UNIVERSITÀ DI PISA DIPARTMENTO DI SCIENZE POLITICHE CORSO DI LAUREA MAGISTRALE IN STUDI INTERNAZIONALI THE THREAT OF THE ILLICIT PROLIFERATION OF SMALL ARMS AND LIGHT WEAPONS (SALWS) IN AFRICA: CASE STUDY LIBERIA RELATRICE Prof.ssa ENRICA LEEMI CANDIDATO Joseph OKIRU Academic Year 2014/2015 DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this work to my grandmother, Aketch Esther for her constant sacrifice, love and care that has enabled me to be what I am today. i ACKNOWLEGDEMENT I have no words to express my joy! I would like from profound heart, thank all those who have journed with me in this intellectual marathon. Special recognition goes to Professor Enrica Lemmi for mentoring and guiding me during this research. Thanks to Professor Ghiraldi Fabrizio for his tireless time he dedicated in correcting this work. Big thanks goes as well to Dott.ssa Rosanna di Stefano for proof reading and to all Lectures and staff of the Department of Political Science in the University of Pisa. To different families, Maria Cira Salomone, Daniela Peruzzi and all others, thanks a lot for all you contribution during this stage of study not forgetting my family of origin in Uganda, thanks for your patiency. A vote of thanks to my Uncle Odoi John Francis for his encouragement, Awori Teopista for the constant support. To all friends in your different capacities, I have treasured and listened to your comments. I am proud of you all! “I am because you are, since you are therefore I am”. Rafael Cejas, I will never forget you because you made look at things differently. I remember the brain storming we did to make up this project. I took you seriously and here we are to share a smile together. Special thanks goes to Alessandra Gibertini Aling, your kindness and generosity has taught me non academic lesson. Lucia Rotondaro, I appreciate every piece of advise you gave me and all other colleagues I have not been able to mention. ii Abstract Right from the time of decolonization, followed by end of cold war, Sub-Sahara Africa has enjoyed a relative peace. This is due to continued civil wars that still exist. The preliminary research on this topic found that the Sub-Sahara Africa appears to have an abundant supply of illegal Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALWs) such as AK-47, which are supposed to be exclusively owned and used by the military, police officers or other security agencies in the region. In Liberia, the emergence of domestic conflicts flared up by warlords and Warlordism during the reign of ex president Charles Taylor that led to the rampant use of SALWs in conflict areas. Nonetheless, the threat of illegal supply of SALWs has not been placed under International security priorities. In fact, illegal production, transfer and possession of firearms are considered only as criminal activities. This thesis has an important question; to what extent the circulation and the illicit proliferation of SALWs have posed a threat to Liberian national security? The major assumption is that the illicit proliferation of SALWs in Liberia’s conflict areas such as Monrovia, Nimba county, and Mano River basin, threatened not only its national but rather regional and continental security because it became a base for nurturing radicalist minds like Al-queada. Thus, this research aims firstly to analyse SAWLs proliferations in Africa and Liberia and secondly to analyse the capability of the regional states (ECOMOG), African Union, international bodies like UN how it responded to those threats. This research used quantitative methods by using primary as well as secondary data as major sources of references. Primary data gathered were from government official documents as well and some scholars on the issue. The findings of the research show that the illicit proliferation of SALWs has threatened wide range of national security at three levels: individual, societal and state and as well as at Continental and International level. Furthermore, this thesis concludes that the Liberia’s national legislations on SALWs are insufficient to regulate and control SALWs proliferation. Hence, the research suggests that Liberia should accept the assistance offered by the: Regional Programmes on SALW, Proper disarmament and rehabilitation, Role of African Union and European Union, United Nations Program of Action (UNPoA) to update and develop its national legislation on the illicit proliferation of SALWs. iii ABBREVIATIONS ACS American Colonialization Society AFL Armed Forces of Liberia AFRC Armed Forces Revolutionary Council AIDS Acquired Immune Defiency Syndrome. AK-47 Automa Kalashnikova ALCOP All Liberia Coalition Party ANAD Accord for Non-Aggression and Defense AOF Afrique Occidentale Française APCS Armed Personnel Carriers APRM African Peer Review Mechanism ATT Arms Treaty Trade ATU Anti-Terrorist