National Mission for Clean Ganga Format for Submission of Monthly Progress Report by States/UTs (Hon’ble NGT in the matter of OA No.673/2018 dated 06.12.2019) RIVER KARAMANA, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM S. Activity to be monitored Timeline Submission of progress by state/UT-Compliance status No. 1 Ensure 100% treatment of sewage at least in- 31/03/20 Sewage Generation -128 MLD(from Thiruvananthapuram situ remediation 20 Corporation area and adjoining local bodies ) Sewage Treated - 80 MLD Existing CSTP Capacity-107MLD(Muttathara, Trivandrum) Other Individual STP-3.57 MLD(from establishments like Highrise Buildings, Hospitals, etc. ) Progress on Expanding the sewage networks submitted by KWA attached Commencement of setting up of STPs and 31/03/20 Progress report on setting up connecting all the drains and other sources of 20 STPs connecting Drains are generation of sewage to the STPs must be not submitted ensured 2 Timeline for completing all steps of action 31/03/20 plans including completion of setting up STPs 20 and their Commissioning 5 Chief Secretaries may set up appropriate Vide G.O.(Rt)No.223/2020/WRD dated monitoring mechanism at state level 12.03.2020, Government of Kerala appointed Specifying accountability of nodal a monitoring committee comprising of Additional Chief authorities not below the Secretary Secretary, Water Resources Department as level Chairperson and Principal Secretary, LSGD, Principal Chief Secretaries may have an Secretary, Environment, Secretary, Water Resources accountable person attached in their Department and Staff officer to Chief Secretary as office for this purpose. nodal officers & members. Monitoring at State level must take Fortnightl place y Commen cing 21.12.20 19 6 Progress report may be furnished by the State/UTs to Secretary,Ministry of Jal Shakti Member Secretary,CPCB 6.1 Progress Report may be comprised of details along with completion timelines on: (I) Identification of polluting sources Complete including drains contributing to river d 11 Polluting Drains pollution and action as per NGT were identified order on in-situ treatment. Sewage Generation -128 MLD(from Thiruvananthapuram (II) Status of STPs, I&D and sewerage Corporation area and adjoining local bodies ) networks Details of Existing Sewage Treated - 80 MLD in 107 Infrastructure,Gap Analysis, MLD CSTP(Muttathara, Proposed along with completion Trivandrum) timeline Other Individual STPs-3.57 MLD(from establishments like Highrise Buildings, Hospitals, etc. ) Proposed expansion of sewer network , additional STP as mentioned in action plan submitted by KWA (III) Status of CETPs Details of Existing CETP and ETP Infrastructure,Gap Analysis, There is no existing CETP in Proposed along with completion polluted stretch. No CETP proposed as there are no timeline, No. of industries and industries identified in polluted stretch. complying status (iv) Status of Solid Waste Management & Solid waste generated-353.58 TPD Details of Processing Facilities Solid waste treated -349 TPD Details of Existing Infrastructure,Gap Gap- 4.58 TPD Analysis, Proposed along with Details of Solid Waste Management is included in the completion timeline Action Plan. (v)Latest water quality ofpolluted river, its tributaries, drains with flow details and ground water quality in the catchment of polluted river; Water quality submitted as Annexures (vi)Preventing dumping of waste and scientific The Two Bridges in the polluted waste management including bio-medical Stretch(maruthoorkadav and thiruvallom) which waste, plastic waste and decentralizing were susceptible to waste dumping into the river waste processing, including waste was provided with fencing of adequate height. generated from hotels, Ashrams, etc. (vii)Ground water regulation Restoration of waterbodies and cleaning of ponds and wells are done. (viii) Adopting good irrigation practices, Mentioned in status report submitted by Irrigation dept (ix) Protection and management of food plain Zones (FPZ), Mentioned in status report submitted by Irrigation dept (x) Rain water harvesting, One of the major activities proposed for controlling flood in Thiruvananthapuram city is adoption of rain water harvesting and roof top rain water collection and storage system. (xi)Maintaining minimum Environmental flow Mentioned in status report submitted by Irrigation dept of river (xii) Plantation on both sides of the river Mentioned in status report submitted by Irrigation dept (xiii) Setting up biodiversity parks on flood Bio- diversity park at Karamana II phase - walkway ,gate, plains by removing encroachment fencing, lightening etc-96% completed-Work in Progress.