STATE EXPERT APPMISAL COMTAITTEE - TAMIL NADU Hall. 2nd Floor(Down). Panacal Maliqai. Saidapet. Chennai. Agenda No: 203-01 (File No: 72422019) Proposed expansion of Residential Building at S.No 65EO/1(p), ,1428t1 &.3819 in T.Nagar & Mylapore Village, Guindy E l{ylapore Taluk, Chennai District by rus. Tamilnadu Stum Clearance Board - For Enyironmental Clearance. (SrArfN/Mrs/122542 120 19, 26.10.20t9) The proposal was placed in the t48b SEAC meeting held on 13.03.2020. The project proponent gave detailed presenbtion. The details of the project furnished by the proponent are given in the website ( The SEAC noted the followlng: 1, The project proponent, M/s. Tamilnadu Slum Clearance Board has apptied for Environmental Clearance for the Proposed Expansion of Residential Building at S.No 6580/1(P) in T.Nagar & 3819 Mylapore Vi age, Guindy & Mytapore Taluk, Chennai Distrlct. 2, The project/activity is covered under Category "B2" of Item 8(a) "Building and Construction Projects" of the Schedule to the EIA Notification, 2006. Based on the presentation made by the proponent and the documents furnished, the committee instructed the project proponent to furnish the following details: L The Proponent shall furnish the approval from CMWSSB for supply of 539 kLD *2- [4EMBER SECRETARY CHAIRMAN SEAC TN -!.-> SEAC- TN - r rDz of fresh water for the proposed project. proposed It was to utilize the treated water from sTp of 262 kLD and 202 kLD from Grey water treatment plant, a total of 463 kLD for Avenue plantation. A commitment letter shall be obtained from the competent Authority for utiliztng the treated water of 463 kLD for Avenue plantation shall be furnished. project The is lo€ated at abutting the Mambalam tank bund canal and Adayar River is located at 1.06 km from the proposed site. Hence, the proponent sha furnish the deLails on the design of the Storm Water Drainage plan and Flood Management plan considering the 2015 flood in Chennai with a clear layout plan. 4. proponent The informed that there is a proposal to demolish the damaged slum tenements in the proposed land area for phase II and phase IU for the reconstruction. Hence, the details of demolition plan and management of the same along with the permission from the Corpora$on of Greater Chennai may be obtained as per the Construction and Demolition Rules, 2016. Bio-degradable waste of 1874 kg/day will be generated. The committee felt that slnce the quantity is more than 1 ton/day, the proponent shalt provide the Bio-Methanation plant for treatment and disposal of Bio-degradable instead of owc. 5, The Proponent shall provide the Layout plan with dimensions and GpS coordinates for the Green Belt development by providing a minimum of 3m width tree Plantation all around the periphery of the project site, as per the CrcB guidelines. 7. It is noted that they have not obtained the CMDA approval for the existing bullding (Phase -I). The proponent is instructed to obtain the permission from the CMDA for the existing project. SEAC decided that on receipt of the above details, the proponent would make a re- presentation for further consideration of the proposal. The Project proponent furnished the above said details to SEIM-TN on 09.09.2020. SEAC -TN SEAC- TN 2 The Proposal was once again placed in 203d SEAC held on 23.02.2021. Based on the proponent documents furnished, the committee instructed the poect proponent to furnish the following details: 1. The Proponent shall furnish the approval from CMWSSB for supply of 539 kLD of fresh water for the proposed project. 2, It was proposed to utillze the treated water from STp of 262 kLD and 202 kLD from Grey water treatment plant, a total of 463 kLD for Avenue plantation. A detail of committee shall be obtained from the competent Authority for utillzing the treated water of463 kLD for Avenue plantation shall be furnished. 3. The project is at close proximity to l4ambalam tank bund canal at l0 m and Adayar River located at 1.06 km. Hence, the proponent shall furntsh the details on the design of the Storm water Management plan and Flood Management plan considering the 2015 flood with a clear layout plan. 4. It is noted that they have not obtained the CI4DA approval for the existing building (Phase -I). The proponent is instructed to obtain the permission from the CMDA for the existing project. 