Index Numerics Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 1052–1053 admin password, SOHO network, 16-bit Windows applications, 771–776, 985, 1011–1012 900, 902 Administrative Tools window, 1081–1083, 32-bit (x86) architecture, 124, 562, 769 1175–1176 64-bit (x64) architecture, 124, 562, 770–771 administrative tools, Windows, 610 administrator account, 1169–1170 A Administrators group, 1171 ADSL (Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Absolute Software LoJack feature, 206 Line), 1120 AC (alternating current), 40 Advanced Attributes window, NTFS AC adapters, 311–312, 461, 468–469 partitions, 692 Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP), 58 Advanced Computing Environment (ACE) accelerated video cards (graphics initiative, 724 accelerator cards), 388 Advanced Confi guration and Power access points, wireless, 996, 1121 Interface (ACPI) standard, 465 access time, hard drive, 226 Advanced Graphics Port (AGP) card, access tokens, 1146–1147 391–392 Account Operators group, 1172 Advanced Graphics Port (AGP) port, 105 ACE (Advanced Computing Environment) Advanced Host Controller Interface (AHCI), initiative, 724 212–213 ACPI (Advanced Confi guration and Power Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), 141–144 Interface) standard, 465 Advanced Packaging Tool (APT), 572 Action Center, 1191–1192 Advanced Power Management (APM) Active Directory Database, 1145–1146, 1183 standard, 465 active heat sink, 150 Advanced Programmable Interrupt active matrix display, LCD (thin-fi lm Controller (APIC), 374 transistor (TFT) display), 470 Advanced RISC Computing Specifi cation active partition, 267, 269 (ARC), 724–725 Active Server Pages (ASP), 1097 Advanced Sharing Settings, Network and actuator arm (head positioning Sharing Center, 1078–1079 mechanism), hard drive, 223 Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA), ad hoc mode, 997, 998 51–52 adapter cards, 54 COPYRIGHTEDadware, MATERIAL 1140–1141 adapter unit interface (AUI) port, 962 Aero Desktop, 568, 607, 826 adaptive format exams, 10–11 AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port), 58 Ad-Aware, 1207 AGP (Advanced Graphics Port) card, Add Printer Wizard, 421–423, 427–428, 391–392 1073–1074 AGP (Advanced Graphics Port) port, 105 add-ons, IE, 1114 AGP bus architecture, 105–106 address bus, CPU, 119–120 553_9781118098790-bindex.indd3_9781118098790-bindex.indd 12351235 88/22/12/22/12 22:17:17 PMPM 1236 CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition AHCI (Advanced Host Controller Interface), installing, 763–765 212–213 multitasking, 767–768 AIK (Automated Installation Kit), 619 versus programs, 762 airfl ow, 509–512 removing, 765–767 Alerter service, 821 troubleshooting, 791 alkaline battery, 462 Windows compatibility modes for, allocation unit (storage unit), 786–788 fi le system, 261 XP Mode in Windows 7, 788–791 alphanumeric keys, keyboard, 350 APT (Advanced Packaging Tool), 572 alternate IP address, 1042 ARC (Advanced RISC Computing alternating current (AC), 40 Specifi cation), 724–725 AMD (Advanced Micro Devices), 141–144 architectures. See also bus architectures amps (amperes), 300 for networking, 967–970 AMR (Audio/Modem Riser) bus of Windows, 585–586 architecture, 107–108 archive bit, 1154–1155 analog audio connector, 342 Archive fi le attribute, 679–680 analog display, 394 ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), analog multimeter, 528–529 1052–1053 Andreessen, Marc, 1105 ARPANET, 1093–1094 Android OS, 492 artifacts, visual, 398 antimalware software, 1215 ASP (Active Server Pages), 1097 antistatic mat, 530 ASP (application service providers), 1097 antivirus software, 494, 1194, 1203–1205, ASR (Automatic System Recovery) in 1211, 1215 Windows, 931–933 API (application programming associations, 665 interface), 608 Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line APIC (Advanced Programmable Interrupt (ADSL), 1120 Controller), 374 asynchronous modem, 59 APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing), AT connector (DIN keyboard connector), 1042–1044, 1062 82, 351 APM (Advanced Power Management) ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment), standard, 465 51–52 Apple iOS, 492 ATA (EIDE/Advanced Technology Apple Macintosh HyperCard, 1105 Attachment)-2 standard, 230–231 application layer protocols, 1098 ATAPI (ATA Packet Interface), 231 Application log, Event Viewer, 854 Athlon 64/Athlon 64 X2 processors, 143 application programming interface Athlon processors, 142 (API), 608 Athlon XP processors, 142–143 application service providers (ASP), 1097 attachments, e-mail, 1099 application source, mobile device, 492 attrib command, 689–691 applications. See also MS-DOS–based attrib.exe command, 689–691, 713–714 applications attributes, fi le 16-bit Windows, 771–776 setting, 688–692 32-bit Windows, 769 storage of, 677–678 64-bit Windows, 770–771 Windows NTFS extended attributes, errors, 901–903 