ABBREVIATIONS ACP African Caribbean Pacific Adm. Admiral Adv. Advocate a.i. ad interim b. born bbls. barrels bd board bn. billion (one thousand million) Brig. Brigadier bu. bushel Cdr Commander CFA Communauté Financière Africaine CFP Comptoirs Français du Pacifique c.i.f. cost, insurance, freight C.-in-C. Commander-in-Chief CIS Commonwealth of Independent States cu. cubic CUP Cambridge University Press cwt hundredweight D. Democratic Party DWT dead weight tonnes ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States EEA European Economic Area EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone EMS European Monetary System EMU European Monetary Union ERM Exchange Rate Mechanism f.o.b. free on board FDI foreign direct investment ft foot/feet FTE full-time equivalent G8 Group Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, USA, Russia GDP gross domestic product Gen. General GNI gross national income GNP gross national product GRT gross registered tonnes GW gigawatt GWh gigawatt hours ha hectare(s) HDI Human Development Index ind. independent(s) ICT information and communication technology ISO International Organization for Standardization (domain names) K kindergarten kg kilogramme(s) kl kilolitre(s) 2030 ABBREVIATIONS km kilometre(s) kW kilowatt kWh kilowatt hours lb pound(s) (weight) Lieut. Lieutenant m. million Maj. Major MW megawatt MWh megawatt hours n.e.c. not elsewhere classified NRT net registered tonnes NTSC National Television System Committee (525 lines 60 fields) OUP Oxford University Press oz ounce(s) PAL Phased Alternate Line (625 lines 50 fields 4·43 MHz sub-carrier) PAL M Phased Alternate Line (525 lines 60 PAL 3·58 MHz sub-carrier) PAL N Phased Alternate Line (625 lines 50 PAL 3·58 MHz sub-carrier) PAYE Pay-As-You-Earn PPP Purchasing Power Parity R. Republican Party Rt Hon. Right Honourable SADC Southern African Development Community SDR Special Drawing Rights SECAM H Sequential Couleur avec Mémoire (625 lines 50 fields Horizontal) SECAM V Sequential Couleur avec Mémoire (625 lines 50 fields Vertical) sq. square SSI Supplemental Security Income TAFE technical and further education TEU twenty-foot equivalent units trn. trillion (one million million) TV television Univ. University VAT value-added tax v.f.d value for duty 2031 PLACE AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS INDEX PLACE AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS INDEX Italicized page numbers refer to extended entries An * denotes a further reference in the addenda, pages xxix–xxx Aachen 696, 732 Ada 1920 Agra 815, 845, 881 Al-Buni 138 Aalborg 540, 547, Adabeya 583 A#ri 1600 Al-Dhalia 2012 548 Adamaoua 353 Agrihan 1965 Al Ghardaqah 580 Aalst 277 Adamawa 1239 Aguascalientes 1133, Al Ghwayriyah 1330 Aargau 1545, 1546, Adamstown 1753 1134 Al-Hillah 914 1551 Adana 1600, 1605 Aguijan 1965 Al Hoceima 1160 Aarhus 540, 547, 548 Addis Ababa 607, Ahal 1609 Al-Jafarah 1057 Aarlen see Arlon 608, 610, 611 Ahmadi 1022 Al-Jayli 1519 Aba 1240 Adelaide 171, 173, Ahmadnagar 815, al-Jaza’ir see Algiers Abaco 248 174, 183, 196, 209, 859 Al-Jofra 1057 Abadan 905 211, 212 Ahmedabad 815, Al Jumayliyah 1330 Abaiang 1001 Aden 70, 2011, 822, 827, 828, 843, Al-Kamishli 1555 Abakaliki 1240 2012, 2013, 2014, 