S t e M diw in, Vol XHI-No. a s X7 tli March 1 9 5 i ( N l m & * y ) LOK SABHA DEBATES (Vol. X 1J1 contains Nos. 2 1 — 3 0 ) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI 82 XL P. (BUD) Tans sxiLUvaa ( vohemm ) CONTENTS C olum ns Oral Answers to Questions— Starred* Questions Nos. 986,988 to 994,996 to 998 and 1001 to 1 0 0 6 ..................................................................... 5109—46 Written Answers to Questions— Starred Questions Nos. 987, 995, 999,1000 and 1007 to 1016 . 5146—53 Unstarred Questions Nos. 1325 to 1346 and 1348 to 1379 . 5 J 53— 89 Papers laid on the T a b l e .....................................................................5189-90 Messages from Rajya S a b h a ...........................................................519091 President’s assent to Bills. ............................................... 5191 Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance— Stateless persons o f Indian originin Ceylon 5 , 9 I_9 2 General Budget— General D iscu ssion....................................... 5193— 5 3 12 Pandit Brij Narayan “ Brijesh” ................................................. 5193— 5203 Shri A.C. G u h a .....................................................................5203— 12 Shri Rajagopala Rao ................................................. 5212— 17 Shri Kami Singhji.....................................................................5217—22 Shri P a r u l e k a r ..................................................................... 5222—30 Kumari M. V e d a k u m a r i ................................................. 5230—37 Shri Radhelal V y a s ........................................................... 523 7~ 44 Shri H e d a ............................................................................... 5244— 49 Raja Mahendra P r a t a p ...........................................................5249 —5 1 Shri Manabendra S h a h ........................................................... 525 l—62 Shri Shree Narayan D a s ........................................................... 5262—69 Pandit K.C. S h a r m a ........................................................... 5269—76 Shri Siddananjappa ...... 5276—80 Shri P.R. P a t e l .....................................................................5280— 86 Shri B.R. B h a g a t .....................................................................52« 7~ 53°4 Shri Braj Raj S i n g h ...........................................................5305— 12 Business Advisory Committee— Twenty-First R e p o r t ........................................................... 5312 Daily D i g e s t ........................................................................................ 53!3-—18 ♦The sign+ marked above a name indicates that the question was actually gsked on the floor of the House by that Member. LOK SABHA DEBATES 5 Jo 9 5110 LOK SABHA Shri M. M. Das: Definite information is not at my disposal at present. But Monday, 17tK March, 1958 I think some amount has been spent for meeting the expenditure for the advertisement of the post of Director and there may be some expenditure The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the for holding the meetings of the sub­ Clock. committee. [M r . S pe a k e r in the Chair] Shri S. C. Samanta: In Bangalore, there is one wind tunnel already. ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS May I know why money has been allotted for another one? National Aeronautical Research Shri M. M. Das: There is one wind Laboratory tunnel in the Bangalore Institute of Science which was constructed per­ + haps two years back. But the tunnel / Shri s * c * Samanta: * \ Shri Subodh Hansda: which has been proposed to be cons­ tructed here will be of a different Will the Minister of Education and kind. It is a Transonic Supersonic Scientific Research be pleased to state: Wind Tunnel. Shri Jaipal Singh: May I know whe­ (a) whether the proposal for estab­ ther in this laboratory, research will lishment of the National Aeronautical also be made in psychology and Research Laboratory has been psychiatry so far as it will relate to approved by the Board and Governing aeronautical personnel and if the ans­ Body of the Council of Scientific and wer be in the affirmative, may I know Industrial Research; whether there is any co-ordination with the reasearch that is now being (b) if so, what steps have so far done by the Ministry of Defence? been taken for its establishment and the progress made upto date; and Shri M. M. Das: The details have .not yet been drawn up. The hon. (c) what would be the recurring Member will kindly realise that we and non-recurring expenditure, if have got no experts in this country. any? At any rate there are very few of The Deputy Minister of Education them and we want a well-qualified and Scientific Research (Shri M. M. Director first who will go through th« Das): (a): Yes, Sir. whole scheme and give his sugges­ tions. According to those suggestions, (b) and (c). A statement giving the everything will be done. required information is laid on the Shri Jaipal Singh: In view of the Table of the House. [See Appendix confession or admission, whatever it V, annexure No. 46]. is, made by the hon. Minister that Shri S. C. Samanta: From the state­ there are no experts in this country, ment I find that Rs. 1,05,000 have been may I know if it is contemplated by sanctioned for 1957-58. May I know Government to bring forth experts whether the whole amount has been from abroad and if so, from which spent? country? 