Alicia Boler Davis Honored with 2018 Black Engineer of the Year Jordan Peele and ‘Get Out’ make Award (See page A-4) history at Oscars (See page C-3) VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax THURSDAY, DECEMBERSEPTEMBER 12 17,- 18, 2015 2013 VOL. LXXXV NO 10 $1.00 +CA. Sales Tax“For Over “For Eighty Over EightyYears TheYears Voice The ofVoice Our of Community Our Community Speaking Speaking for Itselffor Itself” THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 2018 of African Americans in the city,” said Harris-Daw- son. “Prices are far outpac- ing incomes and we still have a painfully high un- employment rate, we need to act now.” The politicians repre- sent the eighth (Harris- Dawson), ninth (Price) and tenth (Wesson) council dis- tricts of Los Angeles, areas where a large number of their constituents face a lot of the same challenges. Housing insecurity, unem- ployment and lack of in- clusion in the city’s growth and development are what the councilmen are trying mitigate, they said. But rather than compete for re- sources, they have decided that working together for a more common cause is (l-r): Councilman Curren Price, Council President Herb Wesson Jr. and Councilman Marqueece Harris-Dawson PHOTO BY BRANDON I. BROOKS a better way to help those they represent. BY BRANDON I. BROOKS about his relationship with services to the people we the displacement of poor Black residents as signifi- “Common sense will Managing Editor fellow African American represent, the things they and working families and cant threats to the stabil- tell you, [that it’s better] City Council members, Cur- want, need and expect.” small businesses in South ity of South Los Angeles if the three of us collabo- “The three of us have ren Price and Marqueece Recently, the trio in- Los Angeles. The motion neighborhoods. rate,” Wesson said. one major goal,” Los Ange- Harris-Dawson and their troduced a motion to cites a recent development “South Los Angeles is “And so, we all get to- les City Council President collective effort to help un- study the feasibility of a boom and the dispropor- one of the last affordable gether and collaborate. We Herb Wesson told the Sen- derserved constituents. Neighborhood Stabiliza- tionate impact of the af- communities in LA, with See COUNCILMEN A 9 tinel in a recent interview “That goal is to deliver tion Program to address fordable housing crisis on the largest concentrations { - } Veteran journalist discusses career, new show, and past interviews SENTINEL NEWS SERVICE BY CORA JACKSON-FOSSETT Compton Mayor Staff Writer Aja Brown announced Thursday that she is a Surviving can be tough Democratic candidate for for a Black man in Amer- Congress in California’s ica and to thrive in broad- 44th District. Brown, casting is even more rare. made history in 2013 at But, veteran newsman Ed the age of 31 when she Gordon has defied the odds was elected the youngest and is now entering his mayor ever in the city of 30th year as a successful Compton. A local and na- journalist, who happens to tional trailblazer, Mayor be African American. Brown’s ‘New Vision for Summing up his mile- Compton’ revitalization stone, Gordon simply strategy has guided im- states: “I’ve been very provements in quality of blessed to have three de- life, economic develop- cades of work. Not many COURTESY PHOTO ment and infrastructural Compton Mayor Aja Brown COURTESY PHOTO African Americans, and Ed Gordon growth, policy reform, Hurricane Irma hits Florida especially Black men, stay innovation and strategic be represented by some- Brown. “I am running for in this business this long, at the local public broad- grams at BET and becoming partnerships since taking one who lives, serves and Congress to be the voice so I’ve been very blessed casting affiliate in Detroita national correspondent for office. exhibits genuine love for and vote for the people that I’m still doing it.” and from there, he went na- NBC, CBS and National “The people of the our community, families who are striving everyday Gordon’s career began tional, anchoring news pro- 44th District deserve to and children,” said Mayor {See GORDON A-8} {See BROWN A-9} SENTINEL NEWS SERVICE BY MADLEN GRGODJAIAN sioner has held every rank California Black Media in the department includ- U.S. Senator Kamala ing field training officer, D. Harris delivered re- Day’s before the close lieutenant of the Border of Black History month, a Division Investigative Ser- bit of Black history was vices Unit, commander of made atop the ranks of the CHP Academy, and the California Highway deputy commissioner. Patrol. Employed by the CHP Governor Jerry Brown since 1982, Stanley now swore in Warren Stanley, leads the largest state law a CHP officer of over enforcement agency in the three decades, as the Cali- nation composed of over fornia law enforcement 11,000 employees. Stanley COURTESY PHOTO agency’s commissioner FILE PHOTO will earn nearly $260,000 a Senator Kamala Harris with U.S. during a Feb. 26 ceremo- Warren Stanley year in his new role. Representative John Lewis at the Edmund Pettus Bridge ny at the State