ESTIMATES AND FINANCIAL OPERATIONS COMMITTEE QUESTIONS PRIOR TO HEARING Thursday, 25 June 2014 Main Roads Western Australia Question No 1 • Hon Ken Travers MLC asked - I refer to Budget Paper No 2 Volume 2 at page 819 Minor Works (includes black spot and urgent minor works) 2014/15 and ask, a) For each project, can you provide a project description b) The expenditure estimate; c) How much was providedfrom the Black Spot program d) How much of this money was originally provided by the Commonwealth? Answer: a)-d) Refer to table at Attachment 1 - Minor Works 2014/15. Attachment 1 - Minor Works 2014-15 Project Description AFYE State Black Commonwealth Black Spots Commonwealth other Spots M025- SDR - Sinosteel - Improve Intersection - Mingenew 275,903.00 Morawa/Koolanooka/BIue Hills Deed Bond Various Urban Highways - Road Use Improvements (including 578,862.63 ITS) - South Replace Traffic Control Signal Lanterns with LED Technology 1,861,383 73 Metropolitan Region - Drainage Improvements - Various Urban 305,398.34 Highways Great Eastern Highway - Bilgoman Road to Mundaring - Widen 331,305.56 Shoulders; Seal Bus Embayments and Intersection Improvements Ord Farms Road Project - Sdr (Landcorp) Materials 351,883.64 Investigation; Ground Modelling and Data Management Traffic Signal Controller Replacement T,015,334168" NBT Upgrade Equipment and Systems 818,087.00 Metropolitan Post Fatal Crash Safety Treatments - Funds for 108,547.00 Y Reallocation H001 Albany Highway - Extend / Construct Short Overtaking 1,136,148.69 Lanes Part 2-51.07 to 205.74 various locations City of Melville - Karel Ave 7 Pany Ave / Burrendah Blvd^ 257J3CIJD0~ Modify Traffic Control Signals Extend Right Turn Pockets Install Overhead Mast Arms & Upgrade Intersection Lighting D MET - Town of Claremont - Stirling Highway/Queenslea 84,000.00 Y c CD Dr/Stirling Road- Install Overhead Mast Arms and Left Turn Slip W rHK Lane on Stirling Road and upgrade signals with LED lamps o Shire of Dardanup - Boyanup Picton Road - Reconstruct curves 46,439.77 Y Z5 and seal shoulders between 12.30 and 13.40 SLK City of Rockingham - Mandurah Road Dixon Road / Gilmore 212,800.00 Y Ave - Modify Traffic Control Signals with right turn arrows (without filter) protected right turn lanes and LEDs MAJN ROADS Western Australia Question 1 - Attachment 1 - LC Questions for 2015-16 Budget Estimates Project Description AFYE State Black Commonwealth Black Spots Commonwealth other Spots City of Cockbum - North Lake Road / Farrington Street - Install 20,000.00 Y mast arms on both North Lake Road approaches and install LEDs WA Pavement Asset Research Centre Capital Projects 348,750.00 Traffic Control System Network Improvements (Includes IP 998,003 69 Network Conversion) Northam-Pithara Seal Widening To 7.0m Culvert Extensions 253,539.40 Edge Lines. Sta Recurrent & Sta Capital Funded - Development SBSP-12-SWR - Shire of Augusta Margaret River - Brockman 2,692,871.87 Y Highway - Widen seal and improve road alignment between 55.90 and 57.70 SLK Kimberley Region-Victoria Highway-Upgrade Culvert SLK 138,110.90 Y 83.69 H008-South Coast Highway-Manypeaks section-reconstruct and 217,785.00 widen Section 2 - 36.62 to 37.62 SLK and Section 3 - 33.48 to 35 SLK). _ _ _ _ _ Great Northern Highway-Kimberley Region-Turkey Creek 218,064.88 Section-Reconstruct and Seal SLK 2957-3008 Great Northern Highway-Kimberley Region-Bow River Bridge 299,64037 and Approaches-Construct new bridge B817 to replace existing single lane bridge City of Bayswater - Third Ave Bridge 905 - Replace Bridge over 786,186.71 RailJLine _ PSP - Fremantle Rail Line - Construct PSP from Shenton Park 2,892,933.33 Station to Loch Street Station - Department of Transport PSP - Kwinana Freeway - Construct PSP adjacent to Kwinana 967,630.59 Freeway from Mill Point Road to Thelma Street - Department of Transport SBSP-12-H33 Toodyay Road / Lewis Jones Cross - Improve 2,360,708.28 Y intersection and construct passing lane for right turn pocket MAIN ROADS Western Australia Page 2 of 9 Question 1 - Attachment 1 - LC Questions for 2015-16 Budget Estimates Project Description AFYE State Black Commonwealth Black Spots Commonwealth other Spots Bussell Highway - Ludlow Deviation - Dual Carriageway - 240,182.01 Construct second carriageway 7.0m wide with 1.5m and 1.0m sealed shoulders between 31 25 and 43 67 SLK H004 BRAND HIGHWAY PASSING LANES 00-169 20 SLK 346,924.16 DEVELOPMENT FUNDING RAPID WBN 0030 Parallel Pedestrian Walks Conversion Program 700,000.07 West Coast Highway (H36) - Alfred Road to Rochdale Road 228,312.72 Duplication SWR - City of Bunbury - Blair Street - Install new TCS with 233,572.00 Y right turn arrow no filter upgrade lighting and extend left and right turn pockets at intersection with Mangles street at 0.40 SLK MET - South Street / North Lake Road - Upgrade signals and 593,870.90 y install right turn pockets Mitchell Freeway - Install Safety Barriers on East and West 14,773.83 Y jC/ways^ Melville-Mandurah Highway - Ennis Ave/Wilmott St - Partial 1,607,155.10 Y signals and install acceleration lane Charles Street / Vmcent Street -Modify filters 212,223.30 Y Bridge 950 - over Swan River - Garrett Road Bridge - 265,482 83 Reconstruct footpath and repair/replace bearers and joists H004 BRAND HIGHWAY-BRIDGE 0665 CAREN CAREN 855,851.00 BRK CONSTRUCT RCO & DECK REPAIRS City of Joondalup - Joondalup Dr / Eddystone Ave - Modify TCS 16,321 00 Y extend right turn pocket on Joondalup Dr City of Joondalup - Hepburn Ave/Kingsley Dr - Modify TCS 5,542.00 Y turning off right turn filter on Hepburn Ave(WB) extend existing right turn pocket on Hepbum Ave. City of Stirling - Scarborough Beach Road / Grand Promenade - 48,000.00 Y Construct TCS with right turn arrows (without filter) MAIN ROADS Western Australia Page 3 of 9 Question 1 - Attachment 1 - LC Questions for 2D15-16 Budget Estimates Project Description State Black Commonwealth Black Spots Commonwealth other Spots City of South Perth - Manning Road/Ley Street - Modify TCS Y Remove right turn filter on east & west approaches Pedestrian phasing with audio tactile widen median on north east and south legs MET-Town of Cambridge - The Boulevard/Howtree Place - Y Modify TCS prevent right turn filter Upgrade to LED and extend right turr^pocket(west) and left turn pocket(east). M060 Goomalling - Toodyay Road/Bejoording Road Improve Y intersection by providing right and left turning pockets and converting to staggered Ts. Install medians islands and clear vegetation andupgradesigning. City of Perth - Adelaide Tee/Plain Street - Modify TCS diamond Y phase to traffic signals improve pavement arrows LED upgrade City of Joondalup - Grand Blvd/Kendrew Crescent - Modify TCS Y to include a right turn arrow on Grand Blvd (NB) MET-City of Stirling - Beaufort Street/Central Ave - Modify TCS - new right turn arrows east & west protected right turn lane east & west _ _ NSIP-2013-Kimberley Region-Derby Highway-Upgrade Derby Highway / Gibb River Road Intersection Town of Cottesloe - Eric Street? Curtin Ave(plus Florence Street) Y - Extend right turn pocket (north and south) extend left turn pocket(west) upgrade TCS to LED overhead Mast Arm on Eastern Leg and installjslands on Florence Street City of Stirling - Walter Road West^Grand Promenade - Modify Y TCS prevent right turn filter LED all signals and overhead mast arms (north) City of Perth - Wellington Street/Bennett Street - Modify TCS Y diamond phase to traffic signals build east bound median to provide projected right turn pocket and new westbound right turn pocket MAIN ROADS Western Australia Page 4 of 9 Question 1 -Attachment 1 - LC Questions for2015-15 Budget Estimates Project Description AFYE State Black Cominonwealth Black Spots Commonwealth other Spots City of Stirling - Walter Road West/Coode Street - Modify TCS 48,000.00 Y new right turn arrows (without filter) east and west approaches LED TCS - all approaches SWR- City of Bunbury - Road Project Grant - Spencer Street - 336,667 00 Modify traffic control signals with Forrest Ave / Beach Road at 1.01 SLK _ Albany Lake Grace Road-Extend culverts and install pre-cast end 1.080,000.00 walls (where required) clean/clear associated drainage. Widen existing road seal to allow for 2x3 .Sm wide traffic lanes Shire of East Pilbara - GreatNorthem Highway / Dewar 41,63274" Y Ave(Newman Airport Access Road) - Construct channelisation treatment (Right turn pocket) - Pilbara Region Burrup Peninsula - Bridge 1589 - Replace major culverts - 3 84 960,642.45 SLK _ GER-Goldfields Highway-Wiluna to Meekatharra Section- 652~957.6f Project Development Activities-Dept Of Transport-Port Link. GER-Shire of Coolgardie-Great Eastern Highway 555 to 558 473,566.47 Y SLK-Intersection Improvements-Focus Minerals & FMR Intersections-Part Cost _ PSP - Midland Rail Line -Design and Construct PSP from 384,524.1! Bassendean Station to Lord Street - Department of Transport PSP - Midland Rail Line -Design and Construct PSP Lord Street 2,100,982 02 Underpass - Department of Transport PSP - Kwinana Freeway - Construct PSP adjacent to Kwinana 327,744 22 Freeway between Scandrett Way and London Way (West side of Freeway)-Department of Transport _ PSP - Mitchell Freeway - Construct PSP adjacent to Mrtchell 1,475,805 19 Freeway from Erindale Road to BalcattaRoad - Department of Transport WBS - H052 Brookton Hway/Mcpherson St Intersection 460,717.32 Upgrade 312 SLK FY 2013 MAIN ROADS Western Australia Page 5 of 9 Question 1 -Attaciiment 1 — LC Questions for 2015-16 Budget Estimates Project Description State Black Commonwealth Black Spots Commonwealth
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