How to use this Manual This Resource Manual for Durham Region Families has been prepared by the Durham Region Dual Diagnosis Committee. This is a Resource Manual for: consumers, family, friends, advocates and service providers within the Durham Region. The intent of this book is to provide information about services and supports for people living with a dual diagnosis. These include services in both the developmental and mental health sector. Just a few words about the language and terms used in the handbook: We use the term dual diagnosis to refer to individuals with an intellectual disability, as well as, a mental health diagnosis and or behavioural challenges (see Appendix I Dual Diagnosis an Overview page 141 and Appendix II Common Indicators: Intellectual Disability and Mental Health Difficulties on page 142). We use the term intellectual disability to refer to a particular state of functioning that begins in childhood and is characterized by limitation in both intellectual abilities and adaptive skills. We use the term adaptive skills to refer to challenges in two or more of the following: communication, home living, community participation, health and safety, leisure, self-care, social skills, self (direction), functional academies and/or work. The sector that primarily provides service and support for persons with intellectual disabilities is called the developmental sector. The sector that provides service and support for persons with mental health needs is called the mental health sector. Individuals who are receiving services in either sector are referred to as the consumer. We hope you find the manual useful. We welcome your comments, feedback and suggestions. This edition of the Durham Region Dual Diagnosis Resource Guide for people with a Dual Diagnosis and further editions can be found on the National Association for the Dually Diagnosed (NADD) website http://www.thenadd.org . To reach the Durham Region Dual Diagnosis Committee for more information, please contact: Whitby Mental Health Centre Dual Diagnosis Outreach Program Phone: 905-668-5881 ext. 6755 Durham Region Dual Diagnosis Committee Whitby Mental Health Centre ~ 700 Gordon Street, Whitby ON L1N 5S9 Page 2 of 176 Acknowledgments Our thanks to Jim and Elgi Johnston, as well as the Concerned Parents of Toronto for giving permission to the Durham Dual Diagnosis Committee to adapt their information booklet: ―A Resource Handbook for Supports and Services for Persons with a Dual Diagnosis‖ in Toronto, 2002 edition. In turn we pass on their acknowledgements that some of their material was obtained and /or adapted from the following source: -Community Resource Consultants of Toronto, Making Choices: A Consumer/Survivor‘s Guide to Adult Mental Health Services and Supports in Toronto, 1999-2000. -MATCH Project: Creating a Continuum of Supports and Services, a Resource Document, 1996. -Lynn Eakin and Associates, Toronto: The Twelve Commandments for Successful Lobbying Our thanks as well to York Support Services Network for giving us permission to adapt their York Region Supports and Services Resource Handbook, 2005 edition. We sincerely appreciate and acknowledge that some material contained in this handbook was obtained and/or adapted from: -Information Durham Blue Book 2005, published by the United Way of Oshawa, Whitby, Clarington, Brock and Scugog. -Northbrook Service Directory (2005) -APSW Resource Guide, Family Services Durham (2006) Our thanks as well to Ashley Priestman; York University BSW Student and Nicole Morgan, Carleton University BSW Student, (CMHA Durham Branch), for their assistance in the preparation and production of this manual. Also, thanks to Pam Chapman, Canadian Mental Health Association (Durham Branch) for hosting the formulation of this guidebook. Durham Region Dual Diagnosis Committee Whitby Mental Health Centre ~ 700 Gordon Street, Whitby ON L1N 5S9 Page 3 of 176 The Durham Region Dual Diagnosis Resource Guide, 2008 edition was prepared under the direction of the Durham Dual Diagnosis Committee. Table of Contents How to use the Manual 2 Acknowledgements 3 Section 1: INTRODUCTION 5 About Durham Region Dual Diagnosis Committee 6 Section 2: WHERE DO I GET SUPPORTS AND SERVICES 10 Supports and Services Introduction 11 The Supports and Services Guide 12 Advocacy Supports and Services 20 Individual Advocacy 21 Systemic Advocacy 22 Community Supports and Services 27 Child and Youth Supports 27 Developmental Supports 30 Family Supports 34 In Home and Community Health Supports 38 Mental Health Supports 40 Self Help Supports 47 Crisis Supports and Services 53 Crisis Phone Line Listing 54 Hospital Listings 55 Education Supports and Services 61 Employment Services 67 Fee for Service Agencies 77 Financial Supports and Services 82 Housing Resources, Supports and Services 91 