51 it Ora) Anatom* 17 MARCH 1958 Oral Aim rer* 5x1a Shri M. M. Dm : We have made ad­ i m 5TST *«rf vertisements for the Director. Let us see from where the experts will be % fiw itnfrr t?t, ’Bftr 3ft f w r available. Shri Tangamani: In reply to the first ?t<? 5trr^r f o r r w ^ 1 t s t f r t question, the hon. Minister said that g fa ?*t sppft ^ Rs. 1,05,000 which have been set apart for the current year have been spent w f f t ? only for the advertisement of a Direc­ tor. May I know whether the entire Sardar Majithia: The orders have amount has been spent for the adver­ been issued. As was explained when tisement only or for any other pur­ the last question turned out, the ten­ pose also? ancy problem in the cantonments is Shri M. M. Das: I said that I have a very complicated problem for the got no definite information on this simple reason that there are two point at my disposal. Then, I said types of tenants, one in the canton- that some expenditure has been made ments which are in the civil areas and for the advertisement of a well-quali­ the other in the cantonments in the fied Director. military areas. Both have to be dealt with separately and separate laws Shri S. C. Samanta: Is it not a fact have to be made for both of them. We that there are some expert aeronau­ tical engineers in the Defence Depart­ will discuss it with the Law Minis­ ment and whether any attempt has try. The lease forms have now been been made to transfer those experts finalised and the orders have been here? issued. Shri M. M. Das: I have said that *ft TOT ?3R : * 3ft the first thing we propose to do is to '13 upgfaqi f , 3 stfptt Tnjprr g fa have the services of a well-qualified Director. Then, we will be guided by ^*T *T ?t 'W *T«T X'T "Ft *fHf fa^TT the advice of that Director. We have w £ iftr f^FT v <rnr faTT w t made advertisements for the Director. *r v * ***** vi JTirfa- f i ft ? Sardar Majithia: I do not under­ stand the question. + Mr. Speaker: Has there been any progress in regard to that? tro ctvrt : «ft TOT tfJH : %TT JTrFR W. ft w t srftrwT *pft . f a rv9 # ?r ? r*ff * w m $ ?n<rf+<i ipft *rwr ^ % srp- v *rr*r f w w N p an? *ctpt wm fa T ?m ^T ^ PTFT faqT TOT ft, ^ gjwft staff % tmfa* wrf w farrr- faqT w ft ^ % m*ff * *rorr srflr $ wtfacr sffr ^ faqT ft *TT ’Tff ? w w cw vrr j f % ? Sardar Majithia: It is meant for all gfiim r y m t (wramnftfem) . the cantonments and not for anyone JTT#, % aTTifacT JTSR TOT in particular. $ *TT»T (*T) % 3tT7 a Shri Ranga: We were told that these * tk *nr forew * wfa^r rules were placed on the Table of the »ft% v «rnrrT rr *nmft vfer mft House more than a year or a year ago. Ever since the question has been «rr f w w f ' 1 asked, what is the progress that has Oral A n tw ert 17 MARCH 1MB Oral Answer* 51x4 bean made In Implementing them? 1 (b) A summary of the important do not know whether my hon. friend decisions taken by the Council is laid was referring to the further rules on the table of the House. [See Ap­ ■ made in order to amend the earlier pendix V, annexure No. 47] rules. Whatever it is, what is the progress that has been made in order Shri D. C. Sharma: May 1 know if to give relief to these tenants? the Ministry has evolved any machi­ nery for the implementation of the Strdar Majithla: Probably my hon. decisions that are taken at these zonal friend is under a misapprehension. council meetings and if so, what is They are not agricultural lands; the nature of that machinery? these are lands in the cantonment civil areas where buildings are there. The Minister of Home Affairs (Pandit G. B. Pant): The decisions Shri Banga: But even then? are taken in the Council unanimously Barter Majithla: For those lands by the members. Nothing is decided we have decided to change the leases there merely by the rule of majority from the old perpetual lease to new and when the members or Govern­ leases, and we have to have quite a ments of the States concerned agree lot of discussion in the two different to an arrangement, then they give types of cases, one in the civil areas effect to it.
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