rd, 1982. On this year's Christmas night, in Delegates and their alternates to which the Branch is entitled shall be elected at a regular meeting of the Branch by the hundreds of churches which wfc have members present. Nominations shall be made from the floor and all candidates presented to the membership for vote. The built in the free world, we will offer to candidate or candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected delegates. The next immediate candidates, in Christ our vow that today and through­ (Continued on p2ge 3) out our entire lives we will be with Christ 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. JANUARY 3. 1982 - NoJ The Ukrainian Helsinki Group Jobless dissident fears reprisals NEW YORK - Valeriy Marchenko, dent — are teacher of Ukrainian lan­ and national minorities in Ukraine a 34-year-old journalist, translator and guage and literature, literary staff publicist who recently completed an member of the journal Pravoslavnyi by Voiodymyr Malynkovych half years of concentration camps. eight-year term of imprisonment for Visnyk, an opening in the automation Ukrainian Helsinki Group member Anatoliy Koryagin, a psychiatrist "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda," department of Kievlift, and a position in from Kharkiv who is a member of the has been unable to find work since his the Central Research Library of the Reprinted by permission from the fall Working Commission on the Use of release in May and is afraid that as a Academy of the Sciences of the Ukrai­ issue of Smoloskyp, a Washington- Psychiatry for Political Purposes, result of his continued unemployment nian SSR. based quarterly dealing with human actively worked with the Helsinki he will be sentenced for what the Soviets rights affairs in Ukraine and Eastern movement. He was sentenced this call "parasitism," reported the External Most recently, on July 27, Mr. Mar­ Europe. Smoloskyp is published by the spring to 12 years'deprivation of liberty Representation of the Ukrainian Hel­ chenko appeared in a letter to the Helsinki Guarantees for Ukraine Com­ (seven years in strict-regimen concentra­ sinki Group. chairman of the Council of Ministers of mittee and the Smoloskyp Ukrainian tion camps, followed by five years in Mr. Marchenko, who is chronically the Ukrainian SSR, asking him to help Information Service. exile). ill, has consistently been denied appro­ him get a job as a museum worker in the Nikolai Dragosh, Vyacheslav Igru- priate employment by the authorities. Kievan Pecherska Lavra historical Ukraine is a state with a population nov and other Russian citizens of the He has, however, been offered jobs reservation, and, thus, bring an end to of SO million people. More than 20 Ukrainian republic have been impri­ which his extremely poor health pre­ the series of rejections he has received. percent of its citizens are non-Ukrai­ soned for their human-rights activity. cludes him from performing. Soon afterwards, Mr. Marchenko nians. It is natural that,the Ukrainian Lasting working relations and ties of Among the positions for which Mr. received word that he could obtain a job Helsinki Group, having taken upon friendship bind the Ukrainian Helsinki Marchenko has applied - and for with the reservation, but only as a itself the duty of monitoring the imple­ Group and the Moscow group, which which he was rejected for no apparent manual laborer or janitor —jobs that mentation of the provisions of the openly acknowledges Ukraine's real reason other than the fact that his because of his poor health he cannot Helsinki Final Act on the republic's right to national independence. Espe­ record indicates he is a political dissi­ accept. territory, also defends the rights of cially close is the cooperation between national minorities in Ukraine — the human-rights activists of different rights of Russians, Jews, Poles, Cri­ nationalities who are imprisoned toge­ mean Tatars, and so on. ther. Kalynetses freed, Milosz: Poland victim The defense of the national rights of The signatures of Russian defenders Ukrainians is, without a doubt, the of human rights Yuriy Orlov, Sergei return to Lviv of Soviet aggression most important task of the Ukrainian Kovalev, Sergei Soldatov and Yegor TORONTO - Ihor and Iryna Каїу– BERKELEY, Calif. - Czeslaw Mi­ Helsinki Group, inasmuch as the pre­ Davydov are on documents that found nets, who were sentenced in Lviv, losz, the winner of the Nobel Prize for sent level of Russification of Ukraine their way from behind the barbed wires Ukraine, in 1972 to six years in labor Literature in 1980, said on December 27 threatens the very existence of the of the concentration camps, including camps and three years' internal exile for that the martial law imposed on his Ukrainian people as a.nation (Yuriy documents on nationality problems, "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda," native Poland marked "one more stage Badzio even gave his.
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