- Implemented by irrigation dept ACTION PLAN FOR RIVER KARAMANA, KERALA 1. Short termplan Progress in the Progress in the Progress in the Impleme month of month of month of No. Activity nting Time % works completed Details of works remaining November December line October agency When 50 % of sewage (35 MLD)was Pumping lines diverted directly to the STP on from the completion of laying of pumping line terminal from Kuriyathy to STP, overflow to TS 2.1. pumping KWA May 100% 1 stations namely 2019 Canal has completely stopped. DER for Kuriyathi, replacing old pumping main from Pattoor, Pattoor and Kannanmoola submitted Kannammoola for AS. From Enchakkal only 5 MLD of and Enchakkal sewage is being pumped to stilling pumping chamber and hence urgent replacement not needed. stations are to be connected directly to STP at Muttathara a. 7 m dia. 9 m deep RCC well - Completed b)Grit chamber -completed c)Interconnection works between Thaliyal 73% 7% 5% 85% existing and newly constructed well and grit chamber completed. Rehabilitation/u d) Erection of pump sets and diesel pgradation of generator –Pump sets delivered at Thaliyal and site. 2.1. Aranoor KWA May 2 Sewerage Pump 2020 house by rehabilitation of existing well, construction of b. a) Providing RCC lining for the new well and existing two wells Second well can grit chamber, be commenced only after erecting installation of new pump sets in the completed new pump well. Sets Arannoor25% 5% 5% 35% Pump sets supplied at site b) Diesel generator - orders placed by contactor. Notice issued to the Contractor for slow progress. Work restarted. Pump set erection in progress. 2.1. 5 MLD sewage KWA May 60% 5% 3% 68% Civil Works Completed 73%, works of 3 treatment 2020 Electrical plant at Medical & Mechanical components in progress. College Installation of adequate 2.1. KWA Mar 5% 0% 0% 5% Order placed by Contractor. Pump pumps in 4 ch sets expected by first week of Mudavanmugh 202 January. al and 0 Enchakkal pumping stations DG sets in all For Arannoor and Thaliyal Erection of lift and diesel generator is already included in pumping the item mentioned 2.1.2 above 2.1. stations– KWA May 5% 0% 5% 10% 5 2020 For Enchakkal DG sets already exists. Mudavanmug Can be completed by Jan 2020 as DGs hal, Aranoor, expected to be arrived on middle of Thaliyal, January. Foundation work completed Kuriyathi, Pattoor, Kannammola, Pattom, Murinjapalam and Enchakkal Reconnect sewer at Rajaji Nagar, Foot path cutting requested from M/s 2.1 stop outflow of KWA Dec 5% 0% 0% 5% KRFB.Road restoration charges .6 2020 sewage into remitted. Road cutting sanction Amayizhanchant obtained. Directed Contractor to start the hodu, control work immediately. storm water entry into sewer Work revised by rerouting the pipeline to avoid through main road in front of KSRTC overflow in terminal at Thampanoor. Thampanoor area. Sewage generated in Rajaji Nagar shall be diverted to main sewer line. Sewage generated in Thoppil area shall be diverted main sewer line Discharge of sewage in Parayilkadavu Rehabilitation work of existing pipe line shall be stopped is included in the work State Plan -2019- 2.1 KWA Compl 100 % .7 as there is eted completed 20- Rehabilitation of sewer line from overflow of Sathya Nagar to Karamana BHS and sewage reaches allied works. in houses having sewerage connection and this may lead to discharge of sewage into River Karamana Divert the sewer Work mentioned is same as the above line from the 2.1 KWA Award 100% work which is completed. .8 School ed completed compound of Government Karamana High School Works completed – 58 Nos. (Rs.12.21 cr.) AMRUT-37 Nos., Rehabilitation by State plan-19 Nos. MLA laying new lines ADF/SDF-2 Nos. 2.1 increasing size of KWA May 3% 5% 73% In progress – 18 Nos. (Rs. 6.04 .9 undersized main 2020 cr.) AMRUT-8 Nos., and 65% State plan-9 Nos. MLA reconstruction ADF/SDF-1 No. b y dilapidated manholes for the last 3 years Out of 4 works to be arranged a) one work was approved by Board and waiting for Govt sanction. b) 2 works-no offer on repeated tender, estimate being revised. Works completed - 16 Nos. (Rs. Extension of 2.82 cr.) sewer network 2.1. KWA May 3% 2% 69% AMRUT-7 Nos., 10 wherever 2020 State plan-8 Nos. MLA technically ADF/SDF-1 No. feasible in new areas of existing 64% blocks In progress – 9 Nos. (Rs. 15.65 cr.) AMRUT-5 Nos. State plan-4 Nos. 4 works need Land acquisition. Land To be arranged– acquisition process completed for one 4Nos. (Rs. 6.64 work and District Collector has Cr.) requested to remit State plan-4 2.3 Cr. urgently and the same is awaiting ways and means clearance in Secretariat. Procurement Estimate re-casted, TS revised and of sewer 2.1. KWA Mar 0% 0% 0% 0% re- tendered. No response to first 11 cleaning 2020 tender. Presently retendered. machines and equipment maintenance * Out of the 100 wards in Thiruvanathapuram Corporation ,42wards (Blocks A to E) are fully/Partially covered with sewerage facility.For 35 wards ( Blocks F to R) design of sewerage networkis available but this needs modification in lieu of the change in demography and for the balance 23 wards new designs are to be prepared.
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