844 Al Kharija 579 Abakan 1363 2015, 2016 Ahuachapán 586 Al Khour 1330 Abancay 1296 Adi Ugri 596 Ahvaz 905 Al Khums 1059 Abariringa see Adilabad 831, 832 Ahvenanmaa see Al-Kofra 1057 Kanton Adityapur 851 Åland Al-Kut 914 Abbotsford 361, 378, Adıyaman 1600 Aiken 1933 Al-Marj 1057 381 Adjaria 687, 692 Ailinglaplap 1121 Al-Morqib 1057 Abéché 428, 432 Ado-Ekiti 1240 Ain Defla 137 Al-Muthanna 914 Abemama 1001 Adoni 832 Ain Témouchent 137 al-Obeid 1517 Abengourou 502 Adrar (Algeria) 137 Aïoun el Atrouss al-Oued 138 Abeokuta 1238, 1240 Adrar (Mauritania) 1123, 1126 al-Qadarif 1517 Aberdeen (Scotland) 1123 Airdrie (Alberta) 375 Al-Qadisiyah 914 1643, 1661, 1701, Adygeya 1358 Aisén del Gral. Al-Qoba 1057 1703, 1707 Aegean Islands Carlos Ibáñez del Al Rayyan 1330 Aberdeen (South region (Greece) Campo 433 Al Shamal 1330 Dakota) 1934, 1935 751 Aitutaki 1224 Al-Wahad 1057 Aberdeenshire 1701 Aetolia and Aix-en-Provence Al Wakra 1330 Aberystwyth 1712, Acarnania 751 634, 635, 650 Alabama 1765, 1774, 1713 Afar 607 Aizawl 828, 865 1776, 1791, 1806–9 Abia 1240 Afghanistan 123–30 Ajaccio 634 Alagoas 318 Abidjan 341, 502, —in world Ajloun 983 Alajuela 497, 500 503, 504, 505, 506, organizations 9, 64, Ajman 1632, 1633 Alamagan 1965 507, 776, 1407 86, 87, 88, 112, 113 Ajmer 815, 845, 873, Alamosa 1826 Abilene 1767, 1939, African Development 874 Åland 68, 621 1941 Bank 98–9 Akashi 972 Alania see North Abkhazia 687, 689, African Export– Akershus 1248 Ossetia 691–2 Import Bank 100 Akita 972 Alappuzha 815 Abohar 870 African Union 98 Akjoujt 1123 Alaska 1761, 1763, Aboisso 503 Afyon 1600 Akmola see Astana 1765, 1769, 1774, Abomey 295 Agadez 1234 Akola 815, 859, 860, 1775, 1776, 1798, Abomey-Calavi 291 Agadir 1159, 1160, 861 1893, 1809–12 Abqaiq 1401 1162 Akouta 1236 Álava 1497, 1498 Abruzzi 954 Agalega 1127 Akranes 804 Alba 1336 Abu Dhabi 1632, Agaña see Hagåtña Akron 1914, 1916 Alba Iulia 1336 1633, 1634, 1635, Agartala 828, 878, Akrotiri 73, 1731, Albacete 1497, 1498 1636, 1637 879 1757 Albania 131–6 Abuja 1238, 1239, Agatti 892 Aksaray 1600 —in European 1240 Agatti Island 892, Aksaz-Karaa#aç organizations 59, Abyan 2012 893 1602 60, 64, 66, 67, 69 Açâba 1123 Agboville 502 Aksum 611 —in other Acajutla 587, 589 Agege 1240 Aktau 992 organizations 9, 41, Acapulco de Juárez Agency for the Akure 1240 42, 106, 112, 113, 1134 Prohibition of Akureyri 804, 808 118 Accra 744, 745, 748 Nuclear Weapons Akwa Ibom 1240 Albany (New York) Aceh 895, 896 in Latin America Akyab 1170, 1171 1904, 1905, 1906, Achaia 752 and the Caribbean Al Ain 1635, 1636 1907, 1908 Achalpur 859 85–6 Al-Amarah 914 Albany (Western Acklins 248 Aggeneys 1492 Al-Anbar 914 Australia) 223, 227 Acre (Brazil) 318, Aghios Nikolaos 751 Al Arish 579 Alberta 359, 360, 323 Agin-Buryat 1367 Al-Basrah 914, 917 362, 366, 374, Acre (Israel) 946 Aginskoe 1367 Al-Batan 1057 375–8 Ad-Diwaniyah 914 Agnéby 502 al-Bayadh 137 Albina 1522 2035 PLACE AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS INDEX Albuquerque 1766, Alofi (Wallis and Amritsar 815, 827, Angus 1701 1902, 1904 Futuna) 674 870, 871, 872 Anhui 442 Albury-Wodonga 217 Alor Setar 1097, Amroha 880 Anjouan see Nzwani Alcalá de Henares 1102 Amstelveen 1192 Ankara 1599, 1600, 1498, 1507 Alost see Aalst Amsterdam 1191, 1601, 