Capitol in Raised in Central Val- Sacramento. “I’m going to do ev- ley’s Merced County Dos marks at the Martin and of the Selma-to-Montgom- Stanley is the first erything I can everyday to Palos, the commissioner Coretta King Unity Break- ery March, and this year African-American ever to make the state of Califor- always knew he wanted fast in Selma, Alabama, as a also marks the 50th anni- lead the CHP. The man of nia a little bit safer and a to be in law enforcement. part of the 25th Annual Sel- versary of the assassina- law said he is very hum- great place to live,” Stan- Stanley graduated from the www.lasentinel.net ma Bridge Crossing Jubilee. bled to be appointed to his ley said. This is the 53rdAnniversary {See SELMA A-8} new post by Brown. The new CHP commis- {See CHP’S A-9} A-6 A-2 LASENTINEL.NETLOS ANGELES SENTINEL NEWSNEWS THURSDAY,JANUARYTHURSDAY, MARCH 8, 9, 2018 2014 Robertson COURTESY OF HYUNDAI BY KIMBERLEE BUCK vey School where Sister cluded: Danny Bakewell,nity to work with the -chilcame out and for Principal Staff Writer Saunders is the director. Sr., Aline Bakewell,dren of our community Karen Ward, her staff and The event was created Danny Bakewell, Jr., - Paabout the importance ofMothers In Action,” said On Friday, March 2, to provide local leaders, mela Bakewell, Taelorreading and supporting theDanny J. Bakewell, Jr. Mothers In Action fa- organizations, and politi- Bakewell, Councilmember school’s efforts of helping The guest readers at cilitated their 2nd annual cians with the opportunity Marqueece Harris-Dawson provide the best educationthe Marcus Garvey School “Read Across America” to stress the importance of (CD 8), Dr. George - McKis always a positive experi- included: Senator Holly (RAA) event in honor of reading. Additionally, the enna III, School Board ence for me and my family. Mitchell, Ofc. Hines and Dr. Seuss’ birthday. The event allowed participants member of District #1, To have the opportunity to Ofc. Servio of California fun-filled event took placeto give back to tomorrow’s Carolyn Fowler, Albi Deldo it at the school named in Highway Patrol, Jamarah PHOTOS BY E. MESIYAH MCGINNIS at Danny J. Bakewell Sr.leaders…the children. Valle, Sgt. Fountain and honor of my Dad, Danny J. Hayner of JKH Consult- AND Primary Center where The guest readers at Ofc. Hines of California Bakewell Sr. is an abso- ing; Eulanda L. Matthews KRISTINA DIXON Karen Ward is the acting the Danny J. BakewellHighway Patrol. lute blessing. We are very of Ivie McNeill & Wyatt; principal and Marcus Gar- Sr. Primary Center in- “Having the opportu- thankful for everyone who Los Angeles Sentinel and {See RAA B-2} THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 2018 NEWS LASENTINEL.NET A-3 they continue to strive and Oscar, Golden Globe to really change barriers and Emmy winner Re- and change their lives,” ese Witherspoon as Mrs. she said. Whatsit; Emmy nominee “Hopefully one area Mindy Kaling as Mrs. of limitation or invisible Who; Storm Reid as Meg ceiling or barrier that they Murry; Levi Miller as once had will be shattered Calvin; Deric McCabe as and that they will be chal- Charles Wallace; Gugu lenged to be courageous Mbatha-Raw as Mrs. Mur- to think outside the box, ry; Michael Peña as Red; take chances and make with two-time Emmy win- choices that they other- ner Zach Galifianakis as wise wouldn’t do.” the Happy Medium and “A Wrinkle in Time,” Emmy nominee Chris Pine stars two-time Academy as Mr. Murry. The film hits Award nominee Oprah theatres everywhere on Winfrey as Mrs. Which; March 9. PHOTO COURTESY OF MAYOR AJA BROWN Over 300 students gathered at “A Wrinkle in Time” private screening event. BY KIMBERLEE BUCK often we see images whereto see amazing images and from Dickey’s BBQ. All Staff Writer we are in turmoil or thereto recognize that someone of the food and beverages is trauma around our -chilthat has come from these were donated. Magic, adventure, and dren and this one is reallysame communities has been Following the students excitement filled the air lastabout joy and Black girl andable to break records and be red carpet treatment, Miss week at Dollarhide Com- Black boy magic,” said - Dua glass ceiling breaker and Compton 2017 title holder munity Center where overVernay a Compton native. Ava DuVernay being the Maliyah Mason, moderated PHOTO COURTESY OF MAYOR AJA BROWN 300 local middle school “In this film, a little firstgirl woman of color to have a special discussion be- Compton Mayor Aja Brown and award-winning di- students arrived to watch flies,a she hops planets, shea one-hundred-million- tween the mayor and direc- rector Ava DuVernay hold a private screening of the Dis- private screening of the newsaves the universe and dollarI budget to create the tor DuVernay, in which the ney film “A Wrinkle in Time.” Disney film, “A Wrinkle reallyin wanted to make thefilm and then for them to two discussed the inspira- Time.” The event, whichfilm because I think thosehave the experience,” said tion behind the film and the was held in Compton, wasimages are important.” Brown.
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