Justice Supports and Services 104 Physical Health Supports and Services 109 Recreational/Social Supports and Services 119 Transportation Supports and Services 125 Treatment Supports and Services 133 Durham Region Dual Diagnosis Committee Whitby Mental Health Centre ~ 700 Gordon Street, Whitby ON L1N 5S9 Page 4 of 176 Section 3: APPENDIX 141 I Dual Diagnosis-An Overview 142 II Common Indicators: Intellectual Disability and Mental Health Difficulties 144 III Frequently Asked Questions 146 IV Tips for Lobbying 150 V Care for the Caregiver 154 VI Tips and Tools 156 VII Henson Trust: SISKINDS 158 VIII Process/Access to Central East Network of Specialized Care 169 IX Decision Tree for Mentally Disordered Offenders Before the Court 175 X My Support Network/Frequently Called Numbers 176 Durham Region Dual Diagnosis Committee Whitby Mental Health Centre ~ 700 Gordon Street, Whitby ON L1N 5S9 Page 5 of 176 S e c t i o n 1: Introduction About Durham Region Dual Diagnosis Committee The Durham Region Dual Diagnosis Committee emerged from a process that began well before 1990. Agencies in Durham Region came together to improve access to treatment and services for people with a dual diagnosis. VISION STATEMENT: Persons with a Dual Diagnosis and their families will have access to a continuum of services and supports within the Durham Region. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To provide a forum for information sharing on new initiatives and services. 2. To advocate for enhancement of existing services and establishment of additional services required. 3. To facilitate formal and informal linkages and partnerships with all community supports (agencies and hospitals). 4. To identify training needs required by staff and family members and make recommendations to appropriate committees. 5. To promote and advocate for rights and quality services for people with a Dual Diagnosis and their families. 6. To identify legislative and policy barriers which inhibit development of services to the dually diagnosed. 7. To identify service gaps and resource deficiencies. Durham Region Dual Diagnosis Committee Whitby Mental Health Centre ~ 700 Gordon Street, Whitby ON L1N 5S9 Page 7 of 176 Durham Region Dual Diagnosis Committee MEMBERSHIP: Adult Community Support Service (Nee: Adult Protective Services - Family Services Durham) Canadian Mental Health Association – Durham Christian Horizons Group Homes Community Living Ajax/Pickering/Whitby Community Living Durham North Community Living Oshawa/Clarington COPE Mental Health Services Durham Association for Family Respite Durham District School Board Durham Catholic District School Board Durham Mental Health Services Durham Regional Police Services Family Representatives Kerry‘s Place Autism Services Lakeridge Community Supports Services Lake Ridge Health Oshawa Ministry of Community and Social Services, ex-officio Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, ex-officio Participation House Project (Durham) Patient Advocate, WMHC, ex-officio Whitby Mental Health Centre CHAIR: To rotate each meeting RECORDING SECRETARY: To rotate each meeting MEETINGS: A minimum of four times per year DECISIONS: By simple majority REVIEW OF TERMS OF Annually (May 2009 next review date) REFERENCE: DISTRIBUTION OF MINUTES: Recording secretary Durham Region Dual Diagnosis Committee Whitby Mental Health Centre ~ 700 Gordon Street, Whitby ON L1N 5S9 Page 8 of 176 The Two Ministries Responsible for Funding and Policies Related to Dual Diagnosis Ministry of Health and Long Term Care Ministry of Community and Social Medical Assessment Services (MCSS) and Ministry of Crisis Units / Mobile Crisis Children and Youth Services Response Excludes most children and youth mental health services, (except hospitals) Ex. Rouge Valley Hospital and Lakeridge Health Oshawa Mental Health Sector Developmental Sector Dual Diagnosis Services This is a network for Specialized Care Crisis Assessment Treatment Outreach Central East Network of Specialized Care Dual Diagnosis Services Two separate sectors provide money and policy direction for services to persons with a dual diagnosis. 1. The Health care sector (including mental health) funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care. 2. The Developmental Service sector funded by the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services and the Ministry of Children and Youth Services. People seeking services can get connected to one sector or the other depending on the primary diagnosis of the person. If the primary diagnosis is developmental with the secondary diagnosis being mental health then you would first seek services and supports from the Developmental Services sector and then the Mental Health sector, and vice versa. The two ministries
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