1605, 1606 Alcobendas 1498 Alotau 1285 1192, 1193, 1196, Anklesvar 842 Alcorcón 1498 Alphen a/d Rijn 1192 1199, 1201, 1202 Ann Arbor 1875, Aldabra 1425, 1737 Alphonse 1425 Amsterdam Island 1877 Aldeburgh 1692 Alsace 633, 634, 694 673, 674 Annaba 137, 138, Alderney 1725, 1726, Alta Verapaz 764 Amtimam 428 139, 141 1730 Altai 1358 An Giang 2003 Annapolis 1868, Aleg 1123 Altamira 1139 An-Najaf 914 1869 Alegranza 1498 Alto Alentejo 1322 An-Nasiriyah 914 Annecy 635 Alentejo 1321, 1322 Alto Paraguay 1291 Anaconda-Deer Annemasse 635 Alentejo Central Alto Paraná 1291 Lodge County 1888 Annobón 591 1322 Alto Trás os Montes Anadyr 1367 Anping 472 Alentejo Litoral 1322 1321 Anaheim 1766, 1819 Ansan 1006 Aleppo 1555, 1558 Alva 1920 Anambra 1240 Anse-la-Raye 1377 Ålesund 1249 Alwar 815 Anand 842 Anseba 596 Alexander Bay 1492 Alytus 1066 Anantapur 831 Anshan 443 Alexandria (Egypt) Amadora 1322 Ancash 1296 Antalya 1600, 1605 578, 579, 580, 581, Amagasaki 972 Anchorage (Alaska) Antananarivo 1087, 583 Amambay 1291 1766, 1810, 1812 1090 Alexandria Amapá 318 Anchorage (Cook Antarctic Treaty 111 (Louisiana) 1865 Amapala 789 Islands) see Antigua and Barbuda Alexandria Amarillo 1766, 1939 Suwarrow 153–6 (Romania) 1336 Amasya 1600 Ancón 1282 —in world Alexandria (Virginia) Amazonas (Brazil) Ancona 954 organizations 9, 71, 1767, 1948 318, 323 Andalusia 1497, 76, 82, 84, 85, 86 Alexandroupolis 752 Amazonas 1498, 1508 Antioquia 474 Alfred 1908 (Colombia) 474 Andaman and Antipodes Islands Algarve 1321, 1322, Amazonas (Peru) Nicobar Islands 1210 1327 1296 815, 818, 820, 828, Antofagasta 304, Algeciras 1498 Amazonas 831, 885, 886–7 433, 434, 438 Algeria 42, 55, (Venezuela) 1997 Andean Community Antrim 1714 137–43 Ambala 844, 845, 80–1 Antsiranana 1087, —in world 870 Andean Development 1090 organizations 5, 9, Ambato 573 Corporation 79 Antwerp see 43, 64, 76, 93, 94, Amboina 896, 900 Anderson 1851 Antwerpen 95, 96, 97, 98, 106, Ambronay 650 Andhra Pradesh* Antwerpen 277, 283, 112, 113 Ambrym 1991 814, 815, 817, 828, 284, 1202 Algiers 137, 138, America see United 831–3 Anuradhapura 1512 139, 141, 142 States of America Andijon see Andizhan Anvers see Alhucemas 1498 American Samoa 89, Andizhan 1985, 1988 Antwerpen Ali-Sabieh 556 1763, 1765, 1774, Andorra 9, 59, 60, Anyang 1006 Alibori 291 1775, 1969–72 64, 144–6 Anzoátegui 1997 Alicante 1497, 1498, Amersfoort 1192, Andorra la Vella 144 Aoba 1991 1504 1193 Andros 248 Aomori 972, 981 Alice Springs 183, Ames 1854, 1856 Androth Island 892 Aozou Strip 428 193, 194, 196, 197, Amhara 607 Anegada 1738, 1740 Apapa 1241 211 Amherst Aného 1581 Apeldoorn 1192, Aligarh 815, 829, 881 (Massachusetts) Aneityum 1991 1193 Alipur Duar 884 1874 Angarpota 259 Apia 1385, 1387, Alkmaar 1192 Amherst (Nova Angeles 1304 1971 Allada 291 Scotia) 393 Angers 635, 647 Aplahoué 291 Allahabad 815, 820, Amiens 634, 635, 649 Angkor 352 Apodaca 1134 827, 828, 881 Amindivi Islands Anglesey, Isle of Apolima 1385 Allentown 1767, 876, 892 1709 Appenzell-Inner 1925 Amini Island 892 Angola 147–52 Rhoden 1545, 1546 Alma-Ata see Almaty Amirante Isles 1425 —in world Appenzell-Outer Almaty 988, 989, 992 Amman 982, 983, organizations 5, 9, Rhoden 1544, 1546 Almelo 1192 985, 986
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