680–688 553_9781118098790-bindex.indd3_9781118098790-bindex.indd 12361236 88/22/12/22/12 22:17:17 PMPM Index 1237 ATX main power connector, 304–306 bar code reader, 365 ATX motherboards, 97–99 bare listing, 702 ATX power connectors, 87–88 barrel connectors, 340–341 ATX power supply, 302 BartPE, 939–940 audio port, 68 baseband transmission, 967 Audio/Modem Riser (AMR), 107–108 basic disks, Windows, 270–272, 624 audio/video-editing system, 576–577 basic input-output system. See BIOS auditing, 1183–1185, 1194 Basic Service Set Identifi er (BSSID), 998 AUI (adapter unit interface) port, 962 basic-rate ISDN, 1120 authentication, 1144–1148 batteries, disposing of, 42 authorization, 1149–1150 batteries, laptop autodetect mode, network cards, 1080 alkaline, 462 autoexec.nt fi le, 780 changing, 464 Automated Installation Kit (AIK), 619 CMOS, 462 Automated System Recovery Wizard, handling, 463 932–933 lithium-ion (Li-Ion), 462 Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA), on motherboards, 76–77 1042–1044, 1062 nickel-cadmium (NiCad), 462 automatic switching, 301 nickel-metal hydride (NiMH), 462 Automatic System Recovery (ASR) in overview, 460, 520–521 Windows, 931–933 performance of, 463 power-management features for, 464–468 B types of, 462 Battery Act in 1996, 42 See Baby AT motherboards, 95–96 baud rate. speed background printing, 425 Baudot, Jean Maurice Emile, 548 background services, 1108 Bayonet-Neill-Concelman (BNC) connector, back-probing connectors, 552 334–335, 960–961 BackTrack, 1019 BCD (Boot Confi guration Database), Backup Job Information window, 923 730, 877 Backup Operators group, 1172 BD-R (Blu-ray disc recordable), 254 backup selections (BKS) fi le, 923 BD-RE (Blu-ray disc recordable Backup utility, 921–927 erasable), 254 backups BD-Rs (Blu-ray disc recordables), 254 ASR, 931 BEDO (burst extended data output) for disaster recovery, 921–926 memory, 164 overview, 1154–1155 beep codes, POST, 536–537 tape rotation and offsite storage, 1156 Berners-Lee, Tim, 1104, 1106 testing, 1156 best-effort delivery services, 1098 before troubleshooting, 20–21 bidirectional communication, 322 backward compatibility, 770 biometric device, 365 bad memory, 895 biometrics, 1144–1145 badges, authentication, 1147 BIOS Balanced Technology eXtended (BTX) backing up, 20–21 motherboard form factor, 100 BIOS chip, 75 chip on motherboards, 75–76 553_9781118098790-bindex.indd3_9781118098790-bindex.indd 12371237 88/22/12/22/12 22:17:17 PMPM 1238 CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition BIOS (continued) boot manager, 729, 876 CMOS settings for, 208 boot order, 1159 component information, 195 Boot order setting, BIOS, 618 overview, 55–56 boot partition, 722 and physical security, 1142 boot process purpose of, 189–191 CMOS settings for, 202–203 ROM and, 159 and memory management, 730–733 security with, 1167–1168 Windows 7, 729–730 troubleshooting, 539 Windows Vista, 729–730 upgrading, 191–193 for Windows XP, 722–729 BIOS chip, 75, 190 bootable CD/DVD, installing Windows Bit Locker, 1157 using, 618 BitLocker drive encryption, 607 bootable Windows PE disc, 620–621 Bitmap fonts, 780 booting errors BKS (backup selections) fi le, 923 auto-restart errors, 893–896 BlackBerry Desktop Manager, 497 blank screen on boot, 898–899 BlackBerry OS, 492 blue screen errors, 896–898 black-hat hackers, 1132 hangs, with no error, 881–882 blackout, 312 incorrect boot device, 874 blanking plate, 480 missing boot fi les, 874–879 blowhole, 511 no operating system found, 874 blue screen of death (BSOD), 289, 399, SCSI issues, 874 896–898 system lockup, 899–900 Bluetooth, 477, 497, 1016–1017 boot.ini fi le Blu-ray disc recordable (BD-R), 254 ARC pathnames, 724–726 Blu-ray disc recordable erasable error messages involving, 874 (BD-RE), 254 missing boot fi les, 876 Blu-ray disc recordables (BD-Rs), 254 bootmgr, 729, 876 Blu-ray discs, 253–254 boot/rescue disk, 535 BM POST codes, 536–537 bridges, 976–977 BNC (Bayonet-Neill-Concelman) connector, British Naval Connector (BNC) connector, 334–335, 960–961 960, 961 BNC (British Naval Connector) connector, broadcasting, SSID, 1195. See also SSID 960, 961 broadcasting BNC-T connector, 961–962 brownout, 313 body, network packet, 1186 browse master, 1084 Boot Confi guration Database (BCD), browser, web, 1045, 1105 730, 877 brute force attacks, 1135 boot devices BSD sockets, 1098 controlling in CMOS, 1168 BSD Unix, 572 disabling, 1143 BSOD (blue screen of death), 289, 399, boot disks 896–898 creating, 875 BSSID (Basic Service Set Identifi er), 998 for disaster recovery, 909–910 BTX (Balanced Technology eXtended) Boot from network setting, BIOS, 618 motherboard form factor, 100 553_9781118098790-bindex.indd3_9781118098790-bindex.indd 12381238 88/22/12/22/12 22:17:17 PMPM Index 1239 buffer overfl ow attacks, 1139 cache memory burst extended data output (BEDO) for CPUs, 120–121 memory, 164
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