Unit AU African Union BBC British Broadcasting Company BCE Before Christ Era. CADSP Common African Defense and Security Policy CCW Convention on Conventional Weapons CDF Congo Defense Force CIJ Coalition for International Justice CIVPOL Civilian Police CNN Cable News Network CPA Comprehensive Peace Agreement NPFL-CRC National Patriotic Front of Liberia-Central Revolutionary Council CSO Civil Society Organization DD Disarmament Demobilization iv DDRR Disarmament Demobilization Rehabilitation and Reintegration DICON Defense Industries Corporation of Nigeria DLH Dalhoff, Larsen and Horneman DRC Democratic Republic of Congo EARPCCO Eastern African Regional Police Chiefs Conference ECCAS Economic Community of Central African States ECOMOG Economic Community of Monitoring Group ECOSAP Ecowas Small Arms Control Program ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States ERP Equal Right Party ETC Etcetera EU European Union EUCS End- User- Certificates FDPL Foundation for Peace and Development in Liberia GDP Gross Domestic Product GSD Governance, Security and Diplomacy HIV Human Immune Virus HREA Human Rights Education and Training Centre. HRW Human Right Watch HSIC Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee IANSA International Action Network on Small Arms ICC International Criminal Court IED Improvised Explosive Device. IGNU Interim Government of National Unity IGO International Government Organization IHL International Humanitarian Law v IHRL International Human Right Law IMIP Integrated Mandate Implementation Plan INA Interim National Assembly INCHR Independent National Commission on Human Rights INGO International Non Government Organization INPFL Independent National Patriotic Front of Liberia IPS International Police Service IR International Relations IRI International Register Inc. IS International Studies KP Kimberley Process KPCS Kimberley Process Certification Scheme LAMCO Liberian-American-Swedish Mining Company LDF Lofa Defense Force LGSA Liberia’ General Service Agency LINU Liberian National Union LISCR Liberia International Ship and Corporate Registry LNCG Liberian National Coast Guard LNP Liberian National Police LP Labor Party LPA Liberian Part Action LPC Liberian Peace Council LPP Liberian People’s Party LUP Liberian Unification Party. LURD Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy MIC Military Industrial Corporation vi MODEL Movement for Democracy in Liberia MRU Mano River Union NAHHRM National Human Rights Monitor NATCOM National Commission NB Nota Bene NDPL National Democratic Part of Liberia NEPAD New Partnership for Africa's Development NGO Non Governmental Organization NIMCO Nimba Mining Company NISAT Norwegian Initiative on Small Arms Transfer NOD Non-Defensive NORINCO China North Industries Corporation NPLF National Patriotic Front of Liberia NPP New Patriotic Party NRA New Regional Approach NRC Nimba Redemption Council NRP National Reformation Party NTGL National Transitional Government of Liberia OAU Organization of African Union OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development OTC Oriental Timber Corporation PARA Paragraph PCASED Program for Coordination and Assistance for Security and Development PMAD Protocol on Mutual Assistance and Defense PMC Private Military Company PPP People’s Progressive Party vii PRC People’s Redemption Council PREPCOM Preparatory Committee PSC Peace and Security Council RAP Reformation Alliance Party REC Record RPG Rocket -Propelled Grenades RR Rehabilitation and Reintegration RUF Revolutionary United Front SADC Southern African Development Community SALWs Small Arms and Light Weapons SATCRA Small Arms Transparency and Control Regime in Africa SAS Small Arms Survey SAU Small Arms Unit SCSL Special Court for Sierra Leone SOD Special Operation Division SSR Security Sector Reform SSS Special Security Service SSU Special Security Unit. TNCs Transnational Corporations TRC Truth and Reconciliation Committee TWP True Wing Party ULIMO United Liberation Movement for Democracy ULIMO-J United Liberation Movement for Democracy (Johnson’s faction) ULIMO-K United Liberation Movement for Democracy (Kromah’s faction) UN United Nation UNDP United Nation Developmental Program viii UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNGA United Nation General Assembly UNHCHR United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights UNHCR United Nation High Commission for Refugees UNREC United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa UNICEF United Nation Children’s Fund UNIDIR United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research UNITA National Union for the Total Independence of Angola UNOMIL United Nations Observer in Liberia UNPoA United Nation Program of Action UP Unity Party UPP United People’s Party
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