5, A detailed storm water drainage plan wlth layout shall be furnished to drain out the storm water coming from the upstream side without any hindrance by designing the storm water drainage arrangement including the maln drains and sub-drains to avoid the future flood inundation in the project site. 6. The project proponent shall provide Community Hall, Childrent play-ground as per the norms for the public usage. On receipt of the above details, the SE'AC decided to direct the proponent to make a re-presentation for the further course of action on the proposal. Agenda No: 203-02 (File No: 729312019) ,'9 l--_r"._----,>-' I4EMBER SECREIARY q, sEAc -rN SEAC- TN Proposed Black Granite quarry rease over an extent of 6,23.0ha at s.F.No.1023/3 in Bargur'B' Vill4e, Anthiwr Taluk, Erode District, Tamil Nadu by Thiru. O. Ulaganathan - For Enyironmental Clearance. (sIArrN/MIN/192921 12021, datedi 13.01.2021) The proposal was placed in this 203d SEAC Meeting hetd on 23.OZ.2OZL. The project proponent gave detailed presentation. The detaits of the prolect furnished by the proponent are glven in the website ( The SEAC noted the fo owing: 1. The project proponent, Thiru. O, ulaganathan has applied for Environmental Clearance for proposed the Black Granite quarry lease over an enent of 6.23.oha at S.F.No. 1023/3 in Bargu/B,V tage, Anthiyur Talul! Erode District, Tamil Nadu. 2. The projecvactivity is covered under Category ',B1,'of Item 1(a) ,,Mining of Mineral Projects" of the Schedule to the EIA Notiflcation, 2006. 3. Terms of Reference issued by SEIAA_TN vide Lr.No.SElAA_ TN/F.No.7293ISEAC tToR-709 t2O2O, Dated: 02.05.2020. 4, Publlc hearing conducted on 19.12.2020 and Minutes was received from TNpCB vide Lr.No.T2rrNpCB/F.176lpNDlpHt2OzO, dated: 05.01.2021. The project 5. proponent submitted EIA report to SEIAA_TN on 13.01.2021. 6, The production for the flrst five years in total quantity of recoverable as Black granite 600/0 should not exceed 36036cu.m for depth of mining is 56m for the mining plan period. Based on the presentation made and the documents furnished by the project proponent, SEAC decided to recommend the project proposal for grant of Environmental Clearance subject to the following conditions, in addition to standard conditions stipulated by the MoEF&CC: The project proponent l. shall allocate a separate area for dumping of waste and proper fencing should be in place for the same. 2, The project proponent shall submlt a correct VAO Certificate, since in VAO MEMBER SECRETARY SEAC -TN SEAC- TN 4 certiflcate it is stated that there is no habitation within 3OOm radius, whereas when it was checked with Google map, there are around 7 houses lo€ated at a distance of 175m. The project proponent should install cautionary board at the entry and important locations of the mining site displaylng caution notice to the public about the danger of the entering the mining areas. The project proponent should not carry out mining below the ground water table without the NoC/ permission from the Centrat Ground Water Authority. 5, The proponent shall form the proper benches as per the approved mine plan during the operation of the quarry. 6. Fugitive emission measurements should be carried out during the mining operation and the report on the same may be submitted to SEIAA once in six months. 7. Proponent shall ensure that the Noise level is monitored during mining operation at the poect site and adequate noise level reduction measures undertaken. L The proponent shall erect fencing all around the boundary of the proposed area with gates for entry/exit as per the conditions and shall furnish the photographs/map of the same before obtaining the CTO from TNPCB. 9, Greenbelt needs to be developed ln the periphery of the mines area so that at the closure time the trees would have grown well. 10, Ground water quality monrtoring should be conducted once every six months and the report shall be submitted to TNPCB. 11, After mining is completed, proper leveling shoutd be done by the project proponent & Environmental lvlanagement Plan furnished by the proponent should be strictly followed. 12. The Project proponent shall, after ceasing mining operations, undertake re- grassing the mining area and any other area which may have been disturbed due to their mining activlties and restore the land to a condition that is flt for MEII4BER SECRETARY SEAC -TN 5 the growth of fodder, flora, fauna etc. 13, Proper barrler to reduce noise level, dust pollution and to hold down any possible fly materiat (debris) should be estabtished by providing greenbelt and/or metal sheets along the boundary of the quarrying site and suitable working methodology to be adopted by considering the wind direction. 14. The operation of the quarry shoutd not affect the agricutture activitjes & water bodies near the project site and a safety distance of 5Om from the water body should be left vacant without any mining activity. 15. Transportation of the quarried materials shall not cause any hindrance to the Village people/Existing Village road.
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